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Transwoman cyclist Austin Killips wins women's race and causes outrage!

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Keep telling yourself that

Never said you were, it was part of my reply leading to the last thing I said.

Men wanting to be women can't rape if they don't have a penis to do it with... if you still have balls then testosterone will still be made and that is a PED.

EDIT: And here is a link to a thread that is talking about what you say isn't a problem

edit on 3-5-2023 by PorkChop96 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
Men wanting to be women can't rape if they don't have a penis to do it with... if you still have balls then testosterone will still be made and that is a PED.

That is false. Rape is very seldom about sexual pleasure, and a castrated man will still find a way.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

34% are family of the victim

That's a scary one.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Notice I said without a penis, not just removal of the testicles.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

He should be disqualified regardless, for being a male.

Definitely! As I stated --

...the competition... that he doesn't belong in anyway.

My greater point is that they are allowing this man to break other rules as well, and all at the expense of the girls who do belong and deserve a fair playing field.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Personally, I can't wait for the first transgender, NFL first round draft pick for.....I don't know, the Bengals or whatever lol. Now that would take some REAL courage and bravery!

So naturally, why hasn't this happened yet?

It's coming... The NFL bragged about taking 3 black Qbs in the top 4 of the draft and how it was the first time ever. The problem is that they took a 5'9, MAYBE 5'10 guy 1st, a semi decent one at 2, and then an inexperienced dude 4th who had a 6-7 record and is an interception machine. But, yay for the NFL for drafting 3 black quarterbacks even though the league is 70%+ black already. Diversity...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

D&I is such a joke

I mean look at our current administration, pretty sure ole JB said he only hired Harris as VP because she was a women of color. And we all see how that is going for him

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Girls are statistically safer with trans people than they are with straight males, and it's not even close.

Could you source that, please?

The only studies I know of found that men who identify as trans offend at the same rate as men in general.

Because there are far more men who do not identify as women than do, we would naturally expect greater numbers than men who do identify as women. But their offending rates are the same.

You speak of them all as if they're the extremists. They're not. Most of them just want to exist and feel welcome in the world.

"Most"? I don't think it's even possible to quantify, but if you have a source I'll take a look.

And as far as "extremists," again I don't think it's possible to qualify what is extreme because different people will qualify "extreme" differently. You might only consider men in women's sports to be extreme but not male bodies in women's bathrooms. I consider male bodies in any space for women extreme.

I think we might agree that the loudest and most extreme political Trans Activists do not speak for all. I know that even trans people are bullied and harassed when they dare to disagree with the political agenda and activists.

There are important distinctions to be made before harmless and non-threatening trans people will be accepted and welcomed by society.

Hateful toward an imaginary enemy, that makes you hateful toward countless people undeserving of it.

Here is a website that tracks arrests and convictions of crimes committed by men who identify as women: Trans Crime UK

These are not "imaginary" crimes against women. Nor are they isolated incidents.

When single-sex spaces were created for women, safety was a major reason for it. No one thought all men were predators, but all men were excluded because predators don't come with a label. We don't know who is or is not a predator. Men who identify as women are no different.

But when men refuse to take "no" for an answer, and want to force their way into women's spaces, they are telling us they cannot be trusted.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I'm not surprised you failed to actually adress anything ai said.
But hey benefit of the doubt...

You'll have XX playing against other xx with male body parts.
And you'll have xy playing against other xy with female body parts.

You want them to shower together? That's where chromosomes as the do al end all argument fails.

Actually no one needs to be reminded about sexuall reproduction and how it works.
The chromosoms as the only valid argument is reducing humans to a reproducing ape.
Then again....
I agree some really have the limited mental and social capacities of an ape but it's not fair to project it on to others.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I'm not surprised you failed to actually adress anything ai said.
But hey benefit of the doubt...

You'll have XX playing against other xx with male body parts.
And you'll have xy playing against other xy with female body parts.

You want them to shower together? That's where chromosomes as the do al end all argument fails.

Actually no one needs to be reminded about sexuall reproduction and how it works.
The chromosoms as the only valid argument is reducing humans to a reproducing ape.
Then again....
I agree some really have the limited mental and social capacities of an ape but it's not fair to project it on to others.

You cannot naturally have XX playing with other XX with male body parts. You don't know what you are talking about.

Unless you consider a transman with a pseudo-penis a man and his pseudo-genitalia as real genitalia.

You are apparently failing the basics in genetics.
XX are women. They don't have male body parts. What determines sex is the chromosomal make up of an individual and not surgeries...

