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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Interesting observation T2... Maybe they're planning a sinkhole in the car park to reveal the DUMB?

Ok, that would be brilliant and your apparently brilliant mind came up with a good one to boot. It would be real hard to unsee if it happens in a major place or by a big bridge crossing somewhere like your London Bridge our one of our big ones. If hundreds of thousands of people were having to drive by that it would become a huge curiosity.

edit on 26-4-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 08:38 AM
Robert Plants words in Stairway to heaven pointed out there is ALWAYS TIME TO CHANGE THE ROAD YOU'RE ON!
Kudos, for being wise enough and caring enough to share this epiphany. I had mine over the Dems about 1998 or so. I already thought the R's were controlled opposition before that so I became a Libertarian. Now I am voting for some R's cause my choices are them or Commies who infiltrated the D's.

originally posted by: BioavAilabilityGuy
a reply to: crankyoldman

This literally made the hairs stand up on my neck. This explains so much. Thanks Cranky. I am so glad he never signed those papers. From what I can gather, this "machine" is more than just that.

Rel, your dream sequence sounds quite intriguing and very relatable as far as being thrown off task buy a third party. I had no idea. I am so sorry for how wrong I have been. To you. To Elon. To Everyone. I always liked Musk. Thought he was a clever and brilliant guy. But I have been busy the last year or so sniffing out infiltration. I lost touch with reality. I lost Trust in Everyone. Even my family. I am realizing how pompous and arrogant and just down right nasty I have been towards everyone in my life, online and off. It breaks my heart that I am going to be considered a modern day nero. But Cranks post about the wrecking ball made a lot of sense with the order out of chaos. I just hope that I'm not the first person in history to be executed for stupidity.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: nerbot

No such luck on the ladel length... It's 12 inches/31cm long and weighs 46 grams!


LOL, awesome, you guys never cease to amaze me ! Sufi, that ladle is really cool, it must me so interesting living in the UK / Europe, where the old World is still preserved to an extent. One of the few good things I can say about San Francisco is that many old World buildings still exist there, although some say they’re haunted!

On another note, had a chance to watch Joe’s re-election video last night, uggg it was painful ! I’ve never been one to classify myself or completely embrace any ideology, because we are in a constant state of change of understanding just about everything, but man, if being the opposite of “ Joe’s “ version of the Country is a radical MAGA republican, then for now, that’s the side I’m taking !

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Observation of the day.
Whole Foods Warp Speed. The roll out of the palm scanner that is connected to a customer's credit card is underway. No need to whip out a credit card, which really wasn't that much effort. The cashier and I chatted about it and we both agreed that who would trust a corporation, especially Amazon with one's biometrics. In other words the staff are not okay with all of this.
They now have placed these square metallic scanners hanging from the ceiling in a grid pattern that work with the "smart carts". Customers can just go in, shop and walk out without going through the check out.

If this was not enough the store has introduced so much wine to go along with the craft beers that it appears that food is an after thought.
But what really disturbed me was a discreet sign which informed customers that THE PRODUCE IS NOW COATED WITH SOME TYPE OF WAXY SUBSTANCE TO PROVIDE A PROTECTIVE BARRIER.

The reason I'm concerned is this...
The Dangerous Chemical Bill Gates is Coating Your Organic Produce With

The sign did confirm that the coating could not be washed off and recommended removing the peels. At this point if Billy the Farmer is involved I'm steering clear. It is no comfort that "It's safe! says the FDA, WHO and Health Canada", the group who have been so concerned for our health and safety.

Gates Foundation Investment in Apeel
I have trust issues.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:21 AM
I believe what we are seeing is the results of one of the intended outcomes from COVID and shutdowns.
By vaxxing the pilots we are experiencing a decrease in trained pilots.
It is beginning to look like air travel is getting shutdown.
The vaxes were in batches that were either saline or live. And I believe the pilots got live.

Removing the pilots and air travel fits the 15 minute city model.
This will help them hide the hidden technologies they have already been using with planes.

Has anyone noticed that fuel dumps before landing big planes seems to have ended?
Along with fiery crashes??

Too many in that industry with knowledge of chemtrails as well.

I think pilots were targeted by COVID for removal.

As for DIA.
They built that airport then buried it and built another on top.
There was humming that was heard early on after it was built and opened.
I suspect too much can be heard about activity below in that parking lot.
And since they are planning to phase out commercial flights for the average person the parking lots are unnecessary for future plans since electric vehicles are planned to replace fossil fuels.
And when I say electric vehicles I do not mean cars.
Cars are pretty much useless and in the way inside 15 minute cities.
We get scooters and bikes for commuting.
DIA is unique also because it was built for interstellar travel for the elite.
The underground there is extensive
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
The Denver International Airport economy parking lots are far away from the major roadway so no one would see anything, except for the construction crew.
I just wonder if they are planning to bury something instead. DIA does have a past with buried construction projects.

