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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Yeah, when Asimov wrote, people were making leaps and bounds with mechanical engineering, something that promptly stopped once people saw their first Pong arcade game ...


posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Yes , the Weaponization of AI is Inevitable ....!

edit on 16-4-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Let me tell you why I am here on this thread.

And not only am I certain of it, I am also certain that

My take on it

As always, your posts are about your opinion - claiming it as facts. What YOU believe, what YOU think - always claiming that "everyone knows" and then posting zero proof, just what you believe. At least I say outright that what I post is my opinion, and in my opinion no one has yet posted actual provable evidence that Hillary was arrested on October 30, 2017 and that Podesta and Huma were indicted shortly after. Whenever something like this is pointed out it seems to trigger you into some long winded post of what YOU think is happening... but zero actual proof. Just the words on a screen from some random person on the internet who has not been here since the first thread like I have.

that Dask and others hope for in Q and all of us being wrong in this will ever sell here.

While I can't speak for Dask, I can assure you that, even though I doubt the provably wrong predictions that Q made, I actually do wish it were all true that some worldwide task force of white hats was actually cleaning out the corruption to hand us a better world. Who wouldn't want that? But what I want and what is happening are not the same thing. 5 1/2 years into this Q thing and black hats still seem to be in control, trafficking is still rampant, evil is pouring in through our open borders, inflation is skyrocketing, I dump thousands into a retirement plan that never increases in value, and in just a few years when I am qualified for social security - there's a very real chance that there won't be anything left for me or anyone else. But sure, we're winning.

Nobody gives a flying woohoo what you or Dask think.

Yet here you are again with a long, rambling, and slightly amusing reply. If you don't care, then you would ignore it and move on. But on the other ironic hand, here I am taking your bait.

Most of us that endure know what is at stake

So do I. Waiting for the white hats to come riding in and save everyone isn't really doing anything to change the situation though.


The truth doesn't mind being questioned. Only a lie requires no questioning. So why do you constantly make huge walls of text that can always be reduced to you just telling people to shut up and believe what you spout.

Hillary was arrested and is dead.

While that would be fine with me, there is no proof. Just speculation about some cloning technology that somehow creates full grown adult copies of people in a much shorter time than people growing to adulthood actually takes. Plus some low quality videos and pictures that are shown as "proof" that they are all imposters wearing masks. Biden's obvious facelifts and botox combined with his dementia make him look different. Pulling the skin back that far will affect the appearance of the ears. A simple search will show that ears which were detached can appear attached after a facelift.

Justice isn't slow.
You just never got the memo.

Can you post a copy of that memo? Because there doesn't seem to be any real justice happening at all - just the ongoing persecution of Trump and anyone else going against the deep state.

And there is only one reason, and one reason only why anyone who does not believe as we do in this Q movement can spend years of their time trying to memorize Q memes and themes and not believe claiming it's a larp and mocking those that do the work....does it.

That's a bizarrely ridiculous comment, but perhaps some of us who have been here since the first thread have come to realize that, while a lot of info Q posted leads to very legitimate things, there is still the failed predictions and the probability of worldwide white hat army saving the day seems less and less likely - no matter how much I wish it were true. Logical thinking has lost a bunch of original members in these Q threads. Hope is what keeps me coming back. I genuinely want it to be true.

See, for me this isn't fun and something I do for fun.
I am all in.
I am taking a stand and I am in it to win it, till the end.

See, I am a Q'ist.
I proudly claim it.
Not a Q'ultist.
Knowing what is at stake I would never want to be an anti-Q'ist.

Well good for you. I'm not an "anti Q'ist" either. I genuinely wish it were all true, but there's way too much that we're supposed to just blindly believe without questioning. Which is what religions demand, and I'm anti religion (but pro God). If we're not allowed to question the narrartive, as you seem to constantly be in a froth about, then it's just a religion. And telling people on a conspiracy thread to "STFU" if they don't agree with you isn't taking a stand at all in reality.

When President Donald J. Trump signed the EO on December 21, 2017 to end human trafficking he had me.
In it till the end.
And nobody in their right mind would try to stop it.

I'm all in for Trump and ending human trafficking too. And?

I want to remind this thread why we got behind it.
The wholesale slaughter of children for play and sustenance is ending because of threads like this and people like Assange, DJT and Melania and Q, whoever they might be.

Actually the threads started years before you jumped in. Back then it wasn't just about the children, it was about taking back everything from the evil rulers of this world and ending corruption, trafficking, pedos, etc. the whole ball of wax, and handing it back to we the people - of the world. Also, in October 2017 there were many "hints" that then AG Sessions was about to "get" former Obama cabinet members. That didn't happen. There were also many random pictures of China and long distance pictures that were supposed to be Lisa Page and Peter Strzok... but then no punishment for them either.

Military tribunals become public knowledge this year.

And last year, and the year before... why does this event keep being touted but never happening?

Do I need to tell you it is unsociable to eat the children?
I hope not.

