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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe
Reply to: crankyoldman

I am seeing your points an ultimately the expression I would use is "all bets are off". No rhythm or reason. I did enjoy looking for patterns, it seems to be much more difficult now because the rules and reason have been pushed aside.

Trump being indicted, to me was the equivalent to stopping the vote counts for a week and then announcing that Joe Biden won. Both of those scenarios were just blatant in your face disregard to reality, rules, order and common sense. Trump was indicted for a non existent federal crime, which literally wasn't even listed in the indictment, being brought by a state prosecutor who campaigned on getting Trump and Joe Biden won a presidency without campaigning and losing all the bell weather metrics we have always seen as a trusted compass after stating he put together the most extensive voter fraud system ever.

So yes, it's past time for me to get accustomed to the unexpected, thanks for pointing that out! Buckling up!

I am ready for some Jesus love and Archangel Michael to be allowed to clean all this up once and for always. Remembering to love our neighbors thru this IS INDEED the secret I firmly know.

We "aint hatin' our way out" I am 100% sure. So to those who think the law of man is letting us down just try not to lose it with neighbors. Even if some vile person to your standard is in our faces, they are gonna need the love of God when this is all done. not lose our humanity because the Oligarchs have made their move to grab world power of each living thing on Earth.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: CrazyFox
they do not even try to hide it
a reply to: fringeofthefringe January

Biden signs onto ‘Declaration of North America (DNA)’ with Canada and Mexico: Is the planned North American Union making a comeback?

edit on 2023/4/19 by CrazyFox because:

Wow, I saw that a while back but it didn't register.
So it appears dissolving our sovereignty with Canada and Mexico maybe the reason Biden and many others are prancing around treasonously with complete disregard to the constitution. It makes too much sense now.
Also I was thinking the looting of the treasury via Ukraine and other avenues....they buy property and cohorts. So when the dollar is replaced and the economy collapses they, along with Zelensky and China et al will own property and it even fits the building of walls around their estates.
Fortunately I am way off on this because that sounds completely awful. Good thing it's just a conspiracy theory site where we kick around crazy ideas like plandemics, FBI taking over Twitter dm's..going after catholics and spying on Trump when he was running for president. Good thing these theories are crazy. Taking off my tinfoil hat now.

So true......

It is almost enough to make me just pull the other 78 bottles of Hopium beer off the wall and pour them down the sink instead of passing them around....

I am getting to the point where I want this to be "already done, we are watching a movie". I mean that.

Before the hopium is poured down the drain cheers.

edit on 20-4-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Worth noting

The moon blocks the sun in a rare hybrid solar eclipse today

On Wednesday (April 19) and Thursday (April 20), the moon will pass in front of the sun creating an eclipse for certain regions of the planet. But this eclipse will be a much rarer celestial event than most, as it will be a hybrid eclipse that appears different from different locations across the globe taking the form of an annular eclipse, a total eclipse, or a partial eclipse.

Not a slight at you MT. This struck me hard as illogical. I need some clarity or else that below is true

How in hell does that description of this event differ from any other Solar Eclipse is beyond logic. When was an eclipse only a full eclipse for the people or nothing else? Only that region had this part and this region had that part they say ?!!?


There was nothing that damn special about this event. It was a fricken solar eclipse. The brainwashed masses will remember this too, just wait.

edit on 20-4-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Hey FF. I hope all is going well in your world. I tried to send a pm but I wasn't able to. I had a question regarding something that happened back in early to mid 2021. When I was still using my boomgiggle account, you had posted a picture of the flight tracker app with an aircraft right over the general vicinity of where I was living back then in NW Georgia. You also mentioned something about "letting this one fly" or something along those lines. It got my attention and I have always wondered what that was all about. You definitely knew where I was located. I tried to ask before but my pm would look like I messaged myself and come back to me. It was weird. Anyways, your Odin post got the gears going this morning in this one eyed mofo's mind. I keep getting hints from everywhere, on all kinds of things, but what is everyone trying to tell me?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 09:19 AM

We "aint hatin' our way out" I am 100% sure. So to those who think the law of man is letting us down just try not to lose it with neighbors. Even if some vile person to your standard is in our faces, they are gonna need the love of God when this is all done. not lose our humanity because the Oligarchs have made their move to grab world power of each living thing on Earth.

a reply to: Justoneman

Such a great point. I agree. As difficult as it is we ALL need to come together. I must confess that some of the things I see seem unforgivable and I think about how Jesus died for our sins because we were created flawed, sinners and we all need to strive to be better but ultimately God created us and we may not be as forgiving as he is. When people talk about Christianity and forgiveness I sometimes think God is forgiving but I, we, may not always be so. Maybe God will forgive us for thst? That may be one of the many flaws we have? It is tough to reconcile the gender bending, child mutilation going on, the human trafficking but you are right to say we need to keep our humanity in tact because that is what separates us from the animals and AI. It just seems like humanity is currently losing. I am smiling thinking let God do the forgiving but I also would like us ALL to come together somehow so I must be willing to forgive as well. Very deep, oh the humanity.
If the USA, it's constitution and its founders were divinely inspired then maybe another divine inspiration is soon to come for us all. I would love that!

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Justoneman


No really as many times as the names of normal things have been changing due to "wokeness/political correctness/malinformations/other reasons", I've noticed more people calling this "hybrid Eclipse" (or "Thrans-Eclipse") than many other things. It's very vague as to what really made this special.

