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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I see about getting some of the others you have mentioned. Thanks for the reading list.

posted on Mar, 1 2023 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Dang it woman! I do not want to give WS a dime but Ima have to buy this book now to see how we are depicted by this putz.
I am glad to hear that they are skeered!!!!! Maybe one of us can write a book refuting his claims....I'm nominating you! lol
No seriously I thank you for all that you contribute to this thread T2. I know I've said that before, but I just have to let you know every now and then.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
I know its hard to believe but I actually know what a faraday cage is. I read a few years back about how to build one. I did not know you could buy one.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Catch_a_Fire
Do you think he looks so bad due to being named in the dominion lasuit????

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: dashen
Howdy you attention deficient disorderly lovelies.


This is the Q Thread.

first part of awakening is opening your eyes

Michigan Republicans elected former Secretary of State nominee Kristina Karamo as their  new state party chair over the weekend, choosing a candidate who still refuses to concede her 14-point election loss last fall, has close ties to the QAnon conspiracy theory movement and thinks everyone and everything is satanic, from Jay-Z to Cardi B to yoga.

I see hope is springing up everywhere. Kamaro is 100% correct in her opinions based on the data I have seen and that feeling that Cardi B and Jay-Z are in on the scheme by the DS. There is a clear view of Evil these days and those who STILL chose to believe it isn't so are part of the problem and will be easily used by those evil people.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Maybe .... those messages certainly showed him for what he is too ..... the days are numbered for him .... surely.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
I wouldn't give him a dime either. In a lot of bookstores you can browse through the book without having to buy it.
I especially struggled over Yuval Noah Harari's, Klaus Schwab partner in crime and sidekick, book but I took the plunge because I want to write notes in it and cross reference to other material.

We have something really strange going on book related. Twitter trending is #WorldBookDay but World Book Day is April 23rd.
I guess it is sponsored by a charity but why wouldn't they tie it directly in with the established date?

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 11:20 AM
Earth is a "free-will" planet. Everything happens to us because I/you/we chose it. Every single thing. Everything Good. And everything evil.

"I chose this." is mantra everyone should be repeating to themselves every single day. We have to take responsibility for the world we created. That's the only way to change it.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: GAPeach3
I would definitely recommend the book I am currently reading- "Kill Shot". I've finished reading the first two chapters. Things are just so hopelessly broken with what is supposed to be health regulatory agencies.

A good example of what the compounding side of pharmaceuticals would be from the movie "A Wonderful Life". At the beginning there is the scene of the pharmacist making an error in making a drug for an ill child and George Bailey catches it and saves the day. Wish the FDA would have been as competent. Compounding used to be the norm for making individual prescriptions until Big Pharma took over and made mass production the norm.

With all the research that Jason Dearen did it must have almost been virtually impossible to get information, unredacted that is, from the FDA. Maybe the FDA was so overwhelmed with the plandemic that they did not scrutinize his requests for info. Anyway this books provides extensive evidence on the failure and corruption of our health system down to the very basic levels such as the state committees to update regulations for compounding pharmacies.
Here is a link to an interview with him>Jason Dearen Interview
He points out " there was a lot of unfinished business in terms of how the government was putting checks on the industry." There weren't any and there were loopholes galore.
I imagine he must be really alarmed by now.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Replying to self.
The common theme from all the books we have gone through so far about Covid is the constant complaint of lack of funding. The NIHAID just received another budget increase of $198.7 million so now their annual budget is $6,268,313,000. Maybe there needs to be some serious scrutiny over what grants are given and how the money is being spent.

NIHAID Budget for 2023

The new book "Kill Shot" once again highlights this exact problem, this is back in 2012 and connects directly to the problems with patient data collection during Covid.
At the state level they identified a specific clinic that was connected to the first cluster of the deadly fungal infections. They needed the patient data from the clinic so that they could transmit it to the CDC's Epidemic Intelligence Service headed by Benjamin Park. Seems simple enough but wait..."the clinic computers were incompatible with the states and pertinent files could not be downloaded." leading to the inability to quickly transmit data to the CDC. Pages 8-12

This was the worst contaminated drug crisis in U.S. history and yet they did nothing to rectify this shortcoming??? I mean what did they do after determining the cause, just sit back and say well that's done and not bother to look back and analyze and correct deficiencies in the system.

But there were other glaring shortcomings that should have put a spotlight on the dangerous failures and yet nothing was done.
#2263 clip
Program development offshore [not domestic] tangent
Covert funding?
Humans 1988
So we have had funding diverted and that has left the entire countries' health defense open to attack> TREASON.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: daskakik
You have mail.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 01:26 PM
Kill Shot by Jason Dearen.

Future proves past.
Chapter 2 puts a spotlight on just how corrupt and broken our health system is from the most basic levels to Congress to the Supreme Court. It's that bad.

Congress and the FDA are not off the hook. The FDA were derelict in their duty to protect the U.S. They along with the federal government allowed drug manufacturing and compounds to be offshored primarily to China. At the same time they allowed Big Pharma to mass produce drugs, large corporate entities were allowed to take over pharmacies with the result of crippling our ability to compound our own drugs. Meanwhile Big Pharma stopped manufacturing important drugs because they went off patent, which caused extreme drug shortages. As the number of drug shortages increased significantly the FDA, with hat in hand, went to Congress for help.

Congress obliged and passed the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act [FDAMA].
Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act

Section 503A addressed in the book about the" exemption of small-time low risk companies from standard drug approval requirements" But what about FDA enforcement of the 5% limit that could be sold?
Click the link and just look. The FDA is still dithering around. August 2021 just updating the timing for enforcing the 5%.
That means we have the problem continuing unaddressed.

