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Transwoman cyclist Austin Killips wins women's race and causes outrage!

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:46 PM
Oh lord, there goes the mutilated males trying to take away the places of born females again.

Darn it, doesn't you get it, this are mutilated males, they are still males and will always be males.

Is called science.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

How is that hateful?

How is the following hateful?

...they will rally to abort their kids, scream over not wearing masks, demand to teach whatever to kids, but simply will not unite to stop. showing. up.

Does every woman approve of abortion? No. Does every woman join rallies to abort their kids? No. Does every woman scream over not wearing masks? No. Does every woman demand to teach whatever to kids? No. Do we have any reason to think all of the above is true for every female competitor? No.

Yet, all of these woman were labeled and judged for doing the above -- whether they would or not, and when they have not.

The process is a calculated Psyop to destroy the nature of the Divine Famine, which, frankly, isn't really what sports is about but we'll leave that aside for now. If you wish to see where I am actually coming from here: Divine Feminine

I am quite familiar with the Divine Feminine, and after reading your link, I will just say that your understanding is not exactly my understanding. I will add that even in our earthly realm, we are all a unique combination of masculine and feminine energies regardless of our biology and anatomy.

It is obvious that introducing MEN to Women's locker rooms, sports, whatever is designed to divide them destroy them and marginalize them. Riley Gains pretty much proves it, she's the pariah (even from other women), and not the guy she was forced to swim with.

Riley is a "pariah" to Trans Activists and the Trans Agenda. Riley is not a "pariah" to the vast majority of women who agree and respect and admire her for the very public stand she is taking.

It is obvious that introducing men to women's spaces was bound to divide and agitate, because women do not share a hive mind, so of course there would be differences of opinion. It is equally obvious that there would be a learning curve, as experience is the best teacher, and no one knows what they do not know. So until men actually competed in women's competitions, at which time people could see and learn for themselves just how unfair it is, and read up and learn how and why men's bodies are physically superior to women's bodies in some ways, people did not know or understand.

Your contention on "competition" and "worked hard" is platitude nonsense lacking actual context that you seek to inform with.

Oh my. I really don't know where to go with that. What actual context is it that I am lacking? They weren't competing? They didn't work hard?

If the entire purpose of sports with women is to "build confidence" "team work" "grow" "test themselves" "highest level" etc. then how is this exactly happening when a man is competing against them for the purpose of actually destroying all of those things?

Again, women do not share a hive mind. All of what you listed are legitimate reasons for women to want to compete and for women competitions, but every women (every person) has their own reasons and motivations, which may or may not include the above. It's not for others to tell women why they can or should compete. Women can and will make the choice for themselves for whatever reasons they so choose.

Women have been given no good choices in this situation. They are making the choice that is best for themselves, for whatever reason they deem appropriate.

That is exactly why Lia and the rest are there - to humiliate.

And that's on them. But "humiliation" is in the eyes of the beholder. I sure don't see any women being humiliated... just bullied and beaten. Rather, in my opinion, these men are humiliating themselves and just don't have the self-reflection to know it. Everyone knows that they couldn't win on the men's teams where they belong... they're losers... so they bully those weaker than them for their own vain glory.

A Man is competing against women, how isn't that a unifying POV???

Yes, men are competing against women. That's a fact. No point of view about it. That's exactly what's happening.

The point of view comes into play in terms of how to respond, which is subjective to each individual. I don't know all the ins and outs of walking out of a competition or being a no-show. There are probably repercussions that we aren't even aware of. Given that no one else managed to find a way to protect women's competitions, I'm not going to blame the first and primary victims of this failure: The women competing.

What were Unions in the early 20th Century? What were they for? Why did folks Unify against working conditions that were unsatisfactory? By your definitions the 40 percent or so that were fine with the conditions should have made sure there were no strikes, deals or changes because they worked hard, needed money, were just fine - and they were fine.

Excuse me, but no, I never said that women should not refuse to compete. Nor did I say that any woman should stop any other woman for refusing to compete. I simply explained why women might still choose to compete even on this very un-level playing field. Every woman is free to make the decision that is right for her. And every woman is free to change her mind if/when she finds a better way. Often thru experience.

If, as for the last 70 years, we're told that Women are a protected class (seemingly no longer) it stands to reason they join as a class. A small sacrifice of not showing up to a swim meet to swim against a MAN is a small price to pay, but by showing up they Acknowledge that they have no power, are subject to the rules not made by them, are simply slaves to whatever the pysop of the day is: Smoking, Free Love, Abortion, Not as Good as Men, all psyops from the same place. Given that is the case, I find no reason that "competition" "highest levels" "worked hard" counterbalances being effing humiliated both in the pool and the actual locker room!!!

Okay. YOU cannot find a reason. YOU are free to think whatever you like. YOU are free to do as you like. As is every girl who finds herself in this position through no fault of her own.

I stand by my POV. Walking out, as a unit, would do more for self esteem then coming in a distant 2nd to a man over and over again and trying to convince oneself that "I do it for the competition of coming in second and my PB Time."

