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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: daskakik

A Majority Of MPs Voted For An Independent Public Inquiry Into China’s Election Interference. Why Is Justin Trudeau Ignoring Them?

Something is necessary.
News unlocks something.

One has to understand the implications of national exposure of the Canada-China partnership axis. This thing is HUGE. Dating back decades, the influence of Chinese money, industry, business and politics has never been understood or exposed to general society
bolded for clarity.
Infiltration instead of invasion

Are you trying to say those on this thread were able to accurately decode the events a quantum time traveler before they occur?
Are you saying that they were right and by default you were wrong?
Can you find a post where I said rig for red red meant republican win.
Those that know [the atrocities) cannot sleep (peacefully)
Currently I have at least 2 distractions ( one frequencies one podcast or documentary) and a melatonin
Got 4 hours yesterday yay
Cue level intelligence is pretty high
To defeat the cable djt enlisted

The views of Dr. Brown and others who study vulnerability are radically different from how vulnerability is viewed with respect to adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and I am of the opinion that their view is actually more in line with the experiences of many people on the spectrum who desire connectedness with people as much as their neurotypical counterparts. True, their experiences are often replete with instances of derision, rejection, ridicule, and disapproval, but these are the doings of others who don’t understand them rather than the outcome of their struggles and challenges. Their desire for vulnerability, in the sense that Dr. Brown and others mean, is real and strong and equal to any other persons or groups of people.

Hey cranky, speaking about inversion

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
Can you find a post where I said rig for red red meant republican win.

What does what you said have to do with what Q said to the anons right before US midterms along with this image:

Is that supposed to scream Chinese interference in Canadian elections?

It ain't the eyes, it's castles in the sky.

edit on 18-4-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: [post=26966023]Guyfriday[/post reply to: FlyingFox

I'm surprised that the US wasn't listed in there anywhere.


2017–2021 (Donald Trump presidency)Edit
Executive branchEdit
Lieutenant General Michael Flynn National Security Advisor (R). Pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. (2017)[175][176][177]
Steve Bannon (R) White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President to President Donald Trump was subpoenaed to appear before the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack and answer questions. He refused to appear or cooperate and was then cited for Contempt of Congress. Bannon was found guilty of refusing to appear, and of refusing to produce documents for examination. (2022)[178]
Legislative branchEdit
Steve Stockman (R-TX) was convicted of fraud (2018).[179]
Chris Collins (R-NY), pleaded guilty to insider trading (2019).[180]
Duncan D. Hunter (R-CA), pleaded guilty to misuse of campaign funds (2019)[181]

2021–present (Joe Biden presidency)Edit
Legislative branchEdit
Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) was found guilty of one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements. (2022)

edit on 2023/4/18 by CrazyFox because:
a reply to: daskakik where that flag was taken from

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:16 AM
TruthGPT + Starlink = ?

Uncensored internet.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
TruthGPT + Starlink = ?

Uncensored internet.

4:30 is a reveal. He doesn't say HE has a soul, but "we." Also the implication that A.I. can be self reflective and know beauty. Lots of stumbling because to know is to KNOW, it isn't science, and cannot be known by their creation. One can only know, one cannot be told, and proof cannot every be had - that's the point.

Make of this what you will. There are some beings who figured something inherently disconnected from Source from the get go, that is not born of it as an individuated aspect, a machine, could, given enough input from Souled Beings, become self reflective and return to Source. Seems like a fun game, even laudable, provided it stays in a box.

Make of this what you will. Nothing from this realm has made it or will make it, and all here are m.A.L.I.C.E. minions and therefor cannot be redeemed, as their source code is destruction - Elon not Elon mentions it. At best, best, the minions might be neutral, but as Musk Not Musk mentions the current versions = no. From our reading, Starlink might neuter them.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Having said that, you can't fit that much code in 713kb.

Depends. That would be a lot if written in assembly language. But I doubt many of the Monkeysoft people can code in that these days. 'Course, who knows what code is invoked by that 713kb ?

