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Florida is Going to Find Out How Much Immigrants Do

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posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Kratos77

Honestly I really get tired of hearing that illegal immigrants do work that others will not do. I would and have done what I have needed to be done regardless of the pay. Also lets be honest they can take the lower paying jobs then the rest of us as their income is supplemented most of the time. I have seen BOTH sides of this coin.

Slow your roll, and I just want to say I am 1000000% in agreement with what you posted regarding taxpayer funded social services.

This is why something has to be done. Just doing nothing hurts everyone. The illegals are doing work that nobody wants to do, and they are often victimized for it. They are making lower wages and are often doing jobs that are dangerous but aren’t able to report it to OSHA or such in fear of being deported.

Social services being provided to illegals is a whole other topic, and yes that hurts American citizens that are basically funding everyone. I’m not just talking about Mexicans either.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I like the 'regardless of the pay' thing.


Need a less than minimum wage job with no benefits? I'm sure you can find one waiting outside the Home Depot or washing dishes at the local diner.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
Perhaps your going to find out how few Cubans are considered illegal, even when they got here illegally. Once they set foot in dry land, Cubans specifically become refugees and not illegal immigrants. This will hardly effect any industries in any significant manner.

And whatever they tell you about construction sites being empty, that is quite a load of bullsnip.
Buildings keep going up here in Tampa, none of them are sitting empty. My neighborhood has added dozens of new homes in the last year alone. They are splitting up a large parcel that was one property and breaking them down into three. This has happened on my block and the next block over. Massive warehouse were recently finished. Everywhere I go it's new construction.

I would ask anyone telling you where construction sites sit empty where exactly. Examples needed. Would be ironic if it's happening specifically in Broward and Miami-Dade.
edit on 5-10-2023 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

My daughter live in Florida, she have seen a big up in immigration, mostly from Haiti and Jamaica and nope, this people want housing, they want welfare and nope they do not want to work. Many wants to be around asking for money, but in Panama City beach this is not acceptable been a tourist place, they are taken out of the streets if seen bothering the tourist.

These people also tried to open tent cities in parking lots, also were taken out in not time.

Their American dream for illegals now is have a lot of kids and collect welfare at the expenses of the taxpayers.

Thank you for your comment!
Here in NJ we are swarming with illegals, as I've said many times here. And NO, they are not working, and are not interested in working, their interest lies in a free lifestyle at taxpayer's expense.
If you could see how pushy and aggressive they are, you simply would not believe it. Their privileged, entitled and outright nasty attitudes are creating rage and chaos, especially in already overpopulated areas that biden is busy shipping even more into.
I cannot believe that our 'president' is not putting an immediate stop to this nonsense. And I hope everyone realizes how our standard of living has been destroyed, and inflation is going to get steadily worse, in order to feed and house the invaders.
Just my opinion, but be happy if you're not living in NJ!

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: Kratos77

Honestly I really get tired of hearing that illegal immigrants do work that others will not do. I would and have done what I have needed to be done regardless of the pay. Also lets be honest they can take the lower paying jobs then the rest of us as their income is supplemented most of the time. I have seen BOTH sides of this coin.

This is why something has to be done. Just doing nothing hurts everyone. The illegals are doing work that nobody wants to do, and they are often victimized for it. They are making lower wages and are often doing jobs that are dangerous but aren’t able to report it to OSHA or such in fear of being deported.

Social services being provided to illegals is a whole other topic, and yes that hurts American citizens that are basically funding everyone. I’m not just talking about Mexicans either.

Odd that I don't see illegals working around here, maybe a few for construction firms, but most are sitting happily at home sipping Coronas and eating better than Americans.
We are watching young men and women wandering around here, women with their hair and nails done, going out shopping every day.
And having 5 and 6 kids.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
Here in NJ we are swarming with illegals, as I've said many times here. And NO, they are not working, and are not interested in working, their interest lies in a free lifestyle at taxpayer's expense.

Considering New Jersey doesn't make monthly payments to illegals I'm not sure how they can have a 'free lifestyle'.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Considering New Jersey doesn't make monthly payments to illegals I'm not sure how they can have a 'free lifestyle'.

