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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:42 PM
So, last night a spaceman has an issue causing the SpaceX flight to be delayed.
Before that The Russian module detached from the ISS and linked up with the Chinese station.
Now this interesting bit.
From: Space

We're still waiting for a second CME to hit Earth's magnetic field *but* it might already be here. On Feb. 27th, between 1000 and 1300 UT, the Faraday Cup on NOAA's DSCOVR satellite went haywire due to a grounding fault. When it regained its senses, the solar wind speed had jumped to 800 km/s, the highest value in years. The CME might have arrived during that time. If so, it means the peak of the storm occurred on Feb 27th at category G3, and we can now expect subsiding G1- to G2-class activity on Feb. 28th.

After a massive piece of the Sun pops off and heads everywhere in the star system, we have this "Schrödinger's CME" where it may or may not have happened, and there's no way of knowing until afterwards.

I know there are networks of private sky watchers that must have idea's as to what's going on, but yet nothing? What's not getting passed on to everyone? We still seem to have a holding pattern on Q-1328.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9d52eb No.1361222 📁
May 10 2018 15:02:52 (EST)
1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust [FOCUS].
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
They want you DIVIDED.
There was no attempt to DIVIDE.
There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.
[Be careful who you follow]
Incorrect message translated [past] autists.
Correction made.
No names mentioned.
They revealed themselves.
Fake & False [incorrect] decodes removed/resolved.
Fake & False claims of an 'unknown' allowed access to classified sealed indictments removed/resolved.
Do not fall victim to con artists.
Stay on point.
This is NOT about a single person.
This is NOT about fame, followers, or profiteering.
We, the PEOPLE.
We, the PEOPLE.
We, the PEOPLE.
We will not be held hostage.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 03:28 AM
I find this interesting. Maybe someone from the area can clear this up. Is this an attack on conservatives since Jack Daniels is an alcoholic beverage that conservatizes are more likely to drink than liberals? Don't these people understand that a lot of wars in this country started by attacking Whiskey?

From: MSN News

The sooty black mold smothers homes, porches, and cars, locals say. It obscures street signs and coats the leaves and bark of trees. It cements itself to any stationary object, and it makes residents question the safety of the air they breathe.

Locals in Lincoln County, Tennessee, say an out-of-control black "whiskey fungus" known as Baudoinia compniacensis, fueled by ethanol vapor from the Jack Daniel's facilities, has been a menace since the famous liquor company started building six barrel houses in 2018 and launched plans to build 14 more. Now infuriated residents are demanding the company and the county answer for the damage and sinking property values and prove the ethanol-filled air is safe to breathe.

Patrick Long, who lives adjacent to the Jack Daniel's barrel houses, and whose wife, Christi, filed a lawsuit against Lincoln County, told Insider the community had two main demands: an air-filtration system that could block the ethanol emissions and stunt the growth of the fungus, and an environmental-impact study evaluating the amount of ethanol emanating from the barrel houses and any health risks it poses.

"I'm extremely concerned. My wife has breathing problems. One of the neighbors got cancer," Long said. "It's in the air. And you really, probably don't want to be breathing that in. But nobody has done a test to determine if it's actually poisonous."

I bet that if this was environmental disaster caused by cannabis plants, the EPA would blame Climate Change, but because it's something that conservatives drink, an all-out investigation takes place.

Odd how after Bill Gates buys into a whole Heinekens beverage company, an attack on Jack Daniels gets pushed in the media. I wonder... I just wonder?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

In trying to clear up alcohol, vodka done good. The floaties in coopers ain't working, but what can one expect at the ass end of the Murry river?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Fully agree about animal fats.
But what I am referring to in hemp is the seed and seed oils.
Hemp seed oil is rich in fats.

Yes, but generally, seed oils - which some improperly call 'vegetable' oils - have now been proven beyond doubt to be extremely unhealthy, yes, even the so called 'cold pressed' ones.

So, I'd have to see some serious scientific evidence comparing it to saturated animal fats, and I don't think such evidence exists.

Happy to be proven wrong though, as I really like the idea of what you are saying. I just think it sounds more like vegan propaganda (no offense intended).

