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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:38 AM
So, I understand Trump is in court later today (US time) and we might find out if Prince Harry lied on his visa ref his drug taking.
We have Sunak trying to block Bojo from standing as an MP in the future.
Sturgeon was arrested and released pending further investigations....
I need more popcorn!

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Q Insurance Policy
Q Grassley

Do you think the "Deep State" got to Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer? He saw the same FBI interview form 1023 that Chuck Grassley is referring to. Why didn't Comer mention the 17 Audio Recordings of Hunter/Joe cutting illegal deals?

The reveal today is it was redacted. Means it was true.

So this seems to lend more credence to the Grassley Drops.

So they redacted "17"? Hmm.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Circling back to the WHO and their lunge for power.

Senator Tom Cotton Letter
Aside from the obvious, Tom Cotton points out something that will slide under the radar if passed.

If funding gain of function wasn't enough how about we help China out during the next plandemic.

"Finally the WHO TREATY would label China a 'developing country'
, thereby reducing China's obligations under the treaty and increasing the obligations of other nations, including our own, to assist China during a 'plandemic'."

Miles D tweet
Tedros has received his marching orders from Billy 'the Jabber" Gates. Filing under words matter.

"Cross cutting interventions instead of disease specific. So an Ebola outbreak would be the same as a flu/covid outbreak." Well the GERM team needs practice.

From the book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" by Bill Gates
Page 17
"...critics argue that it's not fair that a few people like me got wealthier during the pandemic, while so many other people suffered. They're absolutely right."

"Innovation is my hammer, and I try to use it on every nail I see."

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Not me. I'm not on any social media, just here.

I've never been able to think inside the box. I just bounce along the edges, that's as close as I ever get.

If Epstein was a MK Ultra victim maybe he too was starting to break free. The treat he posed was not just releasing names but also would reveal the whole plan and the CIA/Mossad involvement.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I'm not certain if this was noted.
Keeping track of resignations former Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigned in February after 8 years.

Better than that she was arrested on Sunday.
"Sturgeon said after her release that her arrest had been both a shock- deeply distressing." You're right we need more popcorn.Ex-Scottish Leader Sturgeon Arrested.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

The entire Johnson car crash has been immensely amusing. He deliberately chose to take the Chiltern Hundreds in a huge sulk because he thought that Sunak nixed his peerage choices and because he knows that the Parliamentary standards committee are going to through the book at him. What a giant child.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
a reply to: crankyoldman

Actually Cranky I think it has more to do with arrogance. They never thought they could fail. Every attempt at course correction just buried them more. If not for the media being in bed with the d party they would not have gotten away with it. Even with that their holier than thou attitude turned off actual thinkers.
I am one of those high IQ folks that never bothered with college. But I have had the luxury of meeting people smarter than myself and having enough self-awareness to realize they were. I get the impression that our "leaders" have never considered they are not as clever as they believe they are. Too much time spent in their bubbles.
Hopefully time will reveal which of our perspectives is correct or reveal the one we missed.

I may have misspoke. I'll clarify a bit, the leaders are disposable sheep herders. They have no say in what happens, never have. Their sort of public arrogance is only an affectation that comes because folks are selected that meet the criteria for sheep herders.

This is well evidence by the fact that they know nothing of the most important topics. Frankly, the enter banking committee has no idea of Trusts, Humans As Currency, and how it happens. Therefor, they are simply not in charge of anything but herding sheep and are in fact stupid by design as they "believe" in the system as it is presented not as it is.

As for those above them, they run the playbook, it has worked for 26000 years, so arrogance is simply a byproduct of never being challenged by either those above them or below them - both are challenging them now.

Too often, modern society finds itself using accepted terms like, "depressed" or "sociopath" or "bipolar" when those are simply descriptive terms. Example: Soon folks will describe the A.I. as such, instead of saying "the A.I. is not human, it is not like us, therefore nothing of us applies."

In my lifetime this is the biggest issue I see in people, they cannot grasp that others are not like them - especially those who are more aware of themselves as an expression of Source. It does not compute that someone gets off on violence, or pedo stuff, they go back into the mind control explanation "oh, well they are bipolar, they need meds, and some tough love, dad must have been abusive..." The minute folks realize, deeply, that many of the things we see in this world are simply not constructed the same, relief flows.

