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Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

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posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 11:45 AM

Now. Tell us what evidence you have that Atlantis existed.

It’s about the same as you have in declaring it didn’t .

Except there is now geological evidence and knowledge of geological processes occurring at the time he stated 11,600 ish , that show that the mechanisms he describes are possible . Especially in the mid Atlantic ridge : meltwaters, the end of the ice age, sea floor subsidence due to wieght of water in the Atlantic, and isostatic rebound north affecting things further south , coupled with the very real possibility that the earth travelled the debris field of a comet at exactly this time period .

When we are told of Solons Egyptian sojourn , and knowledge given to him there, is the story of this knowledge recounted as a fable first? No.
It’s told as a piece of unknown history (to the Greeks of that time) given to Solon by a priest who held this knowledge .
It’s told of as “veritable “ .
Obviously , all moral lessons could be fable-ised, and this is a great candidate for sure for the Greek tradition.
We always have to simplify things for children so they understand , that goes without saying.

a reply to: Harte

edit on 21-12-2022 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

Now. Tell us what evidence you have that Atlantis existed.

It’s about the same as you have in declaring it didn’t .

Except there is now geological evidence and knowledge of geological processes occurring at the time he stated 11,600 ish , that show that the mechanisms he describes are possible . Especially in the mid Atlantic ridge : meltwaters, the end of the ice age, sea floor subsidence due to wieght of water in the Atlantic, and isostatic rebound north affecting things further south , coupled with the very real possibility that the earth travelled the debris field of a comet at exactly this time period .

When we are told of Solons Egyptian sojourn , and knowledge given to him there, is the story of this knowledge recounted as a fable first? No.

Yes, in fact, it is. I just quoted the beginning of it to you.

originally posted by: bluesfreakIt’s told as a piece of unknown history (to the Greeks of that time) given to Solon by a priest who held this knowledge .

No, it's told by Critias, who heard it from his father, who heard it from his father, who claimed to have heard it from Solon.

originally posted by: bluesfreakIt’s told of as “veritable “ .

Would you like some quotes from Plato where he uses that same literary device in other Dialogues he wrote?

originally posted by: bluesfreakObviously , all moral lessons could be fable-ised, and this is a great candidate for sure for the Greek tradition.
We always have to simplify things for children so they understand , that goes without saying.

Since this one is put in a setting where you would expect moral fables to be recited, and since there is absolutely no scrap of actual evidence that Atlantis may have existed, there is simply no reason at all to believe that it did - other than the idea that it would be cool if it were true.
That idea overcomes some people...

edit on 12/21/2022 by Harte because: of the wonderful things he does!

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Deleted nonsense

you once again prove how right I am about your obvious insecurities.

Yep you got me!

Trust me. My being right about you gives me no pleasure.

I have an obvious insecurity about wasting my time with a childish ignorant troll.

Then consider dealing with your admitted insecurities in a more mature manner...and troll no more.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak
Some great points there Labtech.
yes those LiDAR scans are a real eye opener for sure , really fascinating.
I agree that populations may have been different to how we perceive them , and also the wetter Sahara stuff is real food for thought regarding how our world has changed in the last 10,000 years or so.
I still can’t get away from Platos description of WHERE Atlantis was situated compared to the Richat. a reply to: LABTECH767

If Atlantis, Aztlan or one of the many other names given to sunken civilizations in the Atlantic was based on a reality then there is still the possibility that however unlikely we are to find it there could be a sunken city that more closely matches Platos account though for me the Richat structure is a pretty impressive match up.

Still there are other impressive matchup's like this one in one of the other popular locations for the legendary city.

And of course there are other sunken city's such as one that to get were it is under slow subsidence barring some massive geological activity in the region has been estimated to have roughly 50.000 years to get to it's current depth.

But also remember that IF Atlantis was ever real then likely they too had legends of sunken city's.

To my mind this one is too similar to those on the mainland of south America, notably the Mayan ruins and so I would suggest they are more recent but a cataclysmic even sent it down that deep although possibly still around or toward the end of the last glacial period meaning still out of place and out of time according to current accepted mainstream chronology for human civilization.