Heavy in omega 6 and 3.

It isn't just about these two. It is the source. There are far, far more nutrients in saturated animal fats than just the omega fatty acids.

75%+ in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What makes you think high levels of PUFAs are healthy?

I think you are confusing it already with cannabis flower.

Nope. I read a book decades ago that outlined how Hemp - industrial hemp - could literally save farming and our exonomy overnight (well, in one or two growing seasons), by allowing farmers to grow crops that would simultaneously revitalize farmlands and provide a massive market for all kinds of commercial goods, from biofuels to fabrics and plastics and all kinds of things I don't even remember.

Hemp seed oil can and has sustained life for long term famines.
It is the only food I am aware of that has everything in it to sustain mammalian health.

Well, admittedly, when I read that book, which was back in the 90's, I wasn't nearly as informed as I am now about nutritional health - in fact I was still stuck in the vegan mythology and was growing my own sprouts and wheat and barley grass (for juicing), bought a Norwalk juicer and was juicing everything.

During the potato famines about a century ago entire Dutch communities survived for 2 years on 2 tbl spoons of hemp oil a day.

I'm definitely interested in learning more, but you'll have to do better than make a simple claim...

You know the drill... links please.

The Ostrich meat I eat has zero fat (you have to cut it all away),

Why do you have to cut it all awau?

but it has a perfect balance of omega 3,6,9 fatty acids.

Perfect according to whom? The science is far from settled on this as well.

What is settled is that fatty red meat is what the vast majority of mankind survived and thrived on for millennia.

A carnivore I know likes the ostrich meat even though it is 0 fat attached to the meat. The meat has a small percentage of omega 3,6,9 and other fats, though it is low fat.

So we are looking at Ostrich meat for carnivore even though it is low-fat since you must cut all the fat off before cooking.

I wouldn't recommend it - at all.

Search on 'rabbit starvation' for why.

We need fats. lots of fat. In fact, the best ratio is high fat and moderate to low protein. How much protein depends on your activity level and body type/frame. The bigger/more muscular, the more protein you need. Fat is for energy.

We are considering leaving some fat and making biltong

Why? Like jerky, biltong is very low fat. Its ok for occasional snacks, but if there is something wrong with ostrich fat that you shouldn't cook and eat it, then you certainly shouldn't be adding it to biltong.

If you want to make the healthiest, longest lasting (no refrigeration required) survival food, similar to biltong, learn how to make pemmican. It has all of the fats you need for vital, optimal health, in a package that can last 25+ years without refrigeration at room temp when properly made, although for long term storage it is best to vacuum seal it in packages and store it somewhere it won't get hot or wet - ie, ammo boxes stored in a cellar or buried in the ground.

I stand behind hemp seed oil being second to none over any food as near as complete as anything known.

Stand behind it all you want, but without anything of substance to back up the claim, that is all it is - a baseless claim.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Maybe, maybe not

As you can see Gail hashtagged #2000mules May 2022.
I mentioned 2000 mules because it was confirmed D'Souza was privy to CISA and SCIF's reports that lead to the documentary.
This was how they chose to release it.
Gail was aware of these efforts as confirmed by the hashtag.
My instincts look to be correct and accurate

I am convinced Az. is a white hat sting.
Heck I would not even be surprised Katie Hobbs was busted a year ago and instructed to continue by the military to cast the net further.
This is how they will secure the border, by first exposing all to the public.
First Az., Then Cali or Nv.
This is a movie.

I stopped believing the Q 'this is a massive white hat devolution event' a looooong time ago.

That said, I would absolutely LOVE it if it actually turned out to be true.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:37 AM
QTSR Feb 27:

QTSR Feb 27:

QTSR Feb 27:

Covid injections are weapons of the US Department of Defence’s “covid-19 kill box”, researcher says

edit on 2/28/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Justoneman
Hope is abounding

I had to take one down and pass it around to make it now 79 bottles of Hopium beers left on the wall! This is HUGE!!!!

originally posted by: FlyingFox
It's going down in AZ

Melissa Tate

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

Even with Justice JOHN ROBERTS and AG MERRICK GARLAND in charge of investigations and consequences that have "teeth"? The House might be able to get info out to the public, if the MSM were FAIR...but they're not. 95% of the MSM is more fascinated over one guy who might have killed a couple of people in South Carolina.