You have this argument refuted several times. If you insist I will reply the same way.

A transman with a pseudo-penis is still a woman. Even if he wears blue shoes on Monday and pink shoes on Friday...
edit on 3-5-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: LordAhriman

Girls are statistically safer with trans people than they are with straight males, and it's not even close.

Could you source that, please?

The only studies I know of found that men who identify as trans offend at the same rate as men in general.

Because there are far more men who do not identify as women than do, we would naturally expect greater numbers than men who do identify as women. But their offending rates are the same.

You speak of them all as if they're the extremists. They're not. Most of them just want to exist and feel welcome in the world.

"Most"? I don't think it's even possible to quantify, but if you have a source I'll take a look.

And as far as "extremists," again I don't think it's possible to qualify what is extreme because different people will qualify "extreme" differently. You might only consider men in women's sports to be extreme but not male bodies in women's bathrooms. I consider male bodies in any space for women extreme.

I think we might agree that the loudest and most extreme political Trans Activists do not speak for all. I know that even trans people are bullied and harassed when they dare to disagree with the political agenda and activists.

There are important distinctions to be made before harmless and non-threatening trans people will be accepted and welcomed by society.

Hateful toward an imaginary enemy, that makes you hateful toward countless people undeserving of it.

Here is a website that tracks arrests and convictions of crimes committed by men who identify as women: Trans Crime UK

These are not "imaginary" crimes against women. Nor are they isolated incidents.

When single-sex spaces were created for women, safety was a major reason for it. No one thought all men were predators, but all men were excluded because predators don't come with a label. We don't know who is or is not a predator. Men who identify as women are no different.

But when men refuse to take "no" for an answer, and want to force their way into women's spaces, they are telling us they cannot be trusted.

His arguments are fact-free usually.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Terpene

And... I will have to emphasize again that chromosomes are not just letters of the alphabet. And I am pretty sure that most trans advocates and gender ideologists with the fact free claims and assertions think precisely of them as letters.

In reality the biological differences between men and women are determined by chromosomes. Y is what determines sex. Not trans activism or politics or!

Or surgeries...

Men with men
Women with women

As simple as this.

You need to understand what biological sex is I am afraid. And ask yourself whether sex can change with surgeries...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: PorkChop96
Are you telling me it's not going to be?

I've been hearing that it's going to be since the Obama bathroom policies of 2016. 7 years ago. I still haven't been to one of these steamy, dim lit bathrooms where there are no stalls and people are there to rape. So when is it going to start being a big problem? Two more weeks?

originally posted by: PorkChop96
We already have men joining women's sports just for the F of it, they claim to be trans just so they can win, when is enough going to be enough?

For the third time, I am not okay with that.

originally posted by: PorkChop96
If you want to be trans, okay, first thing you gotta do is chop that thing between your legs off, then you can join women's sports and be granted access to their locker rooms, bathrooms, etc.

What difference would that make?

You're a man so obviously you have little to no worry of being raped but at least think about what women must go through nowadays... going into a women's toilet with the potential of there being a man legally allowed there, possibly with ill intent. Compare that to the past when women felt the toilets to be a safe space for the most part and I've seen it in my own life where men were physically stopped from entering these places by concerned men. That safety is gone. No eyes on, no one cares.

It's not the humble trans that put mass effort into their transition that are the problem in women's safe spaces but the straight men who will use any tactic to get at women. That's why this subject keeps coming up.

As a man who has a wife and four daughters, I'd of thought you'd understand they have lost a sense of both privacy and safety. Think of what you said about two of the attacks were straight boys going into the girls toilets... ok that can happen and those kids should get full punishment by law, the problem comes nowadays when other boys and teachers cannot stop predators from following a girl in if the predator claims trans and the girl herself is made out to be the enemy if she complains. There are now a surprising number of transwomen that do little to pass as female and still demand access to female safe spaces so there's going to be some of them whose interest is predatory, not a case of gender dysphoria.

It's that predatory mentality bleeding over into women's sports that's the issue.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: LSU2018

D&I is such a joke

I mean look at our current administration, pretty sure ole JB said he only hired Harris as VP because she was a women of color. And we all see how that is going for him

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
It's better if you back up your claims in relation to the statistics you wanted to use. Fact-free assertions have zero credibility.

Are you kidding me? 99% of all rapists are men who identify as men. That is a fact.

59% are acquaintances of the victim

34% are family of the victim

Only 7% are strangers which would be the scenario that you're talking about. Of that 7%, consider that 99% of them are manly men, and then tell me how trans rapists are the problem.

