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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Ghengis Khan survived mostly on horse milk on the Steppes.

Actually, the Mongols thrived on mutton and lamb, but also loved horse meat and their blood. They drank some milk, but not that much, and it was always fermented.

I thrive on raw cow and goats milk.
You are relying upon studies done on pasteurized milk.

I'm not relying on any studies. I'm relying on my powers of observation and reading/comprehension skills.

What species - other than man - drinks milk (other than babies before they are weaned)?

Answer: NONE.

The only studies done on raw milk was done so long ago hemp was the feed in the studies.
You simply do not know and projecting that ignorance to me.

The reason for this is because raw milk has things like GcMaf,

Ummm, no it doesn't, although apparently you can make it from raw milk by fermenting it after adding colostrum, several dozen strains of probiotics and either yogurt or kefir cultures.

the cure for vaccine disease caused from nagalese.

Eh? What are you talking about?

I do agree with your parting comment though...

Garbage in, garbage out
edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Continuing on with Pfizer, we have something new again.
Pfizer Responds to Research Claims

I sometimes wonder if after it is published someone goes back in and adds or edits material because I am pretty certain this would have been picked up by now.
Under the section "Tell your vaccination provider about all your medical conditions this is slipped in at the very end.
THE VACCINE MAY NOT PROTECT EVERYONE!. Seriously??? How would anyone know who would be protected and who wouldn't?

Then I scrolled down to PAXLOVID and here we are handing it out like candy and Pfizer states "THERE IS LIMITED CLINICAL DATA AVAILABLE FOR PAXLOVID and no data at all for pregnancies or lactation.

I went back and re- read their claims about research. There is something just so odd with the wording.
" In a LIMITED NUMBER OF CASES WHEN A FULL VIRUS DOE NOT CONTAIN ANY KNOWN GAIN OF FUNCTION MUTATIONS, such viruses MAY BE ENGINEERED to enable the assessment of antiviral activity in the cell. All of this is okay because everyone else does it.
Is it just me but is this saying what I think it is saying?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl
Since you brought up milk have you seen the Youtube of the Canadian dairy farmer being forced to dump milk because he has exceeded quotas set by the Canadian government?
Youtube Canadina Dairy Farmer Says He is Forced to dump 30,000 Litres of Milk

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: FlyingFox
I was just scrolling through some Chinese Twitter accounts and came across something quite shocking, if that is possible.
Inconvient Truths by Jennifer Zeng Twitter
Scroll down to A "Bug" in the #Chinese#textbook.
That is one sharp little boy. I would love to know the name of that book and verify that. It wouldn't surprise me though because subliminal communication seems to have been something going on for quite awhile now.

“ From the mouth of babes “. He’s stating the obvious, this plandemic was, well, it was PLANNED ! Good News is we are hitting critical mass, Woody’s “joke” on SNL was significant. Although, as much as the CCP and big pharma are co-conspirators, our biggest problem is the black hats within the DOD that seemed to have master minded this whole act of War against the civilian population.

Oh the irony that it seems insurance investigator’s have put together some of most damming evidence proving everything from the plandemic to the fraud, money laundering, election fraud and corruption that has infiltrated every level of government.

Hope you’re all hanging in there, finding joy and solace in very challenging times, LOL, my Dad used to always say “ Well, that can’t kill me ! “ it’s a twisted Irish thing, finding humor in the most obscene circumstances.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: tanstaafl
Since you brought up milk

That was Nevercompromise not me, I just responded, but thats ok...

have you seen the Youtube of the Canadian dairy farmer being forced to dump milk because he has exceeded quotas set by the Canadian government?
Youtube Canadina Dairy Farmer Says He is Forced to dump 30,000 Litres of Milk

Yeah, I don't drink milk, but that is just nutso...

