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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Things have been somewhat quiet on the Lahaina fire front lately. We can't just stand by and let the news disappear them.

The Mystery of Emerald Plaza

He has done some great coverage and now that he is permitted back into Lahaina he is bringing up some really good evidence that the fire was not natural. How can any of this be explained away? The people are very aware that something nefarious is going on.

Peter Hotez Tweet
Just to add to what we know already about this plandemic- the WHO were just brilliant and knew there was going to be pushback about the narrative -"The WHO recognized the dangers of health misinformation and included it among the top global health threats." In 2019 no less.

One would expect that scientists should have been wondering and researching why the WHO recommended against the use of Remdesivir while the NIH recommended it. Probably had nothing to do with the serious adverse events when used during the Ebola outbreak. Simply criminal that the WHO then changed it to recommended.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
While we're being distracted by Israel and Hamas (I stand with neither of them). I'm not Anti anything.

Is this Israel the one you were led to believe? Rothschild connections, major child trafficking hub, corruption everywhere.

Non stop coverage of Israel, co-ordinated media all reporting the same thing, where have I seen that before? Oh yes the convid thing, same playbook. Iraq thing, same playbook, Afghanistan thing same playbook and on and on and on.

Why is Israel being saved for last? Head of the snake?

Things have gone quiet on Ukraine and the madman, Biden crimes, Election Fraud, many others.

Distractions are afoot

These people are more aptly considered Canaanite than Israeli.
They still worship Moloch, Baal and Ashera.
Which requires children sacrifices.

So I have been pondering about the sophisticated tunnels and Hamas being a faction of Mossad.

Maybe saving Israel for last means....
These are tunnels used for human trafficking into Israel and there was a bust on the horizon and this is a cover up destroying evidence.
Same thing could be said of Ukraine and the 2500 km of tunnels there.
edit on 8-11-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
While we're being distracted by Israel and Hamas (I stand with neither of them). I'm not Anti anything.

Is this Israel the one you were led to believe? Rothschild connections, major child trafficking hub, corruption everywhere.

Non stop coverage of Israel, co-ordinated media all reporting the same thing, where have I seen that before? Oh yes the convid thing, same playbook. Iraq thing, same playbook, Afghanistan thing same playbook and on and on and on.

Why is Israel being saved for last? Head of the snake?

Things have gone quiet on Ukraine and the madman, Biden crimes, Election Fraud, many others.

Distractions are afoot

These people are more aptly considered Canaanite than Israeli.
They still worship Moloch, Baal and Ashera.
Which requires children sacrifices.

So I have been pondering about the sophisticated tunnels and Hamas being a faction of Mossad.

Maybe saving Israel for last means....
These are tunnels used for human trafficking into Israel and there was a bust on the horizon and this is a cover up destroying evidence.
Same thing could be said of Ukraine and the 2500 km of tunnels there.

Nice, well said.

The tunnels thing....I don't think most realise just how big some are.

I know for a fact that in Cheshire UK there is an underground facility that from one end to the other spans 35 miles. I'm not saying any wrongdoing is going on there, just pointing out how huge some of them are. It would be easy to hide things from public view as we know they have.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 03:10 PM
Interesting ...

DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others

Three individuals have been arrested on charges of operating a “high-end brothel network” in Massachusetts and Virginia with a clientele that included elected officials, military officers and government contractors with security clearances, the Justice Department announced Wednesday.

“Pick a profession,” Joshua Levy, acting US attorney for Massachusetts, said of the sprawling client list during a press conference in Boston. “They’re probably represented in this case.”

edit on 8-11-2023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 08:26 PM
This was missed, but I think we all should be pushing our elected officials into exposing the truth.

the part to listen to is at the 3:10 to the 3:20 mark

If the American People are being lied to, and this or any elected official knows the truth, then that truth must be provided to the American People. Any official that continues to hide these facts needs to be removed from office. It doesn't matter what they might claim as their political leanings are, what they are doing in partaking in a conspiracy against the American People.

Hey -Q-, expose this already.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

"Elected Officials"? well expose-expose-expose, this whole hide and seek crap should be over with. These are elected officials in the DC area visiting hookers, and we the people are paying for that. This needs to end.

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

These are elected officials in the DC area visiting hookers, and we the people are paying for that.

There is more than enough problems going on to worry what two consenting adults get up to. For the adults and underaged that are forced into sex slavery is a big problem. I don't see much of that going on in the DC nightlife, the women on the big bucks are there because they want to be. As for what goes on in the DC underground, hmm...

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: kwaka

kwa, yeah, but taxpayer funds shouldn't pay for their visits to the hookers.

Trouble with DC for too long now is that everything is allowed.


posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
While we're being distracted by Israel and Hamas (I stand with neither of them). I'm not Anti anything.

