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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 03:41 PM

Removing money from politics is a good idea but money is simply a variable. It's not the issue. The real issue is peoples' relationship with money and their dependence on it. The dependency is an addiction. Addiction is bondage. You can remove money from the equation, replace it with a new variable and we will still have the same problem

a reply to: socialmediaclown

Good point. Maybe there should be a cost to govern or a sacrifice. Trump has endured both and did it willingly.
Perhaps mankind is too corruptible. Small community governments? Definitely not an all knowing centralized global power structure, no way. One size does not fit all, not by a long shot. Is this not obvious to everyone?

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 03:59 PM
This is interesting, as this was designed to happen - 2013 actually.

The Fed Is Bankrupt

The Fed has experienced significant operating losses over the last six months, which have exhausted its existing capital. Those losses represent foregone revenue to the US Treasury.

This is part of the reason history is rewritten every 100 years - we're in the middle of that now, and why older folks are marginalized while the younger folks are the target of mind control, as they cannot see the designs longer than a few years.

I laugh at the idea that "The FED is just incompetent" followed by some graphs and numbers that the very incompetent FED itself gave out as proof of their incompetence being the dunk to end all dunks.

Folks really miss the forest for the trees, quite often confusing "incompetence" with calculated destruction. This is calculated destruction, the Q at this point is who has gotten ahold of the end product? Regardless, as I have said for years, for 50% of the pewblick the new system will look like the NWO, for the other 50% it will look like liberation. The two will never reconcile.

Always start your economy discussions with "what do you think the merger of the FED and Treasury means?"

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

" The two will never reconcile. "

Then the Inevitable Outcome , Civil War . Settle the Score.......

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 04:43 PM
Time for a comedy break, this is a Sitting US Senator in 2023 under Team Joe. CLIP

This is Idiocracy and no one on planet earth can tell me otherwise. Makes for a solid case to nuke it all.

Hank TipOver Johnson said something truly remarkable, proving once again there is no human in this skin suit.


Rep. Hank Johnson says that the witnesses criticizing Alvin Bragg in the New York City hearing who lost family members to violent crime are "props in a MAGA Republican production."

I'm of a mind to wrap DC in a large fence, stuff all of these bots and such inside and allow folks to tour it like a zoo, Nadler, Johnson, Porter, Pelosi, Circle Back Jen and the rest of the usual suspects can be on display, with video streams of their greatest hits playing 24/7. A living museum/zoo.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Humankind has been corrupted for a very long time. We've remained stuck in dysfunctional patterns of thought and behavior. We've trapped ourselves in a self-perpetuating cycle of corrupted humans creating corrupted systems. The corrupted systems circle back to create corrupted more humans.

In order to break the cycle, the pattern has to be changed which is not so easy because it requires deep introspection and self-awareness. The changes are made from the inside out starting with rewiring neural network connectivity. What will follow are shifts in mood, shifts in habits and behavior...the work will entail a complete self-transformation. Our belief systems create everything in our outer world down to the minute details. Our train of thought controls every subtilty in our physiology including our breath rate, our heart rate, even our eye movements, our posture and how we carry ourselves. A servant carries themselves differently than a master...which I mean to say a person stripped of self-confidence has different traits and behaviors than someone who has self-mastery. They emit a different "vibe" which produces completely different life experiences.

Self-mastery is up to each individual human being to learn. We've grown accustomed to following role models and mimicking others but copying each other's patterns is what creates the hivemind. The path to self individuation requires breaking away from the hivemind and forging your own unique evolutionary path. There's no one to copy or model yourself after because this is a journey of you discovering who you truly are. Each path will be unique. Every single person must cross their own bridge of incidents to reach their chosen destination. This is an inner journey with no written map to follow. You feel your way by connecting to your inner guidance. As I said this is a solo journey just as death is a solo journey because this is death of the old self and a transformation of the new.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 05:45 PM

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I'm surprised that the US wasn't listed in there anywhere.

posted on Apr, 17 2023 @ 09:45 PM
These are a pretty good case for m.A.L.I.C.E. and her minions running the show at the 3d level.

Or, since everything can be seen from multiple levels, except by m.A.L.I.C.E. and her minions, these provide the contrast for what those who are Awakening are aiming to move beyond.

Or. ClownWorld.

All three is also an option.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:02 AM
"Not like Terminator, but kind of..."

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: FlyingFox

I'm surprised that the US wasn't listed in there anywhere.