The reason I am considering this is that a while back I was watching a river reclamation project and I watched as a large hole was made and an enormous metal container was place into it and then covered up. At the time I thought it might be some type of system needed for communications but I don't know for sure. The location was pretty inaccessible and discreet.

So with this AI issue right now and the pilot shortage due to retirement and jab injuries it isn't a stretch that some type of infrastructure is being installed for future use.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:37 AM
The thing about Q is their leadership role.
There are only a few rules in being a leader.
Leaders are pretty much born to be, but skillets are required to be effective.
2 keys in leadership
1: know who to hire.
2: know when to get out of the way so those you hire can perform .

Q is a great leader.
Put a great team together.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: daskakik
In my opinion Q is done. There is nothing more to say.

but, but, but...

Those who believe in the gospel according to Q will forever see future proving past but Q has run out of anything interesting to say.

That's because YOU think Q is an entity to be listened to instead of a mentality of scrutinisation that can exist anywhere anytime.

I think you will often have something to say as long as these threads are going.

cheers until next time.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
The thing about Q is their leadership role.
There are only a few rules in being a leader.
Leaders are pretty much born to be, but skillets are required to be effective.
2 keys in leadership
1: know who to hire.
2: know when to get out of the way so those you hire can perform .

Q is a great leader.
Put a great team together.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: daskakik
In my opinion Q is done. There is nothing more to say.

but, but, but...

Those who believe in the gospel according to Q will forever see future proving past but Q has run out of anything interesting to say.

That's because YOU think Q is an entity to be listened to instead of a mentality of scrutinisation that can exist anywhere anytime.

I think you will often have something to say as long as these threads are going.

cheers until next time.

Yours was the 6666 comment on this thread.... im 6667

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

A section of DIA's Welcome sign has been out for quite awhile now. I'm not certain who would want to steal parts of a welcome sign. That was the most distracting sign at night with that undulating ribbon of light. It certainly wasn't welcoming for any drivers on the ground.
DIA Welcome Sign

If this airport was designed for space crafts maybe this light was being used as guidance. When on it is safe and when off not safe?
The art there is also creepy.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:36 AM
The circus 🤡strikes back.

The Walt Disney Company has filed a lawsuit against Ron DeSantis, sparking a legal war between the Florida Governor and the global media powerhouse.

ETA. About which, Q Post #144 mentioned,

Disney is a distraction.

edit on 26-4-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:52 AM
Gold Is Replacing US Dollar As American Currency Becomes ‘Toxic’ – Russia’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

Earlier this month, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov reportedly said that the trend of de-dollarization is now irreversible and poised to accelerate.

Reports also surfaced that BRICS nations – which is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are accumulating gold at a rapid pace as they begin to back away from the US dollar.[/url ]

American Currency Dominance at Risk As China, Russia and Iran Conspire To Dump Dollar: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Zimbabwe's Central Bank Says Upcoming Gold-Backed Digital Currency to Help Reduce Demand for US Dollar

We shall also soon be introducing digital gold tokens to ensure that those with low amounts of local currency are able to purchase the gold units so that we leave no one and no place behind,” the governor reportedly said.

Yuan overtakes dollar to become most-used currency in China's cross-border transactions

The yuan became the most widely-used currency for cross-border transactions in China in March, overtaking the dollar for the first time, official data showed, reflecting efforts by Beijing to internationalise use of the yuan.

WeChat Integrates Digital Yuan to Drive Adoption of CBDC in China

WeChat has integrated the digital yuan into its platform, enabling users to pay for goods and services using their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) digital wallets, according to BeInCrypto.

The move from WeChat is yet another push from officials in China to drive up the use of CBDCs. Currently, there are CBDC trial programs taking place in 15 provinces, “with many tens of millions of digital yuan wallets activated.”
edit on 26-4-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
The circus 🤡strikes back.

The Walt Disney Company has filed a lawsuit against Ron DeSantis, sparking a legal war between the Florida Governor and the global media powerhouse.

ETA. About which, Q Post #144 mentioned,

Disney is a distraction.


LOL, I don't see where Disney has a leg to stand on. Municipal governments exist at the pleasure of the state. If Florida wants to get rid of Disney's special property zone, it has every right to.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: BioavAilabilityGuy
a reply to: crankyoldman

This literally made the hairs stand up on my neck. This explains so much. Thanks Cranky. I am so glad he never signed those papers. From what I can gather, this "machine" is more than just that.

