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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

I would guess what you have been seeing is not really as uncommon as you might think. In a way you are exactly right when you call them feral humans, though perhaps not in the way that you think.

I've been homeless in the past, though fortunately for me not for long. As a transporter I've also spent a lot of time with homeless and transient people in my natural observation laboratory.

When you're homeless, it doesn't take long for most to reach a mental state where it is difficult if not impossible to trust anyone. Most of your peers will take advantage of you or betray you when it suits them, and most of the regular people in society will usually assume the role of your betters, condescending to and suspicious of you in the best of circumstances. Transients are often victims of abuse, easy marks who no one would usually believe if they were to report it.

It also doesn't take long for most in that situation to reach a mental state where it is difficult for non-transient people to trust them. The furtive behavior that is required in homeless social circles by necessity for survival does not show well when interacting with typical non-transients. Add in the abuse, and the transient is likely to be suspicious of most people that they encounter. The roles that we assume in society and the psychological effects that those roles have on how people see other people also play a large part in these trust issues.

Add to these things the typical effects of "the dehumanization of industrial society". Add to that the compounding effects of the further dehumanization of the internet age.

Let's add to all of these things the fact that our institutions aren't really designed to heal people. Drug and release is usually how that situation shakes out. Managed care. Mental health only enters into it in the sense of can this person manage minimal functionality.

Mental health systems aren't all bad, and some seem to make incremental progress. I'm sure there are lots of good people who work in that field that do good things and have the best of intentions.

Regardless, the caregivers and the patients all labor against a system that was designed to produce "workers not thinkers!"(thanks Rockefeller), so being civilized was never the goal in this educational paradigm that has dominated the field for more than a century. We don't teach people to think well enough to solve their own problems, we teach them to push buttons, or maybe crunch numbers or mix words if they're smart enough.

A long way of saying that you can add to the above challenges the typical transient will face the fact that most didn't have adequate coping skills when they hit the street, or a strong family unit that might pull them out of it.

When you consider all of these factors, is it any wonder so many in that situation might lose their grip on acting civilized, or reject its ideology?

There are ways to help these people, but we're mostly not doing any of that. Nurturing, providing opportunity, those are things we don't do.

We provide hoops to jump through, sure. Accept my religion, stop taking the substances that provide the only comfort and escape that you have from your painful circumstances. No? Don't wanna do that? Well to hell with you then! Go die in a ditch somewhere! No wonder they don't respect our "civilized" way of life...

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 09:43 AM
I wanted to follow up to add to the last post to comment on the running from help thing. Many transients are victims of abuse or assault. As I said in the above post they can be easy marks for a predator because often no one will believe them if they report it, or even listen in the first place.

Often the person who victimizes them is someone who was pretending to offer help. When you consider it in that context, it sort of explains why someone might evade an offer of assistance.

I've seen it in my line of work. You offer someone help, and they will not accept it because they are too suspicious. They think you're out to get them.

Come to think of it I've been on the other side of that. Missed opportunities because I was suspicious of a situation, or generally paranoid. There have definitely been times when I was right to be suspicious, and there have definitely been times when I was just being paranoid.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Strings cut to US/UK

Hi Rel,

One mundane interpretation of this is the Royal Fam cutting ties to Meghan (US) and Harry (UK).


posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Hadn't thought of that cavv!

Though I'd read it as: "Strings cut to US/UK" would mean to US and/or UK?

This may be an appropriate point to document the definition of FORWARD SLASH, BACKWARD SLASH and UNDERSCORE, to see if it enlightens on interpreting any posts!

1) SLASH = original form of FORWARD SLASH; the "Forward" was only added in the 1980s as a result of "Backward" slash being introduced for computer program coding!
Merriam Webster SLASH

1 of 3
intransitive verb: to lash out, cut, or thrash about with or as if with an edged blade

transitive verb
1: to cut with or as if with rough sweeping strokes
2: cane, lash
3: to cut slits in (something, such as a garment) so as to reveal a color beneath
4: to criticize cuttingly
5: to reduce sharply : cut