Is this Israel the one you were led to believe? Rothschild connections, major child trafficking hub, corruption everywhere.

Non stop coverage of Israel, co-ordinated media all reporting the same thing, where have I seen that before? Oh yes the convid thing, same playbook. Iraq thing, same playbook, Afghanistan thing same playbook and on and on and on.

Why is Israel being saved for last? Head of the snake?

Things have gone quiet on Ukraine and the madman, Biden crimes, Election Fraud, many others.

Distractions are afoot

These people are more aptly considered Canaanite than Israeli.
They still worship Moloch, Baal and Ashera.
Which requires children sacrifices.

So I have been pondering about the sophisticated tunnels and Hamas being a faction of Mossad.

Maybe saving Israel for last means....
These are tunnels used for human trafficking into Israel and there was a bust on the horizon and this is a cover up destroying evidence.
Same thing could be said of Ukraine and the 2500 km of tunnels there.

You called it and look what was reported not long after, of course the media twisted it with their propaganda.

Tunnels, city beneath a city,17

You are the news now

edit on 9-11-2023 by Imbackbaby because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: kwaka

If you read the artical, you would have read this:

Han Lee, 41, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; James Lee, 68, of Torrance, California; and Junmyung Lee, 30, of Dedham, Massachusetts have been charged with conspiracy to coerce and entice to travel to engage in illegal sexual activity. They are expected to appear in federal court in Boston Wednesday or at a later date.

The three individuals, Levy said, transported women and advertised them online for pre-approved clients to choose from through several websites and ran the brothels out of apartments they rented.

So human trafficking, coercion, and forced enslavement can be construed from the charges. Doesn't sound too much like they want to be in that kind of life style does it?

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Speaking of the enmedia-
News agencies deny foreknowledge of Hammas attack.

The fabulous 4, Reuters, CNN, AP and the New York Times are now on Israel's radar.

An open letter-"It has come to our attention that certain individuals within your organization, including photographers and others had prior knowledge of these horrific actions and may have maintained a troubling connection to the perpretators."

edit on 9-11-2023 by Thoughtful3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 10:40 AM
And to think that Hunter Biden is suing him.

Patrick Byrne Tweet Overstock CEO and President Trump fan.

Any questions about the $8 billion released to Iran? Just pinning this part of the tweet-

"I became aware of an additional situation. Hunter Biden was reaching out to the Iranian government in the fall of 2021 with the following offer: You Iranians have $8 billion frozen in South Korea. My father will unfreeze it in return for $800 million being funneled into a numbered account for us. And if you do this deal with us, it will lubricate other negotiations which have recently started between us."

Hunter's lawsuit may have some unintended consequences.

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Considering how many people have been harmed by Covid and many others harmed by the jabs I've been wondering how they were going to try and sweep this under the rug.

They are getting really sloppy.

Change the census of disabled people in the U.S.

This is going to significantly impact research into long Covid because it is going to slip under the radar. It's almost as if they wish all these people would simply disappear. It does not even take into account the impact of those, like myself, that are caring for them and assuming a much larger workload.

Just to keep us current on the rotation cycle of replacements-

Monica Bertagnolli has been confirmed as the 17th Director of the NIH. She is replacing Acting Director Lawrence Tabak who was replacing Francis Collins.
That leaves her former position as Director of the National Cancer Institute awaiting their 17th head.

Monica Bertagnolli confirmed as new Director of the NIH

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

What if...
- this is the "drip-drip" exposure we keep asking for
- this is a delicate balancing act to protect a world of triggered people
- the problem is the reveal doesn't match with our wants or expectations
- the problem is many reacting with anger, division and demands.
- the war is over... waiting for it to dawn on us "United, We Stand"

Step 1: Read this map of Information Warfare Posts as 100% true.

Step 2: Read this map of Bible Verse Posts (we are not helpless)

Step 3: Do words, actions & thoughts mean more than we realize?
If so, we compare what we hear to POSTS and use logic - TRUST YOURSELF.
Anyone pushing division, harm or hate is someone to immediately disregard.
We shift our focus from FAKE NEWS to sharing COMFORT & MERCY... KNOWING.

Step 4: C Before D (Christ Before Declass)
If God connects via our hearts, do we go beyond with a change of heart?
When, how, where? We don't predict, but TRUST God's timing is perfect.
The Mission is to save all & to ensure this never happens again.
Peace = The Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

Links to Shane Browning's pages:
- VVISSION123(suspended for now)
- P0A_Triot23 (suspended for now)

Step 5: There is no step 5.
Step 6: We go beyond by focusing on growing our dreams.

edit on 9-11-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Now to address Bernie Sanders concerns about drug prices.