There are of course many more recent Atlantis like lost city's, not only in the Mediterranean but all around the world.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak
So you well know that any pre-ice age cultures and societies would have lived quite probably coastally or at the mouth of rivers, or certainly very near them .
These are all flooded under the estimated (could be more) 400 ft of sea level rise since the glacial melt.
MILLIONS of square miles of coastline across the globe vanished under the sea. Not overnight , of course . But it vanished .

Actually, you've just stated the best evidence against Atlantis (or one of them) right there: the slow rise of the seas.

People don't sit in one spot when it floods out. They move farther inland (if the area's a good one... see all the coastal development shift in the US) or move to another location and take their things with them. They don't give up all their technology and go back to throwing rocks at each other.

So *if* there had been an Atlantis that (as Plato says) ruled the known world, we'd see artifacts from that country in every spot they ruled and we'd see the cities from that time as they sprawled away from the slow rising waters to areas that weren't being covered by the slowly creeping sea. So there'd be pottery (for instance - one of the most hotly traded items) from this Atlantis civilization all over Africa and the Middle East. It would be unique (and later copied by artisans in the conquered territories) and would tie all of those areas together with a single style of pottery. Likewise metal technology and weapons technology as well as language families and customs and deities.

We don't see that in 5000 BC or before in any of those areas (and we don't see it in the Middle East until Egypt starts conquering a lot of the territory and then the Persians and finally the Greeks and the Romans.)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Dumbdowned

It wouldn't matter if we found a domed city still intact from that era. Atlantis wasn't a domed city, it was an island made up of concentric rings.

Eroded dome is a geological feature that has a bullseye like appearance due to erosion.

Richat structure is one of a kind, its origin is still yet unknown, unlike other geologic domes.

That is because It was built by Poseidon himself.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Byrd

There ARE exceptions to that argument, port Royal the so called most evil city in the world at it's time of course known for it's pirates sank during an earthquake.

It is possible that the sunken Egyptian city of Heraclaion also sank rather cataclysmically and of course there are many other sites around the world.

South of India the still controversial site many Indian scholars are identifying as Dwarka the city of Krishna though it may actually be two Seperate but close city's that still severely challenge the accepted chronological model of the human timeline and development of civilization.
During the Tsunami also near to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) were there are numerous legend's of another lost land Kumari Kandam many people on shore reported seeing the towers of Hindu temples appear as the sea receded before the tsunami came crashing back.

So slow sea level rise is a model only based on sea level rise for known and rather sedate models spread over of geological time and do not take into account other factors such as ice melt on the Himalaya's at the end of the last glaciation and crustal rebound as that region of India is riding OVER the Asiatic plate and so a lot of geological pressure may have been released quite suddenly causing southern India to undergo sudden subsidence due to the rebound on the northern Indian plate, this of course would not only have affected India and would have caused a likely monster tsunami in the pacific affecting even Arabia and parts of Africa and any islands that got in the way as well.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Byrd

There ARE exceptions to that argument, port Royal the so called most evil city in the world at it's time of course known for it's pirates sank during an earthquake.

It is possible that the sunken Egyptian city of Heraclaion also sank rather cataclysmically and of course there are many other sites around the world.

South of India the still controversial site many Indian scholars are identifying as Dwarka the city of Krishna though it may actually be two Seperate but close city's that still severely challenge the accepted chronological model of the human timeline and development of civilization.
During the Tsunami also near to Sri Lanka (Ceylon) were there are numerous legend's of another lost land Kumari Kandam many people on shore reported seeing the towers of Hindu temples appear as the sea receded before the tsunami came crashing back.

So slow sea level rise is a model only based on sea level rise for known and rather sedate models spread over of geological time and do not take into account other factors such as ice melt on the Himalaya's at the end of the last glaciation and crustal rebound as that region of India is riding OVER the Asiatic plate and so a lot of geological pressure may have been released quite suddenly causing southern India to undergo sudden subsidence due to the rebound on the northern Indian plate, this of course would not only have affected India and would have caused a likely monster tsunami in the pacific affecting even Arabia and parts of Africa and any islands that got in the way as well.