I am thinking we can count on the infiltrators in our DOJ to continue to protect the criminal cabal. They are either going to do what they are supposed to do, or they are going to go to the tribunals too. I am pretty sure they are doubling down in hopes that they think we will lose. They have another think coming.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
The product in question was lab grown meat, not insects.

Also, please don't try to lump me in with the group I mentioned, all I did was mention that they exist and what they have been claiming about naturally grown meat for years/decades.

Don't misread my post. I am with you on this one. I was just pointing out the lab grown will be similar enough one day, we should be able to use the tech to put people in orbit of Alpha Centuri or some other close by star system. Without that tech we cannot be taking cows and pigs to space, I don't think anyway. Maybe, we do that and our people figure it out like they did in the book/movies Dune taking the worms on board the Space Guild ships.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Caled
How many EMP pulses are you trying to protect against? You aren't going to be able to protect the generator and use it. First, you can't enclose it. You'll just burn it up. Also, any power cables leaving the generator will conduct the EMP...I'm assuming that will burn out the generator and whatever is connected.

I think you are pretty much going to have to hope there is only one pulse or wait until everything is over, and then unbox anything in a faraday cage and hope for the best.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Caled
Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

How about...

A generator fixed in a steel drum laying on it's side that has one end fitted with a removable end for access.
Buried in the ground a little so it doesn't rock and spiked front and back into the ground from inside.
Holes drilled for air intake, exhaust, starter cord, on off switches, fuel fill and any dials etc.
Stuffed around the generator with rockwall insulation inside.
Tie generator earth, drum and ground spikes together.

How zap proof could that make a generator?

It will be one pulse because after that the rockets will have to work manually to send more. I suspect the EMP will be from the Sun and take the whole planet back to the stone age. Better have some food and lots of barter on hand that will help you obtain food if that happens. It will get ugly.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 09:33 AM

The old lard and tallow are way way better. The seed oils actually are killing us IMO.

If not lard or tallow, then use Coconut oil or Butter to cook with.

Butter, like eggs, is a natural source of vitamins we can't get naturally anywhere else. We need to eat food with things in it we need and not processed foods with vegetable seeds as oil. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are found in butter and eggs IIRC. I keep seeing that Flaxseed is high in those too but has to be freshly pressed as it goes bad fast.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Fully agree about animal fats.
But what I am referring to in hemp is the seed and seed oils.
Hemp seed oil is rich in fats.

Yes, but generally, seed oils - which some improperly call 'vegetable' oils - have now been proven beyond doubt to be extremely unhealthy, yes, even the so called 'cold pressed' ones.

So, I'd have to see some serious scientific evidence comparing it to saturated animal fats, and I don't think such evidence exists.

Happy to be proven wrong though, as I really like the idea of what you are saying. I just think it sounds more like vegan propaganda (no offense intended).

Heavy in omega 6 and 3.

It isn't just about these two. It is the source. There are far, far more nutrients in saturated animal fats than just the omega fatty acids.

75%+ in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What makes you think high levels of PUFAs are healthy?

I think you are confusing it already with cannabis flower.

Nope. I read a book decades ago that outlined how Hemp - industrial hemp - could literally save farming and our exonomy overnight (well, in one or two growing seasons), by allowing farmers to grow crops that would simultaneously revitalize farmlands and provide a massive market for all kinds of commercial goods, from biofuels to fabrics and plastics and all kinds of things I don't even remember.

Hemp seed oil can and has sustained life for long term famines.
It is the only food I am aware of that has everything in it to sustain mammalian health.

Well, admittedly, when I read that book, which was back in the 90's, I wasn't nearly as informed as I am now about nutritional health - in fact I was still stuck in the vegan mythology and was growing my own sprouts and wheat and barley grass (for juicing), bought a Norwalk juicer and was juicing everything.

During the potato famines about a century ago entire Dutch communities survived for 2 years on 2 tbl spoons of hemp oil a day.

I'm definitely interested in learning more, but you'll have to do better than make a simple claim...

