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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
UMMM Why does the cat not move?

I did appreciate the vid/ My sister has tried to get me to look at 2 of the sivs he said not to but.I've already decided on a truck. It's just handy to have a vehicle that will easily pull anything such as a boat, trailer, or camper. Since I don't live in the city, rural living is much easier with a pick up if that makes sense. I feel as though my change from

a truck to an suv limited my independence..........I don't like that.
Funny story: when I bought my first truck at 19 I took it to my dad's house first to get his opinion. He said "I hate to see you buy a truck" He said it in a serious manner that confused me. He had taught me how to drive at age 8 in his pick-up . Throughout my driving tutaledge I drove a truck whether it was one of his farm trucks or my grandfather's, brother's or uncle's. I was already in love with the red chevy stepside I had brought for him to I'm thinking he's about to break my heart with some earth shattering news about why I shouldn't get it so I hung my head and asked why? He laughed and said "cause you'll never want to drive anything else". I got the truck and he was right,,,,,,,I dont like these small suv's and hate cars. I've tried to be a "normal" woman and traded truck for fasr cars then later suv's and I'd end up hating it and trading it in which got me upside down but lesson learned. From 25 to 48 I had a truck and I admit I am spoiled due to my early life decisions of buying the first one. I feel "safe" in a pick-up. In my area most wrecks are on the interstate and usually involve a commercial big rig. I'm currently in a small suv and should I be involed in that type of chances of surviving or walking away with no life altering injuries are low.
The fun part though is it will do zero to 60 in less than a quarter.......They told me to drive the truck and keep it overnight. When I got in it to leave they told me to have fun sooooo.......
Anyway. I was just hoping for an opinion on the speific vehicle. I've had my bff's sons crawl under it an take a look. One's an electrician and he said the electrical is pristine. They both said its super clean undernearth and doesn't appear to have ever been off road meaing it doesn't appear to have been abused and has been well maintained.
It has a feature that I tried out on the interstate with no traffic near me but it will drive itself for about 3 minutes, I was going 70mph. After the 3 minutes it veers the to left to take the vehicle out of traffic to the shoulder.

I did enjoy the video but I'm worried about the wizards cat!

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: dashen
That's what I thought! He may have partial dentures attached to actual teeth, but it sure looks to me like he's sporting a full I hope someone reads this and it ends up on embarrassing would it be for the prez to be busted out over having no teeth to do a root canal on..........LMAO! Sorry, but at this point I think I would literally ROFLMAO.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

I have been thinking about a 4 cyc turbo diesel for the next beast. Good economy, got some torque. 5 speed sports shift auto or 6 speed manual.

Dads can be strange things at times, he might not show his love of you getting a truck, but deep down inside he is happy you have some reliable wheels.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

At this point, I dare say it's pretty clear which way the geopolitical winds are blowing. and they're not in the West's favor.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: kwakakev
Any specific make or model?

Thank you for saying that about dad's. Your right. As I matured I realied that he secretly liked that I was more like him than his first two children. They were 15 and 16 when I came into the picture and my mother babied those two heathens to death. She wouldn't let him discipline them at all but let them try to discipline. That didn't go well for I was 5 when I figured out they were scared of dad. I had been playing in the combines and tractors under the barn prete3nding to drive. I took the keys out of the combine in my little pretending game as I was immitating what I had seen the adults do. For some reason I left the barn and was going to the house then I saw the paper man coming and it was Sunday which meant cartoons in the paper so I ran to the ditch to retrieve that newspaper then took it in the house. My parents were going on vacation and leaving me for the first time so the next day dad's trying to finish the maintence on the equipment and moving them to the fields so the hands (my brother being one) could follow his instructions but when he got in the combine, the key was missing. OMG! My sister demanded that I get an ass whipping but daddy laughed and said" she was just playing, I'll go get a key made". Which is exactly what he did and I never messed with the keys again because that was a learning exp. and I clearly did not want to disappoint my dad or do something wrong cause I thought I was gonna make a hand someday. Even at that young of an age I "got it." So they go aheas and leave on vacation that Friday and I stayed with my siblings and my aunt & uncle. So one Sunday night I was with my sister who reminds me of losing the key and that she was going to whip me for cause daddy should have, and she did. The next day my parents called to check on me and I started crying (I was embarrassed because she has spanked in in front of a bunch of her teenage friens right) so the first thing I could verbalize was Beverly had whipped They were back in two days and The Queen B (one of my many nicknames for my sister) lost her car for 2 weeks. I knew then exactly how to handle the teen sibling who were trying to be the boss a me lol and my phrase when they messed with was Imatelldaddyonyou and I did lol. My brother used to aggravate me just to get me to say it cause it was funny and I never really had to tell on him it was the Queen B that got in trouble the most. When I got older my brother would still try to make me say it thenone day he asked why I wanted to be a tattle tell and I said "cause I like watching daddy snag her ass and she's not the boss a me you know. I think I was 11 or 12 by then. I think that bonded my bother and me because he could see my point of view and just because the sister ws the oldest didn't mean she was supposed be telling us what to do. She then became nicknamed "our fearless leader" and hero in he own She's Boughsie and aspired to be so. Im the polar opposite lol but at 55 she still tries to tell me what to do and she 72 so at this point I usally just say something funny then ignore her if I think shes wrong. I do love her to death. For every bad exp there are 100's of good ones that I cherish. My lengthy tale was just a memory proving your statement. The only thing I hate about being the baby of the family and daddy's girl is that they are all so much older and I realized in my teens they'd leave me here alone. That still haunts me because both parents have been set free from their skinsuits and are no longer in the physical world. My brother is chronically ill and permanetly in a wheelchair and his minds gone.
I know some people would probably say that I manifested the things that I thought of as a teen but I don't believe that b/s. I think Our creator knew how hard it was going to be for me when they are all gone so he made me aware of it so maybe I could deal with it over time. I look at it as a gift if that mkes any sense.