It's not the sinking of the city... it's the absolute lack of any physical evidence that there was a city. This would be things like "seals or rings" with the same individuals listed on them - individuals that matched the tale of Atlantis. A type of pottery that was unique to Atlantis but found (from the same time period) around the rest of the world they conquered.

Let's suppose that the USA suddenly ... was kidnapped by the Death Star - the whole country suddenly swiped, leaving a big oceanic plain in its wake along with tales of "the wickedest land on earth that was vaporized by the heavens." Archaeologists a thousand years later would know that the USA was a real place, due to all the artifacts all around the world stamped "USA." Ford cars, for instance... showing up everywhere and traceable to a certain time period. Clothing...same thing. Gibson guitars (which would have been held by people outside the US) and a gazillion souvenirs from Florida and Boeing jets which would have been somewhere else when Rigellians zap-napped the US.

There's monuments around the world with USA on them and legal documents and treaties and so forth.

There is zip/zilch/nada from Atlantis. Just one story that wasn't finished. No amphora, no letters from the royals, no trade goods, etc.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

The Great Pyramid was built by quarrying an estimated 2.3 million large blocks weighing 6 million tonnes in total.

The estimate is wrong. Wikipedia often has mistakes in it being it is crowd sourced. So, back to the question what is YOUR source for 2.3 million?

Is it also built into a hill, and If not , does that affect the millions of blocks contained within, or should different calculations about block placement timing be considered for this pyramid ?

Its smaller and has an estimated smaller amount of stone also. I've never seen an estimate for how many it has.

edit on 21/12/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

ach one merely doing the best they could with what they had, and no more could have been asked of them.

Soon, Hanslung, soon...

So you are going to persist in spelling my name wrong, okay, if you wish to be childish go right ahead! Chuckle

You could be doing something to get money from the fringe to pay for archaeological investigations there in the near future - that would be useful. Not being useful is posting images of habitations over and over again.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:18 PM
Trip Advisor has reviews about the hotel in the middle of the structure. Give them a call and ask their opinion about what they think or ask if they know of a local archeologist in the area you could call.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

Using wikipedia as a source, eh? Aren't you a little hypocrite.

Man, the joke is so badly on you .
You don’t really like the taste of your own Wiki pie?
So funny .

Only you think this. Wikipedia is full of errors - I spend time correcting those. Since you mentioned it I will send a message challenging that piece of old information. Thanks

Why haven’t you and your jerk off buddy Hans logged into Wikipedia with your wiki gold card, and changed that awful estimation of the block number for the GP.

We’ll all sit and watch as its re edited back to 2.3 million , like it says everywhere , except for the one flawed calculation quoted by your mate.

I just did - lots of old, out of date information gets passed on and needs to be found and replaced. It is a never ending task. I happen to be a Wikipedia Editor and have placed a request for that information to be reviewed (under talk).
edit on 21/12/22 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Just listened to randal carlalson on joe rogan talking about the mid-Atlantic shelf being a more logical landing point for atlantis.

He also pointed out something I wasnt aware of, the impact craters that are in a line with the richat structure, which does seem to imply its an unusual impact crater being a more likely explanation.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Byrd
Good stuff

Had there been an Atlantis who was rampaging across the Med. and fighting prehistoric Athens and Sais there would be some sign of the Atlanteans; burials, campsites, cities, sunken ships, anchors, pottery (if they had it but keeping ships supplied without having pottery would have been challenging using wicker baskets and skin bags), tools, weapons, etc. There is none, of course there is no sign of Athenian proto-Greeks or proto-Egyptians at Sais either.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: LABTECH767

Just listened to randal carlalson on joe rogan talking about the mid-Atlantic shelf being a more logical landing point for atlantis.

He also pointed out something I wasnt aware of, the impact craters that are in a line with the richat structure, which does seem to imply its an unusual impact crater being a more likely explanation.

Which impact craters is he talking about?