That list of strictly Heads of State who were imprisoned. The list of convicted US Federal officials are covered separately.

I supposed, to date, there's no US heads of state imprisoned.

I was actually looking for historical figures who went to jail, like Ghandi, Chirac and Hitler

edit on 18-4-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

I was saying something like this from the start. How it's an implausible story, considering his resources. I have no skills, but still have done forensic recoveries for lawyers. My idea was different in that the labtop was planted at the repair shop, but by a Hunter look-alike, with an imaged hard drive via NS^ Vault VII software kit. Actually, a forced plant seems even more plausible.

Funny thing about QTSR, in some ways it limits conversation by saying all the things we're thinking, but it also leads the conversation, when you test your ideas against it.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Just a reminder of where we are.

We are in the middle of a confusion attach which is why we can't clearly see where we are.

If we could see then so could the enemy. We can't have that so no-one can clearly see except those few who are running the show.

Sit back, enjoy the movie!

That is why this thread is going slowly, most have woken ... a few still have to do the wakey wakey.

Some never will because they have put their very existence into the repudiation of wakey wakey.

Hopefully it will soon be time to let go of snakey.


posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 05:53 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Funny thing about QTSR, in some ways it limits conversation by saying all the things we're thinking, but it also leads the conversation, when you test your ideas against it.

yesterday there were around 20-25 posts. the first few were obviously new but most of the rest were recaps. usually QTSR will forward to repost but yesterday most of them weren't. I couldn't tell which were new. I simply can't and won't post all of them anyway so here are the first four and maybe I'll post more during the week as I have time.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 07:06 AM
QTSR April 17:

QTSR April 17:

QTSR April 17:

QTSR April 17:

edit on 4/18/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

gas field

That was a long time ago

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 11:15 AM
These go together, file under "history is in fact rewritten every 100 years = fact, we're now in the middle of that event = fact."

PUSH Textbooks Are Covering The Trump Presidency; The Bias Is Worse Than You Think

Former Mexican president worked for CIA

Lopez Portillo is the fourth former Mexican president listed as a US intelligence asset. The others are Luis Echeverria, who was in office between 1970 and 1976, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (1964-1970) and Adolfo Lopez Mateos (1958-1964).

The later brings me here.

Everyone of a certain age needed to know who killed JFK. So the information has been coming out, slowly, and those same said people pretty much do not care - as predicted. We like the mystery far more than we like the facts when they are a bit more complicated. We also like a nice clean Presser where it is all laid out, we hate wading through endless images of scanned documents - give us the Cliff's Notes version proving we're right or we cannot be bothered.

Warning, harshness coming.

But but but what about all those failed predictions, that's why I'm still unsure = buying into the debunk talking points that were created before Q arrived, and not using the tools given through the process.

What if I said of all the Q drops, THIS is the most important one?

That this is the only one needed at all in fact. That if Q had posted this one first, everything in our reality would have altered had enough people read it and manifested it? I can hear the trolls, "that's not clear, why not post something detailed?" Because FFINg Freewill, that's why!!! Folks of a higher order REFUSE to violate it.

And what if I said this one is the most meaningless?

Had Stars post been the first post how many would have followed along? Any? Be honest.

But but but, why couldn't Team Q just have said? Why so cryptic?

Because this is you.

No it isn't cranky, I know what's what. BS, Look at the first link. History is REWRITTEN! People think because they learned the 500th version they know what's what? Right now it is being rewritten, so what on earth makes anyone of an awakened mind thinkx "George Washington (now a racist) Chopped Down the Cherry Tree" history is facts subject to change.

There were NO failed predictions, they were never "predictions" Pre means “before” and diction has to do with speaking. Spelling is about casting spells. Keep that in mind.

Had the Stars post been the first post no one would have cared but maybe me. The first posts were Juicy, and of of a narrative style, for a reason. The entire population is mind controlled, read Casey quote with literally the entire planet in mind including you. It means that in order to connect one has to use the tools of mind control to unlock the mind = there is NO OTHER WAY!

But but but that's not cool, why would Q use mind control to wake us up, that's wrong?

The statement is too naive to be addressed but we will. If the appropriate language to wake folks up is symbols, and the population has no idea what the hell is going on with symbols, they must be UNEDUCATED first, yes mind washed first. Then, and only then, can the issue of seeing the reality differently be addressed.

The process of Q follows the same damn programming model that got us here in the first place. Yes, we're a mess, and yes, there are limited tools. Doing things like waking up alone at first is all but impossible. If you could wake up on your own to this level, why didn't you?