Weird random comment... Do you legitimately believe that anyone who doubts you eats children?

Dask could not be more wrong, all the time.
Time is running out.

Again with the religion thing - no questions allowed. You either believe what people posting on 4Chan began in 2017, or you're wrong. Kind of a God complex there...

"Q said vote, vote, vote in 2018, he gave a false prophecy, see, see"

Absolute stupidity.

Well that came from Q themselves. Try to keep up.

I am still here waiting for the party.
The pizza party.
Or did Q get that wrong?

You WANT to go to the "pizza party"? Are you one of the child eating cabal with that comment? Do you even understand the alleged meaning of "pizza party"? Pizza party, Comet Ping Pong, etc.? Cheese Pizza being a term for child porn (CP=cheese pizza=child porn). I could twist that comment into something if I used your antics, but I don't believe you're a child eating cabal member.
edit on 16-4-2023 by tallcool1 because: Edited for clarity, I hope.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 01:37 PM
I am tired talking about myself.
Let's talk about you.

Tell me....
What do you think about me?

a reply to: tallcool1

edit on 16-4-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-4-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

You have tells.
I do not believe you
edit on 16-4-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I am tired talking about myself.
Let's talk about you.

Tell me....
What do you think about me?

a reply to: tallcool1

You have tells.
I do not believe you

I believe you have very strong opinions like the rest of us. Nothing more, nothing less. You're just a name on a computer screen, so I don't know you at all in real life. All I see is what you post. Since I know nothing else about you, and I do not arrogantly believe I know everything - I can't make a legitimate judgement about you other than the content of your posts. It would appear that you get very upset when asked for proof of anything you post, which leads me to comparing it to religious belief (belief without proof). The only real thing I question is why you refuse to consider that Q was wrong about anything ever. Obviously many of Q's posts were simply pointing to information about the evil being perpetrated upon humanity - and there's no legitimate argument against those posts, but the outright wrong predictions Q made about Clinton's arrest, Obama's cabinet being arrested, landslide conservative victories in 2020 and 2022, etc. need to be taken into consideration. I simply do not understand this whole God-like view of Q being absolutely infallible and never wrong. Q, regardless of who they are and how many they are, were just people posting on a forum. And people are wrong sometimes. I get tired of almost every other week or so the proclamation that something yuge is going to happen to wake up the normies - and it never happens. We keep being told that we're on the precipice - but we've been on the precipice for 5 1/2 years now. I want the promises to stop and the habbenings to habben. That's it.

I'm not here to judge you or anyone else - and I do sincerely apologize for when I come off like that, but like you - I get frustrated at people too.

Although I would like to know what "tells" there are about me. Because if I'm some sort of Soros backed whatever, I sure am severely underpaid.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 02:56 PM
Stablecoin Bill is an ‘Extraordinary Moment For the Future of Dollar,’ Says Circle CEO

The U.S. House Financial Services Committee published a draft of its Stablecoin bill on April 15. The Bill makes sweeping recommendations like proposing a moratorium on algorithmic stablecoins and making the Federal Reserve the regulator for stablecoins by nonbank entities.

Besides that, the Bill also discusses central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and recommends further research on digital dollars.

Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire noted that the new stablecoin bill could prove pivotal for the future of the U.S. dollar, according to an April 15 tweet.

The House Financial Services Committee published a landmark stablecoin bill Saturday, the first major piece of crypto legislation in 2023. tm_term=organic&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
edit on 16-4-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Stablecoin Bill is an ‘Extraordinary Moment For the Future of Dollar,’ Says Circle CEO

The U.S. House Financial Services Committee published a draft of its Stablecoin bill on April 15. The Bill makes sweeping recommendations like proposing a moratorium on algorithmic stablecoins and making the Federal Reserve the regulator for stablecoins by nonbank entities.

Besides that, the Bill also discusses central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and recommends further research on digital dollars.

Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire noted that the new stablecoin bill could prove pivotal for the future of the U.S. dollar, according to an April 15 tweet.

The House Financial Services Committee published a landmark stablecoin bill Saturday, the first major piece of crypto legislation in 2023. tm_term=organic&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

YOU know the OLD
"Throw Shat against the wall till it sticks "
Learn how to recognize IT


YOU scream
But in the end
WE ALL scream for ....

edit on 4162023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 03:34 PM
More or less original Joe CLIP


Interesting reflection. Lots of mostly-original-joe clips surfacing of him saying things that reflect in this moment.

Joe just had to be president sooooooo badly that even though he's a proven liar, grifter, plagiarizer, molester, monster of a dad, idiot, bumbler, gaffer and bombed out of the race decades ago because of the above and more, he just had to be POTUS... no one else in the entire country could be but Joe during this time. Amazing folks don't find this more remarkable.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

YOU know the OLD
"Throw Shat against the wall till it sticks "
Learn how to recognize IT

What's telling to me is that if these governments and financial institutions were really worried about currency stability, then should they switch to the gold standard, or at least the silver standard to back the currencies.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Leading requires courage
Following is 2nd place
Crypto is an invisible promise, linked to a switch
Being fed like a Dog kinda goes against evolving
For what its worth
I Agree Friend

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

You Willz Eat Ze Bugs and Luv them , or be Processed Into Soylent Green you Dumb Hu Mon ......