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 01:48 PM
I have no doubts on the recommendation but have hesitated simply due to the amount of reading and enormous comprehension you are engaged in.
I used to retain most of what I read 15 years ago. Not so much for now.
Not because I got older but my routine is more doing than reading the last 14 years in my farming.
I even restrain myself from pointing out some red herrings you share simply because I do not want to distract you from your focus.
It is not you but the authors that bring the red herrings.
The biggest for me is germ theory.
I look forward to the day we toss allopathicmodern medicine to the history books
along side bloodletting.buried with Rockefeller when we recognize him for the sociopath he was.
Soon, very soon I pray.

Having said that I wonder if we can survive the genetic engineering they are now engaged in.

Confessions of a Medical Heretic is one of 5 books that shaped my world view that I still carry to this day.
Sugar Blues being another.
Anything by Dr. John Taylor Gatto "Dumbing us Down : The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Education" being the best.

The Bible of course.

The Abolishment of Man by C.S. Lewis being another.

Funny but this thread practically ruined me in 2019-2020 when there were 20-30 pages everyday and I was totally, thoroughly and completely mesmerized by the amazing movie being played out with more plot twists than any James Bond movie or even combined on nearly a daily basis.
With "Behold a Pale Horse" being my 1st conspiracy introduction and just about anything from Graham Hancock as a starter pkg I was more than up to speed for this but never in my wildest dreams did I expect everything to go mainstream like it did.
But it all helped to appreciate the amazing show we all got to witness and engage in.

But I was putting in 18-20 hours a day in 7 days a week and I went to speed reading this thread and still could keep up and read a lot when I was tired and exhausted.
My reading comprehension got trashed in this process.
I blame this thread.
I hold great animosities towards the trolls that caused the 20-30 pages a day of reading to keep up.
It was so difficult to navigate past the spam trolling while attempting to speed read.
It practically ruined me.
And now it is from a cheap phone.
I work too much for anything but reading anything anymore.
Hopefully I get some rest and leisure soon so I can retrain for reading comprehension.
I don't need to get back to a book a day.
One a week would be cool.
But I spent 20 years planning and the last 14 fully preparing.
I thought I was getting ready for 2012 being the crisis.
Getting 10 more years to get ready did not go to waste.
Abba Father blessed me with this urgency 15 years ago.
I have had little time for reading since.
I am about to jump into the biotech sphere though.
I got something.
Something really big

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Nevercompromise
He sounds like my kind of doctor. If the Journal of Medical Association is against him then he is probably on the right track. Thank you for the recommendation and I'll pick up a copy. I prefer the books because they are more in depth and I can write loads of notes. Lol.
My bookcase is groaning under the weight of all the books I still have to read.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
Clandestine, the biolab guy is tweeting about some interesting questions and details about the origins of Covid, biolabs in Ukraine and China.
Clandestine Tweet
Has QTSR connected these details earlier? We've heard about the biolabs and Ukraine but this does have a twist.

I'm not certain that Clandestine has the full picture of all the moving parts. He is missing the WHO/China link. Twice now the WHO has tried to set up committees to investigate the origins and both times the committee had a ringer in place to ensure that China and the Wuhan Lab would not get tagged. Now the WHO has abandoned the whole quest altogether.

The answer may be a bit more complicated because this has been an obvious plan and benefited a number of parties. In other words it was mutually beneficial to release Covid at that opportune time.

-The Dems are controlled by China and China did not want President Trump re-elected due to the trade war, China was going to lose their advantage.
-China served as the perfect location to conduct illegal gain of function research because it is so closed off from the world.
-President Trump was planning to significantly cut NIAID funding, so Fauci had a serious motive to release the virus so that the agency would remain over funded and relevant, in fact essential.
-Fauci and the Dems worked hand in hand; they supported his narrative and signed off on his agenda and he gave them the weapon to accomplish their goal of stealing the election.
-Fauci also aided WEF/ Bill Gates and the eugenics club to accomplish their goals with the two prong bioweapon or maybe three if Paxlovid is included.
-Fauci especially helped his benefactor Bill Gates achieve his goal to vaccinate the world, resulting in massive profits from Covid jabs for both of them.
-Even the Mexican cartels have benefited from Fauci's bioweapon by weakening the border, which not only benefits them but also China again, aiding the mass distribution of Fentanyl.
-Fauci is directly connected to the WHO which President Trump defunded right before the launch of Covid.
-Last but not lease is Big Pharma.