You know the drill... links please.

The Ostrich meat I eat has zero fat (you have to cut it all away),

Why do you have to cut it all awau?

but it has a perfect balance of omega 3,6,9 fatty acids.

Perfect according to whom? The science is far from settled on this as well.

What is settled is that fatty red meat is what the vast majority of mankind survived and thrived on for millennia.

A carnivore I know likes the ostrich meat even though it is 0 fat attached to the meat. The meat has a small percentage of omega 3,6,9 and other fats, though it is low fat.

So we are looking at Ostrich meat for carnivore even though it is low-fat since you must cut all the fat off before cooking.

I wouldn't recommend it - at all.

Search on 'rabbit starvation' for why.

We need fats. lots of fat. In fact, the best ratio is high fat and moderate to low protein. How much protein depends on your activity level and body type/frame. The bigger/more muscular, the more protein you need. Fat is for energy.

We are considering leaving some fat and making biltong

Why? Like jerky, biltong is very low fat. Its ok for occasional snacks, but if there is something wrong with ostrich fat that you shouldn't cook and eat it, then you certainly shouldn't be adding it to biltong.

If you want to make the healthiest, longest lasting (no refrigeration required) survival food, similar to biltong, learn how to make pemmican. It has all of the fats you need for vital, optimal health, in a package that can last 25+ years without refrigeration at room temp when properly made, although for long term storage it is best to vacuum seal it in packages and store it somewhere it won't get hot or wet - ie, ammo boxes stored in a cellar or buried in the ground.

I stand behind hemp seed oil being second to none over any food as near as complete as anything known.

Stand behind it all you want, but without anything of substance to back up the claim, that is all it is - a baseless claim.

edit on 28-2-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 10:18 AM
Dude, you asked me about fatty acids.
My answer was to post it is almost all fatty acids.
I posted about it having mostly polyunsaturated fats with the rest being saturated fats.
Now you want to equate seed oil to vegetable oil, which it most assuredly is not.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
You are correct about meat consumption.
I am practically carnivore.
I do so well with red meats.

But it can be done without meat

I have to diagree... vehemently... for one big reason...

Yes, protein is very important, but even more important is FATS - and sorry, but there isn't a single plant based oil/fat that comes even remotely close to good old saturated animal fats when it comes to producing robust optimal health for humans.

Hemp can sustain life.
Hemp contains all the amino acids.

Nope. there is more to sustaining life than just amino acids.

What fatty acids does Hemp provide?


a reply to: tanstaafl

Ostrich fat when heat is applied makes the meat taste rancid.
But there is fatty acids within the meat, which still makes it worthy of a carnivore diet.
Biltong might be able to retain it being palatable with some fat. Most likely not.
If I made pemmican with the meat I would still have to remove all the fat and use pig fat, and biltong would be still good to eat vs. pemmican.
This being said in the context of a carnivore diet with Ostrich meat.
Pemmican is NOTHING like biltong.
Ostrich meat is nothing like rabbit meat either.

You have made 2 posts on this now that are riddled with falsities and false comparisons.

You first asked if it had any fatty acids implying there were none.
I posted it was 75% in PUSF, the rest in saturated fats.
It is practically 100% fatty acids.
Now you moved the goal posts implying it's bad for you, it is not.
You keep trying to compare it to vegetable oils. It is not.
You would do better comparing it to flax oil or extra virgin olive oil, which hemp oil is superior to.
But you did not.
Fat is not for energy.
Protein is what provides energy.
Ostrich is a red meat. Rabbit meat is not.

I am almost 100% carnivore.
But my claim was that Hemp could provide the alternative.
It has it all. It is an ancient plant that probably derived it's name from the first farmer, Cain. It is where the Canaanites and the land of Canaan derived their name, i.e. Keneh bosm.
If I can assume from this info I will say it was Cains main crop that grew in notoriety.
The USA was saturated with this crop 100 years ago, SATURATED.
I read my first book on it back in the early 90's, when I was reading about 1 book a day, 3-4 per week.
I am still reading but not as well.
Never stopped reading during and since that time but the internet really put a kabosh on my research in used book stores and libraries.
It has made me lazy since now I can find in 20 minutes what used to take weeks.
I miss those days. I thought better.