Nope, They Are Differentt, very different, and should be treated as such. Sadly, in the near future folks will apply that sentiment to A.I. bots, thinking it needs tough love to be better and within ten years they won't even see the A.I. anymore as a thing.

Let's assume for one second that factually, not in dispute by anyone, these are real depictions of real beings and no one has ever questioned it.

What makes folks think they are remotely like us, love guns, the flag, rock music, beer and football? Is it possible they love pedo behavior because they are wired differently, and "bipolar" isn't a relevant term to them, simply because they created the term to feed their cattle prozac so they can do more pedo?

Not everyone is constructed the same, affectations are not a good standard of Soul based measurement.

Having said all of that, it is vastly more important for the Awakened to understand this: The "they" of the world provide Contrast for the Awakened to see where they are, without it we cannot see ourselves. So, at the moment, they provide epic amounts of Contrast, which, is very helpful overall to the growth process. We must see what we are creating before we can create something new, they are helping that along despite the fact they do not want to. This is Galactic Irony, they are helping Awaken folks by simply being themselves.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:16 PM
Tokenized US Treasury bills are entering emerging markets

Cryptocurrency asset management platform Finblox is bringing tokenized US Treasurys to emerging markets across Southeast Asia.

The Singapore-based startup’s self proclaimed “superapp” will be partnering with OpenEden to bring a smart contract vault that provides 24/7 access to tokenized Treasury bills.

The plan is for the product to be made available to customers in the Philippines, Indonesia, India and Vietnam.

Hoang said tokenized Treasurys will give international investors the opportunity and flexibility to invest in safe and secure assets at smaller clips.

OpenEden’s Treasury bill vault will be integrated with Chainlink and will provide on-chain evidence that its tokens are backed by actual assets.

U.S. Treasury Examining How Using Digital Dollars Could Be Kept Private

The U.S. Treasury Department has been studying how it might keep retail transactions in a potential digital dollar as private and anonymous as possible, said Graham Steele, the assistant secretary for financial institutions, though he said the U.S. hasn’t yet decided whether to move forward on a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

It is important that we consider the extent to which privacy and anonymity might be preserved and explore the technologies and methods available, including Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), to enable such protections in the design of any potential retail CBDC,” Steele said Tuesday at the Transform Payments USA 2023 Conference in Texas. “Such technologies could play a crucial role in maintaining transactional privacy while also ensuring transparency and traceability.”

While Steele delivered those remarks, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testified Tuesday in the House Financial Services Committee, telling lawmakers that she’s still wary of regulatory gaps in the oversight of the spot market in non-securities digital assets and in stablecoins. She said the crypto sector needs “a comprehensive federal prudential framework, and we'll be pleased to work with Congress to see if we can develop such a framework.” pe=amp

Swift and Chainlink Trials Pave the Way for the $10 Trillion Crypto Market

With the goal of expanding the crypto market from $1 trillion to $10 trillion, this partnership aims to seamlessly connect financial institutions' systems with various blockchain networks using Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).

Several major financial institutions, including ANZ, BNP Paribas, Citi, and Lloyds Banking Group, will participate in trials to test the transfer of tokenized value over public and private blockchain networks.

During the trials, SWIFT's infrastructure will demonstrate how it facilitates interoperability by allowing tokenized assets to be transferred within public blockchain wallets, between public and permissioned blockchains, and from Ethereum to other public blockchains. Chainlink will act as an enterprise abstraction layer, connecting the SWIFT network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol ensures interoperability between source and destination blockchains.