Okay. YOU can do that for YOURSELF. And these girls need to do that for themselves.

This started with "Dr. Rene Richards" in the 70's but went nowhere because women would not allow it. It begs the question, why are people just now, after Lia, arguing the predigested talking points and not, say 20 years ago. Why where biological women not pounding the pavement, night and day, to get men into women's sports. Richards was out there, why did the just now start to twist and turn to justify and explain away what was not the case for the last 100 years. Why did they NOT tolerate it then, but do now?

There are even more women today speaking out against it, and to no avail. These women have been bullied and beaten and (now) blamed for those running roughshod over them. Which is, of course, another reason why more don't speak out although they agree wholeheartedly.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3
It is truly a sad phase of history for women athletes. Know that history is on your side and this will be remembered as a rough patch in women's competitions.
The true winner is the natural born female who crossed the line first. Hang in there because this bs will pass.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Terpene

When some kid gets raped ... oh yeah, it has already happened and more than once.

It is not an irrational fear. Do you also shelter under trees during thunderstorms?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: LordAhriman
Not all are extremists,

First, the trannies that are just quietly living their lives are not a part of this conversation, except in so far as their silence regarding the actions of those extremists goes.

But I'm curious what the real, actual numbers are... from what little I've read, the total number of trannies is a very tiny fraction of our population - around 0.05 - 0.1% - and of these, what percentage are the topic of discussion? The lunatic fringe cross-dressing men? Half? One tenth?

Of these, I would say that all of them absolutely are extremists.

just like not all 2A supporters are extremists, or not all Muslims are extremists, or not all white people are racist.

Sorry, but none of those even remotely qualify as valid comparisons. The first two are laughable - the number of pro 2A people who are extremists and white people who are actual ravists is probably around the same as the percentage of trannies - maybe 0.05-0.1% of their respective groupings.

But one of them - muslims - is even wrong. A very large percentage of muslims are radical extremists - not active jihadists, but radical extremists. The truly peaceful muslims who do not even quietly/silently approve of the actions of the extremists are a minority.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: bartholomeo
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I'm really sorry for you women athletes, you are going through a rough patch of pure evil in the world. Hang in there and know that the true winner is the born female that crossed the line first, not a male born fake female.

History is on your side, and this will be remembered as the dark ages of males infiltrating your competitions.


Man here...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

Are we talking about cross dresser? I agree!

Well, you and I might agree and make certain distinctions for crossdressers, but the "trans umbrella" covers them as well. Acceptance without exception is their demand.

But when you have a biological male with plastic surgery female parts, I'd have to ask to clarify those special needs women have that they don't?

Plastic surgery female parts are not female parts. The female reproductive system, and therefore the female body, is an extensive system comprising multiple organs that work in synergy. It is not a bunch of random bits and parts that function independently. Even such surgically enhanced men cannot produce milk and do not breastfeed, leak milk, or pump their breasts. They do not menstruate, nor suffer pre- or post-menstruation syndrome. They do not get pregnant, miscarry, or suffer other complications of pregnancy.

All of which is quite intimate and personal to women, especially as it is happening. Women also have a right to the privacy and dignity to address their personal needs without having to explain or justify it to men -- regardless of how the men identify.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

More feel based arguments?

Black hawk down, black hawk down

edit on 3-5-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Serious question: Do you shelter underctrees during thunderstorms?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:35 PM
So, a man won the race? Seems fair. I have a Nissan GTR that identifies as a horse. I wonder?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Yet the only thing specially garnered to one sexes need, are urinals

I'm not familiar with ladies room dynamic but I assumed they do the cycle related stuff in the private sections, where the toilets are, not in the washing part.
i get it i like to do the dirty things in private too, but I don't get why you can't share the experience, with men that went all the way.
I think not being able to have that experience for whatever reason can be a big strain on one's psyche.
Happens to women too, you know what really helps them other women that make them feel that they are missing an important part on women hood, so much so they define women hood mute without the sexual reproduction PITA.

I think men have less issues with accepting a women that went all the way into their places...
Why do you think that is?
Certainly not feelz...
edit on 3-5-2023 by Terpene because: Urinals not stalls

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

No, of course not.
I take my metal cross, go onto the highest hill and try to cast the demons out of the clouds.

it might happen to be the hill I die on...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: ketsuko

No, of course not.
I take my metal cross, go onto the highest hill and try to cast the demons out of the clouds.

it might happen to be the hill I die on...

So you're in the habit of flagrantly casting yourself into the face of danger? I doubt it. You just see my point.

Even though you know the odds of the tree you're under being struck by lightning are exceedingly low, you still don't do it. It's not because you live in fear of being struck lightning; it's because you know that it only takes being wrong once to suffer tragic consequences you may not recover from.

The difference between this scenario and a trans in your locker room is that only uncertainty is whether or the trans will be there. We don't know if there will even be a storm, in other words. Those are the real odds we play especially as women.

