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Florida is Going to Find Out How Much Immigrants Do

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posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

No one. That is why we have this right now.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
You are by assuming ending it will be bad for FL. I have to then assume you think it’s a good idea.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

people DO want to work.

the illlegals, come here, and are willing to work for 5 bucks an hour.
ANY gig, 5 bucks an hour.

then they go drink their modelas, now the #2 drink in america.

in the 80s, you could be a janitor, work FORTY hours a week flat, and pay rent and afford health insurance and even take a road trip or two per year.

now, thanks to the gl0balists wanting every single penny, and thanks to illlegals working for 5 bucks an hour, if you are a janitor, you need to put in your 40 hours THEN an additional 20 hours per week at walmart.

walmart loves it. internati0nalists love it, because the influx of illlegals lowers the national iq, making it easier to control the peoples, diluting the intelligence levels. and the internati0nal m0ney men love it, because they have a work force that is forced to work 60 hours a week for 5 bucks an hour.

i see it in the gym all the time.
20 years ago, all the construction gigs were italian, irish, and black in new jersey and new york. dont know other areas, im saying here. now,you go to ANY construction site, all mexikans, and they do not speak english.

those guys in my gym who graduated high school but never went to college, they were supposed to get those construction gigs. were supposed to work 40 hours a week, again afford a nice little house even. now they are lost, because they do not want to work for 5 bucks an hour.

the people of the Republik lost.

the bad guys won.

i say it all the time. in 50 years America will be a third world spanish speaking country. in secaucus walmart 3/5 employees DO NOT speak english.

bad guys want dyst0pia, and its on its way.

unless there is a rebellion vs the m0ney men, but lebr0n james tells the mini0ns, its fantastic to let the orange pickers all speak mexikan...

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: face23785

No, its not a lie. It's the hard truth veiled under the magical word "economy". Subtle double speak.
Ever notice how there's no more citizens anymore, just consumers?

Canada is a prime example of an entire generation (baby boomers) building an massive economic framework to benefit their retirement. They all worked collectively with, or without knowing it to keep wages suppressed by keeping immigration flowing so that the cost of living and their savings and investments will keep growing.
All the while telling their children to reach for the stars, go to university and all become six figure engineers and software gurus or chase BS non science degrees.

The main issue is young people don't want to work certain jobs. And the elephant in the room voted for all the policies to keep their future from collapsing in on them so they simply didn't have to live with their kids when they get old and buy a boat or eat out six times a week.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Thank you for posting this. I was raised and lived the bulk of my life in Florida., mostly Dade County.
And yeah, this thing is a Catch-22 for Floridians, and a clever move from their local Govern-mental Officials.

My fav response from an ILLEGAL is his comment in broken Spanish that "We'll see IF these white people will do the work from the fields to the skyscrapers."

Yeah, it's not the same bunch that built castles and computers and cosmic ships, but yeah... We'll see.
Go build back better the lands of your ancestors outside the Continental United States. Show off those skills! Make your bloodline proud, and your countries each a Paradise for your tribes. Like Israel does, right Desantis?

I honestly look forward to seeing Floridians be self-disciplined and industrious. Fly the State flag. Make it an awesome place to be in again. Woo.
Lord have mercy on the free and brave.

Anyway, thank you Miss JAGStorm.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: matafuchs
For Gods sake, I know that PR is an American territory. I am stating that FLORIDA WILL BE FINE WITHOUT ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. That is what the OP is about, right? How Florida is screwing itself? I live in Florida. If you come from PR you are an immigrant. You are migrating from one area to another. It is call internal migration. Again, have you been to Central Florida? Osceola County is where the majority went to. From 2010 to 2022 population raised 50%. About 200k to over 500k. This is one county alone. The Hispanic population doubled.

Racial profiling? My god. Yes. Just like the "Don't Say Gay" bill that does not exist. Hype it up for no reason but to cause division.