Looking at all of this Fauci looks like a KEYSTONE. All the different groups connect to him and the NIAID. None of them could have succeeded without the funding, development, coordination and release of the bioweapon. Maybe the "what is the keystone" is the Covid bioweapon.

POTUS opened the door of all doors.
Expand your thinking.
What is the keystone?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:09 PM
From somebody that knows.
You do not know even half of what you claim you know.
It is obvious you rely upon Google searches and the algorithms shape your mind.
You most certainly did conflate cannabis with hemp in the beginning as you were not even aware of the fatty acids in hemp seed oil.
I have to be honest and admit you lost me as being knowledgeable with your opinion on Judge Anna.

Though I can find agreement with you in 80-90% it is the 10-20% you are ignorant or deceitful in that makes you misinformation.
You spend way too much effort pretending you WERE right in what you stated, not in being right.

An example.
Did you not understand what I meant in Mediterranean diet?
I was referencing the % and balances of fats-proteins- carbs

If you feed a Mediterranean diet to an Eskimo you will kill them.
Genetically they are predisposed to high in animal fats and proteins with low carbs.
An Indian or Pakistani would die from an Eskimo diet.

You have to go to blood type as much as culture.

There is no one type fits all.
Sorry, that's science not google

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Ghengis Khan survived mostly on horse milk on the Steppes.

Actually, the Mongols thrived on mutton and lamb, but also loved horse meat and their blood. They drank some milk, but not that much, and it was always fermented.

I thrive on raw cow and goats milk.
You are relying upon studies done on pasteurized milk.

I'm not relying on any studies. I'm relying on my powers of observation and reading/comprehension skills.

What species - other than man - drinks milk (other than babies before they are weaned)?

Answer: NONE.

The only studies done on raw milk was done so long ago hemp was the feed in the studies.
You simply do not know and projecting that ignorance to me.

The reason for this is because raw milk has things like GcMaf,

Ummm, no it doesn't, although apparently you can make it from raw milk by fermenting it after adding colostrum, several dozen strains of probiotics and either yogurt or kefir cultures.

the cure for vaccine disease caused from nagalese.

Eh? What are you talking about?

I do agree with your parting comment though...

Garbage in, garbage out

Oh btw.
In regards to the microbiologist deaths.
There were 2 things they all were researching that we were looking at as possible reasons for their deaths by proxy.
GcMaf and raw milk. The other was CBD and cannabinoids.

Add to that that a lot of the microbiologists that suddenly died were engaged in plants and soil.

In my search for health and wellness I started with proper digestion for health as that was my personal immediate challenge and needs.
So I learned about gut microbiology.
So years later when I zeroed in on soil and ph being essential for healthy soil and plants without chemical fertilizers and insecticides I learned that almost all the beneficial bacteria and fungi in healthy soil are the same beneficials found in a healthy gut.
We are nothing but dirt eating worms.
Thus endeth the lesson
edit on 28-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
I do try to source everything from at least two sources but like you say some red herrings are bound to slip through.
What are you planning to do in Biotech or is that a secret? I wish you every success because it sounds like you have worked very, very hard on it.

Oddly with all the reading I have done I still have never read a comic book or any conspiracy related books. At times it makes me feel a bit out of the loop but I am applying conspiracy fact. Lol.

Reply to ML- I agree with you we must be hitting critical mass because Fauci, Wuhan, Covid and other hot button topics have been trending on twitter. In fact this morning Bill Gates was trending. Now that is saying something. I didn't see anything that hasn't been covered here but I'll take another look later.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: tanstaafl
Since you brought up milk have you seen the Youtube of the Canadian dairy farmer being forced to dump milk because he has exceeded quotas set by the Canadian government?
Youtube Canadina Dairy Farmer Says He is Forced to dump 30,000 Litres of Milk

Easy come Easy go...

