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Another global wave of lockdowns coming early 2023?

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posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3
I can’t disagree with any of that. It’s a horrible situation in which any choice the each one of us makes will probably hurt someone, be that the vulnerable, or via all ramifications you outlined.

But in times when covid’s running rampant and infection numbers are high and increasing and I’m in the store and someone’s coughing their guts up I will always think, ‘just put a frakking mask on’

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

They're were proved wrong. My home country archived Herd immunity in 2021.

Sorry to repeat the question, but does this mean your home country no longer vaccinates?

If you have herd immunity then there’s no need to vaccinate.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
The only way to get good immunity in the population in every country in the world is through exposure to the virus. The sooner this is understood the better it would be and the long term consequences far less in comparison to non exposure, lockdowns, restrictions, crippled vaccinations and the rest.

That's the case since the beginning of the pandemic.

The problem comes when you get to the people for whom exposure is dangerous. Such as the elderly or the obese. This is where vaxxing is essential. The risk of harm form the vax for someone with diabetes, for example, is a fraction of the risk for covid.

You also need to bear in mind that in order to get herd immunity through natural exposure you'd need to infect at least 80 percent of the population. This could take the best part of a decade.

So lets give those vulnerable people the choice to stay indoors and have ten injections which certainly are not vaccines.
Let them decide if they want this and let them do it.
Then they can be 'safe'.
However some vulnerables might not give a toss, maybe they had a long life and just don't fancy being locked indoors.
Maybe they want to die of natural causes rather than blood clots from the shot. Their call really.

Meanwhile all other adults must be able to choose eternal fear or just your usual bad flu season and be left to do as they wish too.
This is how real herd immunity happens, people going out there, maybe getting it, surviving and becoming immune.

There is no way on earth that these clot shots contributed to herd immunity. It doesn't work when they are given right in the middle of any pandemic.

What you witnessed was nature toning it down all by itself already. Then the pharmaceutical industry claimed it was down to their insane injections.

Same happened with polio.

You are free to do whatever your fear dictates you to do, but stop ordering others to do the same.
Immunity comes from mass exposure, not from being incarcerated, injected and living in constant fear. Those things actually lower your immune response, like nothing else.

Freedom of choice is key. Even for the elderly. Yup.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

They're were proved wrong. My home country archived Herd immunity in 2021.

Sorry to repeat the question, but does this mean your home country no longer vaccinates?

If you have herd immunity then there’s no need to vaccinate.

I will make a new thread about herd immunity. So let's take the conversation to another thread as we are going off topic.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:05 AM
So the penny is dropping for some in the US

US considers restrictions on Chinese arrivals

American officials say this is due to a lack of transparency surrounding the virus in China, as cases surge. Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan - worried at importing Covid cases - have already outlined tighter measures for Chinese travellers, including negative tests.

I imagine there’ll be some powerful folk, such as Fauci, who’ll campaign behind closed doors to keeps borders open. Another wave will be the best leverage to vaccinate.

This could go either way stateside. Despite the doubtless pharma/Fauci lobbying the argument for closing is strong and now in the public domain.

"There are mounting concerns in the international community on the ongoing Covid-19 surges in China and the lack of transparent data, including viral genomic sequence data," US officials said in a statement quoted by news agencies.

If they opt to close borders to China it’ll put pressure on WHO-run Europe to do the same; currently European decision makers’ neglect to issue a similar pragmatic and obvious response to these events screams that they want a rerun of January 2020. WHO are evidently aware of the dangers on the horizon:

China's hospitals seem to be filling up - WHO

It has led to WHO emergencies chief Dr Ryan urging China to provide more information about the latest spread of the virus. He said: "In China, what's been reported is relatively low numbers of cases in ICUs, but anecdotally ICUs are filling up.