Having a single interface for accessing the various blockchains that banks will have to transact on is both more secure and more efficient for their interaction with this new way of transacting among themselves and their clients. The connectivity between banks and blockchains created by CCIP can also enable the growth of DeFi, as banks will find it increasingly easy to interact with public blockchains and move value to and from them using their existing systems,” Sergey Nazarov, Co-Founder of Chainlink, told BSC News.
edit on 13-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Have you been keeping tabs on the motorhome bit of it? That's a real headscratcher. It was bought for Peter Murrell's mother and cost £110,000. Never insured, never SORNed (declared an off-road and unused vehicle for our non-UK readers), somehow got driven 290 miles by two men who were not entitled to drive it. Private Eye has been doing a really good job of covering that bit of the Sturgeon story and I'm betting that there's more to come. Pass the popcorn and open the beer please.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 12:55 PM
FedNow to integrate with Metal Blockchain for instant payment

FedNow, a creation of the United States Federal Reserve, aims to provide a seamless platform for banks to conduct immediate, 24/7 payments among themselves. American citizens can only execute such fast domestic transactions through alternative services such as PayPal, Venmo, or cryptocurrency wallets. The highly anticipated FedNow system is set to be introduced in July.

Metal Blockchain, a crypto network created by Metallicus, is based on a fork of Avalanche’s code and was developed to provide compliance-friendly options for decentralized finance (DeFi) developers. The network is reportedly built on the foundation of Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) compliance, suggesting it has integrated identity verification and Anti-Money Laundering features.

Metallicus CEO and co-founder Marshall Hayner suggested that Metal’s integration with FedNow could facilitate the creation of interconnected “bank chains,” leading to a more extensive, secure blockchain ecosystem that does not depend on oracles.

This would enable banks to communicate and process payments and settlements while remaining connected to the FedNow system. Hayner also stated that the integration would help banks prepare for a potential central bank digital currency (CBDC) and enable “bank-issued stablecoins that can interact within a basket of stablecoin currencies.”

Thailand Banks Collaborate with Central Bank for Retail CBDC Test Project

Partnering with the Thai Central Bank on this groundbreaking project are the Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri), Siam Commercial Bank, and the Singapore-based payments service provider 2C2P. These organizations have introduced dedicated applications to a select group of users, featuring integrated wallets and QR code scanners. ject/85697/1

China Hopes Hard Wallets Will Spur Digital Yuan Adoption – CBDC Focuses on ‘Elderly & Children’

Per Changsha Evening News, the city of Changsha, Hunan Province, has announced it will debut “elderly and children-friendly” digital yuan hard wallets.

The CBDC’s adoption drive could be hampered by the preponderance of non-smartphone-owning individuals, banks have explained.

Smartphone ownership is high in urban areas, but much lower in rural China.

But Chinese cities and state-run commercial banks have attempted to get around this by developing and distributing “hard” offline wallets.

The city authorities explained that Integrated Circuit (IC) cards, some 2G phones, wearable devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices could also be used as hard wallets.

Russian CBDC legislation expands foreign access

The Central Bank of Russia’s (CBRs) digital ruble pilot was delayed from its planned start date of April 1, pending the passage of legislation at the State Duma. The delayed version was expected to pass by now, but according to the Russian state news agency TASS, the legal go ahead for the central bank digital currency (CBDC) has been pushed back to around the end of July. The pilot includes the clients of 13 banks.

The latest iteration of the legislation has several changes, particularly relating to non residents. Non residents have the right to carry out digital ruble transactions without restrictions. This contrasts with many other central banks that aim to limit foreign usage in the early stages. However, for Russia, a key driver is to enable an alternative payment system in the face of sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine.

In January, there were reports that the central bank was starting to experiment with cross border CBDC including through bilateral linkages as well as a shared platform. While there has been some talk about potential linkages with Iran, India and China, nothing has been formally announced. Instead, India announced cross border work with the UAE, which is also not unfriendly with Russia. And the UAE and China are both involved in the MBridge shared CBDC platform.

Besides using CBDC, Russia has also drafted a law to enable it to use digital assets such as tokenized precious metals for cross border payments.

Multi-CBDC cross-border payments systems inch closer to reality

Improving cross-border payments is a key priority for the G20. At the 2023 Digital Monetary Institute symposium in London, Tommaso Mancini-Griffol, deputy division chief of monetary and capital markets at the International Monetary Fund, said that Libra, Facebook’s attempt at a global currency, delivered a ‘collective shock’ to the public sector. He highlighted the inadequacies of cross-border payments: high costs, low speed and inadequate transparency.

