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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 03:27 PM
PTERIDINE. I have a technical question if you don't mind assisting me. When you see this let me know if it's okay to PM you please.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Frankly, I am not nearly as astute or have the mental capacity as most here to be able to produce connections in the manner so many others here can. But just some things that made me go "hmmm, odd."

Out of all of the pages across the top, the only two that land vs giving a 404 are the ones about parenting and storytelling. Can't get to the home page to glean anything about the people behind the site, at least from the page. Could just be bad back end computing and nothing more. But I was able to find it here Lots of strange imagery and I can't quite put my finger on what the group *does* or did, as it appears not to have been updated since 2014.
Most of what I see deals with spirituality, magic, death and grief. Some keywords to note from the site: "illuminated' "magic" "dragonfly" and "libeleh" which, when I search the term, just points me back to the original site. Defined as "your personal archive of hands-on primary source materials"

So its a strange site that:
-is seemingly related to telling children stories (love gifts as Lewis Carroll called them and is referenced on the site)and helping kids deal with grief
-is linked to a strange email address that in turn is
-linked to a lawyer whose wiki reads: "On February 8, 2021, he along with 55 other Trump-era attorneys were asked to resign. He resigned on February 28, 2021."

Don't care to speculate on the ethnicity or religious leaning of the site because well....that couldget messy and anti-Semitic in a hurry.

But i feel that there is *something* there, my brain just doesn't know what.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

You have to admire his honesty. While western politicians try to placate their populations with distractions, that speech was loaded with historical facts and real truths about the dangers our world faces. I don't imagine Putin will be invited back for another, he's gone way off track here. I did not expect to see him highlighting the plight of the poor and being critical of rampant profiteering by globalists. Amazed they didn't experience technical difficulties half way through.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I'd wana ride pillion! ...Attached to the wing by a bungee rope and harness!

You may wana select a stuntman to fulfil that scene in the film...

edit on 14-6-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

T2, did you notice from your pope article, that he is scheduled to visit MONGOLIA in August???

That's like the venn diagram centre between Russia and China!

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything

Frankly, I am not nearly as astute or have the mental capacity as most here to be able to produce connections in the manner so many others here can. But just some things that made me go "hmmm, odd."

I'm not either but I don't mind retrieving odd emails, sites, and so on so REL and T! Guy Friday, Dashen and everyone else (they have much better memory than I do and the coding skills, not to mention T1's speed reading abilities are insane). I'm suspious she may be an I am teasing T1, because I am in awe of the amount of info she can glean through in a day!

I'm wondering how the weird email got my email as well........ What is weirder is that it came to the email I only give out to the people like my doctor, my light bill, my bank, notice to pay my taxes, etc. My friends don't even have it and it is not the one I use to sign up as a member here, twiter, truth or any social media I may use. It's my no b/s

I didn't get any error codes and it let me go to the home page. I did not see the 2014 date.

Most of what I see deals with spirituality, magic, death and grief. Some keywords to note from the site: "illuminated' "magic" "dragonfly" and "libeleh" which, when I search the term, just points me back to the original site. Defined as "your personal archive of hands-on primary source materials"

Seems to be directed to children and young adults, which I dont care for at all. I'm going to find some more info on the lawyer if I can.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Grenade
Glad you took the time to watch it and enjoyed it.

You have to admire his honesty.

Somebody here posted a meme of last 5 US presidents with their answer to what they thought of Putin, each one in varying ways were saying they could 'do business' with him, a 'straight shooter' etc.
He's so on point. No wonder WEF and the West hate him, he called us out.

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
This man will be piloting you craft so I'd better find out if Andrew Lincolin had a stunt double........

posted on Jun, 14 2023 @ 11:04 PM

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 12:32 AM
flattening the curve
paid 4
Wonder how many sponsors he has?

The truest test of our Republic will be not with a battle fought with ordinary weapons our adversaries must be shown that instead of fighting each other we must rebuild together.
For educational purposes oops decorative

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Good post! Maybe Trump and Putin will unleash their respective information bombshells during the same month.

Double BOOM!

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Wishful thinking. I wouldn't hold your breath.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Interesting timing right on the heels of Rochelle Walensky's disasterous Q & A.

There is trouble brewing. I checked in with Jikkyleaks and the mouse army. Jikkyleaks is gone and all the replies are praying for Jikkyleaks safety. Australia based.
This mouse army have collaborated and had proof of much of the issues with these jabs. Hopeful they have archived off line.

We are in for some rough seas ahead.
Scott Jansen twitter

Scrolling down to Red Alert.
More than 300 articles and science papers that supported the justification for the jabs, masking, social distancing, rejecting the use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are quietly being "disappeared". He mentions he sees these scientific papers on an on-going basis so hopefully he is archiving off line as well.