Your right no payments
without green card / work visa ect..

They WILL do CASH payments for
the fake status of

You can loop hole around all
you want.


These people ARE NOT being screened for ANYTHING..

What is the percent that are straight up lying 50% ATLEAST HALF?
Id say 95%

You can gray area liFe LodgE stYle all you
want they get PAID under ASSLYUM seeker REFUGEE status//
Your just wrong cuzzo sorry to break it to you ..

edit on 10-5-2023 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: starfoxxx
They WILL do CASH payments for
the fake status of

Gaining asylum status requires a court appearance(s) so your garden variety illegal is not going to be bothered and you sure aren't going to get enough for a 'free lifestyle' in New Jersey.

Try again.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Gaining asylum status requires a court appearance(s) so your garden variety illegal is not going to be bothered and you sure aren't going to get enough for a 'free lifestyle' in New Jersey.

Try again.

Affirmative asylum applicants may now file an online Form I-589 via to determine if they are eligible to receive protection from persecution in the United States.
Assylum seeking
They GIVE THEM A FREE Obama phone
right as they cross with data


and cash payments housing and all is given out..
You just spew nonsense backed up by nothing
and it is very apparent.
No court appearance for status you are just wrong.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: starfoxxx


That's the application for eligible seekers only and you still get assigned a case officer and need to appear in person multiple times. Also, no asylum seekers get benefits until they are adjudicated.

edit on 10-5-2023 by AugustusMasonicus because: Cooking spirits since 2007

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sorry Jag..wasn't coming at you I apologize. Its been 2 decades since this happened and this is about a slow as a roll anyone is going to get from me.

You see, those coming here illegally working under the table mostly understand what they are getting conditions or not..they also get the added support education, food, healthcare etc..they did not pay into. I blame the government as much as I do the companies that hire them to save money.

I do agree there should be safe working conditions regardless of immigration status but would like to see stats on it. I mean not every worker whether yard service, construction, field worker is here illegally so if the working conditions are dangerous there would be no issue with one of the the legal workers reporting it to OSHA.

Concerning lower wages these immigrants come here to work most without high school education. I mean it is the same for US citizens that are uneducated they tend to have to take the lower paying jobs. Where do we draw the line on how much a "day laborer" should make? This takes us into the minimum wage debate in how little is too little for an hourly wage? We all know the cost of higher wages just gets passed on to us as the consumer.

Punish the companies for hiring day labors and limit social benefits to US citizens and "approved asylum seekers" only. I would think most illegal immigrants will self deport back to their own country or at least slow the influx down. We as a nation can not take on much more. We need to help our OWN first. I just don't know anymore the world is upside down and inside out.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: starfoxxx


That's the application for eligible seekers only and you still get assigned a case officer and need to appear in person multiple times. Also, no asylum seekers get benefits until they are adjudicated.

You claimed they had to appear
in court to seek and apply for ASSLYUM
to get cash benefits .
that is not true..
They fill out the form ONLINE where
I sourced and it gets rubber stamped
payments on demand..
My ex g/f was newly immigrated Spanish
here family had been through it all dude.
You have no clue high and mighty in your lodge

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

Gaining asylum status requires a court appearance(s)

Nope just an online application that I

You did not read all that information
in the 6 minutes you took to reply back..
You have no clue you clicked my sources briefed it
and replied half ass.


edit on 10-5-2023 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: starfoxxx
You claimed they had to appear

Yeah, I was discussing border jumpers with the other poster when you jumped in, not actual asylum seekers from designated countries, try to follow along. Your girlfriend's cool story is great, too bad it's not true.

edit on 10-5-2023 by AugustusMasonicus because: Cooking spirits since 2007

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx
Thanks for providing actual documentation, and not the bs hot air from others here.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: JAGStorm
They are already saying that some of the crops are going unpicked and construction sites are empty.

Housing and food are overrated. Just leave them be until some American wants to do that for minimum wage.

...and they will. Just give the market time to re-adjust. That's the problem. "White people wont take those jobs". Well, probably because those jobs aren't worth the money they pay. Meaning, figure it out or do something else.