This law is common sense.

Florida immigration bill sparks fear over racial profiling, discrimination Advocates and nonprofits said the legislation could create a hostile and ‘show me your papers’ environment.

That article is a little disingenuous. Identification is required of anyone that applies for a job. If you have a job like mine, it may require a week or more to get all the proof of licensure, certifications, security clearances, even my original birth certificate. I have to go through this even though I was born here, have employee work records going back over half a century, and I am a Vet.

No hospital runs away “anyone” seeking medical care in Florida. We have EMTALA and emergency Medicaid.

I don’t think they are asking anything unreasonable from the immigrants.

edit on 10-5-2023 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:03 AM
The savings from reduced crime, Healthcare, school overcrowding, homelessness etc... Will offset any marginal benefit illegals provided in cheap labor.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Maybe it will force corporations to improve working conditions/salary etc

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
The savings from reduced crime, Healthcare, school overcrowding, homelessness etc... Will offset any marginal benefit illegals provided in cheap labor.

Speaking of homelessness, they're literally throwing illegals out onto the street to fend for themselves just so they can claim the detention facilities aren't overcrowded.

These are the "compassionate" progressives in action.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
The savings from reduced crime, Healthcare, school overcrowding, homelessness etc... Will offset any marginal benefit illegals provided in cheap labor.

It is not 100% either way.

Again I can only use my state as an example.

I don’t believe we had a lot of immigrant crime, however I’m not naive, and know it does happen in areas and sometimes it’s quite profound.

On the other hand, all that illegal labor help propel a lot of businesses that would have otherwise remained stagnant or at worst close (like many have done here). When growth happens, it doesn’t just happen for illegals, it happens for others too. If a restaurant is successful and grows, they can open another one. They can serve a wider customer base. They have to order more food, more food then needs to be grown and picked. I’m using restaurants as an example but I’m sure it’s even more profound in construction and other areas.

So on one hand, we might not have illegals causing crime, possibly taking low income housing, but on the other hand, growth is stalled or even reversed.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
a reply to: JAGStorm

Maybe it will force corporations to improve working conditions/salary etc

If states actually do this and follow through, that follow through part is very important. It will be a wake up call.
It is important that all businesses are equally punished too.

Then only then, would it work. As I’ve linked in some of the articles. Some illegals are simply moving to other states. For some that might help lack of labor, for others it will bring problems.
I’m all for States right but I think as a nation this is something that should be solved at a high level.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: JAGStorm
They are already saying that some of the crops are going unpicked and construction sites are empty.

Housing and food are overrated. Just leave them be until some American wants to do that for minimum wage.

Given the attitudes about college education being useless, there should be a large pool of less educated workers to select from. And an increasing number of immigrants and migrants in jobs that require a lot of education (like doctors or researchers).

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: face23785
For the record, I just got some people to come haul junk for me for pretty cheap. It was a white guy and a black guy. Pretty sure they're US citizens.

My dad has someone who cuts his lawn. White guy. I know for a fact he's a citizen because I grew up with his son.

The idea that you can ONLY get illegals to do this kind of work is demonstrably false.

If illegal immigrants can't get driving licenses does it not stand to reason junk haulers would not be immigrants?

Do you honestly believe that people who enter the country illegally will follow the rest of our laws faithfully, like laws that require a license to drive?

Let me guess, you also believe that someone intent on murder will change their mind if there's a "gun-free zone" sign on the door to the building he intends to shoot up?

You are not the first one to to have this question. As it turns out, it has been researched. Here is a paper from a few years ago:

Here are some of the main findings:

"Texas is the only state that records criminal convictions and arrests by immigration status. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has these data because its law enforcement agencies cooperate with federal immigration enforcement authorities at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by checking the biometric information of all arrestees in the state and tracking them through to their convictions. Unlike other states, the Texas DPS keeps the results of these DHS checks and we acquired them through a Public Information Act request.


the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native-born Americans in Texas in 2018. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native-born Americans in Texas. The legal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 62 percent below that of native-born Americans."