2 of 3
noun (1)
1: the act of slashing
also : a long cut or stroke made by or as if by slashing
2: an ornamental slit in a garment
3a: an open tract in a forest strewn with debris (as from logging)
b: the debris in such a tract
4: a mark / used typically to denote "or" (as in and/or), "and or" (as in straggler/deserter), or "per" (as in feet/second)

called also diagonal, slant, solidus, virgule
or slash fiction : a genre of fan fiction which features a romantic pairing of two usually male fictional characters who are not romantically connected in the original work of fiction
If women are the prime producers of the stuff, one would imagine that slash would be as full of male-female fantasies as male-male fantasies, but that's not the case.—
Owen Smith
Here's a sampling of Harry Potter slash, taken from a novella called "Irresistible Poison," about a budding romance between Harry and his archenemy Draco Malfoy.—
Christopher Noxon
I don't know whether Moody has read Kirk/Spock slash fiction, either, but I bet he's heard of it …—
Elizabeth Hand

3 of 3
noun (2): a low swampy area often overgrown with brush

Consider the following use: To SLASH THE POPULATION!

Consider the symbolism of the slashes in the ERMINE collars of the garments of PEERS of the Realm (UK nobility): The slashes in the White Ermine reveal the blackness underneath and the red (blood) flows beneath!

2) UNDERSCORE - Merriam Webster

transitive verb
1: to draw a line under : underline
2: to make evident : emphasize, stress
arrived early to underscore the importance of the occasion
3: to provide (action on film) with accompanying music

2 of 2
1: a line drawn under a word or line especially for emphasis or to indicate intent to italicize
2: music accompanying the action and dialogue of a film

Using the above we an read /_ as:

To draw a line under the swamp

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: NoAlienBastards
Found this while Researching Joseph Daniel Casolaro:
Danny Casolaro



What if I told you there exists a multinational corporation with 40+ subsidiary companies across the globe which services a vast array of governmental agencies? And what if I told you this very same corporation has been involved in scandal after scandal, ranging from overcharging governments for electronically tagged inmates, to falsifying billing documents, to mismanaging vital patient information, to drug smuggling enterprises found within their facilities, and finally sexual abuse and terrible living conditions in their immigration/refugee centers? What if I also told you that this same company is protected under “commercial confidentiality” and the details of its inner workings are not open to Freedom of Information requests?

You’d probably ask me, “What is this corporation you speak of?”

Well, this corporation’s name is Serco, and it’s the biggest company you’ve never heard of. And that’s no accident. Since 1987, Serco has quietly and clandestinely taken over many of the world’s public services, and has cleverly avoided too much media attention. That is until in 2013, a taxpayer scandal broke and collapsed its share price. Since then, Serco has been fighting a steady battle in the UK media, with little attention to it in other areas of the world.

So, what is Serco Group?

Most Evil Corporation on Earth ericamovil-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1

Ok I have been kinda waiting on this to surface.
I consider Field McConnell to be the most honest and trusted of anyone I have ever run across on the net since I started.
He comes across as the most sincere and I have never picked up a tell that says otherwise.
And he just got out of a Broward county jail where he has obviously suffered tremendously (tortured?).
His sister is cofounder of the S.E.S. and is tied in deeply with SERCO programs. Her name is Kristine Marcy.
Abel Danger was the first I heard talk about SERCO and S.E.S. years ago.
I provided this Google search as the link to show how much of Abel Dangers work is being washed.
A ton of links and leads.

I pray Field McConnell gets well.
He has been sorely missed.
I believe him and Timothy Charles Holmseth as an enormous part to play in the next few years of disclosure.

I have to wonder how DeSantis gets off scot-free with Broward Counties globalist ties to human trafficking.
Field had few filters and spilled more beans than Folgers packages.
Of all the internet personas there is nobody I trusted more.
And his endorsement of Timothy Charles Holmseth leads me to believe that the Pedophile Task Force is a real and active thing.
And it is Field that gave so much credibility to RayEllen Allen of RMNnews back when she took would drop huge Intel bombs.
Man I hope Field recovers well!!!

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:19 AM
I'm back from a much needed vacation and am caught up on the archives. Sorry I haven't posted any QTSR updates but I don't seem to have the motivation right now. I did come across this gem though. *April Fools
Former U.S President Obama to Relocate to Kenya in June

when we're done...

buckle up...
edit on 5/3/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:40 AM
Obama relocating to Kenya 13 June 2023 = 17


posted on May, 3 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Yea, I've seen that too, but does that make people turn animalistic to the point where grunts and growls are being used. When I say feral, I really mean feral in is most raw state. There are people out there who are human only in appearance.