Rel, your dream sequence sounds quite intriguing and very relatable as far as being thrown off task buy a third party. I had no idea. I am so sorry for how wrong I have been. To you. To Elon. To Everyone. I always liked Musk. Thought he was a clever and brilliant guy. But I have been busy the last year or so sniffing out infiltration. I lost touch with reality. I lost Trust in Everyone. Even my family. I am realizing how pompous and arrogant and just down right nasty I have been towards everyone in my life, online and off. It breaks my heart that I am going to be considered a modern day nero. But Cranks post about the wrecking ball made a lot of sense with the order out of chaos. I just hope that I'm not the first person in history to be executed for stupidity.


posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

The proceeding will be a demonstration of how much Disney has succeeded (or not) in corrupting Florida's judicial system.


posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Robert Plants words in Stairway to heaven pointed out there is ALWAYS TIME TO CHANGE THE ROAD YOU'RE ON!
Kudos, for being wise enough and caring enough to share this epiphany.

I agree. It's important to realise that the next step on any road or path will always be the most important, and at any time, we can face any direction we have available.

Thanks for sharing. I will notice those lyrics more poigniantly each time I hear the song from now on.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:16 PM
JPMorgan: “ChatGPT has Driven Half the Gains in the Stock Market this Year” – Mega Financial Bubble About to Explode

Here in 2023, however, investors have continued to pour money into Big Tech stocks, in spite of the losses they suffered in 2022 and the hundreds of thousands who have now been laid off by these companies, and I have been warning for the past 3 months that this is a huge financial bubble because most of these investments are going into the newest fad in Big Tech: Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, in spite of the fact that these new software products are not producing any revenue yet.

And in a report published today about an analysis from JPMorgan, the analysis stated that “The interest sparked in artificial intelligence driven by ChatGPT and other large language models has driven more than half the gains in the S&P 500 this year.”

Article Market Watch

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:17 PM
Senior Citi banker departs shortly after report of Epstein meetings

Citigroup (C.N) senior executive Paul Barrett has left the bank, it said on Tuesday, days after media reports that he met with disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein while he was employed at rival JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) became public.

JPMorgan bankers met with Epstein after his accounts were closed

JPMorgan Chase & Co bankers continued to have meetings with the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein even after the bank decided to close his accounts in 2013, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing people familiar with the matter.

The banker Justin Nelson had about a half-dozen meetings at Epstein’s townhouse between 2014 and 2017, the newspaper said.

While still a client of JPMorgan, Epstein met in 2011 and 2013 with Mary Erdoes, who is now CEO of the bank’s asset and wealth management unit, and in 2013 with John Duffy, who ran JPMorgan’s U.S. private bank, the newspaper said.

Jes Staley says JPMorgan using him as 'shield' for Epstein failures

A former JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) executive who befriended Jeffrey Epstein urged a U.S. judge to throw out the bank's lawsuit against him, accusing JPMorgan of deflecting blame for its own failures in working with the late sex offender.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:32 PM
Stocks fall worldwide on U.S. recession, banking and debt-ceiling risks

Stock Market Crash Alert: Credit Default Swaps From 2008 Are Back

Stock market crash fears are eating up Wall Street as credit default swaps (CDSs) rise to the highest level since 2008. Indeed, it seems that concerns over the government debt are pushing traders away from domestic debt investments.

Sentiment Speaks: The Most Expected Crash In Stock Market History

It seems that the general perspective is that the market is going to crash

The US will tip into a recession in mid-2023, according to an indicator that's declined for 12 consecutive months[/url ]

Recession fears, First Republic’s first-quarter results send Treasury yields even lower in U.S. trading, led by 2-year rate
[url] -2-year-rate-26d773ec

GOP debt ceiling bill faces its first test as analysts warn U.S. faces default risk as early as June

A House Republican bill to raise the debt limit while dramatically cutting federal spending faces its first test Tuesday afternoon, when the sprawling legislation is reviewed and "marked up" by the House Rules Committee,

The panel is expected to vote on whether to send the plan to the House floor.

A US debt default could spark mass unemployment, payment failures, and catastrophe that would raise interest rates 'into perpetuity,' Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns

A US debt default would be a disaster for the economy, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said.
She warned of potential mass unemployment, payment failures, and broad economic weakness if the US failed to pay its debts.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:37 PM
Robot notice how it mindlessly repeats the talking points, even though they make no sense. Notice "Iowa" ingratiating hand gesture, like Circle Back Jen.

Battery Fires
China stops selling raw materials closes military
Tesla chargers all taken up.
Water ruined...

The issue? Team Joe went back to 2010, everything they are promoting was supposed to be well in place, but 2016 happened, so none of this makes sense, as the bots just be botting.

Agenda 21 simply became Agenda 2030, ten years difference, ten year reset, as if 2016 never happened.

Polarity Reality run by m.A.L.I.C.E.

edit on 26-4-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
It's a real shame you can't see it.

Not if it really isn't happening

care to explain your POV on this with more detail?

I looked around but couldn't find the post where they talked about soul progression being an individual affair.

sounds familiar lol

Yes, but what is good for the goose...

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