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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 01:55 PM
First off, I know Fulford but I think this illustrates a key point that might, just might unlock the minds of those who read it.

We'll assume this is 100% true.

For example, an insider who participated in “rituals performed at night in dark rooms,” overseen by Klaus Schwab Rothschild at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says “the energy of darkness, suffering reigns there.” At these meetings of self-proclaimed “Gods on Olympus,” Klaus Schwab said “the old world won’t come back” and declared himself “Pope of the New World Order.” Schwab told the participants they could “consider themselves gods.”He said the WEF created five crises to prove God did not exist because if he did he would have prevented them.(It is interesting to note that huge flocks of black birds, an omen of disaster, are now being seen over KM strongholds like Vatican city and Kiev: is God about to strike?).

I've made the contention that the Jesus story we know is INVERSION. Meaning, we don't look to what they say it says to find the intended meaning but what is playing out within the Inverted symbology. Look in the reflection to see it.

The story is God sent his only son... Died on the cross... Future sins...

The Inversion, the one the subconscious takes away: "If we can kill the ONLY Son of God, imagine what we can do to you if you step out of line slave." Only = "you're not god slave, his only son died at our hands and god didn't even step in to save his only son." NVM God didn't have a daughter...

Remember, most folks could not read the text, it had to be told to them. Delivered in church, through inflection, embellishment, trance state, the INVERTED meaning takes hold. It is not a story with a happy, uplifting ending, in fact, the ending is the entire point, as just like a movie that's the takeaway. The positives are always overshadowed by that ritual murder thing, the ending.

Disclaimer, not speaking of the endless philosophical interpretations, or the new this or old that, simply the form the collective sees through the story/symbology within the mind's eye.

I remember a friend saying that the "The Passion Of Christ" was pretty much a 2hr snuff film. Consider it Torture Porn, where folks watch as no one helps the only Son of God, but instead watches as the more powerful demonstrated their omnipotence in pewblick for all to see. Remove "son of god" and replace it with "10 year old daughter who was raped, must show her shame and die to restore honor to the family." Could you make it through the film?

So now back to Klaus Blowfeld. Is it so hard to believe that as the mindset of this group or another? We'll leave out the higher POV's on Contrast, Evolving vs. Devolving, Advanced Awareness and such, and stick to the basics.

At the meetings Schwab also bragged the “Catholic church is collapsing and the Pope doesn’t matter.”

Is it so hard to believe that one group or another, just like the Christ story, is still trying to prove to their own contemporaries, the ghouls and goons, as well as the world, that they are gods?

Problem, Reaction, Solution = The Rona > Fear of Death > Jabs = "God didn't help you slave,,, we did!!!"

It is a common refrain, " well if your God is so omnipotent why didn't he stop The Rona from killing billions, huh, answer me that?" And, the common response to that is "well, God has a plan, he works in mysterious ways, if God wants..." etc.

I, I, I, look at the omnipotence. "I" did it, Hilarious, he can't control his bowels but he can save us all as a god. All that participated in the ritual get to say "I", as that's part of the deal. The other part of the deal is there is no end to the scenarios that must be created to prove they are gods, the process is endless.

"God didn't save you when he had the chance to prove himself, mRNA did!!!" See how the Inversion works?

I think it is worth noting here, the would be gods always frame things in terms of battle. "I'm fighting cancer..." "oh, you are, well let us help you win the war..." "there is a threat to our democracy" "oh, there is, well let us help you win that battle..." Polarity Reality serves them, if everything is an enemy they made up only to project themselves as taking sides.

So much of the world is mirrored, inverted, distorted and then digested without questioning because it is under the heavy blanket of madness created by folks who are not gods, but need to create dumbass scenarios to give the illusion they are.

There is a group, or groups, that are in fact dumb enough, insane enough, devolved enough, to create fake events in order to prove they could stop them to say they are gods. Blowfeld trips you, then helps you up to show how generous he is. FBI tricks a few low IQ folks to kidnap Whitmarx, then save her to show how godlike they are.