It's something that I've only noticed in the past few years, but some of the Law Enforcement friends I have told me that they've also noticed a difference between these "wild minded" people (that what they call them) and the regular homeless people.

In the middle of the day one of these people was eating a dog and when approached by Law Enforcement they lashed out at them. It took several tasers to subdue the person, and when taken in they had no evidence of drugs in their system. In the end since nobody knew who's dog was killed, so they had to let the person go. My friend said that the person never said anything and came across as a wild animal than a person. This "wild person" was too far gone or never was there to begin with. A Social Worker that is now attached to the police around here won't even come near these people without armed Law Enforcement since there have been attacks by them in the past.

I hate to say this, but my friend drove me around, yes it was a police ride-a-long, and showed me where some of these people hunt for food and stuff and there was a person wadded up sleeping, but the person looked like a half starved dog. It was a very weird sight. My friend told me that if they stopped to toss a blanket at them, that person would bite at the blanket and leave it then move to another location.

There are people that have withdrawn in their heads for one reason or another, and I've seen those people wandering around town. These feral people are completely different.

I do want to thank you for your insight on this issue though. For all the governmental bloat that gets wasted, it's a sham that the Clintons dumped finding for Mental Health services in this country. That being said this feral people thing is very weird and I doubt mental health services would help them. It's almost like these people were bred just as an experiment gone wrong. It's really weird.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

too bad that Kenya story ends with:

Disclaimer: This was an April Fools Day Story.

Though with the way politics is going, I almost wonder if this story was just a soft-disclosure.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:36 PM
I have my own take on the homeless as I took interact with them on a daily basis.
This is due to my work.
I have befriended many over the years and literally support one from houndiuts.

And except for the one, they all are gone.
I have seen them disappear in waves starting with COVID shutdowns.

I believe our individual experiences are going to be because of locations and demographics due to yearly temperatures.

It is said that the homeless in SLC, Ut. are the best care given.

But maybe there is more there because it is so cold so why go there?

Since COVID shutdowns all those that follow this thread know that the war is being fought underground.
And the ventilators were for the children being rescued from the underground as what was hinted at in Central Park and the use of the naval ships, Mercy and Comfort.

It sounds to me like maybe your area has people that survived the underground captivity and was able to acclimate the conditions above ground?

I do not see that in where I am at and the interactions I witness.
But maybe in your area the underground has been secured and destroyed maybe?
Literally feral humans?

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Yea, I've seen that too, but does that make people turn animalistic to the point where grunts and growls are being used. When I say feral, I really mean feral in is most raw state. There are people out there who are human only in appearance.

It's something that I've only noticed in the past few years, but some of the Law Enforcement friends I have told me that they've also noticed a difference between these "wild minded" people (that what they call them) and the regular homeless people.

In the middle of the day one of these people was eating a dog and when approached by Law Enforcement they lashed out at them. It took several tasers to subdue the person, and when taken in they had no evidence of drugs in their system. In the end since nobody knew who's dog was killed, so they had to let the person go. My friend said that the person never said anything and came across as a wild animal than a person. This "wild person" was too far gone or never was there to begin with. A Social Worker that is now attached to the police around here won't even come near these people without armed Law Enforcement since there have been attacks by them in the past.

I hate to say this, but my friend drove me around, yes it was a police ride-a-long, and showed me where some of these people hunt for food and stuff and there was a person wadded up sleeping, but the person looked like a half starved dog. It was a very weird sight. My friend told me that if they stopped to toss a blanket at them, that person would bite at the blanket and leave it then move to another location.

There are people that have withdrawn in their heads for one reason or another, and I've seen those people wandering around town. These feral people are completely different.

I do want to thank you for your insight on this issue though. For all the governmental bloat that gets wasted, it's a sham that the Clintons dumped finding for Mental Health services in this country. That being said this feral people thing is very weird and I doubt mental health services would help them. It's almost like these people were bred just as an experiment gone wrong. It's really weird.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
well damn lol.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I've always imagined that much of the homeless, the mentally ill, the addicts are ones who simply do not conform to this system. They don't submit their minds to the indoctrination so the system spits them out. In this game, if you don't have a token on the board ready to roll the dice and count your moves then you don't pass GO and you don't collect $$.

It's a demonic system that perpetrates an evil game between life and death. You'll find Angels in the lowest places. Their sensitive souls harbor a lot of pain.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel there may be another meaning to part of #195.

