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Transwoman cyclist Austin Killips wins women's race and causes outrage!

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

So it is fear... Straight women affraid of men getting laid every weekend, kind of doesn't add up...
How does fear of the other gender and straight sex work?
Why are they sometimes afraid of men and sometimes not?

I think it's because men acknowledged women into many domains reserved to men only, while getting their few privileges eroded.
Men actually got the whole women's rights thing, unlike some men hating feminists.
women kept all privileges, and often evoke the diffrence as a reasoning to keep them.
While evoking the similarities for eroding the privileges of men.
Mental violence is violence too. Women just happen to be lucky, that it's hard to proof.
Women have come along way in taking away men's recourses. I'm suspecting that renouncing unnecessary privileges could be a prudent move...

edit on 3-5-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Terpene

My emotion is anger. It should be obvious that as an athlete, a high performing one, I have very real stakes here. I do indeed have a dog in this fight, and where I take part now in a contact sport, the consequences for me could be serious if I encounter that storm at any competition.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The other member you are replying to is not considering the reality of biological sex and he seems stuck to surgeries. He has brought up the example of a transman competing in female sports and having a pseudo-penis. But this is a woman with a pseudo-penis and therefore not a man. As a woman she can compete in female sports. Surgery does not change biological sex.

I am seriously wondering what our kids are being taught about our biology these days!

I don't think anyone would have a problem, as long as these women who identify as men are not taking testosterone, there's no reason they cannot and should not compete with women. They are women. Their eligibility is dependent upon their physical body, not how they identify in their head.

As someone who is interested in reality and truth, in the area I live and with the connections I have we don't allow propaganda in schools. At least locally. Otherwise it will be dealt appropriately.

As I said in other threads, it's up to the parents, local community, and teachers, to deal with this pervasive and ludicrous ideology. If everyone does his/her part then this ideology has no future.
edit on 3-5-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Terpene

My emotion is anger. It should be obvious that as an athlete, a high performing one, I have very real stakes here. I do indeed have a dog in this fight, and where I take part now in a contact sport, the consequences for me could be serious if I encounter that storm at any competition.

What sport if you don't mind

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3


posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: crankyoldman

You don't understand competitor mentality. I am telling you as competitor. I would break myself before quitting.

This makes no sense. One, I played 20 seasons of competitive sports, and a lifetime of individual sports, among other things, I get it. It isn't rocket science.

You've just made my point. Folks have gotten to the point where they have lost direction. They are being told to accept the new reality, it is here to stay, get used to it, if you want to compete you will compete against men and that's that. And, in being told to do this, they are accepting it, adapting and simply following orders. They are being held hostage by "oh, my college tuition, my future, my best friend, I've worked so hard."

My entire point is simple. Change it, or accept it as forever. To change it, the only way is to quit, force the reality to change. Reconfiguring always fails.

Fun fact: There will be no "trans" sports leagues, even though it makes sense, because the point of the entire "movement" is to destroy, demoralize, demean, divide and ultimately drive another stake in the process of unity.

What the women who are complaining are doing is going to their "governing body" and begging them to change the rules BACK, to not allow men in, which is actually giving the governing body the control they seek. The only way to stop is to walk, that's a fact.

The idea that these women are just sooooo competitive they cannot quit in the face of a clearly concerted effort to demoralize them is exactly my point. No one should ever be as such, if the process demeans, the process should end, not result in personal adaptation of morals and personal growth so in 5 years men are better women than women.

This was not an issue until it was clearly forced upon the population, now that he has been forced, as is too often the case, folks are making excuses as to why they should suffer, including saying "well not all are suffering, it's good to have something to strive for, the victims here are the men who are women."

I've seen the pattern a hundred times in my lifetime, it will result in confusion, pain, unhappiness and more until men get the top three places in all the women's sections of the olympics, and we'll just add another demoralizing acceptance to the pile of the new reality.

In case folks are confused, Mao and Stalin did this, it isn't new, and even Pre War Germany did this, as it is part of the plan - it was planned, so defending any aspect of it is not only not to see history, but to have zero self respect. Gee, are we really going to separate out the random, and needless, appearance of "Drag Queen Story Time?" How about Drags in the military, or LBTGQ+1235#$% genders complete with genital mutilation. What, we're going to see them as separate events, wholly unrelated, with no ultimate goal in mind?

The idea that women are just so competitive they cannot stop themselves isn't the dunk you think it is.

I'd walk, and have, often, rather than suffer being demeaned and never, ever, not once, regretted it. Not walking now means the children of these women who accepted it will be neuter, not male, not female = the entire point, this isn't for today it is for 15 years from now = fact.

I cannot imagine it is so important competing in a swim match that I would allow a Mao/Stalin control parlor trick to make me accept I'm little more than the possibility of winning a medal or ribbon.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Hum, your arguments do not stand alone, sorry my friend, but you really do not want to address the real issue of men usurping women sports

So you try to go around the bush to find something else to make talk, because is not argument here. Is two genders, female and male, is science for your information

Women should stay in the kitchen, and only open their mouth to ask what topping the Sammy should have.

It's science...
, really?