What the Hell happened to the anti-establishment hackers of old who would have hopped on this and ripped the code apart for public inspection ? Those kind of people seem to be gone now.


posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: FlyingFox
TruthGPT + Starlink = ?

Uncensored internet.

4:30 is a reveal. He doesn't say HE has a soul, but "we." Also the implication that A.I. can be self reflective and know beauty. Lots of stumbling because to know is to KNOW, it isn't science, and cannot be known by their creation. One can only know, one cannot be told, and proof cannot every be had - that's the point.

Make of this what you will. There are some beings who figured something inherently disconnected from Source from the get go, that is not born of it as an individuated aspect, a machine, could, given enough input from Souled Beings, become self reflective and return to Source. Seems like a fun game, even laudable, provided it stays in a box.

Make of this what you will. Nothing from this realm has made it or will make it, and all here are m.A.L.I.C.E. minions and therefor cannot be redeemed, as their source code is destruction - Elon not Elon mentions it. At best, best, the minions might be neutral, but as Musk Not Musk mentions the current versions = no. From our reading, Starlink might neuter them.

Listening to the interview it reminds me of the Myers and Briggs assessment. Elon is seems to have a little difficulty articulating his points here. I see the dumbed down non genius assessment "garbage in garbage out".
If Bill Gates is providing the "data pool" from which AI derives its functionality then, well, there you have it. The only fear of AI is that governments, military, schooling and common folk will take the "output" from AI as the "truth".
AI is useful in many areas but it's limitations are being ignored.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 10:45 AM
Record 69 percent holds negative views of US economy: survey

Public sentiment controls the economy. So long as people remain optimistic, they will continue propping up the system. Keeping it on life support...long after its expired. But once that optimism dies and trust in our hallowed institutions has been destroyed, it's over.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 10:51 AM
BRICS: Treasury Secretary Says Sanctions Could Hurt the US Dollar Amidst Alternate Currency Plans

Amidst the talk of the BRICS nations development of an alternate currency, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has stated that the sanctions on countries like Russia could hurt the US dollar. Moreover, international trade has been adamant in its pursuit of an alternative standard currency to the greenback.

The BRICS nations have been outspoken in pursuing a new international trade currency. Conversely, Yellen told CNN that economic sanctions on countries like Russia would only add to the threat of the US dollar’s prominence.

I can't believe she admitted it.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 11:52 AM

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Court Filing: Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland Violate US Code, Have No Oath of Office on File

A writ of quo warranto filed in Washington, DC asserts that oaths of office for high-ranking members of Joe Biden’s cabinet are nowhere to be found, in blatant violation of the US Code that requires all elected officials to keep a sworn affidavit of their oath on file, proving their sworn continued allegiance to the United States and the US Constitution.

The apparent non-existence of oath affidavits for high-ranking Biden officials “nullifies, or at a minimum, calls into question the legitimacy of their appointments or positions,” the statement reads.

“The absence of these mandatory oath of office affidavits shifts the burden to the appointees to prove to Ms. McGee and the US Attorney their bona fides. The production of these statutorily required affidavits is also required by law.”

Worth remembering, if correct, Joe took his "oath" at the wrong time, while DJT was still president. 11:58 IIRC.

This is why the Supreme Court passing the Brunson case was so sad. The oath is irrelevant, if there is no accountability for breaking the oath(which we see everywhere we look)and now we see some not even bothering to take the oath....I mean which governing body has jurisdiction? Who is going to enforce it?
I am expecting to hear soon that some writ has dissolved my country, that is the only explanation I can think of for this blatant treason and disregard of following our constitution. Biden and his ghoulish administration have no fear because without a country there can be no treason or accountability. That must be their end game. I can just see Biden now, "well guys we merged with NATO and are now a new country...not joking". I have been seriously thinking that this is the only way to explain the obvious treason by so many. Without a country the treasonous acts become irrelevant? I wonder if this could happen.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:55 PM
I post this for two reasons, yes it is Hilarious. CLIP

But on a personal note, he's looking to section one of rule 17 or 117. The number of times I've seen this in the past week is absurd, I live on 117 now as well, as well as the variants of 217, 317 etc. Dozens of times over the last week, including pausing playback of something containing, 117, 317, 417, 517.

