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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 05:38 PM
WHO Opened IT ?

Trump rages 'WHO OPENED IT?' as he shares photo claiming it proves 'witch hunt' after him

edit on 6102023 by MetalThunder because: NOt SHY

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Cheers for the point out on SkyCovian, T2!

Something else to warn the fam about!!!

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Coincidences secret war

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Almost confused me with this, glad i figured out that was the code. Since you are aware of this show are you aware of the upcoming Captain America movie getting a new title? It went from New World Order, to Brave New World. link Interesting change I must say.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

So, they want to refocus away from Eric Blair and point to Aldous Huxley? Weird move, what's next "Mein Kampf" will be retitled to "My Fight".

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

We need to circle back to Mcd's french fries.
You will never eat McDonald's Fries After Watching this

I know this will seem strange but I recall McDonald french fries being an issue in Russia. Hmm they rebranded the chain as "Tasty and That's It".
Russia's McDonalds

That's a mouthfull but also pointing out something is not right. Are you still steering clear?

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Democrats and the media forget to mention that Barack Obama was the only one who could order a counterintelligence operation.

I hope that point will be made clear, when special counsel John Durham testifies to Congress on June 21st.

edit on 6/11/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Same playbook.
Leaders from all the countries should be in complete revolt over the WHO Plandemic Treaty.

Seriously they want to conduct a Simulation Exercise. Where have we seen this before?
WHO Members Want To conduct Simulation Exercises

Scrolling to the bottom what do we have here?
"September 2020, one month before the [Hunter Biden] story was published Facebook and Twitter executives and several reporters attended an event where they practiced how to handle the "fake" Hunter Biden Documents."
Why am I not surprised?

Bill Gates can then deploy his GERM team.
Meet the Germ Team

At the 1.34 mark Billy has targeted 3 diseases Polio, Malaria and Measles. Since he loves his word games I wandered over to PPM.
Primary [inherited] mitochondrial myopathy.

I am learning so many new medical terms.
What causes this?
Mitochondrial Myopathies are caused by mutations/changes in the genes, the cell's blue print for making protein."
Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy

RFK Jr would just love this.


posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:39 AM

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: carewemust


The ... the Sainted Barack ?

NOOOO. O'bama was our best Irish president evah.


posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 11:49 AM

31 Posts 5:5 DJT goes to court 13.

It is all nothing if not funny.

What is remarkable, is the cognitive dissonance, Dems are slicing perfectly good body parts off of kids, and The "+" people are now THE country we live in.

So what exactly is the threat? Oh, yes, Vlad isn't real effing keen on this whole gender thing among other Western Madness Efforts. Matters not, BRICS is the issue, not Ukraine, and that's a done deal.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:31 PM
Time for another art session.

I'm impressed. Billy the Gates has been dabbling in the arts and combining it with his love of books.
Microsoft Word History of Logos

Microsoft Word Logos- Learning to read the MAP>
What do we have here?
2007-2010- This looks like leafing through the pages of a book looking for something. The search is on.
We have a hit on the #11 which at the time would not have meant much. Talk about timing, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration in 2010. It is reassuring to see Fauci as an important member of the team.

Bill and Melinda Gates Launch the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration

Next up-
2010-2013. #17 with an inverted triangle inbetween the 1 and the 7. #11 is also faintly visible. The page [bioweapon] has been selected.

2013-2019. Opening the book with details of the plan. Nothing is a coincidence with Billy. This logo ended in 2019 the start of the plandemic.

2020-present. The book is closed. Mission accomplished. Note the blue bands.
This has bothered me for ages, the use of blue band aids to promote the Pfizer Covid-19 jabs.
Note to self...PfizerCovid-11. This links directly to Billy.

Martha Stewart Pfizer Commercial

But wait there's more. Think what you will "As you can see, the designers went from the opposite: The Microsoft Word Logo became simplified and more refined in design, and the editor became more complicated."

Just to wrap up W just happens to be the 23rd letter of the alphabet.
23and me Genetic Testing for Health

Blackstone-Blackstone Purchase of Ancestory

"Traditionally, Ancestry has specialized in family tree information, leaving the personal and predictive health piece of DNA testing to competitor 23andMe and others.
But it recently pivoted into health offerings."

Just to wrap up Billy loves mosquitoes.
Why DO Humans Have 23 Pairs of Chromosomes


Learn to read the map.
You have more than you know.