One of the most promising solutions to these problems is the interconnection of central bank digital currency systems. This is an attractive concept because of the global surge in CBDC development. It is hoped that, as these state digital payments systems emerge, the work of creating a seamless cross-border payments system to bridge the gaps will already have been done.

Even within this approach, however, there are different strategies. Two projects with distinct philosophies were showcased at the DMI symposium. Project Icebreaker is a collaboration between the Bank of Israel, Norges Bank and Sveriges Riksbank, in coordination with the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub Nordic Centre, that aims to connect retail CBDC systems. Project mBridge is a multi-CBDC platform developed by the BIS Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Bank of Thailand, People’s Bank of China and the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates. It is the largest multi-CBDC project involving cross-border transactions.

So far, Icebreaker and mBridge have varied in architecture, technology and use of bridge currencies in the development of the two multi-CBDC cross-border payments systems Whether the two will converge or take different approaches to governance, foreign exchange liquidity provision and other factors remains to be seen.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Can't wait to see what you find.

While we are distracted Rochelle Walensky is testifying at a hearing in Congress.
Rochelle Walensky testimony
These senators spend so much time grandstanding that Walensky has little opportunity to respond. Maybe that's the point.

Mfume makes the comment that we are backseat drivers looking at the situation in hindsight. Brother where was he? We've been following this in real time. Jikkyleaks and the mouse army were censored for ages, which not only prevented us from getting detailed information from their research but also delayed the research since it was a collaborative effort. That is deliberate.
Deliberate. Let that sink in.

She is really something. Bringing up the issue that data was coming in via fax machines. With all their funding they couldn't afford any upgrades or ability to use IT services?
Just deflection.

Well, well she has two cell phones, one personal and one government, and used both to communicate with Randi Weingarten. She was asked if all text messages were saved. Shades of Ursula von der Leyen come to mind.

Wow. MTG takes her on about the 1.5 million adverse reports to the VAERS and that the CDC has essentially ignored them and continues to push the jabs as safe and effective.
September 9, 2021 the jabs were mandated by the Federal government for their employees. Reports to the VAERS system shot up 728,829 cases.
MTG then headed over to the jabs for pregnant women, not people.

August 11th Walensky recommended this and miscarriages and still births skyrocketed. She stands by this still.

This is an outright lie. Seriously Walensky claims that adverse events are OVER REPORTED to VAERS.

I'm going to continue to listen since this is over 2 hours in length. I just wonder where she is heading after she leaves. Which one Pfizer or Moderna board? After all they owe her, big time!

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Better than that she was arrested on Sunday.

Yes, I know, I just ommitted Sunday regarding her arrest

She'll still be 'under caution' as we call it here, which basically means she is free to wander, but not leave the country and the arrest is still valid.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

Well, he's just challenged the Privileges Committee to publish their report publically and let the public decide.
The man ain't giving up yet...
It's interesting that Boris is not a member of WEF, neither is JR-M and quite a few others. My view ATM is there is a war between WEF and 'everyone else' in our Houses of Parliament.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

No, he's given up, he's taken the Chiltern Hundreds so he's no longer an MP. It's an archaic formulism, but he's out of Parliament. And the whole thing's going to be published anyway, the Government will make very sure of that. Sunak was probably delighted when Johnson resigned, far better to have him out of the tent where he can't plot to get his old job back as easily.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Just a few more points from the Q & A with Walensky.

In 2020 Walensky responded to a tweet from previous CDC Director Tom Frieden acknowledging that vaccines alone would not be able to combat Covid. But then why in July of 2021 did she claim that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Specifically pitting the Vaxed against the Unvaxed.

With the end of the Plandemic, May 11, 2023, the CDC no longer is able to collect real time data. The reason being that they lack the authority. Where have we seen this before?

The agenda- to set up a permanent infrastructure for adult vaccinations. Just priming for the next plandemic.

She has caused so much damage to the reputation of the CDC that now there is the largest global decline in childhood vaccinations and many children entering kindergarten do not have the customary required vaccinations. Meanwhile she continues, while smiling, to push the Covid-19 jabs and the wildly effective flu jabs.

Just amazing- she demonstrates zero empathy or self awareness of the massive loss of life and harm caused by her policies. She just smiles throughout the entire 2 hours. No apologies, but "Trust the Science" as it evolves.