If prices raise, then it's likely because of the cost vs demand. If it's not worth the demand vs cost, then simply look elsewhere until it's a viable commodity. Simple supply and demand.

THIS is how economics is supposed to work. Bailouts only hinder and confuse the ability to resolve of fix the problem that should take care of itself naturally.

Too many people are too busy throwing our money at stuff in hopes that it'll stay profitable. That's not how it's supposed to work. Only the demand should dictate the supply.. Not the demanders!

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

Nasty alright,

TextIf you could see how pushy and aggressive they are, you simply would not believe it. Their privileged, entitled and outright nasty attitudes are creating rage and chaos, especially in already overpopulated areas that biden is busy shipping even more into.

last summer my husband and I were in Tallahassee on a shopping trip, while waiting for the light change in one of the main avenues it was a bunch of able men asking for money at the light, these big guys were healthy looking, they were walking to the cars looking like they could beat you up, in pairs, we just told them to go away, but one of them looked like the ring leader call two more guys and stood in front of our Truck, my husband lowered the window and told them in Spanish that a hit by the truck will hurt, they move away and did not look very nice at all.

About a few weeks later it was an article about complain from people in Tallahassee about these individual, we never seen them again at the light.

But now is these women that look like Gypsies wrapped all over asking for money and selling flowers.

Really this is what people want to see our street turn into?

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Timber13
Just give the market time to re-adjust.

There's a labor shortage due to a large block of older workers retiring early during the Vid. They aren't going to be replaced by minimum wage workers since the shortage causes salaries to increase so employers can attract talent. That is supply and demand.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: JIMC5499
All this is going to do, is increase wages and benefits to attract the available labor. The Company I work for can't find enough Electrical Technicians, so we are willing to hire people and train them to be Electrical Technicians. I teach two classes a week in Blueprint and Schematics reading as well as the use of measuring instruments (calipers, micrometers).
Our biggest problem is finding people who pass the drug test. (Federal OSHA requirement, not ours)

I know a lot of companies still drug test but removed 'THC' as a component to test for thereby increasing the pool of eligible employees. Since edibles, inhalants and smokables are easily available at reduced THC levels, they are being used by so many people for medical treatments for anything from MS to RA and ADD. The amounts of THC may be tiny but if testing, they show up positive and that's all that counts in a drug test.

Every state should be against illegal immigrants. Find a way to make them legal and productive citizens and things could change.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Where I live, there is a gas station a block down the road that I hit often for drinks and gas to and from work. There is this homeless guy that stays in the parking lot all day and talks to people. He's a nice guy. He's a character. But... he's a problem!

He asked me one day for some 'viddles'. I've never had a bumb hit me up for food before so I was more than happy. I went in and bought 40$ worth of jerky, soups... stuff that he didn't need to buy utensils in the need to eat. He was happy. I was stoked. Next day, fella comes up and asks me for anything I can spare.

So now I'm kind of obligated.

There's the issue.

Every time he see's me, which is often, he hits me up. Last week I got frustrated and said sorry man.. I can't help you. Now he looks at me like I'm a jerk but still tries to guilt me. Now I'm so pissed that I have to face this guy, I simply wont do business at that station anymore.

So when you try to help someone, you instantly become their sugar support system and every time they see you, they go directly to you because they know your bleeding heart. And in turn.. turns that bleeding heart into malice and prejudice.

I already have an issue with a guilty conscious because of the way I am chemically. Everything stays in my head and I super analyze it all day in and out without any relief. That's just the kind of person I am. Stuff like this really bothers me. It bothers me because it makes me analyze myself for being the ass that I know I'm not but in turn, it makes me an ass more than I'd like to be. Doesn't matter.. In my head, I'M the asshle

Make sense?

I guess you can look at this from a much larger perspective and see just how messed up allowing people to bumb and live on the streets is a horrible, horrible idea.

edit on CDT4105bAmerica/ChicagoWed, 10 May 2023 15:41:41 -050013 by Timber13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:41 PM
Even without immigration there is no shortage of labor, only a shortage of those willing to work for a living.
Generation Z seems to want to be students, activists or professional victim class, none of which involves hard labor.

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