Fourth round of compensation now available for Canadian dairy farmers

“We made a promise, and we kept it. Our government committed to fully and fairly compensate supply-managed sectors after the ratification of trade agreements. The payment at the beginning of 2023 completes the compensation of dairy producers for the CETA and CPTPP. As of next year, and until 2029, they will receive compensation for CUSMA. I also reiterate our government’s commitment not to concede any further market shares under supply management during future trade negotiations.”
The Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

So is it a case of "Sorry Canada", if you are happy to accept money if your quotas don't get met, where is the entitlement to complain if they DO get met?

Or is this something to do with March 31st?....

Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced that the fourth payment under the Dairy Direct Payment Program (DDPP) is now available to dairy producers.
Dairy farmers will receive compensation payments based on their milk quota. For example, the owner of an 80 head dairy farm will receive $38,000 in direct payment compensation. The compensation for this fourth round of payments totals up to $468 million.

To get their payment, producers must register through the Canadian Dairy Commission before March 31, 2023. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has mailed letters to all eligible dairy producers with instructions on the application process.

This fourth payment completes full and fair compensation to dairy producers for the impact of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The Government of Canada recently announced compensation of up to $1.2 billion over six years under the DDPP to account for the impacts of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).

As of 2024, the owner of a farm with 80 milking cows may receive compensation through a direct payment of about $106,000 in six yearly instalments on a declining scale. These funds give producers the flexibility to invest according to their individual needs.

Thanks for the info and link, interesting to keep an eye on these sorts of very fundemental things, especially on a global scale with differing global perspectives.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
Oddly with all the reading I have done I still have never read a comic book or any conspiracy related books. At times it makes me feel a bit out of the loop but I am applying conspiracy fact. Lol.

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.

The Hippies will always be right.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
From somebody that knows.

I know. You keep telling me. Then you keep proving the exact opposite by spouting nonsense.

You most certainly did conflate cannabis with hemp in the beginning as you were not even aware of the fatty acids in hemp seed oil.

Nope. I asked you a question. I didn't make any claims.

I have to be honest and admit you lost me as being knowledgeable with your opinion on Judge Anna.

Rotflmao!!!!! Dude, you really wanna hang your hat on that absolute fraud?

Did you not understand what I meant in Mediterranean diet?
I was referencing the % and balances of fats-proteins- carbs

And I was simply telling you that it is a myth.

If you feed a Mediterranean diet to an Eskimo you will kill them.

Nope, not even close. If you did it without transitioning them, it would almost certainly make them sick, just as it would make anyone sick making an extreme change from one way of eating to another overnight.

Genetically they are predisposed to high in animal fats and proteins with low carbs.

Just as ALL humans are, yes...

An Indian or Pakistani would die from an Eskimo diet.

Not at all, in fact, they would thrive on it. Many that have gone full carnivore are thriving now.

You have to go to blood type as much as culture.

Oh, please. I ready the Blood Type Diet book decades ago, and I even fell for it for a short time. Then I learned it was bunk, and never looked back.

There is no one type fits all.

We are all human beings.

One species. One species appropriate diet, Period.

Sorry, that's science not google.

Sorry, that is what is referred to as bad information, regardless of where/how you learned it,

Oh btw.
In regards to the microbiologist deaths.
There were 2 things they all were researching that we were looking at as possible reasons for their deaths by proxy.
GcMaf and raw milk. The other was CBD and cannabinoids.

I already pointed out your error in claiming that raw milk contains GcMaf.

I will readily admit the medicinal qualities of cannabis, but that is irrelevant to most of what we're discussing.

In my search for health and wellness I started with proper digestion for health as that was my personal immediate challenge and needs.
So I learned about gut microbiology.