It'd be nice if there was another way, but having been in this game for decades, folks have no idea how powerful the control systems are, none - none, I mean none! Without a collective, Anons, to support it would be impossible, and to gather them tricks, lies, deception, truth, hopium, etc. all needed to be deployed.

But but but Q changed, the posts were different, it's different people, that's a problem.

Naive. It changed because we changed, the changes were there to reflect the shift in the collective awareness. As folks awakened, the need for X diminished and the need for Y accelerated. As the attacks arrived, the need to alter the presentation arrived too. Only a fool does not change with the times, in fact, the changes demonstrate that Q Team was reading the room, not just forging ahead.

But but but I'm awake, I know what's what, I don't need all of this cloak and dagger stuff, just tell me I can deal with it.

Beyond Naive, every person I have ever met has overestimated their ability to expand their awareness by a magnitude of a of 1000 minimum. Believing the CIA killed JFK - pre2022, isn't a barometer of awareness quotient. It's just a fairly meaningless fact, as evidenced by the fact that we now know the CIA meddled and it changed nothing of substance. In 2018 in this thread, many had meltdowns and shared them here, folks supported - shills and trolls dripped blood off their draco teeth, and there was a reason for that. Waking up is hard to do, it has serious downsides, often catastrophic ones.

But but but what's the point, the paid penny a post provocateurs are right, nothing has changed, they said it for 5 years they must be right.

Exponential Naïveté. In my first post HERE I mentioned what was what. This system is the system cannot be redeemed and this was never about that. This was and is about each his own. Have any of you changed? Have any of you unlocked deeper meaning of self? Only each can answer that, and that is the point.

Back to Casey.

Nothing changes until enough unlock the damage done by eons of this programming. It's not since 1950, it's since year zero for many. One cannot alter the reality if all they are trying to do is "arrest HRC" see new repubs in office and get back to some teeeveee watching and beer drinking. This process has thrown it ALL into question = ALL!

Folks want the FBI, yes the FBI that employed the arrest him now Comey, to arrest X and Y and make it right. You'll find I said often at the beginning, the FBI was not set up to protect the little people from the big, but was INVERTED to protect the big from the little = verifiable fact. Folks need to escape that mindset in order to begin the creation process.

But but but Q said...

Ugh. So what. At this point those hanging on to that are the shills and trolls who haven't grown proving my point entirely.

What do you say? Everyone here graduated Q academy two years ago, their test was the Choice Point. Those who choose the path will lead on should it be of interest, or not.

Things have changed, Fear Vs. Love, the two realities are incompatible. CLIP

Here. For the last 25 years I have asked countless people this: If right now, I could open a portal in this room and you could leave to explore all there is+++, but you have to go now, would you - no questions, just yes or no?" I found one who would have. I now know there are countless who would say yes. Things have changed, you must see it within now.

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman


Classic comments on your part.

Only one thing I would mention:

But but but Q changed

Yeah, Q changed. And not in a good way. What do I mean by that ?

Q went from, at the same time, a very broad and deep view ... to simply commenting on recent events.

Not even sure why, it added very little to the discussions and started a process of tuning out for at least some anons. And now, Q says very little at all, if the "Q" drops we've recently seen are even from the original individual or collective that identified themselves as Q.

Part of The Plan, or just noise in the signal ?


posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 11:38 AM
I caught the A.I. host again on my laptop - it's part of Windows and seems to initiate when you use the Windows logo "Start" menu:



Interesting that it seems to have been created on March 8th - 41 days ago???

posted on Apr, 18 2023 @ 12:08 PM
Court Filing: Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland Violate US Code, Have No Oath of Office on File

A writ of quo warranto filed in Washington, DC asserts that oaths of office for high-ranking members of Joe Biden’s cabinet are nowhere to be found, in blatant violation of the US Code that requires all elected officials to keep a sworn affidavit of their oath on file, proving their sworn continued allegiance to the United States and the US Constitution.

The apparent non-existence of oath affidavits for high-ranking Biden officials “nullifies, or at a minimum, calls into question the legitimacy of their appointments or positions,” the statement reads.

“The absence of these mandatory oath of office affidavits shifts the burden to the appointees to prove to Ms. McGee and the US Attorney their bona fides. The production of these statutorily required affidavits is also required by law.”

Worth remembering, if correct, Joe took his "oath" at the wrong time, while DJT was still president. 11:58 IIRC.

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