So, if they believe China is lying and that this less fatal variant is nevertheless, thanks to its incredibly high virulence (around R20) leading to their ICUs filling up, then why aren’t they acting? Perhaps this statement from the same article is a clue:

"We've been saying this for weeks that this highly infectious virus was always going to be very hard to stop completely, with just public health and social measures." Speaking during a weekly news conference in Geneva WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he is "very concerned over the evolving situation in China". He appealed for specific data on disease severity, hospital admissions and intensive care requirements. Dr Ryan added that "vaccination is the exit strategy" to coronavirus outbreaks.

I’m sure Fauci, Pfizer and Moderna would agree all the way to the bank.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

They're were proved wrong. My home country archived Herd immunity in 2021.

Sorry to repeat the question, but does this mean your home country no longer vaccinates?

If you have herd immunity then there’s no need to vaccinate.

I will make a new thread about herd immunity. So let's take the conversation to another thread as we are going off topic.

The absence of his reply to that repeated question is all the answer we need anyhow.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Israel isn't part of the TPTB and is a sworn enemy of the NWO, so it reports its data freely.

The NWO is a conspiracy theory ..... unless you know different?

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:21 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

They're were proved wrong. My home country archived Herd immunity in 2021.

Sorry to repeat the question, but does this mean your home country no longer vaccinates?

If you have herd immunity then there’s no need to vaccinate.

I will make a new thread about herd immunity. So let's take the conversation to another thread as we are going off topic.

The absence of his reply to that repeated question is all the answer we need anyhow.

It's very clear to me and to the rest of us that these claims are either made in the absence of any knowledge or in the absence of good faith.

You can check my threads by the way as I have taken a lot of time to write what's on my mind and to connect the pieces of the puzzle.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: McGinty

originally posted by: nugget1
Artificial Sweeteners Behind Spike in Sudden Deaths, Heart Attacks, ‘Experts’ Claim

Do they think the public are this dumb? Yep, they obviously do and only time will tell if they’re right.

In my circles it’s split down the middle between those that will see this a more reason to avoid the jab and those that will see this as more reason to not ask themselves uncomfortable questions - moreover to not question the paradigm they’ve invested their faith and integrity in.

It’s that kind of refusal to adapt their thinking which wiped out the Hunter gatherers who wouldn’t migrate with the changing climate.

So true!

With several family members in the health care field I have a front row seat to what is happening. They all do their own research, and 99% of what they find touts how successful and safe the vaccine is, with supporting data. The other 1% of available online links ridicule the information coming from conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers, with data showing how wrong they are.

Only one of my kids still has reservations as to the safety of the vaccine, but doesn't think it's nearly as harmful or prevalent as we CT's make it out to be.

Maybe they'll figure out how to make the mRNA technology safer, but I don't think it's going to happen in the near future. Mu gut tells me it'll be 20 years or so before this technology is anywhere near safe enough to consider using on the general population.

I imagine there’ll be some powerful folk, such as Fauci, who’ll campaign behind closed doors to keeps borders open. Another wave will be the best leverage to vaccinate.

In the beginning, travelers from China were asked to self-quarantine for two weeks. Seattle set up a motel for arrivals from China to stay at for that period-yet they mingled among the community at will.
When things really took off, all flights from China were finally banned, but is was easy to get around. Europe and many other countries didn't have any bans on flights from China, so they'd go there then book a flight to New York before fluing to other cities around the country.

If China is dealing with a new variant the only way to stop it is all countries banning flights from China, and we know that isn't going to happen.
edit on 300000077America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:55 AM
Not a chance. Never happening as long as we the people fight back against tyranny such as this

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 06:55 AM
Not a chance. Never happening as long as we the people fight back against tyranny such as this

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Yup, it’s already hitting the news feeds I rarely look at. Once it hits those, then it’s on like Donkey Kong!

Buckle up!

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: McGinty

The thread about herd immunity is here

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Salamandy
Not a chance. Never happening as long as we the people fight back against tyranny such as this

I’m right behind you 😉

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I think the vaccine did very little in the way of preventing the spread of COVID, which is likely why people that have received the vaccine are still becoming infected with COVID.

As far as hoaxes, and people misunderstanding the data, that seems to be just as prevalent in info being presented by the government and the pharmaceutical companies. According to their own reporting they got it wrong, misunderstood the data, or just plain lied. Not like they have never lied to us before.