As for the mask mandates, the CDC still has up on their website for mask guidance that any mask is better than no mask. The senator nailed her there "Why are you not wearing a mask or any of the CDC staff."

When Jim Jordon Q's her about why she made misleading statements- once again she just smiles.

I am concerned that many of the members were Drs. and many continue to believe that the jabs are safe and effective and that masks work, one way or another, because having one is better than none at all. Okay that sort of doesn't make sense.

This issue came up. > Healthcare Workers Leaving Their Jobs

One senator made the comment that they are leaving because they are being threatened about their role with the jabs.
Maybe it is a combination.

It's over now, but right at the end the chairman of the committee throws out that more testimony from her is coming.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 03:00 PM
JP Morgan Highlights SEC’s Crypto Crackdown: Urgency Mounts for US Lawmakers to Deliver Regulatory Framework in 2023
Suing Binance and Coinbase Could Create Urgency For Regulations

Last week, the regulatory authority filed lawsuits against Binance, its CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, and the operating company for Binance.US, citing alleged violations of federal securities laws. Shortly after, a similar lawsuit was brought against rival exchange Coinbase. These legal actions have intensified the need for U.S. legislators to swiftly establish a comprehensive regulatory framework within this year, as emphasized by JPMorgan. framework-in-2023/amp/

Circle's Allaire says the US dollar is at crossroads, urges stablecoin legislation

The dollar is at a crossroads," Allaire said in written testimony, pointing to what he said are "rapidly evolving geo-economic and geo-political blocs" that are putting pressure on the dollar-based global financial system.

"Dollar primacy allows the US to weather economic and financial shocks (as the dollar strengthens in times of crisis) and exert global influence far more than other countries," he added.

Allaire pointed to strides China has been making with a digital yuan and said a stablecoin bill would be a crucial piece of legislation to keep the U.S. currency at the forefront of the global financial system.

Stablecoin legislation should be a 'national priority'

"Delivering a bill to President Biden’s desk should be a national priority," Allaire said, noting recent efforts in European Union, Japan and Hong Kong to regulate U.S. dollar stablecoins. "Other nations are enacting laws to regulate the use of the US dollar."

Allaire said he believed there should be nationally-established standards for state and federally licensed issuers. He also called for "tailored and limited rights" for stablecoin issuers to access basic Federal Reserve account services.

This afternoon, as a member of
@FSCDems I'm participating in a hearing examining the future of digital assets and the need to provide regulatory clarity for the digital asset ecosystem.

Rep. Ritchie Torres

Ripple CBDC Advisor Excited at XRPL's Real-world Utility:

Ripple CBDC advisor Anthony Welfare is excited about the use of XRPL for real-world assets and NFT verification.

NFTs function as a bridge connecting the physical and digital worlds. Welfare cited an artwork NFT with a scan verifying the "phygital" chip and the NFT QR code as an example of how XRPL could be used in the real world.

Hong Kong plans to test digital dollar on XRPL

The XRP Ledger utility continues to grow. In a recent tweet, Welfare brought attention to how Hong Kong intends to test its digital dollar in the $229 billion mortgage market using XRPL and Ripple CBDC technology.

Australian Digital Dollar AUDD Is Now Live on the XRP Ledger (XRPL)

With AUDD now live on the XRPL, users can easily swap their fiat Australian dollar for AUDD tokens in a direct 1:1 conversion.

XRPL is an open-source, decentralized blockchain known for its energy efficiency and speed. Transactions conducted on the XRPL are fast, taking approximately 3-5 seconds, and cost just fractions of a cent in fees. The AUDD deployment comes two weeks after the XRPL hit the 80 million ledger milestone.

University Of Toronto Joins Ripple’s UBRI To Boost Crypto Technology Research

In an exciting development for the blockchain and crypto industry, the University of Toronto announced its partnership with Ripple’s University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI) on June 12.

As part of this collaboration, the university will launch an independent XRP Ledger (XRPL) validator, reinforcing its commitment to advancing research in blockchain and crypto technology.
edit on 13-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 03:33 PM
Treasury Secretary Says to Expect a Slow Decline in US Dollar as Reserve Currency

Speaking today, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that there should be an expectation of a slow decline in the US dollar as a reserve currency. Moreover, the statements arrive amidst international de-dollarization efforts employed by a host of countries, including the BRICS economic bloc.

