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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 06:05 PM
There is one simple reason why we haven't reached the end yet and it has nothing to do with white hats, black hats, Donald Trump, Q, economic liberation, QFS or anything of that nature. The simple thing that holds us back is not feeling worthy of freedom. I'm not talking about financial freedom. Money is a piece of this game. It works great for getting you around the board but that's as far as it gets you. It has nothing to do with real freedom. The kind you feel deep down in your soul. People don't feel deserving of experiencing that level of happiness, so they don't work on constructing a belief system based around that desire. Maybe the real truth is that most people. are afraid to gain that much freedom. When you're so free that you become 100% responsible for your own stability and your own well-being? That thought scares a lot of people to death. If you really, really want freedom, you have to choose it. Start letting yourself believe that you are worthy of it and let that belief fuel your desire. It's the amplitude of your heart and your conviction that gets you to your destination. The linear time sequence of events follows your lead. Not the other way around.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Sounds delish!!!! I used to like lemon drop shots, made with Stolis or Gray Goose vodka. I wonder if the taste is similar.

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago4 by RookQueen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 06:43 PM
I guess the high from the Steele Dossier has worn off.

Random thought, we went from "Women are just as good as men" to "Men are better women then women" pretty fast.

Makes one wonder what 60 years of the Women's movement was really about, considering it seems like a lot of women, moms, are supporting this Inversion. It's rhetorical really, bots are "supporting it" as programmed - I doubt a single Human Souled Being sees Lia Thomas as a champion for "I'm not a biologist... Women's rights."

On the rocket crash, wasn't there a drop related to a rocket crashing in 2018? Memory fades.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:05 PM
The reason I get to put this in here is it is slow, and we're very unclear that this is not Bob Mueller in drag.


4-20-2023 and the most absurd political take has happened.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman


I'm surprised that those Trotskyists haven't demanded "Tranny-Dummies" be used in these crash tests.

I should build a Crash-Test-Karen/Kevin. It would be a nongender specific test dummy that after the collision is detected it starts ranting about being offended by the other driver. With people like Buttigieg, I would make a fortune.

Also I keep thinking that DeLauro is going to remove the wig and "Scooby-Doo" reveal that she's been played by Michael Flynn this whole time.

posted on Apr, 20 2023 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

A "Rainbow Slush" the Italian shaved iced with Lemoncello!!!

I actually still have a wee bit from Rel & your recipe I made last March for birthday!
I may have to hit that next week, leave for sheep herding competition tomorrow.

Any word on Thoughtful? Been worried cz we usually get 2 or 3 updates a day & it
has been crickets for a while now. I pray everything is okay.


posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 12:25 AM
I have come to a few conclusions as I have to cope with this continuing madness that is overtaking society.

This is my personal means to survive with my head held high. Additionally, I believe in using humor as a coping mechanism ... so ...

There are now three sexes, I could not cope with 100 sexes.

There are Males, there are Females and there are Wankers.

Anyone insisting that their pronouns are They/Them are likely suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder.

People screaming at me are hostiles.

Lastly, many people are suffering from a Social or Sexual Dysphoria and while my first thought is to help them, my training kicks in and my first priority is my personal safety.

This world is just crazy.

Children need to be protected from monsters, safeguarding the future generation is our first priority.


edit on 21/4/2023 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
It has/has not got anything to do with gender inequality. Many smaller cars do not have height adjustable seat belts. Very often if a woman is involved in a crash, the seatbelt doesn't sit across her shoulder and much closer to her neck thus not anchoring a female, or a shorter man, in the seat properly.
She's correct to say they should use female/shorter test dummies too.
However, the answer is simpler, just fit height adjustable seat belts in all cars.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

The new $1.4 million crash test dummy – named Thor (Test Human Occupant Restraint) – will join the existing family of five safety mannequins of various sizes, who have been used in thousands of simulated crashes in Australia over the past three decades.



posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Dude you beat me to it, but it made me feel good that I noticed something...I do have to say that this past week plus seems like too many people are just bloody losing their mind & just flippin going crazy!!! Like there is a huge loop of crazy ATM...wanted an infinity sign here but couldn't find on best Merry-Go-Round no not one of them either buy hey here's a Merry Horse! 🎠 or the the other stage 🎪


posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

I feel offended. From your link,

Q Series

10-year-old child back seat passenger in the frontal 50/50 offset test into a moving barrier, car travelling at 50kmh, barrier travelling at 50kmh in opposite direction;

6-year-old child back seat passenger in the frontal 50/50 offset test into a moving barrier, car travelling at 50kmh, barrier travelling at 50kmh in opposite direction;

10-year-old child back seat passenger in a car struck side-on by a ‘vehicle’ travelling at 50kmh;

6-year-old child back seat passenger in a car struck side-on by a ‘vehicle’ travelling at 50kmh.