I would not take anecdotal data so lightly. I think people are going to believe what they are experiencing in their own lives, and seeing in front of their own faces, before they believe what they are being told by our trustworthy friends in the government and the companies they do business with.

Right now every ill in our society is trying to be blamed on anything else, to the point of absurdity, to distract from any potential blame being placed on the COVID vaccine. It is kind of hard for most people to think horses when the zebras are right in front of their faces.

Much of the blowback is not coming from what people believe, it is because they are offended that the system thinks so highly of them that they ignore them, ridicule them, label them, and punish them, for not wanting to participate in the experimental vaccines, that did not deliver what they were promised.

The adage fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, comes to mind.

This vaccine is trying to ride the coat-tails of vaccines that came before it. Since this is supposed to be a "novel" vaccine, it should not take short cuts, at least not if the person receiving those vaccines are not willing recipients.

There is a point where government interference goes beyond the will of the people and becomes pure enslavement, and totalitarianism.

Science has failed a lot of people. They cannot be forced into trusting it. In this case, it was not science that failed. It was the people that believed that they knew more than they did. They used what knowledge and information they had and hedged their bet. It was set up so the pharmaceutical companies would not lose, and the people were the ones that carried all the risk.

Science is not magic, and it is not infallible. It is nothing more than conclusions based observations, measurements, experimentation.

Bad conclusions, erroneous or faulty theories, and fading facts can be the results of science, but we are not supposed to remember that when we are being commanded to "trust the science".

edit on 28-12-2022 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 09:49 AM
Communist Party releases mild virus and increase lockdowns -> wait people to revolt -> ease lockdowns -> release stronger virus -> tells people "I told you so, and now obey without question".
edit on 28-12-2022 by eitea because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: eitea
Communist Party releases mild virus and increase lockdowns -> wait people to revolt -> ease lockdowns -> release stronger virus -> tells people "I told you so, and now obey without question".

I am going to be that person, and I am going to do a "whataboutism".

Our government has done worse. A lot worse. And this is just some of the stuff we found out about. How much other crap is buried that we have not learned about yet?

But we are still supposed to believe that they give a damn about us. I just hope if we are in a "Take me to your leader.", situation, that the lucky ambassador does not take them to any elected officials we have in office now. If they did, they would be shipping us out to planets hungrily awaiting our arrival.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: eitea
Communist Party releases mild virus and increase lockdowns -> wait people to revolt -> ease lockdowns -> release stronger virus -> tells people "I told you so, and now obey without question".

Maybe in a movie, but in real life the Chinese government values one thing above all else: stability.

China has had such a turbulent history over the last 100 years, that people crave stability. It's why they will put up with a bad but stable government rather than try to overthrow it in the hope of getting a better one. The government really plays into this. Chinese TV is news forever plays up images of unrest overseas, especially in democratic countries. They show people images of the BLM riots, or 6 January, and they say "aren't you glad we're not like that".

The last thing that they would want would be to introduce a destabilizing element like covid into the country. Lockdowns - change, change = uncertainty, uncertainty = instability.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I think the vaccine did very little in the way of preventing the spread of COVID…

… According to their own reporting they got it wrong, misunderstood the data, or just plain lied. Not like they have never lied to us before.

I think it’s reasonable to deduce that the vaccines probably caused greater and/or faster spread of covid through populations than would’ve been the case without vaccines.

Why? Most people having had the vaccine and told that they now can’t catch covid and can’t infect others stopped taking precautions thereafter.

Of course later it was admitted that the vaccinated can indeed catch it and infect others and so all of those people who’d misplaced their trust in the official narrative had in fact been infecting many around them, including loved ones.

posted on Dec, 28 2022 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: eitea
Communist Party releases mild virus and increase lockdowns -> wait people to revolt -> ease lockdowns -> release stronger virus -> tells people "I told you so, and now obey without question".

No less plausible than any other narrative doing the rounds

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