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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Nov, 6 2023 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe2
Something to look in to. Definitely.

The Deadly Disinformation Dozen #3: Joe Biden President Biden and his administration spread disinformation about the COVID jab’s safety and efficacy. Biden lied, people died......

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I've embarked on another reading assignment- "Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It" by John Abramson.

It's always a good idea to examining the inner thoughts of someone who was big on the media circuit during the early stages of the Covid jabs. [As in favor of them.] I'm not too far into it but once again something most odd.

The top of the first page of chapter one quote-"Don't believe anything, not one thing, put out by a pharmaceutical company. Just don't believe it. You start from there."

Then how does he reconcile this statement?
Page xiv-"The Covid-19 vaccines, touted as highly effective [they are] and free [they are decidedly not]..."

I wanted to see if he has perhaps changed his opinion since writing this book.

Youtube-John Abramson: TRUTH Behind Big Pharma, Vax, And...

This has some very eerie feelz. Abramson was the person who provided evidence to the FBI & DOJ involving Pfizer which resulted in a felony charge and a $1.195 billion fine. The largest criminal fine ever. Suddenly he has seen the light or the $ and is now in favor of these experimental gene therapies.

Since Pfizer sponsors the enemedia and he has been making the circuit it just raises red flags for me. Following along with the logic but what better supporter for the jab than the person responsible for Pfizer paying that huge fine.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

John Abramson seems to have started off on the right path so I certainly don't want to demonize him but I really don't understand how he suddenly threw caution to the wind. Fear perhaps?

He starts with explaining how Drs. are vulnerable to misinformation -" ironically Drs. are vulnerable to misinformation precisely because they are taught to base their practice on the best scientific evidence published in peer- reviewed medical journals, respected clinical practice guidelines, and recommendations made by the recognized medical authorities.
Problem is as we know Big Pharma is funding everything.
He goes on to advocate for Drs. to have access to clinical trial data so that they can make informed decisions.

Then he lets us in on a secret.

"Peer reviewers, medical journal editors and guideline writers, who are assumed to be performing due diligence to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data reported from company sponsored studies, do not have access to the real data from these trials.

I feel so much better knowing that factoid. So this published data has not in any sense been verified.

He goes on to explain how the U.S. is just so very, very special. We allow drug companies to charge whatever they want, the Wild West of Big Pharma
and at the same time we have the least regulated market.
Making us so special that we contribute 2/3 to 3/4 of global profits for Big Pharma.

This of course has led to Big Pharma exploiting each situation as an opportunity to maximize profits with not much concern about the real benefits to public health and no one holds them accountable.

Maybe when he became involved with Harvard things changed. In that youtube he throws Malone, McCullough and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. under the bus claiming they are anti-vaxers when their real concern is about these experimental gene therapies.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

New- Feds Collusion with private Actors to Police Speech on Social Media

Up to bat- The Election Integrity Partnership, Department of Homeland Security, Stanford Internet Observatory.

I wonder how much $ Stanford received from China? No one seems to go near this but we have seen that close link with the large universities.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Brook Jackson had her meeting with the DOJ yesterday and she has not tweeted what happened.
Instead this tweet-
Brook Jackson Tweet- Nuremburg Time?

I've watched a number of these take place where information and testimony is given but I haven't seen anything as yet leading up to any type of Nuremberg event.

RFK Jr. Tweet- bill Gates is Making a Killing in Africa

Africa is his hunting grounds.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Following up on this.
From: Reuters

U.S. Special Counsel David Weiss, who is leading the probe into President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, told the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that he faced no political interference, contradicting earlier whistleblower testimony.

Weiss has charged Hunter Biden, 53, with crimes related to owning a firearm while using illegal drugs. The president's son has said he struggled with addictions to alcohol and crack coc aine.

House Republicans allege the Justice Department improperly interfered with the investigation of Hunter Biden, whose brushes with the law are a central focus of their impeachment inquiry into the president. The White House has denied wrongdoing. Democrats say the impeachment inquiry is politically motivated.

"Throughout this investigation, the career prosecutors on my team and I have made decisions based on the facts and the law," Weiss said during testimony behind closed doors, according to his prepared remarks. "Political considerations played no part in our decision-making."

Weiss, the first special counsel to testify in Congress before his final report is completed, is pushing back against comments by two Internal Revenue Service whistleblowers, who say he told officials at a meeting that he did not have final authority on deciding to bring charges as part of his probe.

Weiss told lawmakers he has had and continues to have full authority over his investigation.

In keeping with Justice Department policy, Weiss would not address specifics about his probe.

Wasn't there already issues with his investigation that stated that he was stifled by the DoJ and AG in his efforts?

Oh never mind. This was also psrt of the story about Hunters investigation, because you know, "Reuters".

The impeachment inquiry has been cheered on by Republican former President Donald Trump, who is the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination to take on Biden again in the 2024 election. Trump was also the first U.S. president to be impeached twice. The Senate acquitted him both times.