A large part of my reading and research was on health and wellness.
I was involved with a Nutriceutical company for a few years. I knew practically every health food store owner in 4 states. And the only thing I ever found that might ever sway me to go vegetarian or even consider vegan is Hemp.

I am a carnivore.
I have an extensive health and wellness background.
I am well read.
I use a very cheap prepaid phone and do not link things well.
It is a pain in the ask me.

I am in my kinetic mode of preparing so am always on the run and have very little time to research what is settled business for me.
What you do get from me is memory recall and occasional streams of consciousness from everything I read when I spent years upon years of reading and researching.
I will take some time to link the leads but for the most part I simply do not have the time to jump through hoops and research for you.
I do all this on a cheap phone. No computer. No tv.
I am a farmer/rancher preparing for the food crisis on a daily basis. Freeze dried eggs. Freeze dried meats. Biltong, pemmican, etc...

But as for all I know....
Hemp saves the world.
Take it for what it is.
Not a baseless claim.
Just sharing
Plenty of substance.

My biggest problem is based upon what FlyingFox shared.
The Hebrew word for kill being used and not murder is my next study. Because I am, or was settled on word studies that it was the Hebrew word meaning murder.
Why is that important you ask?
Because it is quite possible that we are not to be considering animals as "meat" due to mistranslations of all that transpired with Cain and Abel, and the Noahide laws when they were on the boat and when they got off the boat.

Because I try and walk the walk that I talk.

And as much as I thrive off a carnivore diet, I have a moral dilemma if I decide to give up meat.
I gave up raising pigs long ago and avoid pork, for the most part( dang it tastes good), but is is a filthy meat.
I feel safe with meat I raise and butcher but store bought pork is sickening stuff.
But in being an animal husbandman and meat and eggs being my business.
This is quite the moral dilemna

Nothing like yours where you expect me to do your due diligence.
I have to make these decisions based upon only my own due diligence.
The animals I raise are loved and cared for as if they are my own children.
The food I provide is far superior to anything found on supermarket shelves.
Farmer-Fork is my mantra and no government regulation can improve upon what you can glean from simply coming to my farm and inspecting for yourself.
I do not do carbon monoxide pkg for red meats nor douse pork in ammonia which is now common in all supermarkets.

So if meat is wrong, as it certainly does require a life from an animal then I must consider what is the alternative.
In 30 years of study and reading it can only be hemp.
Nothing else comes close nor historical.
So not only do I have a health and wellness background I also raise and eat animals, eggs and raw milk.
And I am fairly confident kenekbosm(cannabis) was Cains main crop.
As a starter I am working towards hemp being my main animal feed as soon as the fda gtf outa my way.

You have no idea how hard and difficult it would be for me to give up eating and selling meat.
10 years I have been contemplating upon this dilemma.
And if I do then I am convinced it will be hemp.
Just my opinion

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
The old lard and tallow are way way better.

Yeppers! While tallow is best/ideal, lard is amazing.

Personally, I'm trying to limit pork products though, as I've found that I do better on beef fats.

The seed oils actually are killing us IMO.

Yep. They are extremely inflammatory, and chronic inflammation is the primary/direct cause of all of our health woes/diseases.

The question is/has always been, what causes chronic inflammation, and seed oils are one of the main causes, though certainly not the only one. All plants contain inflammatory properties, some more than others.

If not lard or tallow, then use Coconut oil or Butter to cook with.

Coconut (and Avocado) oil would be my last choice - acceptable, but far from ideal.

Butter, like eggs, is a natural source of vitamins we can't get naturally anywhere else.

Fats and oils - and egg yolks are an amazing source of one oif the most critical nutrients that our bodies need: CHOLESTEROL. Anyone who tells you dietary cholesterol is bad is ignorant, and not someone you should listen to regarding nutrition.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Dude, you asked me about fatty acids.
My answer was to post it is almost all fatty acids.

True, my apologies for not asking a more complete question.

The problem is, there is far far more to what constitutes healthy fats than just 'fatty acids'.

