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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 10:39 AM

This Russian volunteer claims he stumbled upon a Ukrainian satanic ----- network. How would you feel if you found out the Ukraine War was about ----- trafficking, organ harvesting, and satanic rituals?

Chuck Callesto
BOMBSHELL REPORT: US Department of Health and Human Services UNABLE TO REACH 85 thousand minors placed throughout The United States.. PAYING ATTENTION YET?

85k that's nearly 88 for those keeping track!

world premier "these little ones"
edit on 26-2-2023 by crazyfox2 because:

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: crazyfox2
Wow. Thanks for posting that. Heartbreaking isn't it?
A new star discovered. I had almost forgotten about Danielle Anderson. She was the last foreign scientist working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Seems she is not as innocent as people were led to think.
Funding Documents Expose Virologist Danielle Anderson
Not only receiving grants from Peter Daszak/Eco Health Alliance but also the "Chinese Academy of Science, the science institution run by the CCP."
Now we know where that really strange frozen food origin of Covid came from.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: crazyfox2

We should also be keeping track of all the dead virologists that have taken place over the past decade.
Facebook Dead Virologists and scientists.
I took some time to go through the list and many of these deaths are simply not normal.

100 Deaths

How likely is it that a few scientists died in plane crashes, something that I hope continues to be rare occurances? We have everything here from stabbings, beatings, gun shots, drowning, lab accidents. I would think that it is highly unlikely this group would be so unlucky.
I tried to find out which ones that may have died in the period 2018- 2020 and that at the moment seems to be MIA. If I come across it I will post.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I just wanted to give you a heads up John McAfee twitter became active 3 hours ago. Janice tweeted
"PLEASE STOP THIS", and there is a picture of John with two passports.
It looks like an old photo so I am not certain if it is relevant.
She still hasn't been given an autopsy report or his body and this is over two years now.
John McAfee twitter

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 01:38 PM
Here are three threads on dead microbiologists... They're old, but I wonder if they ever connected to the pandemic in any way?

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: crazyfox2

We should also be keeping track of all the dead virologists that have taken place over the past decade.
Facebook Dead Virologists and scientists.
I took some time to go through the list and many of these deaths are simply not normal.

100 Deaths

How likely is it that a few scientists died in plane crashes, something that I hope continues to be rare occurances? We have everything here from stabbings, beatings, gun shots, drowning, lab accidents. I would think that it is highly unlikely this group would be so unlucky.
I tried to find out which ones that may have died in the period 2018- 2020 and that at the moment seems to be MIA. If I come across it I will post.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

She still hasn't been given an autopsy report or his body and this is over two years now.

All I have to say is WTAF!!!????

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 05:50 PM
Just FYI.... I start Jury Service tomorrow so will be limited in ability to interact for the next ten days!
(this is NOT code for "Ten Days. Darkness", haha).

I'll try to keep up but will likely be capturing data more than commenting.

Feeling some trepidation in being called to represent a judicial system that could be imminently changing.

P.s. T1(T2) saw the Macafee post!)
edit on 26-2-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 07:29 PM

As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, CIA Director William Burns said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being “too confident” in his military’s ability to grind Ukraine into submission.

Burns, in a television interview, said the head of Russia’s intelligence services had displayed in their November meeting “a sense of cockiness and hubris” that reflected Putin’s own beliefs “that he can make time work for him, that he believes he can grind down the Ukrainians that he can wear down our European allies, that political fatigue will eventually set in.”

That conversation, in which Burns warned of the consequences if Russia were to deploy a nuclear weapon in Ukraine, was “pretty dispiriting,” Burns said.

Burns said he judged Putin as “quite determined” to continue prosecuting the war

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 08:06 PM

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: pheonix358 a reply to: Justoneman

Is there no type of material that can protect the generator?

A Faraday Cage

A product to protect electronics. I want one now that I see this one too!