Trump is facing four criminal indictments for charges related to his business activities, mishandling of classified documents and attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

It is not clear if the full House of Representatives, controlled by a narrow 221-212 Republican majority, would support impeaching Biden.

This may take a day or two to figure out the ins-and-outs of the testimony. Hey though it's only Tuesday, and that leaves a whopping 3 full day left before suicide weekend (yes I'm calling it since a lot of people are speaking out against Biden)

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 07:16 PM
So should we call it? Should we actually say it? If both the US and Russia are dealing with the same people behind fighting Israel, the Palestinians, and other nationals, should we call World War 3 as just a global crusade for the Trotskyist Caliphate?

From: Soldier of Fortune

A mob shouting anti-Jewish epithets stormed and shut down the airport in the Russian city of Makhachkala in the predominantly Muslim region of Daghestan after a flight arrived from Israel on Sunday night.

The crowds were filmed ‘questioning’ random people at the airport’s terminal to determine whether they were Jewish, and also swarmed just-landed planes with the apparent intent of entering the aircraft.

“Take his passport, search his phone,” the mob shouted when they found a suspected Jew, according to video posted on the X social media platform.

In one video, a child said he “came for the Jews,” and that he brought a knife.

The unrest at the airport was apparently prompted by rumors spread on local social media channels claiming that a flight from Tel Aviv inbound for Makhachkala was carrying a group of “Jewish refugees,” purportedly fleeing the conflict between the Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israel.

Riot police arrived at the airport, while the Interior Ministry office in Makhachkala said reinforcements, including National Guard units, were being sent to “ensure the safety” of arriving passengers, according to the Baza Telegram channel.

Russia’s aviation authority later said the airport would remain closed until November 6.

“After unidentified persons appeared in the landing area of the Makhachkala airport it was decided to temporarily close the airport for arrivals and departures,” it said. “Flights that were to land in Makhachkala have been directed to other airports.”

Elsewhere, a mob swarmed a hotel in Dagestan, shouting threats about a Jewish guest.

“Show your face, or we will come into the hotel and pull you out of there!” the horde threatened.

Somebody needs to drop a hammer on Hamas and those supporting and funding them. I know that means that the Bidens, Soros, Iran, and a few others need to be exposed and dragged infront of the world and judged, but this situation is very dangerous and getting worse by the minute.

Oh and what about Hamas Leadership?
From: New York Post

While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles.

The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar.

The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas at the same time as hosting a vast American military presence.

As for thinking that this is a piece of propaganda,

Now Republican Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles is co-sponsoring a bill that would strip Qatar of its status as a key US ally, The Post has learned, unless it kicks out the Hamas leadership.

well at least someone is trying to do something.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

They got to Abramson?!? That's sad to hear. I've heard him interviewed at least once. He seemed like a solid cat.

posted on Nov, 7 2023 @ 09:44 PM
Utterly jaw dropping, to think people trusted them!
Saw this that it was important think it's from 2021.

The head nurse in Slovenia resigned over claims that the #Covid #Vaccine has different versions

Look at what she told the public before she resigned

a reply to: Thoughtful3

NEW: The House has approved an amendment to cut Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s salary to $1. The amendment, which was introduced by Marjorie Taylor Greene, was brought forward due to Buttigieg’s failure to “serve the American people.” MTG specifically pointed to how Buttigieg staged fake bike rides. “Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have s*x,” she said on X. The video below is Buttigieg being caught red handed unloading a bike from an armored SUV before heading to a Cabinet meeting to show off for the cameras.

edit on 2023/7/11 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

A blind world that continues to overlook the Power of Spirit.
Our spirit within influences our perceptions & choices.
A World of Mirrors... blame the virus, the vaccine, the devil, God.
Nobody sees the truest answers lay within our hearts.
"The Water of Life" is our faith, love, dreams that nourish our bodies.
We grow by connecting to spirit & one another - like vines/veins.

"All is Lost" screams the world - fear & anxiety poison our well-spring.
Gossip spreads these toxic traps making our friends & families sick.
The same channel offering life - now used to pump hate, anger, death.
Hearts turn to stone and humanity's heart becomes a broken compass.
A Mad World ruled by Mad Kings fighting the dancing shadows in our minds.
Never quit... for our divine gifts are always with us. Heal & trust them!

Nobody has the complete picture, so just look for your next step...
Center yourself & Start re-building a bridge back to the middle.
Life is an Adventure... play it to rejuvenate your dreams & Spirit.
Start to identify the clues left in Time by others... just for us!
They are everywhere... and speak to us in different ways, like very odd vibes
Feel joy & peace from these reassurances, "WRWY... you are not alone".

Envision the world as God sees it. Bigger than you can image! No sides!
Until you are ready to spread your wings, know you are in Good Hands.
Focus on healing... Focus on trusting... Focus on the Mission.
Forgiveness has nothing to do with "THEM" & everything to do with "US"
Drink. Heal. Drink. Heal... an unlimited supply of life-giving water.
And as faith grows, your roots will spread out to heal others.