One sentence is repeated twice.
[Y] What does it mean to be covered in gold?
[Y] What does it mean to be covered in gold?

Y2Y Establishing Wildlife Corridors & Habitat Protections in the U.S. and Canada

From [Y]ellowstone to the [Y]ukon. This smacks of gold.

The luminaries goal is to have the remaining population living in "smart' cities where they can be under surveillance and control 24-7. Most of the land would be turned over to nature and there would be corridors for people. Just a little inversion humor.

The sum of all fears.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:08 PM
This from a friend of mine...

M2 is being wound back.

Assets have grown faster than Liabilities. It was in the red, now is in the green.

This means that loans in USD are being paid off. USD are returning back home, which is why M2 rolls back.

I've had a feeling that the FED was going to eat its own fake paper problem. They have no assets, they have the Humans of the United States Corporation as "assets" but nothing else.

There are rumors countries have been repatriating, and or, stock piling gold. NOT the FED, but The US Treasury for example. Remove the "Full Faith And Credit Of Slaves in America" and we get the FED with nothing,,, and,,, if the Treasury has loaded up on gold, and, it is verified to be stored as an asset on the BRICS+ WW blockchain system the FED goes poof.

The US as the Reserve Current(cy) is NOT a good thing for the common folks, not, as they are supporting the entire world,,, so losing it is a benefit.

The graph is interesting. Again, look at the dates, folks in their 30's have a WILDLY different perspective then folks in their 50's or even 70's RE: rates. Of course few have mortgages compared to CC or Auto Loan debt.

I'll say this again for the 1000th time,,, for a reason.

We live in a Polarity Reality = effing fact. If you think not, I'll wait while you try to determine what is up without seeing down. Those who have been caught in the "washing machine" of a big wave in the ocean know without a reference point, there is no up or down.

That said, for there to be a NWO Plan, THERE MUST BE!!!!!!! an equal opposite.

One cannot have a NWO Plan if there is nothing to reference it by. To say there is "no plan" is to not understand that Polarity Realities MUST, by definition, have contrast.

That's that, there is no debate, none.

As such there is "A Plan" but,,,,,,,,,, as I said from the very beginning, The Plan as the counter to the NWO version is far more delicate, as it seeks to avoid stomping on Freewill, as to do so would invalidate The Plan entirely. It is in the Qdrops, "by the book" even if the Old Guard isn't using the rules anymore.

The Plan is laid out by symbols, events, words and so much more, and if one cannot find "x" or "y" in the newspaper does not mean there is no plan.

If one cannot interpret the symbols it does not mean there is no plan.

If one interprets the symbols wrong in the moment it does not mean there is no plan.

If it seems like failure has occurred in the moment it does not mean there is no plan.

The Collective is Different from the Individual, each Individual has their own plan, which interweaves with The Collective, but is not exclusively tied to it, because we cannot see our own experience reflected in The Collective as reported by the eneMedia, it does not mean there is no plan - either our own or a collective version.

There is A Plan. Simply put, the basis of The Plan, with regard to monetary systems, is to Hijack the one created by the Old Guard, not to use another one entirely = impossible, but to use theirs in opposition to them - Polarity Reality Reverse of sorts.

Oy, this isn't good.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:08 PM
Russia claims Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin in drone attack on the Kremlin

The Kremlin did not provide evidence to support the claims, but said it "reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit.” Kyiv denied any involvement.

Russia claimed Wednesday that Ukraine tried to assassinate President Vladimir Putin in an overnight drone attack on the Kremlin, news that drew denials from Kyiv and furious demands for retaliation from nationalists in Moscow.

The Kremlin’s accusation, made without providing evidence, was the latest in a string of reported incidents far from the war’s front lines. Kyiv said it had nothing to do with the alleged incident and suggested it could be used as a pretext for a new Russian attack inside Ukraine.

Expect a response.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

We may have a couple of connections to events taking place right now.
The USPS workers are on strike.
USPS Workers Striking Across the Nation

Then there are the strikes at the Long Beach and Los Angeles ports.
Strikes at Ports

Add this... Lat Night Shows Cancelled Due to Writers Guild Strike

On the move.

You are watching the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.
May 2019- 'kick-off' 'start' 'offense'.
Enjoy the show.