That's most rapists are men is well known. But you provide fact-free assertions in relation to transwomen.

And... Transwomen are men by the way....

This thread is about a cyclist who is a man and has won a women's race. You understand that this is unacceptable just as it's unacceptable for men to be in women's only spaces.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Same poster should ask himself what might happen the other way.

What if one of his daughters goes trans and starts changing and showering with the boys with her female genitals. I am sure everyone is OK with it, and he would 100% trust all those teen boys.

As the mother of a son, that's what bothers me. Your kid doesn't have to be involved to get in trouble just from being there.

edit on 3-5-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Have you done the possible scenarios on both sides? With diffrent approaches on the problem. I think not...
Plastic surgery wont stop it's progress for your argument sake.

So you want xx to shower with xx no matter their genital parts?
Youd have penis shower with vagina, and some will look better than the naturally grown ones...

You good with that?

What's your idea to solve this issue without being bigoted phobes?

making a whole part of society second class members is not a modern option.

Or do you actually want them banned from public places? These are human beings, and we shouldn't do that to other human beings just for being different. I thought we learned that by now.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Controversy erupts after transgender cyclist Austin Killips wins women’s race: ‘Insane’

Transgender cyclist Austin Killips has finished in first place in the women’s category in the Tour of the Gila.

Killips broke free from the pack late in the final stage of the tour in New Mexico, clocking in at 3:07:16 in a time that saw her take the top spot on the podium ahead of Marcela Prieto and Cassandra Nelson by a margin of 89 seconds.

The elite-level road race came with whopping prize money of $35,000 for first place.

With the focus on transgender women competing against biological females taking center stage across the globe, Killips took some heat on social media for the victory, Fox News reports.

The 27-year-old was fully sanctioned to compete in the event under the rules set by cycling’s governing body, UCI.

The situation has created a storm of controversy surrounding the sport’s rules.

Former world champion cyclist Alison Sydor also tweeted: “The current UCI rules that allow males to compete in female cycling events are not fair to female athletes. Time for UCI to admit this current rule situation is unsustainable and leaving a black mark on cycling as a fair sport for females.”

Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies — who last month called for a boycott of Nike over the apparel giant’s decision to use transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney to promote its sportswear for women — also hit out at Killips’ inclusion in the category.

“This is beyond disappointing,” Davies told The Daily Mail.

“Those in charge should hang their heads in shame. The UCI is not fit for purpose.”

As someone else said that has gone viral on twitter but I will share it with the audience here paraphrasing a little, this is a history day as for the first time ever the UCI women's cycling Tour of the Gila has been won by a man! Congratulations again to the UCI for making this possible!

So far a number of sporting bodies have banned transgender women from participating in female competitions. That will include the World Athletics, UK Athletics, FINA the World Governing Body for Aquatic Sports, Swim England, World Rugby, English Rugby, British Cycling had a ban but it suspended it and now they are thinking of banning transwomen again.

The cycling international body, the UCI, needs to reconsider its policy on transgender women as it is highly unfair towards biological women that biological males participate in cycling competitions alongside women athletes, having obvious physical advantages, and without having to win every race and every competition.

The UCI needs to do exactly what the other sports did: banned transwomen altogether from participating in female competitions.

The story covered by many of the mainstream media.

Page doesn't seem to work: Just Google Sky News Australia with title:

Fans and competitors share outrage after transgender athlete Austin Killips wins women's cycling race in New Mexico

Fellow world champion cyclo-cross raider Hannah Arensman has also lashed out at the governing body for failing to protect the sanctity of the women’s competitions.

Arensman said in a document submitted to a US court that she was retiring from the sport because transgender women were infiltrating the sport and in her final race there was footage of Killips pushing her over as she tried to overtake.

“I have decided to end my cycling career. At my last race at the recent UCI Cyclocross National Championships in the elite women’s category in December 2022, I came in fourth place, flanked on either side by male riders awarded third and fifth places,” she wrote in the document, reported.

“My sister and family sobbed as they watched a man finish in front of me, having witnessed several physical interactions with him throughout the race.”

It won by a head lol

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Controversy erupts after transgender cyclist Austin Killips wins women’s race: ‘Insane’

I get the outrage, but the timing is way off.

The outrage needs to begin when the trans-whatever enter the race, not after HE wins.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

If you loved them, you would draw some lines. Maybe when one of your precious flowers actually takes it on the chin, gets raped, loses out somehow in a situation your endorsement of policy set her up for, you'll understand.

Which one, Love or fear?
It's really not clear!

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