We know extraordinarily little about the microbiome, and I assure you, if you think you know anything about it, you're probably wrong.

So years later when I zeroed in on soil and ph being essential for healthy soil and plants without chemical fertilizers and insecticides I learned that almost all the beneficial bacteria and fungi in healthy soil are the same beneficials found in a healthy gut.

As I suspected.

The bugs making up the microbiome are determined by what we eat.

The microbiome of a healthy human being eating nothing but fatty red meat looks nothing like the mircobiome of a reasonably healthy human being eating meat and lots of plant matter.

We are nothing but dirt eating worms.

You might be a worm, not I... I'm a human being.

Thus endeth the lesson

You promise?
edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 03:47 PM
Interesting on a few levels.
January 1 is when the USMCA went into effect after the year before beginning the transition.
Interesting that Canada refers to it as CUSMA, and interesting it somehow effects them exporting it to Europe.
Before COVID the requirements to pass from the US into Canada only resided in answering 2 questions.
Do you have any live plants and
Do you have any milk ( memory says raw milk but that might be wrong).

Raw milk is a superior fertilizer for grasses and soil.
Not so with pasteurized.
Milk is a worthless food without the bacteria.
when I was about 22 I heard C. Everatt Koop, the Surgeon General announce all the studies on milk showed cows milk was bad for us, and it was only good for baby cows.
The best thing I did for my health was quit drinking milk as it caused mucous and other harmful effects.
After 20+ years the best thing I ever did for my health was begin drinking raw milk.
Cow and goats milk, raw.

Milk is about the bacteria.
It is as good for soil as it is for your gut.
Pasteurized milk destroys the bacteria and makes it worthless and harmful and does nothing good for soil either.

And the mongols became an empire that incorporated many conquered nations and assimilated diets.
But as for Ghengis who dwelled on the harsh climate and conditions of the Steppes he almost only drank horse milk and kept horses.
In drinking horse blood that was a technique they learned to survive long travels and military campaigns not sustenance and everyday survival.
So much effort trying to look like you are correct when it all has become misinformation.
I will bet you a dollar to a dime you cannot tell me about Ghengis physical characteristics that could shed light on what tribe and bloodline he came from.

Go ahead Google it.
Ghengis is one of my favorite studies over the yearsa reply to: nerbot

Oops sorry nerbot.
I did not mean to direct that at you but in continuation of the previous thought.
I left the post midway and came back to it after I did some things.

edit on 28-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Garbage in, garbage out.
To save space.
I did learn some things on this today
It has been 4 or 5 years since I looked into GcMaf.
It is correct it is not in milk.
Raw milk is the source for vit D and the main source for our bodies to produce GcMaf.
Yes, colostrum is used in the fermentation process.
It is about the proteins.
Raw milk is the source.
I get quite a lot of kefir from the goat lady.
Her chevre is the bestest ever.

The point is GcMaf combats nagalese.
It is postulated nagalese is in vaccines and has been.
GcMaf combats it effectively.
I never get sick.
I have never had arthritis.
I do not vaccinate and have not for 30 years.
If I ever get sick I might have revisited this before now.
At the time of my last study on it GcMaf was new in that recent studies on nagalese were being done and the researchers were dying off in mass.
They were researching GcMaf and CBD as combating and removing nagalese.
I have to thank tanstafl for his ignorance leading to his Google skills bringing this important topic to the forefront today.
Ghengis Khan was a tall long white haired blue eyed man according to Marco Polo and his records of his encounter.
There is strong evidence he was from the same tribe as Attila the Hun and possibly Mohammed who according to Islamic holy books as being white haired, blue eyed and so much so as almost albino white.
The horsemen skills are key indicators and can also be traced to the Scythians.

Hmmm more talk of glycoproteins with this GcMaf stuff.
This is a very fruitful day for me.
I did not know about GcMaf involved with glycoproteins.
The spike protein in the cv19 bioweapon is a glycoprotein but not human IMO.
That can change but still synthetic in it's application for sure.
Where is Pete Mitchell on this?

