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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: CAPT PROTON
Rise of The Fourth Reich is #6 on the best sellers non fiction books.

Continuing with Joep Lange and his role with AIDS and the plandemic. This brings in our beloved Fauci.
When the HIV/AIDS disease arrived on the scene Fauci set the tone of "FEAR" and weaponized it.
FEAR Appeals in HIV_Prevention Messages

Chapter 20. Vera Sharav: Never Again is Now.
Vera is a survivor of the Holocaust and she describes in this chapter the parallels between the Third Reich and the Fourth Reich where "medical scientism and public health Supremacism" takes over to advance the agenda- the elimination of human rights. Page 305

The first genocide relied "heavily on the medical establishment and the establishment gave the veneer of legitamacy to mass murder." To be successful they needed to instill FEAR and then "barrage with propaganda."

The next stage in the Scaredemic is HIV. People have already been preconditioned for the FEAR campaign and this is where Lange comes in. Being a leader in the AIDS/HIV field he would have been an advocate and would have championed against the fear and stigmatization of the jabbed. They could not allow this to happen.

I can just see it now where they hope that now the unjabbed will be afraid of the jabbed because of HIV.

Lange also posed an additional danger. He wouldn't have allowed the indiscriminate and uninformed consent of patient research to be conducted. Big Pharma and academic institutional research facilities would be disappointed. He was also leading the charge on research and may have developed a cure.
"He gave patients and advocates more of a say in setting the research agenda."

This brings back Fauci in the equation. Why has there been no vaccine for AIDS/HIV?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Where's Hunter?
Breaking: Top Hunter Biden Associate Now Cooperating With Congress Against Biden Family

"A bombshell development has rocked Capital Hill as the key associate of Hunter Biden, Eric Schwein, has agreed to collaborate with Congress, offering a critical glimpse into the dealings of President Joe Biden."

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: crazyfox2
WSJ "The Department of Energy concluded that Covid likely spread due to an accidental leak at a Chinese lab. The outlet sited a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress."
Fauci Blasted Over New Revolations About The Origin of Covid

With the way things are going is there a chance that anyone will do anything about all the lies Fauci told under oath? Do you think the first arrest that will shock the world will be him?

Senator Ron Johnson has just posted an updated VAERS. Just unreal. The data for Remdesivir doesn't jive considering how dangerous it is. I mean they are trying to present Tylenol as more of a risk.
Senator Ron Johnson Tweet

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:11 PM
Rise of The Fourth Reich
Appendix: Making the Nuremberg Code Great Again. Page 339
"This is essentially the worst crime against humanity ever, because this is targeting the entire global population, not just one group or country." What we have occuring is medical Scientism and public health Supreamacism.

I'm just going to pull out a couple of points.
- March + April 2020 "orders were sent out to hospitals in Western Europe, Canada and Australia and 5 states in the U.S. to not treat the elderly. They were to be sent to nursing homes and as a result infected others."
"Before Andrew Cuomo gave the order in New York, he predicted the virus in nursing homes would be like fire through grass- in other words, he KNEW. page 311

I missed this one about Christine Grady, Fauci's wife and misunderstood head of Bioethics at the NIH. She apparently co-authored a paper where she defended pressuring employees to get the jabs and encouraged stigmatizing and ostracizing them.
"How can one blame the unvaccinated for failing to protect the vaccinated by not getting the protection that failed to protect the protected?" Page 322

He provides a good explanation as to how the doctors and nurses became compromised.
"National health goals were used to desensitize doctors to the humanity of the individual patient. The end justifies the means." Canada's assisted suicide laws fits in here.
Nurses aren't off the hook either because they were the ones to administer the euthanasia program. Page 325

IBM simply can't resist in becoming involved in Holocausts. This time they were one of the major producers of Digital ID for Covid. Page 307.

What have we learned from Covid?
"Big Government and Big Pharma work together to box out cheap, safe and effective treatments that are off label while funding expensive, novel, and often dangerous new drugs. They manipulate the data to suggest whatever they want it to conclude." Page 357

Conclusion: "There is no greater issue for which there is an urgent need for multiprong policy changes than medical freedom. The survival of humanity quite literally depends upon it." Page 358
Never again. "We must vow this -never again will we allow our government to control our bodies under the guise of 'Science'." Page 359

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:18 PM
How many EMP pulses are you trying to protect against? You aren't going to be able to protect the generator and use it. First, you can't enclose it. You'll just burn it up. Also, any power cables leaving the generator will conduct the EMP...I'm assuming that will burn out the generator and whatever is connected.

I think you are pretty much going to have to hope there is only one pulse or wait until everything is over, and then unbox anything in a faraday cage and hope for the best.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Caled
Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

How about...

A generator fixed in a steel drum laying on it's side that has one end fitted with a removable end for access.
Buried in the ground a little so it doesn't rock and spiked front and back into the ground from inside.
Holes drilled for air intake, exhaust, starter cord, on off switches, fuel fill and any dials etc.
Stuffed around the generator with rockwall insulation inside.
Tie generator earth, drum and ground spikes together.