I posted about it having mostly polyunsaturated fats with the rest being saturated fats.
Now you want to equate seed oil to vegetable oil, which it most assuredly is not.

Ummm... you are mistaken.

All so called 'vegetable' oils are mis-named. They are all - ALL - seed oils. Sunflower oil comes from sunflower seeds, Canola oil comes from rape seeds.

Hemp oil comes from hemp SEEDS. So, yes, it most certainly IS a seed oil.

But there is fatty acids within the meat, which still makes it worthy of a carnivore diet.

I didn't say it wasn't worthy of a carnivore diet. I've always wanted to try ostrich meat in fact.

That doesn't mean I would make it my main meat.

That said, I'd be curious how Pemmican made from ostrich meat and tallow might turn out.

If I made pemmican with the meat I would still have to remove all the fat and use pig fat,

You could use lard, but you could also use tallow.

and biltong would be still good to eat vs. pemmican.

If by 'good' you mean 'better', then that would be a subjective thing, so, whatever...

Pemmican is NOTHING like biltong.

I agree.

Biltong is basically jerky. This is not something you could live on for years and maintain robust vital/optimal health.

With (properly made) Pemmican, you could... you could eat it exclusively for years, and maintain robust, vital/optimal health. This is why it is the perfect/ideal survival food, unlike all of the garbage that comes with these freeze dried surviival foods that are loaded with carbs and sugar.

Ostrich meat is nothing like rabbit meat either.

The term 'rabbit starvation' is only called that because it was first discovered when some people were found who had only eaten rabbits for a long period of time and their bodies were starving because of the lack of fat, because rabbit meat is so extremely lean and has almost no fat at all.

You have made 2 posts on this now that are riddled with falsities and false comparisons.

If you're going to make such a claim, you'll have to back it up...

You first asked if it had any fatty acids implying there were none.
I posted it was 75% in PUSF, the rest in saturated fats.
It is practically 100% fatty acids.

Nothing I said there was false. If it is 75% PUFAs, and 25% saturated fat, that is not a very healthy fat profile.

Tallow is about 50% saturated fat, 45% monounsaturated fat, and 5% PUFA... this is the ideal fat profile.

Now you moved the goal posts implying it's bad for you, it is not.

I did no such thing - unless you mean by my generalization regarding seed oils.

You keep trying to compare it to vegetable oils. It is not.

I know, because again, a) there are no such thing as 'vegetable' oils, they are all - ALL - seed oils. Hemp oil is made from hemp seeds, therefore, it is a seed oil. Sorry, but reality is.

You would do better comparing it to flax oil

Flax oil is made from flax SEEDS.

or extra virgin olive oil,

Olives, like avocados, are FRUITS, not vegetables.

which hemp oil is superior to.

According to whom?

Fat is not for energy.

Fat is absolutely for energy. When a carnivore becomes fat adapted, that is precisely what that means - your body is now converted to being able to utilize the fats you are eating directly as energy, as opposed to glucose.

Protein is what provides energy.

Protein can be utilized for energy, to an extent, but it is far from ideal, as evidenced by that thing I referred to called 'rabbit starvation'. Again, search it... it isn't so much about rabbits as it is about extremely low fat meats.

But protein is far more important as a source for the building blocks of our bodies. Protein is absolutely critical to the cellular repair of all of our tissues, from our skin and other organs, to our muscles and everything in between.

But my claim was that Hemp could provide the alternative.
It has it all.

A quick google suggest that you are wrong though, because everything I'm finding is stating that Hemp is as good as meat (or better) because it is lower in saturated fats. But, because we know now that saturated animal fats are extremely healthy and critical for robust optimal health, this causes everything else said in this source to be highly suspect - again, more akin to vegan propaganda than unbiased evidence.

the only thing I ever found that might ever sway me to go vegetarian or even consider vegan is Hemp.

Well, you might want to keep looking - see above.

I will take some time to link the leads but for the most part I simply do not have the time to jump through hoops and research for you.

I'm only asking for links because I've already done the research and nothing I've found backs up your claims.

I do all this on a cheap phone. No computer. No tv.
I am a farmer/rancher preparing for the food crisis on a daily basis. Freeze dried eggs. Freeze dried meats. Biltong, pemmican, etc...