You are missing the connectioins.
Continue to build the MAP.
MAP provides the KEY.
KEY spreads the TRUTH.
TRUTH shines the LIGHT.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Cranky this may be my artistic take on that glowing orb that President Trump is holding. It looks like the African continent.
Dark image of the African Continent

That glowing orb may mean to shine a light on Africa. In light of everything it is the perfect example of "future proves past."
Farming interference, GMO crops, testing of jabs and drugs, induced famines, electrical grid failures, child trafficking and grooming,...the list goes on and on. It is their hunting grounds. To make the situation worse they have erased their history as well.
Anyway when I first saw that globe Africa was the first thing I thought of and that is probably why I've spent so much time searching there.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 02:57 PM
US Senator Bill Hagerty Warns SEC Actions 'Pave the Way' for a CBDC

U.S. senator Bill Hagerty has warned about what he thinks are the true objectives behind the recent legal actions against exchanges like Binance and Coinbase, which have been charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with violating securities laws.

Hagerty, a long-time critic of the SEC’s stance against crypto, believes that the organization is purposefully leading platforms out of the U.S. with a single objective: to establish a single central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Hagerty stated:

Gary Gensler is finally saying the quiet part out loud: the Biden Admin wants to kill market innovation to pave the way for a CBDC, which would give the federal gov. unprecedented insight into your life.

Get out of crypto platforms now,' former SEC chief warns

John Reed Stark, a nineteen-year veteran former attorney in the United States Security and Exchange Commission's Enforcement Division and former SEC Office of Internet Enforcement chief, has warned to "get out of crypto platforms now."

The SEC sued Binance Holdings Ltd. and CEO Changpeng Zhao on June 5. The following day, the regulator sued crypto exchange Coinbase for allegedly violating securities laws. On this basis, Stark issued his warning.

"My take is that the SEC is spot-on with their crypto-related enforcement efforts," Stark tweeted, claiming: "No matter what the carnival barkers promise, it is axiomatic that crypto trading platforms are high-risk, perilous and inherently unsafe."

"Crypto trading platforms are under a U.S. regulatory/law enforcement siege which has only just begun," he added.

Hong Kong Extends Invitation to Coinbase and Crypto Companies Amid Regulatory Scrutiny

Hong Kong Legislative Council member Johnny Ng extends an invitation to Coinbase and global virtual asset trading operators to apply for regulatory licenses in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's decision to allow retail investors to trade cryptocurrencies has sparked increased interest and demand for digital assets, positioning the region as a potential global hub.
In the midst of heightened regulatory scrutiny on the crypto market ecosystem in the United States, Hong Kong Legislative Council member Johnny Ng has extended an open invitation to global virtual asset trading operators, including Coinbase, to set up shop in the region.

The invitation is coming on the heels of the recent lawsuit the U.S. Securities and Exchange filed against crypto exchanges, Binance and Coinbase. The regulator alleged that these firms violated federal securities law and facilitated trading of unregistered security assets.

Ng’s invitation to the crypto firm reflects Hong Kong’s effort to become a financial hub for cryptocurrency in Asia. Several crypto stakeholders, like Binance CEO Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao and Tron Network founder Justin Sun, have highlighted how this approach could make the region a bedrock for the industry.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 03:21 PM
De-Dollarization Now Evident As Central Banks US Dollar Reserves Drop to Record Lows: JPMorgan

Financial behemoth JPMorgan says the trend of de-dollarization is gaining steam as central banks around the world unload their US dollar holdings.

In a new Reuters report, JPMorgan strategists Meera Chandan and Octavia Popescu say that the dollar’s share in central banks’ foreign exchange reserves has dipped to 58%, a record low. an/amp/

China Big Four State Banks Said to Cut Dollar Deposit Rates

China’s four big state lenders have effectively cut dollar deposit rates, according to people familiar with the matter, at a time when strong demand for the US currency in the banking system helped push the yuan to a six-month low.

The banks have recently lowered the ceiling on the rates — which are a spread over the US Secured Overnight Financing Rate — for both companies and individuals, said the people who requested anonymity discussing private matters. Some of the lenders’ provincial branches now offer around 5.7% on dollar deposits to their biggest clients, down from 6% previously

Economist Peter Schiff Says the Fed Destroyed US Banking System — 'It's Insolvent'

Gold bug and economist Peter Schiff is back with more warnings about the U.S. economy. He tweeted Friday that the Federal Reserve destroyed the U.S. banking system, emphasizing that it is insolvent and would collapse without government help. Schiff wrote:

Bank of America pays just .05% interest on savings accounts and nothing on checking accounts. But the Fed funds rate is 5.25% and the real inflation rate is much higher. The Fed destroyed the U.S. banking system. It’s insolvent and would collapse without government backstops.

Freeland Tries to Calm ‘Anxious’ Canadians After Fresh Rate Hike

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tried to reassure Canadians that the economy is still headed for calmer times after the central bank unexpectedly resumed raising interest rates.

“There are a lot of Canadians who are anxious right now and who will be concerned when they see this step taken by the Bank of Canada,” Freeland told reporters outside the Ottawa legislature.