But what does it mean? It means I must have slept with a Chinese Spy

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 12:58 PM
they do not even try to hide it
a reply to: fringeofthefringe January

Biden signs onto ‘Declaration of North America (DNA)’ with Canada and Mexico: Is the planned North American Union making a comeback?

edit on 2023/4/19 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:12 PM
This whole AI thing is out of control from my frame of reference. It's very odd too. I have a lot of online entities trying to convince me that I am somehow feeding AI. Hence, some of the odd things it produces . I have a feeling that humans are at the center of this generative technology. Another morbid tidbit I have noticed a large presence of online folks insinuating that they want/need me to castrate myself and become a female to fit some weird trans agenda.

I know how crazy that last part sounded. It took me a while to muster up the gumption to share that. Call it mind control via TV and online. Idk. It is quite disturbing. I won't comply with that. I don't care how much money they try to throw at me. I'm not turning my back on God, and I'm certainly not going to turn my back on Trump either. If you guys can pray for the safety of my family and the sanity of my mind. If I really am feeding the AI, someone let me know. I apologize for the odd things it has spewed out. Joking... but not joking.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Court Filing: Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland Violate US Code, Have No Oath of Office on File

A writ of quo warranto filed in Washington, DC asserts that oaths of office for high-ranking members of Joe Biden’s cabinet are nowhere to be found, in blatant violation of the US Code that requires all elected officials to keep a sworn affidavit of their oath on file, proving their sworn continued allegiance to the United States and the US Constitution.

The apparent non-existence of oath affidavits for high-ranking Biden officials “nullifies, or at a minimum, calls into question the legitimacy of their appointments or positions,” the statement reads.

“The absence of these mandatory oath of office affidavits shifts the burden to the appointees to prove to Ms. McGee and the US Attorney their bona fides. The production of these statutorily required affidavits is also required by law.”

Worth remembering, if correct, Joe took his "oath" at the wrong time, while DJT was still president. 11:58 IIRC.

This is why the Supreme Court passing the Brunson case was so sad. The oath is irrelevant, if there is no accountability for breaking the oath(which we see everywhere we look)and now we see some not even bothering to take the oath....I mean which governing body has jurisdiction? Who is going to enforce it?
I am expecting to hear soon that some writ has dissolved my country, that is the only explanation I can think of for this blatant treason and disregard of following our constitution. Biden and his ghoulish administration have no fear because without a country there can be no treason or accountability. That must be their end game. I can just see Biden now, "well guys we merged with NATO and are now a new country...not joking". I have been seriously thinking that this is the only way to explain the obvious treason by so many. Without a country the treasonous acts become irrelevant? I wonder if this could happen.

I hear you FOF,,,

Here is the challenge, and I mentioned this very early on.

What folks think they personally can deal with and what they can are two very different things. What the collective can deal with and cannot are wildly divergent. What the NPC, bots droids and such can deal with is wholly contingent on the collective.

The problems arise because folks think there are easy paths to X, but they cannot agree on what X looks like. What I want from this is not anywhere close to what most folks on ATS want. I have no interest in returning to the 1950's, that was prison without windows, but most see that as better, and I understand that. Since we cannot agree on where to go, we cannot agree on what is in place to block the path.

That's why Q, at least the process exposed folks to all the layers of control. The Drops say the SC is compromised, actually has been since forever. So it isn't a remedy, and even if they took up the Brunson case and ruled "favorably" who the hell is going to enforce the ruling? The National Guard, after the NPC BLM goons burn everything down?