Yellen had previously stated her expectation that the US dollar would remain unchallenged as the global reserve currency. However, it appears as though recent developments have shifted her stance on the matter.

Economist Jim Rickards Predicts Unveiling of New BRICS Currency — Says 'the World Is Unprepared for This Geopolitical Shock Wave'

Economist and “Currency Wars” author Jim Rickards shared his predictions about a proposed BRICS currency in an opinion piece published by the Daily Reckoning earlier this week. The leaders of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are expected to discuss the proposed common currency at their next leaders’ summit in August.

“On Aug. 22, about 2½ months from today, the most significant development in international finance since 1971 will be unveiled,” Rickards wrote, elaborating:

It involves the rollout of a major new currency that could weaken the role of the dollar in global payments and ultimately displace the U.S. dollar as the leading payment currency and reserve currency. It could happen in just a few years.

“The process by which this will happen is unprecedented, and the world is unprepared for this geopolitical shock wave,” he opined. -wave/

BRICS: Egypt Ditches US Dollar in Trade With the Bloc

According to the country’s supply minister, Ali Moselhy, Egypt is bonding the US dollar in its trade with the BRICS economic bloc. Moreover, the move follows similar actions taken by a host of countries. Aligning with the bloc’s de-dollarization efforts going into effect over the last several months.

JPMorgan expects Turkey Central Bank to lift rates to 25% on 22 June

JPMorgan said, on Monday, it expects Turkiye's Central Bank to hike interest rates to 25 per cent from the current 8.5 per cent at its June meeting, adding this could come with forward guidance suggesting smaller hikes ahead if needed, Reuters reports.

We maintain our year-end policy rate forecast at 30 per cent, with risks on the upside," Nicolaie Alexandru-Chidesciuc wrote in a note to clients.

"We forecast a recession in 2H23 (second half of 2023) on the back of a tightening in credit conditions."

The Wall Street bank confirmed it expected the country to tip into recession in the second half of the year due to tightening credit conditions.[e ditby]edit on 13-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I know, I jumped back to SUVs because that's what we first talked about. I owned 3 trucks, all Ford....not because I like pick-ups or that I like Ford. tbh, Nissan hits a sweet spot of cost/availability/durability with big trucks. Car Wizard has put me off from GM (except Opel). Generally, you are on your own with trucks, maybe someone else here or locally has more direct experience than me. I like vans better than pick-ups, as you know. I have a Sprinter 144 LT on order right now.

Here's some stimulus.

Follow The Wizard, there's a LOT of content on his and Hoovie's channel.
edit on 13-6-2023 by FlyingFox because: iirc, RAM is supposed to be the best new(ish) truck product right now.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

Re: "Rel is UK also getting pushed n shoved to the truth gillitine slowly ?."

I have to say that it is even more difficult in UK to awaken people - because there are less events than in US to use as red-pill openers!

The arrest of Nicola Sturgeon was a good eye-opener, a few days ago, for fraud re Scottish National party finances (which "her" husband was in charge of, from memory).

Also Boris Johnson resigning from parliament as an MP and taking a handful of others. Rumours that Rishi may call an early election rather than go through several by-elections to replace the leaving MPs... those are always a bit "death by a thousand cuts" for the ruling party.

One red-pill that SHOULD HAVE woken up a lot more people is the closing down of so many local bank branches over the last year - there used to be a Barclays branch in any town with >1500 inhabitants... now there's only one every 20 miles.

posted on Jun, 13 2023 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

I wonder if a link will surface of Nicola Sturgeon to Jimmy Saville... Just a gut feel that I'm getting... they have similar colour and shape eyes... and there was supposedly a portrait of Sturgeon in S&M gear when their house was raided?

She was into 1980s pop bands like Wham and Duran Duran when Saville was entertaining on Top of the Pops.

Saville lived in a cottage in Scotland in his later years but was buried in North East UK (Scarborough) - Sturgeon's mother was from north east england.

Could be nothing... Time will tell.

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