What about the Supreme Court? Going back to 2002 Thomson vs Western States Medical Center.
Thomson vs Western States Medical Center Supreme Court Ruling

This opened the floodgate allowing these compounding pharmacies to actively market their products while at the same time they were not being held to the same standards as Big Pharma. Pag 18.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: pheonix358
Well, color me surprised, here I thought Q had everything, even warrants for the DS players 5 years ago. Podesta and Huma were about to be taken into custody and HRC had her passport flagged if she tried to run.

5 years later you are complaining about posts by ATS members because you don't have closure?

Who's the sucker?

These things did come to pass 5 years ago, except for those whose eyes are tied to muh CNN. There is no resemblance between Hillary pre 2018 and post 2018 because HRC is no longer around. Just like Bidaaaan has been replaced by an actor with a Silicone mask. Or why do you think "Joe Biden" is continuing the EOs that Trump put into place? Continuing the border wall? Continuing Gitmo? Why would Biden extend Trumps EOs? Keep Gitmo open even though he said he'd close it first thing? Because Biden is not running the show.

Why is one anti-Trump domino after the other falling? His biggest censors - Jack Dorsey and Jeff Zucker - are already gone. Meanwhile, keep telling yourself that nothing has come to pass in the last 5 years.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Skyfloating
You are free to believe whatever you want.

Besides, if what you say is true, what difference does it make if a couple people discuss something that someone else, who isn't as tuned-in as you, considers clutter?

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Kill Shot
Painting a picture - just how dangerous this broken system is.
NECC was the pharmaceutical compounding manufacturer who was responsible for the deadly fungal disease.

When the Supreme Court made that ruling, that left the only oversite of these compounding pharmaceutical companies in the hands of State Pharmacy Boards. Nothing like having a fragmented system. But wait it gets better.
"The State Oversight Board was an extension of the pharma industry- meant to ward off federal scrutiny." The compounding companies made the board and who could possibly think this > "Hey, we're going to make a little board thing and we'll go around, just you and me, and we'll go into your pharmacy and say "You're good." And then you'll come to mine." Page 20

One would think that the FDA would have been watching NECC like a hawk because years earlier there were problems and the concerns went to the Oversight Board. So what did they do? Launched a committee to update regulations but then put Cadden, from NECC on the board. Page 23

There were just so many red flags. The manufacturing facility was in an old building "located between a swamp and a pond and sandwiched between a concrete block maker and recycling center with mattresses and discarded furniture in the parking lot." I don't want to judge but that doesn't sound like the best location to manufacture sterile drugs.

There was no inspection of the facility.
There was no tracking where the drugs went. Page 16

"They took full advantage of all the loopholes and not only provided drugs to Drs. offices but also went after the big hospital pharmacies with a "killer" salesforce. There was one safe guard- the drugs had to be directly tied to a specific patient and NECC had to maintain records of this.
"Sending out drugs without patient prescriptions is illegal." Who cares when no inspections are conducted.

As they say never let a good crisis go to waste. Another agency
the U.S. Pharmacopeia decided to finally updated the safety guidelines about the manufacturing of compound drugs. I'm wondering about the timing here??? Now they had to be made in a clean room and that meant hospitals would have had to invest some serious $ in adhering to these guidelines. Since it is always about the $ the hospitals went with the outsourced products.
Just to point out but none of these hospitals inspected the source of their drugs.
This is just sooo broken.

Another underfunding case- The Massachusetts Board of Registration [responsible for detecting drugs sold without patient prescriptions] only had 3 investigators for 100 pharmacies and 57 other compounding pharmacies. We can expect the same in other states. Once again no safe guards over who can serve on this board. What a surprise that there is a direct connection to one of the members and NECC. Page 20

What about the pharmacy inspectors? They never flagged the location of the pharmacy so why bother training any of the inspectors on how to inspect the sterile rooms.
"They don't know what they are looking at. They have no clue. They go around, like, 'Barry, this place looks great." he said with a snicker."

The end conclusion is that through all of this there were no consequences to NECC for violations to anything from drug manufacturing, matching patients with prescriptions or staying within the 5% limit, that is until people died.

The FDA is criminally responsible by not enforcing their own 5% rule and they are still not enforcing it. During the last three years there has been even less oversight if that is possible.

Could it be that this these weakly regulated compounding companies were turbo charged right before the launch of the plandemic?
I'm left wondering and maybe this is just me but all of this looks like a plan to dismantle our healthcare system orchestrated from the very top.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Keeping track of resignations.
There is some more serious reorganization taking place. Along with India being made head of the G-20, the nomination of a WEF connected President of the World Bank, we now have changes at the top of The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research.
Fresh Leadership for a Refreshed Alliance

Helen Clark, WEF connected is the new Chairperson and Jeanette Vega is the new Vice Chair.
Professor David Peters resigned as the Chair.

Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research Wiki
Speaking of India>India G 20 Meeting Trouble in paradise? Gates sustainable goals may be in the kill box.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: Catch_a_Fire
a reply to: RookQueen

Maybe .... those messages certainly showed him for what he is too ..... the days are numbered for him .... surely.

Everyone keeps saying "him". Is this person's name taboo to speak in Q-land, like "No Name" was before he died?

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Sean Hannity. He looks pretty rough lately.

posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I'd mentioned, a couple of days ago, that i thought hannity may be carrying/recovering from a vax injury.... the left side of his mouth, face and eye seem a little lazy and his speech seems slightly off on occasion .... just observations.

edit on 2/3/2023 by Catch_a_Fire because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/3/2023 by Catch_a_Fire because: (no reason given)

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