Well then you're way ahead of me there, I'm envious...

Just sharing
Plenty of substance.

Sorry, and no offense, but sharing an opinion is not 'substance'.

I have a moral dilemma if I decide to give up meat.
So if meat is wrong, as it certainly does require a life from an animal then I must consider what is the alternative.

The food that we have evolved to consume over the last 3-5 million years simply can not, in any rational way, be considered 'wrong', in any way, shape or form.

Anyone who tries to do word contortions using writing in books that are a couple of thousand years old at best to justify such a notion is ... I'm not sure what the right word would be...

In 30 years of study and reading it can only be hemp.

Your study apparently is inadequate, because you apparently are ignorant about the importance of saturated fats for optimal human health. Nothing to be embarrassed by or ashamed of, I only recently started learning the truth about all of this myself a couple of years ago.

As a starter I am working towards hemp being my main animal feed as soon as the fda gtf outa my way.

Cows eat grass. Why would you want to feed them someti8ng that is contrary to their nature?

You have no idea how hard and difficult it would be for me to give up eating and selling meat.

So, I'm still confused as to why you feel like you should even consider it.

Maybe you should ask yourself that question.

10 years I have been contemplating upon this dilemma.
And if I do then I am convinced it will be hemp.
Just my opinion

I look forward to any links to anything of substance that I can start with to do more research on this, but again, nothing I've found addresses the very serious problem with hemps major shortfalls with regard to its fat profile...
edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I was just scrolling through some Chinese Twitter accounts and came across something quite shocking, if that is possible.
Inconvient Truths by Jennifer Zeng Twitter
Scroll down to A "Bug" in the #Chinese#textbook.
That is one sharp little boy. I would love to know the name of that book and verify that. It wouldn't surprise me though because subliminal communication seems to have been something going on for quite awhile now.

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:29 AM
Are you giving advice to an Eskimo?
Or a European?
Or an Asian?
Do you give the same advice to a person who spent his life eating whale blubber as you do to billions of people who eat a Mediterranean diet?

This what is difficult with mixing cultures within a marriage.
What might cause a mideastern woman to thrive in the food she prepares would kill and cause disease in an Anuit husband.
Stop pretending there is a diet that is for everyone.
Find what works for you.
The key in finding which diet is found in potatos.
Some people get tired and lackluster from potato's and for them sweet potatoes and yams.
In some it is the reverse.
I never did well with the Mediterranean diet.
I thrive on animal fats and red meat.
But you guys are giving advice that would kill and cause disease in those that thrive on Mediterranean diets.

Either way it is obvious to me you have no clue at all about hemp seed oil.
But why should you since the governments worldwide conspired in removing it from diets where it was a staple less than 100 years ago.
And all research on it halted and unfunded.
Here is a factoid of very short memories due to government interference.
The only studies funded by the government on cows milk were done by feeding hemp seed to the cows.
Hemp seed used to be a global staple food for animals and humans.
Now what compelled this conspiracy?

So deep and effective that you guys have no ideas on it.

Tell me why it was so abundant that it was the only feed to cows where it was used to study cowsmilk?
And what was the reason to remove it completely from human and animal diets???

Show me the studies you are referencing for hemp when you equate it to corn oil.
And explain to me why I am not allowed to grow it to feed my animals when it used to be the number 1 feed for animals in almost every country that grew it less than a century ago.

I mean really.
In government funded studies for cows milk it was hemp that was the feed.
Think about that....
That's how recent hemp was not just a staple but THE staple animal feed.
But today I have to wait for the fda to do studies before they will allow it for animals.
Soooooo retarded.
I have now taught you all more about hemp than any of you ever knew......fact....
All you are doing is telling me what you don't know and projecting that upon me.
So tell me.
Why did they do studies on cowsmilk when the only feed was hemp?
a reply to: tanstaafl

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Rook here is another weird Pfizer link.
I Heard it On the Internet
Hmmm the length of the clip is 1.16 and Darrion is not helping the cause by using the eye symbol.

I wonder why this has been made only for the U.S.? Are we leading the way in stupidity or is it because more of us are fighting the plan? Maybe both?