What does the FBI, CIA, Police Department, DHS etc. do when funding time is here? Create False Flag Event to justify their existence. What did Pfizer just say, "we create virus' to justify more jabs." How does the Mafia retail storefront protection racket work?

Russia russia russia, accuse the other of that which you are doing, agent of Putin, George Floyd is a hero, trans reproductive justice is the only issue of our time etc. All fake issues, Dems then provide "solutions" to the issues they made up = Problem > Reactions > Solution = they are gods for solving the problems. Oddly also gods for showing us the problems.

Aren't the demoncrats worshiped like modern day gods by their faithful? Just like god, NanChi, Joe, renOgade can do no wrong, they only want to help us if only the terrorists, alt-right extremists would let them.

If you can't see the inherent Source within you, the next best thing is to pretend your omnipotence comes from "helping" people, but if your entire system is opposed to helping people (cattle, sheeple, unwashed) then what do you do?

Why exactly, in precise detail, would this mob want to help me personally when it is clear they hold the collective I am a part of in utter and complete contempt?

There is something ironic about people who actually do nothing, can do nothing but manipulate others, yet rely on the backs of those who can for their entire existence and purpose, dictating how they can help those they have utter contempt for. How does DimWit Charles feed himself without a world of slaves to do his bidding? Yet Charles wants half of them dead, which half DimWit?

It is galacticly ironic that the Divine Spark is in all, each only need find it, yet many are so distorted that control over others held in complete contempt is seen as the true divine. The True Divine is within, not without, it is only accessed within, not without, it comes in through the external reflections by seeing All Is One, not from seeing omnipotence through manipulation of others. Easier said than done of course, as the journey from separation to All is One isn't meant to be easy.

Pro Tip: The process is not about finding the Divine Spark, the Source Within, but REMEMBERING it. Don't go looking for it, it will elude each: REMEMBERING IT.

Pro Tip2: It's in our DNA.
edit on 31-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: brewtiger

That's the orb I saw! Actually there were two.

They swooped down really fast and seemed to come out of nowhere. Sort of a floating motion. I didn't get the feeling of being threatened though so I made a request for us all, closed my eyes and when I opened them they were gone.

President Trump and the Orb

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 01:57 PM
Beryllium is found in coal fly ash and used in geo engineering(chemtrails).
Another of Bill Gates current projects
a reply to: Thoughtful1

edit on 31-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 02:18 PM

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
a reply to: angelchemuel

Must be part of the push to demonize ivermectin. Strong anti parasitic attributes

Maybe they could put it in plants. How can they possibly think that this is a good idea?
Scientists are Developing Plants that Can Deliver mRNA jabs

Watch the Water...researchers at U.C. Riverside "are investigating ways to insert mRNA vaccine technology used for Pfizer and Moderna Covid shots into edible plants."

What are the chances Billy Gates has something to do with this? He can start the experiment with all the crops that he has growing on all the farmland that he has accumulated. Would he really be that devious that he would resort to that?
He apparently supplies the potatoes for McDonalds fries. I don't know how many more space related comms we can take today but apparently his potato fields are so big they can be seen from space.
Bill Gates
Reportedly Supplies Potatoes For McDonalds

McDonalds Marketing Covid Campaign

Watch the water>Bill Gates Farms Potatoes, Carrots and Onions

"Now you have a foundation where the mission on one side is to save the world and to do all of these wonderful things surrounding climate, and on the other side they're investing in the exact same things that are causing the harm that the mission side is trying to protect." "It makes no sense."
Unless there's a plan.

I just wonder if the Monsanto GMO seeds are going to have the mRNA already onboarded. Imagine if these plants end up in the water system...decomposing. Or the fertilizer runoff is contaminated and it enters the waterways! There are people who have had the jabs, some on #5 and if they receive more will they OD? Implications for animal life are huge along with us of course. Just wondering... How much is too much?
How can these scientists think that this is okay. No informed consent, no knowledge that this is even being done.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
First thing I thought of were the chemtrails. For whatever reason he is desperate to dim the sun. BTW have you noticed that the chemtrails are being done at night now? Not as visible during the day now but the campaign continues.
A friend has been taking pictures and videos of them. If we breathe in that c*** it will make us all ill over time.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

(Another) Great post.