Maybe some of our ATSers down under could drop in and explain if it was different than other Eclipses.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
I think you are drinking your 'hopium' too slowly!
Maybe if you speeded up your drinking it would get us to the end quicker too

Bit of a time warp thing


posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Justoneman
I think you are drinking your 'hopium' too slowly!
Maybe if you speeded up your drinking it would get us to the end quicker too

Bit of a time warp thing


Well, I was saving it and drinking, rather sipping to be honest, a fine bottle of Bourbon.... I appreciate the sentiment and it will be my honor for you to take the first drink Miss Jane.....

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: BioavAilabilityGuy

I remember that, but def am not tracking anybody. Coincidence that we were looking at the same flight....we'll have to stick a pin in it for now.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:49 AM
Any suggestions on what to do when a PC won't access the internet? This is a PC at my work and it just suddenly refused to connect.......

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
Any suggestions on what to do when a PC won't access the internet? This is a PC at my work and it just suddenly refused to connect.......

Turn it off and restart it. Try to connect and see what happens. If it's on WiFi make sure it isn't on airplane mode.
edit on 4/20/2023 by pteridine because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:55 AM
We here knew this years ago, but it's funny seeing it out now .

Unrelated but Related.

The L. A. m.A.L.I.C.E. outlet with a very strange flex.

This coming from an outlet in a city with many latino gang problems - evidently the asian gangs are even worse in some circles.

Q MS13


A guy in New Zealand has an opinion about MS13, look where he his soap box is! The comments are funny.

NYPravda Upset.

WaPravda upset as usual.

I posted the video above to give some insight. These are soulless beings, watch closely, they all herd themselves with the new boss. All the tough "die for the cause stuff" is gone when a new dog leads the pack.

Polarity Realities reach of a point of absurdity. We're there now, especially as most of the Polarity Splits are done by this thing's garbage in garbage out programming ...

I mentioned waaaaaaaaaaaay back that DJT's greatest trick was squatting on the Polarities, without DS permission re:timing and purpose, and forcing the goons to defend the indefensible. Detail this a bit more. Everything by the DS goons and ghouls is staged, so when they say X, it is because the collective hive mind has decided it has to be done. Those who speak out of line, or turn, are reprimanded or whacked.

DJT spoke out of line, and out of turn, and without telegraphing any aspect. This forced the system into a constant state of counter attacking, which, led to defending everything from MS13 to Voter Fraud and of course TDS, as the system has now trained itself to live in reference to DJT and MAGA moves.

DJT, MS13 needs to be removed, voila the DS goons are defending the indefensible - to be very effing clear, MS13 by any standard is indefensible. Notice how they do not defend a person, soulless bot, but the collective, because MS13 is the chosen target, ergo the defense must be MS13 is misunderstood, defenders of trans rights or something something.

MS13 mentioned 13 times in the Q drops suggests > money/banking. Without the "threats" there is no need for 500 intelligence agencies making up threats to justify their existence, which, their existence is to be the screws in the prison and protect the handful of elite goons and ghouls from us not us from them or even us from us.

Moar Polarity Hilarity...

edit on 20-4-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:58 AM
IBM and Moderna explore quantum computing and generative AI with new partnership

The scientific miracle that is mRNA vaccines could be advanced even further in the coming years, thanks to a new partnership announced today between IBM and Moderna to explore the potential of generative AI and quantum computing.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a race to create the first effective vaccine to help limit the risk of infection to the global population. It’s a race that mRNA-based vaccines, including ones from Moderna and rival Pfizer, were able to win through the use of innovative technology. As the risk of further COVID variants and other potential viruses still exists, drugmakers are looking to find ways to accelerate processes and discover new lifesaving approaches faster than ever before. That’s what has inspired Moderna to partner with IBM to explore the potential of new technological approaches that can help to solve problems faster.

Quantum-centric supercomputers to soon be a reality

If people are already nervous about A.I. just wait until they combine artificial intelligence with quantum technology. We haven't seen anything, yet.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

There is too much strange stuff going on. The gang stalking is out of control. Both in real life and online. People keep mentioning something about having a powerful mic, like my voice is somehow more impactful? Too much to just stick a pin in it imo.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Why thank you kind sir

Between you and Rel, I'll turn into a lush


posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Thank you! I will try that.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
I don't drink anymore but every year you and Rel talk about Limoncello and it makes me wonder what it tastes like. Is it sweet at all or lemony?

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Sweet lemony liquer. Goes down far too easy on ice


posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

No problem - the answer though was apparently lost in the details
NO harm NO foul

Rare hybrid solar eclipse 2023 delights South Pacific skywatchers (photos)

A hybrid solar eclipse changes from total solar eclipse to annular (ring-shaped) as the moon's shadow moves across the surface of the Earth. The last hybrid solar eclipse happened in 2013, and the next will occur in 2031, only seven of this type of eclipse will occur in the entire 21st century! With different eclipse stages visible at various locations,

Carry On

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: Justoneman

No problem - the answer though was apparently lost in the details
NO harm NO foul

Rare hybrid solar eclipse 2023 delights South Pacific skywatchers (photos)

A hybrid solar eclipse changes from total solar eclipse to annular (ring-shaped) as the moon's shadow moves across the surface of the Earth. The last hybrid solar eclipse happened in 2013, and the next will occur in 2031, only seven of this type of eclipse will occur in the entire 21st century! With different eclipse stages visible at various locations,

Carry On

2013, and the next will occur in 2031

Look at that, Banking Mirror numbers.

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