In Texas, at least, immigrants--whether legal or illegal--have substantially lower crime rates than native-born Texans.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: 1947boomer

Account for unsolved crimes and get back to me.

Not to mention we know for a fact progressive DAs refuse to prosecute people of color that commit crimes in the name of "racial justice," gleefully spitting in the face of victims.
edit on 10 5 23 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I grew up on a farm and learned to work hard when i was young to get ahead in the world. If parents taught their kids reasonable work ethics, they could be doing these jobs, but the kids have become too entitled to do demeaning work like on farms and picking fruit these days, they complain about the garbage man not picking up the overweight bags but would never even think about doing a job like that. There are still some of the young out there that will do manual labor, but most want easy jobs with good pay. I look back how we spoiled our daughters then observed how the daughters worsened the issue with their kids. I thought I was doing good because our kids did not seem nearly as spoiled as many other kids. But each generation leads to more and more entitlement in all the income classes it seems.

How long will it be before the immigrants get spoiled too. Especially if they are not held accountable for what they are doing wrong. We are enslaving these immigrants now to work in jobs we do not want to work in ourselves.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: watchitburn
The savings from reduced crime, Healthcare, school overcrowding, homelessness etc... Will offset any marginal benefit illegals provided in cheap labor.

It is not 100% either way.

Again I can only use my state as an example.

I don’t believe we had a lot of immigrant crime, however I’m not naive, and know it does happen in areas and sometimes it’s quite profound.

On the other hand, all that illegal labor help propel a lot of businesses that would have otherwise remained stagnant or at worst close (like many have done here). When growth happens, it doesn’t just happen for illegals, it happens for others too. If a restaurant is successful and grows, they can open another one. They can serve a wider customer base. They have to order more food, more food then needs to be grown and picked. I’m using restaurants as an example but I’m sure it’s even more profound in construction and other areas.

So on one hand, we might not have illegals causing crime, possibly taking low income housing, but on the other hand, growth is stalled or even reversed.

Here in Texas, illegal crimes are mostly car wrecks and lack of insurance. Porch pirates, most violent crimes, property theft are generally being done by American citizens (as any number of doorbell videos on NextDoor show.)

Legal immigrant laborers are some of the hardest working people around. We've got a couple who works the area doing lawn service and odd jobs (yard cleanup, fence repair, etc) - very honest and well-liked and work from sun up to sun set on a job. As someone who's physically no longer able to do this, I appreciate the heck out of them.

And no, there were no people from other ethnicities in our area who are advertising that they will do this kind of work.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I like how you out emphasis on the actually following through part.
Many problems we face would not be nearly as dire if that had happened.
But we all know that won't happen.
If Desantis can somehow solve this one issue of many he and all governors face in their respective state then cool man.
But I agree with you that the route they are taking will only become a humanitarian crisis in the future.
And this "problem solving" quest isn't just isolated to Florida.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Byrd
Given the attitudes about college education being useless, there should be a large pool of less educated workers to select from. And an increasing number of immigrants and migrants in jobs that require a lot of education (like doctors or researchers).

People have a hard time admitting that illegals doing menial tasks is our necessary dirty little secret.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I grew up on a farm

Those days are over, we live in new times and what worked 50 years ago doesn’t work today.

I too worked manual labor and I am paying the price for it now, and from what I’ve read you are too.
I wouldn’t wish this on my kids either.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: Byrd

Here in Texas, illegal crimes are mostly car wrecks and lack of insurance. Porch pirates, most violent crimes, property theft are generally being done by American citizens (as any number of doorbell videos on NextDoor show.)

I've seen those NextDoor vids in our area.
I really cannot tell if they are illegals or not.

Not all illegals are Hispanic.
And how do you tell an illegal from a USA citizen?

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