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Are you giving advice to an Eskimo?
Or a European?
Or an Asian?
Do you give the same advice to a person who spent his life eating whale blubber as you do to billions of people who eat a Mediterranean diet?

First, there is no one 'Mediterranean Diet', that is just another myth.

But... yes, I do give the same advice to all of these different peoples... why? Because we are all the same species - human beings - and like all other species, there is one and only one optimal diet for human health.

Yes, people who grew up in very different environments may have gotten their fats and proteins from different sources - the Inuit, for example, from lots of whale and seal meat/blubber, while American Plains Indians got theirs from Buffalo, and humans during the Ice Age got their from Wooly Mammoths - but they are all rich in the same kinds of fats and proteins.

This what is difficult with mixing cultures within a marriage.
What might cause a mideastern woman to thrive in the food she prepares would kill and cause disease in an Anuit husband.
Stop pretending there is a diet that is for everyone.

Stop pretending that we are all not of the same species.

Find what works for you.
The key in finding which diet is found in potatos.
Some people get tired and lackluster from potato's and for them sweet potatoes and yams.
In some it is the reverse.

While it is true that different people can tolerate different kinds of plants to different degrees, no human being thrives on nightshades of any kind.

I never did well with the Mediterranean diet.

No one does... because there is no such thing.

I thrive on animal fats and red meat.

Because you're a human being.

But you guys are giving advice that would kill and cause disease in those that thrive on Mediterranean diets.

A lie based on a myth, nothing more.

Show me the studies you are referencing for hemp when you equate it to corn oil.

First, you show me where I ever a) referenced a study regarding hemp, or b) ever mentioned corn oil. Corn, by the way, is not a vegetable, it is a grain, so, another seed oil.

And explain to me why I am not allowed to grow it to feed my animals when it used to be the number 1 feed for animals in almost every country that grew it less than a century ago.

Who said you weren't allowed to feed it to your animals? You appear to be confused.

I mean really.

In government funded studies for cows milk it was hemp that was the feed.

Cows milk is not intended as food for humans, never was.

That said, any cultures that ever incorporated it long term always - ALWAYS - fermented it.

Think about that....

I have now taught you all more about hemp than any of you ever knew......fact....

No, again, all you have done is made a bunch of claims about it.

I'll just leave you to ponder your own words...

edit on 28-2-2023 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 11:52 AM
Horse milk?
Ghengis Khan survived mostly on horse milk on the Steppes.

I thrive on raw cow and goats milk.
You are relying upon studies done on pasteurized milk.

The only studies done on raw milk was done so long ago hemp was the feed in the studies.
You simply do not know and projecting that ignorance to me.

The reason for this is because raw milk has things like GcMaf, the cure for vaccine disease caused from nagalese.

Garbage in, garbage outa reply to: tanstaafl

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I may be way out there again but every time I look at #1328 my attention goes towards the capitalization of the word "LOGIC" and then the "SKY EVENT". And you used the word "Holding Pattern."
Could be a coincidence but Robert Malone has just posted a new Substack article : America We Have A Problem.
America We Have A Problem by Robert Malone
"But now, effectively, a vaxx-injured pilot could pass a flight physical, suffer a fatal cardiac event the next day, and be completely legal to do so. The FAA refuses to acknowledge vaccine injuries in pilots." < I fear that this could be the SKY EVENT.
I can't help but notice this post ends in 28 and today is the 28th.

What about the FAA Safety LOGIC System?
FAA Safety LOGIC Systems
Maybe a coincidence?
"Systems that predict the path of aircraft landing and/or departing, and/or vehicular and aural alerts are activated when the safety LOGIC projects a potential collision."

There have been a lot of flight cancellations which of course is explained away by the weather but maybe this has more to do with pilot injuries from the jabs.
Flight Cancellations

posted on Feb, 28 2023 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
He sounds like my kind of doctor. If the Journal of Medical Association is against him then he is probably on the right track. Thank you for the recommendation and I'll pick up a copy. I prefer the books because they are more in depth and I can write loads of notes. Lol.
My bookcase is groaning under the weight of all the books I still have to read.

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