How zap proof could that make a generator?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
It is an interesting read from what you have posted. I am hoping to get time to read it one evening this week! Thank you for sharing it.......I love your clone!

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Thanks. I was trying for a more mellow look. Lol.

What do you thin about this Pfizer song? It gives off some creepy vibes and even more so they have never done this before.
Pfizer song Come Walk a Mile
Once again a connection to 2018.
Kendall Square
It just gives the vibes of mocking us.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 04:26 PM
Go with EMP Shield

originally posted by: Caled
How many EMP pulses are you trying to protect against? You aren't going to be able to protect the generator and use it. First, you can't enclose it. You'll just burn it up. Also, any power cables leaving the generator will conduct the EMP...I'm assuming that will burn out the generator and whatever is connected.

I think you are pretty much going to have to hope there is only one pulse or wait until everything is over, and then unbox anything in a faraday cage and hope for the best.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Caled
Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

How about...

A generator fixed in a steel drum laying on it's side that has one end fitted with a removable end for access.
Buried in the ground a little so it doesn't rock and spiked front and back into the ground from inside.
Holes drilled for air intake, exhaust, starter cord, on off switches, fuel fill and any dials etc.
Stuffed around the generator with rockwall insulation inside.
Tie generator earth, drum and ground spikes together.

How zap proof could that make a generator?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 04:53 PM
They look like glorified surge protectors to me:

Page 90.

I'm going to have to read this later. This is a great document.

originally posted by: CAPT PROTON
Go with EMP Shield

originally posted by: Caled
How many EMP pulses are you trying to protect against? You aren't going to be able to protect the generator and use it. First, you can't enclose it. You'll just burn it up. Also, any power cables leaving the generator will conduct the EMP...I'm assuming that will burn out the generator and whatever is connected.

I think you are pretty much going to have to hope there is only one pulse or wait until everything is over, and then unbox anything in a faraday cage and hope for the best.

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Caled
Another factor is the density of the mesh, with solid (which is really still a mesh) being the best.

How about...

A generator fixed in a steel drum laying on it's side that has one end fitted with a removable end for access.
Buried in the ground a little so it doesn't rock and spiked front and back into the ground from inside.
Holes drilled for air intake, exhaust, starter cord, on off switches, fuel fill and any dials etc.
Stuffed around the generator with rockwall insulation inside.
Tie generator earth, drum and ground spikes together.

How zap proof could that make a generator?

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
You are correct about meat consumption.
I am practically carnivore.
I do so well with red meats.

But it can be done without meat.

I have to diagree... vehemently... for one big reason...

Yes, protein is very important, but even more important is FATS - and sorry, but there isn't a single plant based oil/fat that comes even remotely close to good old saturated animal fats when it comes to producing robust optimal health for humans.

Hemp can sustain life.
Hemp contains all the amino acids.

Nope. there is more to sustaining life than just amino acids.

What fatty acids does Hemp provide?

This ancient plant can not only sustain life it can practically replace all textiles and Petro chemicals.
It is maybe the best industrial lubricant and you can harvest 100 gallons of methanol per month per acre.
Hemp changes the world.

When it comes to everything else, yes, I agree... but Hemp is never going to replace good old beef as the superior food for human beings.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Oh, oh, oh.
I just had an important thought.
Is this all the result from 2000 mule's, and the results of the investigation from where DeSouza got his info?

No, if you watch the interview with John Thaler, he explains what got it all started. It all began with some proivate investigations for his clients involving real estate fraud.

See his interview with Gail Golec here:

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: Caled

A big enough EMP * like a significant few thousand year solar flare * will just corrupt or penetrate a Faraday cage; so, if you want to be that 'level' of prepared, you must enclose all the things / electronics / generators / etc in a layer of complete insulation. A big enough magnetic insult will negate that anyway, but at least you can eliminate all the induced currents from the rest of our non-insulating and totally conductive surroundings, IMHO
edit on 27-2-2023 by Fowlerstoad because: left out a word, but an important one

edit on 27-2-2023 by Fowlerstoad because: ugh. never just. one. edit.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 08:58 PM
Fully agree about animal fats.
But what I am referring to in hemp is the seed and seed oils.
Hemp seed oil is rich in fats.
Heavy in omega 6 and 3.
75%+ in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

I think you are confusing it already with cannabis flower.

Hemp seed oil can and has sustained life for long term famines.
It is the only food I am aware of that has everything in it to sustain mammalian health.

During the potato famines about a century ago entire Dutch communities survived for 2 years on 2 tbl spoons of hemp oil a day.

The Ostrich meat I eat has zero fat (you have to cut it all away), but it has a perfect balance of omega 3,6,9 fatty acids.
The Ostrich fat, when heated goes rancid, has 40% Omega 3, 30% Omega 6, 20% Omega 9 and 10% palmaic acid.