Sorry for the long personal story guys and gals.

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago6 by RookQueen because: q

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:15 AM
Good analysis.

a reply to: hangedman13
8m 5 secs ish

Deuterium (or hydrogen-2, symbol 2
 or D, also known as heavy hydrogen) is one of two stable isotopes of hydrogen (the other being protium, or hydrogen-1). The nucleus of a deuterium atom, called a deuteron, contains one proton and one neutron, whereas the far more common protium has no neutrons in the nucleus. Deuterium has a natural abundance in Earth's oceans of about one atom of deuterium among every 6,420 atoms of hydrogen (see heavy water).

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

This was in my spam box and normally I trash these but for some reason I copied the email address and it took me here.

United States Department of New York Surrogate Court

We have this day received a payment credit instruction from the U.S
Treasury Department to credit your account with your full Inheritance
fund of (US $5.5Million USD) from the Online emails lucky data bases
in receipt of scams victims with the con-ligation of UNITED NATION

Please Kindly Confirm your information below to New York Surrogate Court.

Your Full Name:
You’re Contact House Address:
Direct Mobile Telephone Number:
ID Card, DL or Passport Copy:
Age and Occupation

United State Supreme Court Of Justice.
Mr Stephen Mcallister

I have not read this entire thing as I am about to leave for work but I can't ignore it so I'm leaving it here and will return to it if I can find anything of interest. Here is what caught my eye:

Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, once called stories love gifts.

It may have no relevance at all but we have discussed Alice too much on here for me to ignore. Ooop one more thing Strphan McAllister is an attorney and was a DA in.......Kansas

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago6 by RookQueen because: q

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
check you mail plz sir. I got three pms from you that all said the same thing but Im not sure what your saying or if you meant to send it to someone else.

Have a Great day peeps. Im out for a bit but will catch up this afternoon.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Hey girl. I got a little more info on the fires in Canada so I posting this to remind myself to find it in written source form. My info came from A manager of Greenbay's sawmill and fiber resource division here so its word of mouth for the moment. I think one of our usual suspects Billy for one but all the climate change pushers may be in on it.

Have a good day my fren!

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

what a strange website and email connection

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 09:37 AM
Just going off on a tangent here...
I know most people on this thread are aware of the Zimbardo prison experiment so I will skip the video and synopsis if you haven't seen or read on it just do a search, it's a good one.
My simple point here is the congress men & women and other intelligence and deep state actors are the prison gaurds and the inmates are the American citizens. Wether it be in congress or FBI and all other government agencies there needs to be term limits because those in power become inebreated with power and desenitized to the people they serve. It is a human condition that few can resist therefore we must rotate our lawakers and others in power and control positions like Fauci, Lindsey Graham, Schumer and even Grassley who I l Iike. To be a leader or president it's not anybody's turn like the establishment wanted for "Hillary". We cannot have officials in these roles staying in power until they die and pass their role to a spouse or sibling, think Feinstein fro California or Dingle from Michigan, to live out their lives with hefty retirement packages, it's wrong.

This is also tied to the whistleblower, David Grusch, who has recognized this power and control phenomenon and has stepped down to stop this madness. How desensitized to Americans and humans do you have to be to "classify" the existence of non human intelligence(aliens) from humanity? Recovered space crafts? Knowledge? Our leaders hoard knowledge.

Even without any evidence it would be unbelievable to consider that there is zero intelligent life beyond earth, before 1999 astronomers had estimated that the age of the universe was between 7 and 20 billion years old but now with advances in technology and the development of new techniques we believe the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years and contains 100+ billion galaxies.
Does anyone really think earth is it, the only place where life as we know it exists? Most intelligent beings in the Universe? Really??
I am thinking Earth is more like the Ukraine of the Universe but I digress.
Last thing to add to this that could also be tied into this tangent is the transgender movevement, it gets me thinking it is a move to an androgynous population similar to how "aliens" have been described.
I could develop this more but I just wanted to get that out because something strange an inhumane and unearthly is going on and I keep trying to figure out what that is.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: dashen
Chuck Grassley says there are -17- recordings of Joe and Hunter engaging in bribery with a burisma exec.