United, WE STAND with Love.
God is LOVE.
This is a LOVE STORY.
A Father's Love Knows No Bounds.
God ALWAYS keeps his promises...

PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 8-11-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 03:10 AM
The Loomernator is still at it. Truth post Here

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 06:55 AM

Oncologist: "Cause Unknown" Is a Crime and a Cover-Up "The number one cause of death in Alberta in 2021 was 'cause unknown,' and that's never happened before," lamented
a reply to: Thoughtful3
No relation that I am aware

water watch

Massive Saudi Arabia Flooding ! Heavy Downpours Today and the Past Week have Contributed to Massive flooding Across parts of Saudi Arabia…. Floods resulting from torrential rain have paralyzed traffic in the city of Ha’il in north-western Saudi Arabia and Mecca as Well…

Heavy flooding struck the city of Bonao in the Dominican Republic.

Current flooding at North horr , Marsabit County

edit on 2023/8/11 by Crazierfox because:

edit on 2023/8/11 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123

Love you more today than I did yesterday Brewtiger!!

I honestly come here now more to see your posts than anything else. I still greatly appreciate the contributions of everyone else here as well.

Now that the marriage between the physical and spiritual has occurred within, it's difficult to focus on anything else other than doing my best to bring Peace, Love, and Forgiveness to others so that we may bring Heaven to Earth.

Dark to light = Turning stone hearts into hearts of flesh


edit on 8-11-2023 by Irikash1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: badcabbie

It looks that way doesn't it. Just skimming the book he appears to be very concerned about the direction that Big Pharma has taken, their takeover of all the science and the excess profit motive. That is in direct conflict with his unwavering support for the jabs. Sometimes fear makes someone go counter to their own beliefs. Maybe he has been bought off or blackmailed. Who knows but many would have believed him because of his involvement with Pfizer and other drug companies. Basically a white knight.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

The next Contagiion- Nipah

Sometimes a good 'movie' can provide a lot of truth and/or
'Official secrets."
Relevant today?
Enjoy the show.

The movie Contagion is key here. Sorting through the timeline September 23, 2023 CEPI put Nipah on their 'virus most wanted list'.
10 days later the WHO joined in- that takes us to October 3rd.
10.3- Operation Mockingbird.

The movie Contagion was released 10 years after 911- so that gives us #1010.
Every red light s/b going off when Jeremy Farrar is involved.

Jeremy Farrar Tweet February 2022

Are we alone?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

Hope - adults who live in areas where this is endemic are immune.

Gematria Somewhere in the world the wrong pig met the wrong bat

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Speaking of Jeremy Farrar-

Tweet- Dengue

We're back to the release of the Wolbachia- infected mosquitoes to treat a disease. We all know by now that this is going to fail after 3 years. Makes one wonder why he would be tweeting about a study that was conducted from June 10, 2021.
DOI-10.10. A bit obvious here.

Why am I not surprised that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust are around this.

Tweet 2

It appears they are going to have to move beyond twitter for information.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 11:37 AM
While we're being distracted by Israel and Hamas (I stand with neither of them). I'm not Anti anything.

Is this Israel the one you were led to believe? Rothschild connections, major child trafficking hub, corruption everywhere.

Non stop coverage of Israel, co-ordinated media all reporting the same thing, where have I seen that before? Oh yes the convid thing, same playbook. Iraq thing, same playbook, Afghanistan thing same playbook and on and on and on.

Why is Israel being saved for last? Head of the snake?

Things have gone quiet on Ukraine and the madman, Biden crimes, Election Fraud, many others.

Distractions are afoot

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

CF that second one Strange Images in Ingersoll Lockwood, this may just be me but that mouse reminds me of Jikkyleaks, leader of the Mouse Army that uncovered vast amounts of information about the dangers of the mRNA jabs. The mouse is standing on a round flotation device representing an island. Jikkyleaks is from Australia. The hammer could mean building a case.

The time on the watch 11.3 marker.

The time is ticking before their research becomes public knowledge. The storm clouds are gathering. Hammer on the clock.
We must be getting very close.

It's not over yet-Rebel News
Mark Trozzi opposed the Covid mandates and whether they have authority or not the Canadian Ontario Physicians Tribunal, bought and paid for by Pfizer, found him guilty anyway.

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: hangedman13
a reply to: Thoughtful3

It makes me wonder about the white nose fungus that was killing off bat's in the states. Was it part of a bio-weapons project? Or worse was all the research into bat's what caused the outbreak in the first place, considering how lazy protocols seemed to be in that type of research.

Wow that hadn't occured to me.
Nothing will surprise me at this point.

News from WEF Land-

Carbon Capture- Project Bison

If they succeed at removing all the carbon from the air everything will cease to exist, even the plants. No doubt Billy "the Energy Guru" Gates is all around this from an investment POV.

Now how is Microsoft going to benefit?
Microsoft to Buy Carbon Renewal Credits From Carbon Capture

posted on Nov, 8 2023 @ 12:08 PM
Devil comet has sprouted horns? It does mention "scientists say" so there is that.

Damn I love this timeline. Not today satan

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