So -Q-series are just a bunch of child like backseat drivers? No wonder Congress wanted then to go away.

I know that isn't serious, but I thought it was a funny coincidence. Also, that article shows that there are already female test dummies, so I wonder what the real reason would be for dumping money at Buttigieg for them?

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 02:01 AM
Fell asleep on the sofaa gain... hence posting in the early a.m. ...

A couple of interesting finds:

1) Byron Donald holds Gary Gensler to the fire, under oath, asking if he was responsible for paying out for the Steele Dossier, as HRC's campaign CFO - video tweet.
Here's what John Podesta said about Gensler's CFO role, under oath:


2) Chuck Grassley investigating Credit Suisse continued running of Nazi bank accounts through to 2020. They fired the guy hired as Ombudsan to generate investigative report - and didn't release his draft - so Grassley demanded a copy of it through committee!

Here's the article on Grassley's website:

Credit Suisse Maintained Nazi-Linked Accounts into 21st Century, Subpoenaed Records Show
Bank limited scope of internal investigation and terminated Independent Ombudsperson, leaving blind spots in forensic search for Nazi-linked records
WASHINGTON — Multiple reports shine a new light on Credit Suisse’s historical servicing of Nazi clients and Nazi-linked accounts, which in some cases continued until as recently as 2020. The reports, released by the Senate Budget Committee on Holocaust Remembrance Day, detail a multi-year internal investigation by a forensic research firm retained by Credit Suisse and initially overseen by an Independent Ombudsperson who was inexplicably terminated by the bank during the course of the review. While the resulting reports are incomplete and were hampered by scoping restrictions, they nonetheless reveal nearly 100 previously undisclosed Nazi-linked accounts and related information, and they raise new questions about the bank’s potential support for Nazis fleeing justice following World War II via so-called “Ratlines.”

The reports were provided to the Budget Committee pursuant to a subpoena and a subsequent bipartisan investigation by Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). The Committee has jurisdiction over the federal budget, including budget requests related to the State Department’s Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues. Because of the Committee’s investigation, the reports are now public and Credit Suisse has pledged to continue its own investigation into remaining unanswered questions.

“When it comes to investigating Nazi matters, righteous justice demands that we must leave no stone unturned. Credit Suisse has thus far failed to meet that standard.

edit on 21-4-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman
It has/has not got anything to do with gender inequality. Many smaller cars do not have height adjustable seat belts. Very often if a woman is involved in a crash, the seatbelt doesn't sit across her shoulder and much closer to her neck thus not anchoring a female, or a shorter man, in the seat properly.
She's correct to say they should use female/shorter test dummies too.
However, the answer is simpler, just fit height adjustable seat belts in all cars.

Or, according to these wack jobs, you can just put lipstick and a wig on the male test dummies. Because you know, trans women are women.
But I think an opportunity was missed yesterday. When she said we need women test dummies..right then and there she should have been asked.."what differentiates a man from a woman?"..."how would we define a woman test dummy?", "How do we know that test dummies are currently men?" She really left herself vulnerable there too bad nobody seized the opportunity to call out the idiocy.
But I digress
edit on 21-4-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 06:39 AM
Fox News has been reaching new lows.

listen to what Kilmead says about Trump after Kelly Ann Conway spoke
edit on 21-4-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a woman.

Yeah, women and girls are getting the a raw deal out of all of the transmania.


posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:52 AM

The European Center for Algorithmic Transparency in Seville is meant to aid with the task. Will the center help reduce online hate speech and propaganda?



posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 08:56 AM
For those who follow Mr Pool, they will be aware of the LooP account, which I may have posted about before:
Telegram account

This account mostly posts futuristic pictures around Pool themes or one might say Dali-esque galactic inspiration. To me they feel like subliminial messaging similar to cranky's test pictures.

At 00:17:23 EST this morning Loop posted this message/instruction:


I followed the instructions and had my first lucid dream for a while last night.
For those not interested in these esoteric type posts I recommend moving on to the next post now.

I'm posting just because I think the content forewarns what to expect soon.
I'll be interested to hear if others had dreams last night - don't feel obliged to share content unless you want to.