Once the trans is there, no one actually knows what the chances are of trouble. This is being caught in the storm without even the security of knowing the odds are low that lightning strikes you.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

Are we talking about cross dresser? I agree!

Well, you and I might agree and make certain distinctions for crossdressers, but the "trans umbrella" covers them as well. Acceptance without exception is their demand.

But when you have a biological male with plastic surgery female parts, I'd have to ask to clarify those special needs women have that they don't?

Plastic surgery female parts are not female parts. The female reproductive system, and therefore the female body, is an extensive system comprising multiple organs that work in synergy. It is not a bunch of random bits and parts that function independently. Even such surgically enhanced men cannot produce milk and do not breastfeed, leak milk, or pump their breasts. They do not menstruate, nor suffer pre- or post-menstruation syndrome. They do not get pregnant, miscarry, or suffer other complications of pregnancy.

All of which is quite intimate and personal to women, especially as it is happening. Women also have a right to the privacy and dignity to address their personal needs without having to explain or justify it to men -- regardless of how the men identify.

The other member you are replying to is not considering the reality of biological sex and he seems stuck to surgeries. He has brought up the example of a transman competing in female sports and having a pseudo-penis. But this is a woman with a pseudo-penis and therefore not a man. As a woman she can compete in female sports.

Surgery does not change biological sex.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:00 PM
A man is a man is a man is a man, no fake vagina or mutilated genitalia will ever, ever, change that.

Soo it should be no issue when it comes to female sports, A man have no room in them, mutilated or not, fake vagina or not.

Just like putting lipstick on pig is still pig.

Plain and simple, it is science

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Your argument in itself holds, but it doesn't explain the emotionally loaded rhetoric you used in this thread.
It explains nothing, just the rational approach when we deal with fears.
The messed up part is when the fear itself is not rational... We think we act rational, but we can't consciously reflect fear as it's processed like a reflex, well.... for most.

The danger is miniscule, and it happens even if you're not under a tree.
Just so happens everyone tried to ignore the dark storm that evoked their own deepest fears, and now we're all in the open searching for the blame...

Applying irreversible procedures should be very carefully evaluated...

Don't forget, it's a new market too. Capitalism is in desperate need of new markets as most all of them are saturated. That's the only logical reason for a push in advertising these treatments.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Asmodeus3

That's inclusive and sensible language

“The challenge is far greater than one event or one sport, and only by working together can we hope to find a timely solution, which achieves fairness in a way that maintains the dignity and respect of all athletes.”

That's divisive and insensible language

ban all transwomen from all female competitions as men are not allowed in women's competitions.

We have already found a solution in many sports!

We banned transwomen from participating in female competitions!

As the matter of fact they should have never been allowed in sports in the first place!

You can't allow men in female sports. Hence rectifying the problem is the only viable solution.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

Yet the only thing specially garnered to one sexes need, are stalls.

I'm not familiar with ladies room dynamic but I assumed they do the cycle related stuff in the private sections, where the toilets are, not in the washing part.

Then you'd be surprised. Not everything can be done in private stalls, such as rinsing out stained clothing.

But, again, women deserve the privacy and dignity to do what they need to do without having to explain and justify ourselves to men.

i get it i like to do the dirty things in private too, but I don't get why you can't share the experience, with men that went all the way.

You don't need to get it. Again, women deserve the privacy and dignity to do what they need to do without having to explain and justify ourselves to men.

I think not being able to have that experience for whatever reason can be a big strain on one's psyche.

I find that very disturbing on a very deep level. A woman's intimate and private matters are not a "show" for those who want the "experience." It should not be a strain on anyone's psyche to not be privy to another person's most intimate and personal moments. That's a HUGE red flag.

Happens to women too, you know what really helps them other women that make them feel that they are missing an important part on women hood, so much so they define women hood mute without the sexual reproduction PITA.

Women do not owe anyone their emotional labor to "help make them feel" anything. And as much as these men would like to re-define womanhood, and are trying to re-define womanhood, in THEIR image, that's a problem for women. We're still here. Re-defining the word does not re-define women. We're not going anywhere and we're still the same.

I think men have less issues with accepting a women that went all the way into their places...
Why do you think that is?
Certainly not feelz...

Probably because the average man will always have the physical advantage over the average woman (including women who identify as men) and therefore do not have the same fear of women that women (rightfully) have of men, and because most men do not have to worry about the same personal and intimate needs that women do.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Women should stay in the kitchen, and only open their mouth to ask what topping the Sammy should have.

It's science...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The other member you are replying to is not considering the reality of biological sex and he seems stuck to surgeries. He has brought up the example of a transman competing in female sports and having a pseudo-penis. But this is a woman with a pseudo-penis and therefore not a man. As a woman she can compete in female sports. Surgery does not change biological sex.

I am seriously wondering what our kids are being taught about our biology these days!

I don't think anyone would have a problem, as long as these women who identify as men are not taking testosterone, there's no reason they cannot and should not compete with women. They are women. Their eligibility is dependent upon their physical body, not how they identify in their head.

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