This is all you got, do you know that some males are superior cooks.

Nope I bet you do not know that, keep pushing the nothingness.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

So it is fear...


Straight women affraid of men getting laid every weekend, kind of doesn't add up...

LOL -- nope, it sure doesn't add up! Where did that come from? I don't know of any woman afraid of men getting laid every weekend.

How does fear of the other gender and straight sex work?

You'll have to tell me... that's coming from you, not me!

Why are they sometimes afraid of men and sometimes not?

What a question! Of course you know why.

Every woman is afraid of some men... every woman is afraid of some men in certain circumstances... every woman is afraid of certain men in some circumstances... for OBVIOUS reasons.

But very few women are always afraid of all men, and especially not all the time.

But if you need some examples of men who women are rightfully afraid of, you'll find plenty here:

Trans Crime UK

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:47 PM
Bolding is science

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Every woman is afraid of some men... every woman is afraid of some men in certain circumstances... every woman is afraid of certain men in some circumstances... for OBVIOUS reasons.

Rightly so, but it doesn't make every man a threat. It doesn't justify to treat them all as such by default. The legal system has most threats covered as they're not new.

Now what real new threat is there solely to the presence of male chromosome in female spaces?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I do tae kwon do. I am currently sitting top in the state for my division. No, it's not MMA, but we do kick each other pretty hard and in the head.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The only way to stop is to walk, that's a fact.

Actually, I don't think that's true.

If women walk away from their competitions, then only men who identify as women will be competing in "women's" competitions. The competitions will continue. The men who identify as women will continue to compete and continue to gloat.

However, if the top male athletes chose to identify as women and enter women's competitions, then the men who identify as women would once again be losers, to the same men they lost to on the men's teams, and would no doubt lose interest in competing on women's teams.

I don't see that happening. But it would be more effective than women being forced to walk away from their own competitions.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Are you looking forward to kick some plastic balls?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

Rightly so, but it doesn't make every man a threat. It doesn't justify to treat them all as such by default. The legal system has most threats covered as they're not new.

Of course not every man is a threat. But the predatory men don't come with a big fat label on their forehead. We don't know which men are predators and which men are not unless and until they show us. Which is just one reason single-sex spaces were created for women, excluding ALL men.

I've already addressed privacy and dignity.

Men who are not predators and respect women don't have a problem with that. They are happy to give women the safety, privacy and dignity that we need.

Now what real new threat is there solely to the presence of male chromosome in female spaces?

No new threat. Just the same threat. Men who identify as women offend at the same rate as men in general. No new threat, no new men, no new rules. The same single-sex spaces that worked before still work... without men. Including men who identify as women.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Can you back this claim up with data or studies?

According to Ministry of Justice 2020 Data
“The question of whether transwomen match male or female patterns of criminality is specifically addressed by the 2020 FOI referenced by Fair Play For Women (who have submitted evidence to the Committee). This is first time there has been official data to compare the rate of sex offending in 3 different groups. Men vs women vs transwomen. The hyperlinks below link to the FOI spreadsheet.
MOJ stats show 76 of the 129 male-born prisoners identifying as transgender (not counting any with GRCs) have at least 1 conviction of sexual offence. This includes 36 convictions for rape and 10 for attempted rape. These are clearly male type crimes (rape is defined as penetration with a penis).
Here is the number compared with figures for sex offending rates in men and women over the same period.
Comparisons of official MOJ statistics from March / April 2019 (most recent official count of transgender prisoners):
76 sex offenders out of 129 transwomen = 58.9%
125 sex offenders out of 3812 women in prison = 3.3%
13234 sex offenders out of 78781 men in prison = 16.8%

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

So women that identify and look like men when naked should use the women only spaces, and vice versa.

Appart from it being like putting a yellow star on those trans you wouldn't even notice, I see worse problems arise with that scenario...
edit on 3-5-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-5-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: ketsuko

Are you looking forward to kick some plastic balls?

That would be a penalty, man or woman. Kicks have to be belt level or above. Do it enough, and I get DQed.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

So women that identify and look like men when naked should use the women only spaces, and vice versa.

Appart from it being like putting a yellow star on those trans you wouldn't even notice, I see worse problems arise with that scenario...

I see quite a few problems arising from that scenario as well.

But let's be clear, those people who choose to present themselves as the opposite sex, and especially those who choose to modify their bodies for this purpose, have effectively put a "yellow star" on themselves. No one forced them to assume a false identity and to challenge -- even trample -- the rights of others.

Their lack of preparation and planning for their choices is not my emergency, and not my problem to fix.

Third spaces have been suggested and offered repeatedly, and been refused repeatedly. They have created, perpetuated, and escalated the problems for themselves.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

That would be a penalty, man or woman. Kicks have to be belt level or above. Do it enough, and I get DQed.

Exactly. Much like the cyclist in the OP trying to knock his competitors down should have been a penalty, ideally disqualifying the guilty party altogether.

Having said that, I'm pretty sure you're quite the badass in your sport and don't need or want to lower yourself to breaking rules. True competitors want a level playing field. It's the best way and the only way to prove your skills.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

There is NO Glory in Cheating .........

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