But this one is way to expensive. So, I may have to build my own....The gov/miliatary has this stuff btw....
edit on 27-2-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: RookQueen
I didn't realize vegans had been saying that for years, but I do know several plain old country folk that have said it for years. I went 3 years only eating grass fed no antibiotic etc. beef and chicken. It tastes like it all used to taste in the 70's when I was a kid.

Back when I hung out with people who cared about that stuff I would hear about it. If memory serves me, it was the cured, smoked and grilled meat products that were the worse, followed by red meats.

If it wasn't bad PR I could see fake meat makers pushing ads saying "It causes cancer just like the real thing!"

Also, PM answered

All that stuff about smoked meat I honestly believe is BS. You are right to say the fake meat works the same way because this is all so contrived by the DS leadership.

The facts are people at the top want us to forgo eating meat unless it is from "Class Insecta"...... LOL....

Fake meat could be good once they do it by amino acid building blocks (and that may be what is happening now IDK for sure).

I am not going to want fake meat like many of you, but I am 100% sure we are going to have do eat man made proteins from machines for us to go to the stars. We can't take a Noah's ark full of critters, we will surely have to find a way to obtain the building blocks and make our own proteins or we won't be going past Mars... IMO...

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:00 AM
Hope is abounding

I had to take one down and pass it around to make it now 79 bottles of Hopium beers left on the wall! This is HUGE!!!!

originally posted by: FlyingFox
It's going down in AZ

Melissa Tate

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:19 AM
You are so right.

This right here is proof solid that military is in complete control in the roll out for 2020 exposure.FTX, Biden laptop, foreign interference in our elections, money laundering, Sinaloa cartel, Katie wearing a boot, State Legislatures being empowered, crowd strike, Hillary's laptop, Rino's, runbeck, , and more, all gathered together for an amazing hopefest creating a monstrous snowball effect addressing the media inadequacies in reporting.
Are we waiting on CNN to be the outlet to introduce all this first?
If there are to be publicized military tribunals in the 1st quarter of 2023 things need to get started.
For now odds are put your money on Katie Hobbs to be the 1st televised perp walk.

It has to be boots on the ground in order to cleanup the border and defang, declaw and defund the cartels (the most well funded, organized and militarized terrorist org in the world).
This looks to me to be the trigger event.

originally posted by: Justoneman
Hope is abounding

I had to take one down and pass it around to make it now 79 bottles of Hopium beers left on the wall! This is HUGE!!!!

originally posted by: FlyingFox
It's going down in AZ

Melissa Tate

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

edit on 27-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

Oh, oh, oh.
I just had an important thought.
Is this all the result from 2000 mule's, and the results of the investigation from where DeSouza got his info?
edit on 27-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:37 AM
You are correct about meat consumption.
I am practically carnivore.
I do so well with red meats.

But it can be done without meat.
IMHO, it would require hemp.
Not cannabis, hemp.
Industrial, Indian hemp.

Hemp can sustain life.
Hemp contains all the amino acids.

Now you know why hemp is still not allowed to be grown while they attempt to mislabel CBD, cbg as the definition for hemp when it is a cannabis.

This ancient plant can not only sustain life it can practically replace all textiles and Petro chemicals.
It is maybe the best industrial lubricant and you can harvest 100 gallons of methanol per month per acre.
Hemp changes the world.
No labgrown meat nor insects for me.
I will reconsider my stance once they allow hemp.
Hemp destroys the present structure that enriches the 1%

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: RookQueen
I didn't realize vegans had been saying that for years, but I do know several plain old country folk that have said it for years. I went 3 years only eating grass fed no antibiotic etc. beef and chicken. It tastes like it all used to taste in the 70's when I was a kid.

Back when I hung out with people who cared about that stuff I would hear about it. If memory serves me, it was the cured, smoked and grilled meat products that were the worse, followed by red meats.

If it wasn't bad PR I could see fake meat makers pushing ads saying "It causes cancer just like the real thing!"

Also, PM answered

All that stuff about smoked meat I honestly believe is BS. You are right to say the fake meat works the same way because this is all so contrived by the DS leadership.