Dear Bernie,
Please read page A1 and A2 of the WSJ dated August 9, 2023 article "One Drug, Two Prices: Higher Price Wins Out."

Speaking of corruption how can it be possible that the same drug manufacturer has two different prices for the exact same drug? And that most of the time the health insurance companies select the higher priced drug?

You may want to look into the role of the middlemen- the Pharmacy Benefit Managers-

"A higher- priced drug can result in bigger rebate to the PBM. Drugmakers said they had to keep offering the costlier versions to gain a favorable spot on the formulary because the PBM's prefer the higher rebates and fees with the costlier drugs." The lower cost identical drugs are bought by hospitals and health systems who pay for the drugs themselves.

The problem is the co-insurance that members have to pay. This is not a small problem. "78% of prescriptions dispensed in September were for the more expensive versions..."

Better watch out for Amazon because they do like to monopolize the market.
Case in point a 100 day supply of insulin cost one person $630 but through Amazon on-line pharmacy 125 days supply was sold for $105.
Even this is too high when Lilly "introduced the lower-priced, unbranded version, initially at a 50% discount to Humalog in 2019. Later Lilly cut the no-name product's price farther- most recently to $25 in May."

I would like to suggest that the entire system should be overhauled because this makes zero sense.

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: brewtiger123

Brewtiger you do such a wonderful job bringing in the light. Could you do something about abortions and the abortion pill RU-486 [Mifeprex and Misoprostal]?

I am very concerned about this.
RU-486 Manufacturer is Disclosed

The HUA Lian Pharmaceutical Company based in Shanghei was contracted to make the raw compound which was facilitated by the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation was behind The Population Council that worked with Bill Clinton to get this drug into the U.S. market.

Judicial Watch Investigation of RU-486 - Bill Clinton's First Act- Dealing With a Death Cult

As we can see from this the FDA and HHS were corrupted long before Covid-19.
They bypassed the "safe and effective" requirements and even waived the clinical trials.

Past proves Present and Future -there was no requirement to report adverse events so we really have no clear picture of how many women have been harmed or killed. Always keeping us in the dark.

Just look at the mindset- the letter from Ron Waddington "President should start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of society...government provide vasectomies, tubal litigation and abortions."

This death cult has some serious deep roots. Hoechst involvement with RU-486 was "part of a cartel connected to the IG Farben Chemical Company - cyanide gas used in Nazi death camps."

TAB A- The FDA really went to work for the "cause" by excluding RU-486 from the list of drugs that individuals can import into the country. That of course has set up the illegal sale of this drug on the internet.

Judicial Watch has finally received more documents via FOIA requests- update September 22, 2023.

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: brewtiger123

It starts with 1 who can see -> critical mass -> resonance -> the great awakening

Side note:

Green and red are opposites on the color wheel.
Red and green on Christmas
Red + Green = Brown(ing)
Names have more meaning than just the surface. See Sam Bankman-Fried as a recent example.
edit on 9-11-2023 by Irikash1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Q&A on Mifepristone for Medical Termination of Pregnancy Through 10 Weeks gestation

Eugenics 1.2-
The generic version was approved in April 2019 so we know, we know. It's almost as if they knew that there would be an uptick in demand due a certain event taking place. Lots of 7's around all of this. The FDA removed the requirement of in person dispensing and moved things over to retail pharmacies but what about ectopic pregnancies?

"Mifeprex + Misoprostal are not an effective treatment for ectopic pregnancy. Because ectopic pregnancy may be present despite your best efforts to rule it out before starting Mifeprex treatment, you should be mindful of the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy throughout the treatment period and have a plan for its management."

Judicial Watch FOIA Deaths Possibly Linked to Mifeprex and Misoprostal

This is from 2000-2002, and now this drug is being pushed across the country. We are missing 18 years of data. If these drugs are so safe than why the need for FOIA's? If adverse events reporting isn't mandated then we are flying blind.

Risks of M&M

Since it is being handed out like candy it appears that there are serious risks-

"A small # of patients have died due to infections they developed after using M&M to end their pregnancies.
It is not known if M&M caused these infections. If you develop a serious infection, you may not have many symptoms and your symptoms may not be very serious."

The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public'
door to more serious......
The PILL must be easy to swallow.
The 'LEAD-IN'.
The public must be prepared for what is about to come.
"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION."+++++++++++++++++++++++++

posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 05:20 PM
Panic in DC.

Marsha Blackburn Announces Subpoena For Jeffrey Epstein’s Flight Logs.


posted on Nov, 9 2023 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

You're right, the feeling of separation and loss can be nearly unbearable at times but I hold onto the belief that we will be reunited and that gets me through.

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