My dream content (with interpretations in brackets beneath). The overall theme is of being in a global emergency situation:

Opens in a dark town/school hall laid out with rows of school tables - a bit like a school examination setting. Everyone is thumbing through books looking for something and there are no computers/cell phones. On the opposite table to me is a dear old friend who I had to cut ties with due to her drug addiction but she doesn't seem to recognise me. We all have a sense of having no access to water (= information). I move to the other side of the room where there are private cubicles but then move back opposite my friend.
(I think this represents local society coming together to seek information when the blackout starts? ...and letting bygones be bygones!)

i'm in a busy house (shared accommodation?) and looking at my cabin space; consisting of a yellow lit bed within a brown wooden "bunk bed" that has a wardrobe/cupboard attached to the side. It looks like the personal space one might have in a navy vessel or a boarding school. I can't find the clothing I want in the wardrobe - though it is fully stocked.
(A feeling of being both alone in the fight for personal survival at the same time as being in a group who are all depending on each other. It also represents losing our everyday comforts and being reduced to clothes and a place to sleep)

i'm the only one in a large club-type seating area - tables sofa's and chairs. The 4 walls are all a marbled luminescent mauve and white. I have the sense this is like a Big Brother household (TV programme where 12 people are thrown together to live in stressful scenarios). I have a chess set on my table but am trying to work out how to play the game without an opponent? Everyone has left the room but me.
(The room is purgatory? Or the waiting room for divine judgement? A feeling of having no control but being calm)

I am led back to the scene 3 room by some person in authority... I feel I have been taken to an unknown place for judgement and returned. The authority figure tells me to go back to my table and watch what happens behind a glass partitioned area of the room, as others enter it and start fighting each other. As I try to look, the partitioned area fills with white smoke such that I cannot see what's happening within.
(Does this symbolise banishing the old violent ways to the mists of time? Obviously judgement themes too... "We will all be accounted for our lives thus far"?)

I'm looking down on a vision of visiting my uncle in a care home with 1 of my brothers, whilst my mother is telling me the brother wants to time his uncle visits with mine in the future to stop any violence occurring. My uncle looks calm, innocent and "happy as a baby", smiling from ear to ear. I'm perplexed as there is no urge for violence from me - but then I realise my brother wants me to stop any violent urges he may have.
(I assume this to instruct that we will need to calm the un-redpilled and help them avoid anger and violence)

Dream ENDS.

edit on 21-4-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel that's really amazing. I have had some very lucid dreams of late as well.
Last night I was involved with a huge Tsunami wave incoming. I was very safe from it for some reason but others were very frightened and I was trying to help direct them. I'm not certain if I was of any help.

On a side note the break was good for me. I had family members reaching out truly afraid of the implications of having taken the jabs. I hadn't spoken about the jabs, maybe I should have but no one was very receptive at the time. From what I can see the panic needs to be managed with calmness and directing them to resources such as books to help them understand what has happened. That is a starting point. I imagine there will be lots of questions incoming.

All I can think of is to give the message of hope when they are feeling so hopeless.
Meanwhile more family members have passed much too early from turbo charged cancer and heart attacks.

Well I'm not giving up.

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 12:55 PM
Biden emails were 'Russian disinformation'

The House Judiciary Committee Thursday night released a shocking letter addressed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken revealing that the basis upon which the claim that stories concerning Hunter Biden's "laptop from hell" were "Russian disinformation" were prompted by the Biden campaign and Blinken himself.

The false claim that the laptop was "Russian disinformation" was repeated ad nauseam by Biden allies, like Jen Psaki who became the first press secretary under the Biden administration. The claim was based on a letter signed by 50 former members of the intelligence community, and that letter was organized by former CIA director Mike Morell, who did so at the prompting of the Biden administration.

Anyone else notice the current and former CIA folks have been very very quiet under Joe? Except Mike Pbot V 2.0?

Remember Q said the CIA head would be from outside?

Once CIA always CIA is the motto, so we have to ask,,, Why has Sey and now Morell come after Team Joe?

posted on Apr, 21 2023 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: fringeofthefringe

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman
It has/has not got anything to do with gender inequality. Many smaller cars do not have height adjustable seat belts. Very often if a woman is involved in a crash, the seatbelt doesn't sit across her shoulder and much closer to her neck thus not anchoring a female, or a shorter man, in the seat properly.
She's correct to say they should use female/shorter test dummies too.
However, the answer is simpler, just fit height adjustable seat belts in all cars.

Or, according to these wack jobs, you can just put lipstick and a wig on the male test dummies. Because you know, trans women are women.
But I think an opportunity was missed yesterday. When she said we need women test dummies..right then and there she should have been asked.."what differentiates a man from a woman?"..."how would we define a woman test dummy?", "How do we know that test dummies are currently men?" She really left herself vulnerable there too bad nobody seized the opportunity to call out the idiocy.
But I digress

I've seen a lot on both sides of this crash issue. It's not a crotch issue, pure and simple, any more than plane seats need to be adjusted to accommodate the 400lb morbidly obese 'right to travel cheaply and in comfort". Shoehorning everything into crotch parts is sub 80Q m.A.L.I.C.E. minion garbage, as the Rosa nut job is just another disposable bot.

When to I get my shot at complaining to government agencies about how my idiosyncratic nature does not fit the mfg process of X or Y and demand they pass a law to adjust their entire mfg process to accommodate me? Odd I find it easier just to deal with life as it is presented as my own sovereign.

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