Timing is everything

I'll add if I may. So 34 charges against Trump in New York, 37 in Miami, 34 +37 =71 mirror =17

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Imbackbaby


posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: dashen

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Guyfriday

I'm just responding back to this post since new information has been released.
From: Yahoo News

ed Kaczynski, known as the “Unabomber,” who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died by suicide, four people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

Kaczynski, who was 81 and suffering from late-stage cancer, was found unresponsive in his cell at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, around 12:30 a.m. on Saturday. Emergency responders performed CPR and revived him before he was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead later Saturday morning, the people told the AP. They were not authorized to publicly discuss Kaczynski’s death and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Kaczynski’s death comes as the federal Bureau of Prisons has faced increased scrutiny in the last several years following the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein, who also died by suicide in a federal jail in 2019.

Let me requote that;

died by suicide


Emergency responders performed CPR and revived him before he was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead later Saturday morning

Something else is up here. He had late-stage cancer, commits suicide, and is later declared dead after being revived. none of this is adding up. Did he figure out what "The Plan" really is going forward, or did someone get spooked due to what he was blabbing about?

We can file this under Truth is Stranger Than Fiction-
Jeffrey Epstein and Ted Kaczynski Thread

Could it be possible that Epstein was also a victim of MK Ultra? That would explain a lot. Maybe he was going to reveal that connection and he had to be silenced.
What are the chances that there was an 11 year difference in age?

Going through the replies this one stood out.
"Can we talk about Bill Barr's dad giving Epstein a teaching position at a prestigious school at age 21 with no degree."

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Imbackbaby


Beautiful, thank Q.
edit on 13-6-2023 by Imbackbaby because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I hope everyone can bear another art section- this time poetry.

The Lotus Eaters by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

This is significant. On April 4th while President Trump was going through another ordeal Hillary Clinton was honored at the Lotus Club @ [E] 66th Street [666]. The president of this private club, John Susselill, claimed that this was just a coinkydink. right.
Trump arraigned Clinton Honored

This club is named after that very dark poem which references water and lots of it with an emphasis on death.
Possibly the reference to "Eating Lotus day by day" points to what they have been doing with children.

An excerpt "where they smile in secret, looking over wasted lands, Blight and famine, plague and earthquake,
roaring deeps and fiery sands, clanging fights, and flaming towns,
and sinking ships and praying hands."

Fauci also was honored at the same club.

President Trump is now going through another ordeal and what is Hillary doing?
Hillary Clinton rushed to ER

Hmmm reported @3.59p.m.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Of course, Hillary has to go to the ER. Biden had a root canal just yesterday. It seems that the new trend is that when your name pops up in a document outlining treason, the doctors have to come in a help clean up the mess.

My guess is that we'll be seeing more and more of these "medical events" as more gets disclosed. I wonder when these Swiss doctors will just start pulling the plug rather than fixing the boo-boo? Suicide Weekend... IN COMING.

On a separate note, anyone else paying attention to the weird facts that the same countries that paid bribes to Biden, are also the same countries that are sending in a massive amount on military aged males illegally across the southern boarders of the US? "When is a Civil War not a Civil War? When it's being fought by insurgents already inside a country."

If that happens, I'm willing to bet that the media will report on Americans as being the bad guys, and the foreign invaders being the defenders.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I thought about that, maybe this was why it was important to remove Maxwell from the public eye. Kazansky stated that there were multiple people that took part in the Harvard study, as well as the Murray Experiment. Both of these were funded by the CIA. As I suggested in my prior posting, -Q- could be one of these people, but who all else was part of these studies?

As that photo shows, how far back did these people get pict to be studied?

Edited for better context:

The fact that people that look like other people used in these studies and projects is a cause for concern. If Kazansky hadn't resolved the whole MKUltra thing, and just continued to do as expected, then that picture shows that a body double might have been ready for him incase something happened. The fact that Kazansky did break out of the brainwashing makes me wonder what happened to the kid in the photo?

Something else I noticed, and if this is you, just a heads up. If you didn't place this in the twitter feed then no worries, but the phrase:

"Maybe your little brain can’t comprehend how these people are educated, that’s ok, not everyone can think outside the box"

needs to be re-evaluated. We are constantly told to think outside the box, but in reality these people only think inside of the boxes they were taught to think in. Maybe we should think inside the box for solutions as to what they are planning.
edit on 13-6-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:38 AM
Important Truth Post... marker[9]

Q Unseal

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