A carnivore I know likes the ostrich meat even though it is 0 fat attached to the meat. The meat has a small percentage of omega 3,6,9 and other fats, though it is low fat.
So we are looking at Ostrich meat for carnivore even though it is low-fat since you must cut all the fat off before cooking.
We are considering leaving some fat and making biltong

I stand behind hemp seed oil being second to none over any food as near as complete as anything known.
Cannabinoids are a whole other story derived from flower.
Nature's perfect and near complete medicine.
Hemp seed to sustain life.
Cannabis for medicinal.
2 completely different applications for different needs.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
You are correct about meat consumption.
I am practically carnivore.
I do so well with red meats.

But it can be done without meat.

I have to diagree... vehemently... for one big reason...

Yes, protein is very important, but even more important is FATS - and sorry, but there isn't a single plant based oil/fat that comes even remotely close to good old saturated animal fats when it comes to producing robust optimal health for humans.

Hemp can sustain life.
Hemp contains all the amino acids.

Nope. there is more to sustaining life than just amino acids.

What fatty acids does Hemp provide?

This ancient plant can not only sustain life it can practically replace all textiles and Petro chemicals.
It is maybe the best industrial lubricant and you can harvest 100 gallons of methanol per month per acre.
Hemp changes the world.

When it comes to everything else, yes, I agree... but Hemp is never going to replace good old beef as the superior food for human beings.

edit on 27-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

There is a reason keneh bosm was the key ingredient in the anointing oil used by the high priests in the Hebrew Temple and it was one of the ingredients in the incense the high priest would burn within the Holy of Holies within that Temple.
edit on 27-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Indeed that is creepy! It does feel like they are mocking us and sadly they are using these young people to do it. I guess one positive view might be that it may make those young people feel included, but I don't believe Big Pharma should be allowed to push drugs on the public or pander. I feel as though we need to be teaching people how to research the pros and cons of meds. While I have no proof off of the top of my head, after all we've been through with the jabs, I'm betting those same young people might be quite disturbed if the truth were uncovered on some of the rare diseases that they have.......

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 09:47 PM
I have hesitated offering this to you as you seem to have no trouble finding books to read.
But you might find the book " Confessions of a Medical Heretic" by Dr. Robert Mendelssohn very important reading. I went anti-vax 30 years ago because of this book.
He has unique insights as to the plans that began with the polio vaccine and the media complicancy to pull it off.
He was a top doc and was the head of the Chicago Hospital system if I am remembering correctly and was known as the peoples doctor. e.1.0i355i512j46i512j0i512j69i57j46i175i199i512j0i22i30i625j0i22i30l3.32697j1j7&client=ms-android-americamovil-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 #ip=1

I gave a Google link to his name instead of just the book so you can watch a video of his or read on him to see if you are interested in the read.
In it you will find the beginnings of the vaccine scam coming from an insider Dr. who never sold out.
He was a reply to: Thoughtful2

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 10:48 PM
Every so often, a current event causes me to have an "A-ha!" moment.

When it was revealed that lots of U.S. officials are receiving money from CARTELS that specialize in Drugs and Human Trafficking, it reminded me of something Q said about Matthew Whitaker's visit with EL CHAPO's attorney's, followed a few weeks later with President Trump telling reporters, "We Caught Them All!". Not a single question about that profound statement from the press. It's not possible the media knows of this vast corruption, but is keeping it hidden, is it? There's too many of them to keep a secret of this magnitude.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2


What else happened around AUG 2020?

edit on 27-2-2023 by FlyingFox because: Henry Ford crashed his own stock so he could buy it back. Look at the chart....crash Ghost, buy Bitcoin, sell Bitcoin, buy Ghost...

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:18 PM
Maybe, maybe not

As you can see Gail hashtagged #2000mules May 2022.
I mentioned 2000 mules because it was confirmed D'Souza was privy to CISA and SCIF's reports that lead to the documentary.
This was how they chose to release it.
Gail was aware of these efforts as confirmed by the hashtag.
My instincts look to be correct and accurate

I am convinced Az. is a white hat sting.
Heck I would not even be surprised Katie Hobbs was busted a year ago and instructed to continue by the military to cast the net further.
This is how they will secure the border, by first exposing all to the public.
First Az., Then Cali or Nv.
This is a movie.

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Oh, oh, oh.
I just had an important thought.
Is this all the result from 2000 mule's, and the results of the investigation from where DeSouza got his info?

No, if you watch the interview with John Thaler, he explains what got it all started. It all began with some proivate investigations for his clients involving real estate fraud.

See his interview with Gail Golec here:

edit on 27-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Triviawise, I'm Vegetarian for half of my life.

The Old Testament says, "thou shall not kill"...and it doesn't use the Hebrew word for murder, but the word for "kill". Not that I care, I don't need a tablet to tell me what is moral. It's pretty simple, ALL animals want to live.

edit on 27-2-2023 by FlyingFox because: UNLEASH THE KRACKEN!

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