There are a lot of moving pieces here. There are three strikes taking place currently. The USPS and the Ports involve movement and are part of the 'old guard' system. But there is a third company experiencing a strike and that is in the UK.
Amazon Strike

USPS were involved with the mail in ballot schemes and the ballots may have come through the ports. Maybe Amazon played a role with the ballots as well.

Enjoy the show- perhaps referring to the 4 late night shows that have been 'kicked' off the air due to the strike. The start is May.
Amazon isn't part of the 'Old guard but it does involve movement.

Does this work?

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

You are going to like this one.
One would assume that Pfizer was the company making the most profit from the Covid-19 jab. But nooo really it is BioNTech.
BioNTech is the Big Winner

"Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine is not in fact Pfizer's. Legally Pfizer is not even the manufacturer. Pfizer is a contract manufacturer."
The article links Elon Musk tweet "!!" which has 1.7 million views. I think Musk is pointing out that they both are making bank on this.
It makes me very suspicious that BioNTech is producing the synthetic mRNA in MARBURG. Reminds me of that movie Outbreak.

WHI-A Few Words About Marburg
Just imagine this Outbreak update was amended April 17th and there are 11 deaths confirmed.

Gematria BioNTech Marburg...617

Just a little thinking outside of the box but has there been any investigation on exactly what BioNTech is producing in that synthetic mRNA?
So what is Pfizer up to?
Pfizer Shifting Focus

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I agree that the vibes are getting really weird.

More progress- the Covid Jab mandate for non citizens travel has been dropped.
Federal Government Drops C-19 Vaccine Travel Mandate

This is not a good look. I'm not certain how they could justify it considering there is no emergency. I've been wondering why they have been so adament on keeping this policy. Maybe there were certain people that they did not want to allow into the country who might be called upon to testify in a Grand Jury investigation around those Covid jabs.
Then there is the issue of individuals like Ugur Sahin, CEO of BioNTech admitted that he had not taken the jab, the one that he is responsible for. It is difficult to extradite and prosecute if that mandate remains in place.

But now.

Covenom-19 Vol 1: Cold Blooded A different perspective from the graphene.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: apydomis

I've felt for a long time that this entire 💩show is run entirely by sentient AI keeping us securely contained in a rigorously controlled environment.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 04:33 PM
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here. Here’s what it means for the way we work

Although the Industrial Revolution is often thought of as a single continuous event, it can be better understood as four sequential revolutions or paradigm shifts. The first, which began in the late 18th century, was propelled by mechanization and steam power. The second, in the 19th century, was fostered by mass production, electricity, and the assembly line. The third, which took place in the 20th century, introduced computers, automation, and information technologies

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which we are now experiencing, encompasses the advent and convergence of exponential technologies—from artificial intelligence and smart machines to robotics, blockchain, and virtual reality—that are already affecting the way we live. Whenever you query Siri, for example, to find a restaurant’s address, or ask Alexa to call your mom, you are using AI, whether you are conscious of it or not

Herein lies the double-edged sword of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Although smart machines and artificial intelligence are predicted to bring unimaginable efficiencies, they will do so by increasingly replacing a wide swath of existing human jobs. While historically jobs have always been around for human beings through technological revolutions, we have never had a technological revolution that has been capable of displacing so many human beings and so much human brain power as the one we are transitioning through now

The future of jobs in the age of AI, sustainability and deglobalization

Technology adoption, already accelerating before and during the pandemic, potentially poses a new wave of transformation, especially to white-collar work through the rise of generative AI. And now a strong push for a much-needed green transformation is also leading to expectations of future displacement in carbon-intensive roles in favour of growth in emerging green jobs and skills.

Technology will create structural churn, with a quarter of companies seeing job decline from new technology adoption and more than half seeing job growth. But the human-machine frontier is shifting to new terrain. While expectations of the displacement of physical and manual work by machines has decreased, tasks requiring reasoning, communicating and coordinating – all traits with a comparative advantage for humans – are expected to be more automatable in the future.

Generative artificial intelligence is expected to be adopted by nearly 75% of surveyed companies and is second only to humanoid and industrial robots in terms of expectations of job losses, most likely to affect bank tellers, cashiers, clerks, secretaries and accounting. Yet, the biggest threat to jobs is still seen to come not from technology, but from slowing economic growth, the rising costs of inputs and weaker purchasing power among consumers.

World Economic Forum

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