The facts are people at the top want us to forgo eating meat unless it is from "Class Insecta"...... LOL....

Fake meat could be good once they do it by amino acid building blocks (and that may be what is happening now IDK for sure).

I am not going to want fake meat like many of you, but I am 100% sure we are going to have do eat man made proteins from machines for us to go to the stars. We can't take a Noah's ark full of critters, we will surely have to find a way to obtain the building blocks and make our own proteins or we won't be going past Mars... IMO...

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Hope is abounding

I had to take one down and pass it around to make it now 79 bottles of Hopium beers left on the wall! This is HUGE!!!!

originally posted by: FlyingFox
It's going down in AZ

Melissa Tate

BREAKING: Katie Hobbs and Runbeck election services have been named as recipients of Sinaloa cartel bribes via deeds of trust and phony mortgages in AZ senate investigation.

Even with Justice JOHN ROBERTS and AG MERRICK GARLAND in charge of investigations and consequences that have "teeth"? The House might be able to get info out to the public, if the MSM were FAIR...but they're not. 95% of the MSM is more fascinated over one guy who might have killed a couple of people in South Carolina.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 10:49 AM
Any conductive material will work. Things to keep in mind; the faraday cage's effectiveness will depend on a few things. Conductivity of the material, but obviously you aren't going to make it out of gold or even copper. But aluminum is a cost-effective option. Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

Your best bet to keep costs down is to repurpose something. Like a metal box or crate. For electronics you want to use on the go, maybe an old Airstream Bambi with the windows replaced with plate aluminum. Maybe just stash spare electronic components in a metal box and be prepared to replace them.

Don't forget. A generator will only last as long as you can find fuel...

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: pheonix358 a reply to: Justoneman

Is there no type of material that can protect the generator?

A Faraday Cage

A product to protect electronics. I want one now that I see this one too!

But this one is way to expensive. So, I may have to build my own....The gov/miliatary has this stuff btw....

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: CAPT PROTON
Some super smart people were on the right track I believe. One serious outcome of the mRNA jabs, as Angel has pointed out, is HIV.
With everything that has gone on there are no coincidences. On July 17, 2014 Malaysian Flight MH17 was downed in East Ukraine killing all 298 passengers.
We have 17 again and oddly 2X [9+8] gives 17 and 17. That's our marker.

Top AIDS Researchers Killed in Malasia Airlines Crash MH17

So here we have a top AIDS researcher Joep Lange and Glenn Thomas WHO spokesman taken out along with other HIV researchers.
flight MH17Wiki

We have everything around this including Ukraine and the biolabs.

Mrmulder in the third link summarizes it..."Well its obvious that if Bush and Company want to release an epidemic of monstrous proportions and want to succeed flawlessly, what better way to do so than to wipe out those who know how to stop it before it happens and know the disease."

We also have the Gates Foundation OPTOMIST Newsletter issuing a statement about the downed flight. Bill plays these word games. He is seriously disturbed.
Gates Optomist Newsletter Statement on Malaysia Flt 17

"We've lost a giant in the field... Collegues of Lange said his career embodied some of the most important shifts in the way scientists have approached the fight against HIV/AIDS: He gave patients and advocates more of a say in setting the research agenda, and he worked with governments and businesses to ensure that breakthroughs in treatment became available to even the poorest people."
This is enormously important as it ties into the book The rise of The Fourth Reich. Best if I post that separately for clarity.
Thanks for those links.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
The product in question was lab grown meat, not insects.

Also, please don't try to lump me in with the group I mentioned, all I did was mention that they exist and what they have been claiming about naturally grown meat for years/decades.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

How about...

A generator fixed in a steel drum laying on it's side that has one end fitted with a removable end for access.
Buried in the ground a little so it doesn't rock and spiked front and back into the ground from inside.
Holes drilled for air intake, exhaust, starter cord, on off switches, fuel fill and any dials etc.
Stuffed around the generator with rockwall insulation inside.
Tie generator earth, drum and ground spikes together.

How zap proof could that make a generator?

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