Zays the Lizard Man .......
edit on 16-4-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Just saw this article today

Elon Musk reportedly planning to launch AI rival to ChatGPT maker
"In company filings, Musk recently changed the name of Twitter to X Corp. The move was part of his plans to make an “everything app” branded “X”."

Elon Musk is reportedly planning to launch an artificial intelligence company to compete with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, as Silicon Valley battles for dominance in the rapidly developing technology.

The billionaire boss of Tesla and Twitter is in the process of bringing together a team of AI researchers and engineers and is in talks with several investors about the project, according to the Financial Times.

A bunch of people are investing in it …  it’s real and they are excited about it,” a person with knowledge of the talks told the newspaper, which cited Nevada business records showing that on 9 March Musk incorporated a company called X.AI of which he is the company’s sole director.

In company filings, Musk recently changed the name of Twitter to X Corp. The move was part of his plans to make an “everything app” branded “X”.

For the new AI project, Musk has reportedly got thousands of high-powered GPU processors and is also said to have recruited engineers from leading AI labs, such as DeepMind.

I seem to recall one of the posters who left the thread had quite an interest in the symbolism of the "X." Particularly in films and popular culture. He was kind of freaked out about it and hesitant to say too much. I don't recall that I ever really understood what he was talking about.

Anybody remember more about that?

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Elon Musk Says Neuralink Is The Only Way To Survive And Compete With AI

Pulling the plug on A.I. and working at making PEOPLE smarter is a much better option and much better value me thinks.

Damn these Meglomaniacs. Did he breed a baby just to plug "it" in?

Yes, I agree!!!

Seems musk is borrowing from the old problem - reaction - solution playbook.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 06:00 PM

Me and many others...

The Entirety of the Democratic Party...

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: MetalThunder

YOU know the OLD
"Throw Shat against the wall till it sticks "
Learn how to recognize IT

What's telling to me is that if these governments and financial institutions were really worried about currency stability, then should they switch to the gold standard, or at least the silver standard to back the currencies.

I wish I could find the video, but the essence of what this older expert said was that it would be impossible to go backward to a "gold standard."

One thing that folks are not seeing, but it will be really clear very soon, is that the "marketplace" is now entirely global. There is no way any one country can isolate and exist, this is not 200 years ago. "Bring Back Mfg" is a pipe dream, it just is not possible to return to the stone age without destruction. As such, the MultiPolar Level Playing Field world is needed for survival.

For that to occur, the old FIAT systems, which were designed to fail in 100 years, cannot be the sole way of making the world trade smooth and without endless blockades and sanctions because Trans people are dog rights or some such thing.

It will be a hybrid state, with gold a part, but only a part. The ability to control the Currents of energy cannot be given to a few with a destruction wish. Right now, the core value of exchange is humans, not gold or fiat, but humans.

Might be helpful to see Current[cy] is simply a battery for human energy storage. He who controls the battery controls everything. He who keeps the humans apart, gets to control the battery and the exchange. Gold doesn't really stop that, only the hybrid state will - after a time.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 07:51 PM
Yes, I do respect Asimov a lot too.

I would say the law that stops the AI from killing humans was law number 1.

The thing I see is that depends on if Number 1 is programmed. The garbage in garbage out is surely the issue, agreed.
If some evil person wanted an AI program to go all "Robocop" bad, then it is going to be hurting humans. Just as that Robocop movie had a thread in it about the good one stopping the bad AI Robots.

I was taught in the infancy of programming languages that the program is only as good as the programmer's skill.

a reply to: cimmerius

edit on 16-4-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Hear hear!

That stuff is so tough to have to see go by the wayside. Especially as evil people seem to be literally popping up in places of concern like wolves waiting to devour the ignorant and innocent both. The in our face level of this has kept quite a few proverbial Hopium beers still on my wall....

In fact, if it weren't for seeing Joe Biden's Ireland mask fiasco I wasn't so sure we do have body doubles. Now I am not so sure they all aren't body doubles as some were saying the whole damn time.

Tic toc allowed?

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 09:12 PM
Symbols. Matter. Damnit. Read the Writing on the Flags. YUGE.

Just caught my eye. Also, Russia plans on it - with the Money sent to Ukraine, does not need the US's input.

Validated by A.I. is so unsatisfying. Thread

What kind of cracks me up, is given the Bot's explanation, it would seem Babylonian Money Magic is the origins of "common core" math.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

I just think the government should obtain revenue through things like natural resources and tariffs, verses income taxes. Also that tax dollars should have a very limited and well-defined set of uses, not pet projects and giveaway BS.

posted on Apr, 16 2023 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

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