People are too awake for comfort.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

That is an interesting video. I can see many on the right feel admiration for Putin. Obviously everyone has a right to their own opinion, I just don't share that faith for any global leader.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 11:32 AM
Rather amusing Polarity Point again. CLIP

Mike does of course the usual thing "I'd like not to answer your Q, but clarify something else." He has to pick the Polarity Point furthest away from the MTG point, so "VAERS is an incompetent pointless waste that tells us nothing useful." 90/100 will see that as "well VAERS is inaccurate" instead of seeing what is really being said "VAERS is a rouse, a waste, as we never intend to use it, it's a button that turns on nothing to impress the sheep." It was NOT that 4 years ago, but with the magic Polarity Wand they rendered it useless. The "clarification" was to hammer home the point of the new reality. Remarkable when you know how to look.

It's also why these "hearings" are pointless, as folks like MTG will squat on the deep Polarity, The Jab Killed, and each person testifying MUST go to the equal extreme spot to defend the Point. Watch for it, you'll see it over and over again without fail. We've reached the point where "gotcha" questions will simply result in nothing anyone is looking for.

MOAR Polarity Point Fun.

Remarkable what is revealed here. 911/2001 Afgh not producing enough Heron. Boom, they're guilty of 911 cause, WMD or something, and BOOM, Heron flows again. "War" ends, Heron no longer flowing and CIA says, in Polarity Point language, this is a very bad thing. Remarkable when you know how to look.

Cancer stick producers improve their social credit score has to be one of the greatest elements of cultural theater in the last 26000 years. This timeline is nothing if not utterly hilarious.

Marco Polo has returned to the TwitVerse with the definitive report on the Laptop. This is a remarkable thing, and, I'd argue arrives in the world as a direct result of Anons and this thread. It could be used by a prosecutor, it's that good.

I missed this, 81m votes.


posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

This is rather startling. Were you aware that Pfizer had built a R & D facility in Wuhan in 2008?
Pfizer R & D Facility in Wuhan, China

Watch the water- Biolake [location]
#11- November.

"Pfizer noted that its' Wuhan operation will liase with local research institutes and universities "utilizing the rich resources of local talent and existing industry capabilities' to develop research collaborations. It stressed that Shanghei will remain the operations hub of Pfizer's R & D effort in China." Also became BF with the Chinese government.

"Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghei as the first line of treatment."
USA lockdown v China lockdown [non Wuhan] [days]?
MSM [D]'s 'vested interest' in censoring and attacking anything re:

The Wuhan lab comes to mind as one partner in crime. They have had plenty of time to develop all kinds of relationships and conduct research with no public scrutiny.

The big Q here is why was HCQ used in Shanghei, where Pfizer had their strategic base?

Pfizer Reports Safety Data of AZ Including Hydroxychloroquine

Just look Pfizer omits HCQ in the title.

Criminal- Pfizer knew that HCQ was an effective treatment and instead pushed their jabs.


Circling back to Bill Gates who happens to be in China atm, the first time since 2019. Oh why not.
Bill Gates To Meet XI Alone

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Continuing on...Published December 21, 2019 @ 2.27 A.M.

China Approves Home Grown Vaccines

"A total of 27 cases of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan were discovered and investigated by Chinese authorities."

Hmmm suddenly Pfizer's pneumonia jab is not so safe and effective? Opening the way to ensuring that the "safe and effective" mRNA jabs would not be the only option?

Albert Bourla Comments on the 2023 Pipeline
Just a temporary set back for 2023 & 2024. The Covid jabs will be back in demand in 2025. Can't wait. He should know.

Since Pfizer is being run so efficiently by Bourla...
Pfizer Expects to run out of some antibiotic supply for children

What are the chances? "another similar penicillin product, Bicillen C-R, which is used to treat infections related to the upper respiratory track is expected to be out of supply in the third quarter, Pfizer said."

Just one mess after another...
Up to bat Lady Gaga to the rescue-
Pfizer and Lady Gaga

I see this so often so I guess it is to cover Pfizer at all times, "Don't take if you are allergic to the product."

Problems? "They thought the sheep would follow the stars. "

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

To be fair, it's not hard to make a meme out of the last 5 US Presidents. Who knows what they're all up to, i just hope it's nothing sinister............ muahahahahahahaha

It's definitely something sinister.

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 01:14 PM

posted on Jun, 15 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

We're back to the mRNA jabs for farm animals again.
Australia Considering mRNA Jabs for Livestock

The title is a bit off but the points made are valid.
Inversion applies. Big Pharma aka Bill Gates used humans to test out the mRNA jabs before animals. He has a big investment in fake meat so the best solution is to make things difficult for the animals to reproduce.

After all there is more than enough evidence that these jabs have caused a huge spike in human miscarriages. Evil.

"How sure are we that in a rush to saturate the mRNA vaccines, that proper long- term testing will be conducted, particularily when it comes to lingering in the meat and milk?
Will it impact high-risk activities such as calving, given there is a strong suspicion that Covid vaccines are responsible for a spike in human miscarriages."

How are things going with the lumpy skin disease in India?
Lumpy skin disease

Wow, 60 thousand cattle dead. Looks like a couple of plans coming together -starvation with a sprinkling of wildly effective jabs.
What are the chances it arrived in India 8/19?
Outbreak of Lumpy Disease in India

Meanwhile Australia is going all in and sounding the alarm over this Lumpy Skin Disease when there has not been a single case reported, and from what I recall Australia is still an island so I would imagine could be easily controlled, but than what do I know.
But it's close

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