Former First Republic Bank exec tapped to lead Turkish central bank

Economists hope that Erkan’s policies will alleviate Turkey’s cost of living crisis, the Associated Press reported, as the country is facing staggering inflation, hitting a high of 85% in October 2022 and currently hovering around 40%.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
I quit eating them several years ago when I watched the video that they put the fries under a glass cake lid and showed them several months later looking exactly the same as when they were put under the glass but after now knowing about the Monitor chem. I'll never eat on again!

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 04:21 PM
Will generative AI complete the cloud transition? One prominent executive thinks so

In a brief interview after Box’s BOX most recent earnings report, Levie expanded on comments he made to Wall Street analysts that AI would be the “nail in the coffin” for legacy data centers, as well as the push that many companies need to move their data to the cloud. His theory is that generative AI systems have been designed to run in the cloud, as we saw with Open AI’s beta testing involving millions of users who were accessing ChatGPT via the cloud.

The classic way a large enterprise would manages its files, its contacts and marketing materials and project files, inside of a legacy center or like server environment, those files will be largely inaccessible by these latest AI models,” he said. “It would be so cost inefficient and counter-productive to try and bring AI through your on-prem data center in any kind of reasonable way.” 657c9

Walmart Has a New Way to Change the Future of Retail

Walmart has been laying off thousands of workers, closing stores, and jettisoning assets to cut costs and preserve profits. Like many retailers, the company faces an uncertain economy marked by inflation and wary consumers.

But Walmart is still finding the time and resources to invest for the future. The company recently announced that it is creating an accelerator program for startups developing emerging technologies like the metaverse, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

One of the program’s focuses is the development of decentralized e-commerce, which allows merchants to develop their own native payments systems without having to forward transactions to a centralized authority.

Walmart Store No. 8, a tech incubator the company created in 2017, will partner with Outlier Ventures to provide funding and mentorship to selected startups.

Amazon Bets Big on AI: How the Company Is Investing in the Future of Technology
AWS is its ace in the hole

A few specific generative AI applications that AWS is already deploying are Amazon Lex, which helps developers build conversational interfaces that understand natural language and generate text responses; Amazon Polly allows developers to transform any text into human-like speech; Amazon Rekognition can identify objects, people, and scenes in images and videos. As AI continues developing, Amazon will likely play an increasingly important role. The company has the resources, expertise, and commitment to be a leader in AI.

Google Cloud and Salesforce partner to help improve customer experience with AI

In a new partnership announced this week between Google Cloud and Salesforce, the two companies promise to harness the power of AI to help businesses more fully understand their customers, in turn letting these businesses provide a better advertising experience. with-ai/

Google Cloud, Mayo Clinic working on new generative AI use cases

Google Cloud this week announced next steps in its longstanding collaboration with Mayo Clinic, focused on new innovations for generative AI.

Mayo Clinic is an early adopter of the Enterprise Search capability in Google's Generative AI App Builder. It will now be exploring how the combination of search with generative AI can surface important information for its clinicians and staff – and do so faster, more seamlessly and in a more conversational way.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I'm just responding back to this post since new information has been released.
From: Yahoo News

ed Kaczynski, known as the “Unabomber,” who carried out a 17-year bombing campaign that killed three people and injured 23 others, died by suicide, four people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

Kaczynski, who was 81 and suffering from late-stage cancer, was found unresponsive in his cell at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, around 12:30 a.m. on Saturday. Emergency responders performed CPR and revived him before he was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead later Saturday morning, the people told the AP. They were not authorized to publicly discuss Kaczynski’s death and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Kaczynski’s death comes as the federal Bureau of Prisons has faced increased scrutiny in the last several years following the death of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein, who also died by suicide in a federal jail in 2019.

Let me requote that;

died by suicide


Emergency responders performed CPR and revived him before he was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead later Saturday morning

Something else is up here. He had late-stage cancer, commits suicide, and is later declared dead after being revived. none of this is adding up. Did he figure out what "The Plan" really is going forward, or did someone get spooked due to what he was blabbing about?

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 06:08 PM

Muskinator taking an open swing at the Jertle.

Hmm. So Ted dies the same time the DJT indictment occurs?

From the PEED

For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being female and decided to undergo gender transition.

From Arrest to Death,,, I spy with my little eye a 911

I don't proclaim to know a thing about this sort of math but isn't it odd that during the same period two high profile math folks get the destruction of character work over by the usual suspects, Nash being the other, Ron Howard reducing Nash to a trouble man and little else. Ted reduced to...

Side Note, a key point, for no reason really, in The Insider, by Michael Mann, is the "tip off" to the arrest of Ted to Bergman, the insert is abrupt and wholly unrelated actually.

Odd we no longer mail bomb, hijack, ricin/anthrax mail, after a singular made for teevee event. Seems strange, given all this White Supremacy going around.

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