My disclaimer.
I have had no time to research anything very deeply for the last 10 years as my focus has been in active preparation.
Topics like GcMaf are peripheral until I have time to do a thoughtful2 type due diligence.
I had the best rest ever when they shutdown the world economy in 2020 for a few months.
Man did I sleep well.
GcMaf has come along the last few years and a lot of commercial products.
But just like tumeric over curcumin I have to wonder if consuming raw milk from unvaxed cows and goats over GcMaf products is the same correlation.

After giving up milk for 30 years changed my life for the better.
Drinking raw milk the last 8 years also changed my life for the better.

And the ostrich have the best and hardiest immune system of any and all animals on the planet. Fact. Their fat is 7 times more powerful than emu oil.
If there was a biological attack that was aerosolized there would be an abundance of antibodies in the ostrich within 2 weeks and found in abundance in the egg yokes.
The igy and peptides in the ostrich egg do not break down by digestive acids.
Raw milk, ostrich egg and tumeric for the win.
Also local raw honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis.

I am actually surprised I cannot validate that raw milk is not enough for my body to produce GcMaf.
I have a further study to do on glycoproteins this week.
Oh yes, there is quite a few glycans found in Ostrich egg also.
These are the sugar molecules necessary for glycoprotein formation.
Important monosacharrides like mannose.

edit on 28-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 05:36 PM
I just wanted to chime in and say I just eat what my body responds well to. Often times that ends up being similar to a Paleo and/or carnivore diet. But there’s balance to it all.
Strictly vegetables can be unhealthy, strictly meat can be unhealthy. Depends in contents and quantity.
But I’m all about first sourcing locally grown small farm type stuff. Grass fed meat, grazing chickens/goats, and fruits and veggies as natural as possible. And as much of the above as I can from my own farm.
But I’m not expert in nutrition so I won’t say what others should do. I just do what my body responds best with. For example carbs. People love to hate on carbs. My body and mind tells me pretty dang quick when I’m lacking. I like the natural sugars of fruit vs some packaged sweet. And I’m also a fan of the natural fats of red meats. I’ve probably drank less than 20 glasses of milk in my life, but I’ll be damned if someone takes my cheese, butter, sour cream, and mayonnaise away hahaha

Edit: saw some ostrich talk, sounds tasty

edit on 28-2-2023 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 06:27 PM
Would you two take your damn argument to another thread please.

Sick and tired of this crap.

On topic - the quieter this thread gets, the closer we come to the conclusion.

Typical fare for a confusion attack.

The quiet before the storm.


posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Would you two take your damn argument to another thread please.

Sick and tired of this crap.

On topic - the quieter this thread gets, the closer we come to the conclusion.

Typical fare for a confusion attack.

The quiet before the storm.


Now the fireworks, but they have all been bad for mankind so far. WE really need a few bones thrown our way with perp walks.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:25 PM
With the new revelations regarding the origins of the Covid-19 virus (like we didn't know) I now wonder how many years it will take to reveal it was intentionally released?
Anyway, I wanted to post a couple oldies but goodies because this, to me, is proof that the deep state and the msm worked with China and the Wuhan lab and many others to release the Wuhan Virus to oust Trump. China activist journalists and a MSM Chinese journalists were unleashed on Trump to smear and distort. They attempted to make Trump look like a racist xenophobic incompetent maniac. So shameful 3 years later we can now call it the Wuhan Virus along with all the msm and deep state.
There are so many more, can you even imagine Biden standing up to a conservative press core fielding these attacks, questions and feats of activism?
It's do disgusting

Trump breaks it down

edit on 28-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

holy fearmongering


Where there is smoke there is fire....

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
The only beef I had, pun intended, was the " many of you..." part of your post since I never said I was for or against anything.

So yeah, beef it's what's for dinner, sounds good, even if it is from a star trek type replicator.

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