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

I would suggest that your watch all of what Jimmy has written and podcasted about this. He did a remarkable amount of research and dug up facts that none of us, including professional historians, knew about. After that, you have the books of Graham Hancock to READ, not thumb through, As well as the works on the signatures of water born cataclysms, especially in the Western part of the USA that Randall Carlson and Hancock have championed concerning the many effects that Younger Dryas has had not only on the environment but on so many animals and human population on this planet.

the FLOODS are proven by the way... nothing else can create sea bed ripples like that and also the evidence of high water marks in the mountains, and then of course the huge delta land slide off Mauritania. There are scientists in Africa and elsewhere in the world that know these things happened and are striving like every one else to pin down the forces that caused it.

Instead of always disagreeing with anyone talking about this stuff, perhaps you should open your mind up to possibilities that have a hell of a lot of evidence, even if the evidence has not been vetted by the Mainstream... look at the statistics and the odds.

These are some smart people that have researched this and a lot smarter than most of us. They are also driven because they can see it... that is the force that drives them to make others see it, and that is how science evolves. It there was nothing to any of this, it certainly would not have the legs that it has.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

Here is the cliff notes version.

You want more information you dig further.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: charlyv

There are scientists in Africa and elsewhere in the world that know these things happened and are striving like every one else to pin down the forces that caused it.
God help them....... Its going to take strong people to face it.

They are also driven because they can see it... that is the force that drives them to make others see it, and that is how science evolves. It there was nothing to any of this, it certainly would not have the legs that it has.
I love you.

Yes, many many floods, starting roughly at the time the ocean beds were forming, 70 mil give or take. The sudden drop in Global oxygen content, and the death of the Dinosaurs, the creation of the strata, formation of mountain ranges, are all connected to the reoccurring floods. And so too, the end of the AHP, and the destruction of the Ringed city. All connected.

As far as "Hanslung" is concerned, dont be. He is just a troll, along with his bunk buddy, or what ever it is lol lol
edit on PMWednesdayWednesday stAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago46128 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: Hanslune

I would suggest that your watch all of what Jimmy has written and podcasted about this. He did a remarkable amount of research and dug up facts that none of us, including professional historians, knew about. After that, you have the books of Graham Hancock to READ, not thumb through, As well as the works on the signatures of water born cataclysms, especially in the Western part of the USA that Randall Carlson and Hancock have championed concerning the many effects that Younger Dryas has had not only on the environment but on so many animals and human population on this planet.

I recently read 'Glacial Lake Missoula but David Alt so know a great deal about that - which was well known before RC and HG started talking about it.

the FLOODS are proven by the way... nothing else can create sea bed ripples like that and also the evidence of high water marks in the mountains, and then of course the huge delta land slide off Mauritania. There are scientists in Africa and elsewhere in the world that know these things happened and are striving like every one else to pin down the forces that caused it.

Its not a 'delta slide' its an underwater collapse of the edge of the continental shelf a sediment slide. I link above to the papers that showed that - either he deliberately misled you about it or took some other person word and didn't check. No great wave came from the Med. and passed over.

Instead of always disagreeing with anyone talking about this stuff, perhaps you should open your mind up to possibilities that have a hell of a lot of evidence, even if the evidence has not been vetted by the Mainstream... look at the statistics and the odds.

Sorry but I follow the evidence - if you mean the evidence in that video - which was cringe worthy mess of mis-standments, mistake and errors - I noted one above.

These are some smart people that have researched this and a lot smarter than most of us. They are also driven because they can see it... that is the force that drives them to make others see it, and that is how science evolves. It there was nothing to any of this, it certainly would not have the legs that it has.

If you mean the Richat as Atlantis it doesn't have legs its has four chopsticks as legs for a mammoth.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 09:26 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoTemplar
Trip Advisor has reviews about the hotel in the middle of the structure. Give them a call and ask their opinion about what they think or ask if they know of a local archeologist in the area you could call.

I was a tad skeptical but confirmed this. Enterprising locals offer hot air balloon tours and other tours to the Richat One link

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