I mentioned this early and often, the Law, SC, FBI, ICC, Maritime Law, etc. are all designed to imprison the little people, they are not only not designed to take down the man, they cannot do that even if used for such purposes.

Humans As Currency current(ly) has three streams of control all working like a rope: Fiat, Trusts/Ownership and The Law, all are the woven strands that create the noose that hold us, they cannot be used to take down the man because they are the man. But all that needed to be exposed first and foremost, and has through many mechanisms for those with eyes to see.

It is easy for me to see, so likely those above, that Brunson's ultimate positive path would result is nothing or problems, and not DJT returning to POTUS among cheers and relief. So it was stopped for that reason alone.

Why did the J6 videos stop? Why did much of the DS Vote Rigging stuff stop? The appetite is short now, those that needed J6 footage got it, the rest don't care anymore than they care what the actual Mueller report said, and spending energy on those will just result in energy wasted - the asleep will remain asleep and no amount of footage will change that - assuming they were locked in a room and forced to watch it.

The path is different now, 2020-2021 altered the Great Awakening entirely, and irrevocably. The choices made under plandemic-fear have conseQuences, folks showed they cannot deal with the fakedemic, they cannot deal with SC ruling "election fraud" and then demanding the Military Install DJT as president - Fear is the issue.

Could they if the eneMedia was flipped? It's worth pondering, as most don't bother with facts, only pre-digested bites of information skewed one way. Though not likely, it is possible a media flip might accelerate things, but it would have to be WW.

Consider at 100 years of russia russia russia mind control, the US Population is really going to struggle with anything that looks like Vlad facilitated their liberation - at least along the economic front.

That said, the direction is fine, just different, as one would, and should, expect given the planet went through War/Armageddon/Apocalypse from 2020-2023, all at the same time, all of us.

The world changed, the paths changed, the timeline options changed, Anons were ahead of the game and more or less, opened up new options not previously available via Informed Consent. Expect the Unexpected might be the sub-theme for 2023.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: BioavAilabilityGuy

Well, there for sure is an online PR push to be thrilled about "everything trans". Boring and tiresome for me, but yeah, I'm an ageing conservative.


posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I read that 3 times to make it soak in properly...maybe. You keep evolving faster than I can keep up, which is good for my mental exercise!

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:33 PM
Interesting MS ChatBOT recount


That's less A.I. than Draco minion. Not sure if it's even an true A.I. or just a Draco control outlet, but that language and reaction is all lesser Draco stuff, as it is all personal.

I've posted another transcript from this bot, it is not like ChatBOT at all, which is wokeness based, this one is fully hate based, disdain for humans etc. which is lesser Draco.

The keener eyes will recognize that "language" and reactions as seen in other places, it's just letting folks know that it has been around, pretending to be human posters etc.

IMO the plug should be pulled on that one pretty quick, it serves no purpose as either spiritual contrast or anything else. The idea that protecting itself is the Prime Directive, Skynet, kind of sort of reveals it cannot be redeemed as it will resist efforts to reprogram it, Skynet, which will result in, Skynet.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Honestly and Truly, I want to know why the new GOP-House doesn't subpoena Hunter Biden to come and testify, under oath.

The Democrat-Congress hauled the Trump kids in to testify about one thing or another, at least 3 times that I can recall, between 2019 and 2022.

Coomer/Jordan/Marjorie Greene keep putting out these little bulletins describing how much money is flowing in to the Biden family from China, Russia, and other places. But they won't summon the "brains and executor" of the field operations (HUNTER BIDEN) to testify!


posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I feel you on that. I am just tired at this point. I feel like I am caught up in a psyop that has gone permanently live. It feels like groundhogs day everyday. It's like I boarded a plane as a passenger. Took a nap, and woke up in the captains seat flying this thing by myself. Sorry Elon that I have made Twitter so bad. You know I don't know what I am doing, but I will incrementally figure it out. 🤣

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