Deep thinking and putting it into words we can all understand comes easy for you.

Thanks for coming back, COM!

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Has anyone ever figured out what all of them are looking at? It's not at the photographer who took the photo.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 03:11 PM
Strange CLIP

Remarkable it was set up a "46" isn't it?

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Has anyone ever figured out what all of them are looking at? It's not at the photographer who took the photo.

It was a TV Wall
Here's what the 'glowing orb' Trump touched in Saudi Arabia actually was

In reality, Trump had touched the globe as part of an inauguration ceremony for the Global Center for Combatting Extremist Ideology in Ridyah, Saudi Arabia on Sunday. Together, the three leaders placed their hands on the globe to start a film about the center. The newly-opened center has a large TV wall displaying ongoing extremist activity and aims to come together to stop the spread of violent extremism, the Saudi Gazette reports. It will be used to monitor potential threats of terrorism and, through the help of experts, reveal and confront extremist speech.

edit on 1/31/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: bold

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: angelchemuel


Has decent reviews on trustpilot. Ships from India so might need to wait a few weeks to get through customs.

You can get 100x 3mg for $60 which isn't too bad.

I'd order small quantity first to ensure reliability.

I just checked it out. Actually, including shipping, it's about $110...still not bad though.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 06:42 PM
You can still see the thicker fil on the horizon where it goes from blue to white
And the sky is always baby blue again.
During Trump's 4 years a deep blue sky began to appear again and puffy white clouds.

Nothing but baby blue skies again....big lesigh

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Nevercompromise
First thing I thought of were the chemtrails. For whatever reason he is desperate to dim the sun. BTW have you noticed that the chemtrails are being done at night now? Not as visible during the day now but the campaign continues.
A friend has been taking pictures and videos of them. If we breathe in that c*** it will make us all ill over time.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:39 PM

The House has voted to eliminate the COVID–19 vaccine mandate on health care providers who provide services under Medicare and Medicaid.

and, or but...

and, or but...

First, note there are two different declarations. One is a national emergency and the other is a public health emergency. This is important because the statutory authority differs and the guidelines on how they are extended differs. We'll start with the national emergency.

The meltdown this is only polarity based, as no one can possibly object as 3 years, masks are option to the fearful, jabs are optional - as many as you want, to the fearful, staying home is optional etc.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:40 PM
anons knew.


1) Russian Ministry of Defense recognized the widespread US response to the biolabs.

I’m going to post some quotes from the Russian MoD report yesterday (see link attached).

Russian MIL recognize the global realization about the Biolabs in Ukraine.

Clandestine Thread

Q pointed us to look into Ukraine, this thread alone is full of links to all of this stuff, years ago, now coming to fruition. Voting for Joe brings countless conseQuences, one being "the smartest man I know" and his connections to all of this chaos.

Consider this insane fact, insane.

Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca in 2014, Ukrainian biolab Metabiota receives $23.9M contract from DOD

Hunter Effing Biden is connected to one of the key reasons Russia had had enough and moved into Ukraine.

Russia didn't want these on their doorstep, rightly so, and Hunter Effing Biden was part of the creation of these to some degree or another, therefor is directly responsible for the "invasion" needed to resolve the matter. Unreal, absolutely unreal.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: angelchemuel


Has decent reviews on trustpilot. Ships from India so might need to wait a few weeks to get through customs.

You can get 100x 3mg for $60 which isn't too bad.

I'd order small quantity first to ensure reliability.

Do they require a prescription. The Dr I went to was not giving me antibiotics for a sinus infection and I am sure would not have given me Ivermectin.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Beryllium Sphere...Dashen?
Sorry but that was the first thing that popped up when I
saw the photo...


posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Wow, CM, this popped up on my feed:

Liz Wheeler used to be a prime reporter on One America News Network and now has struck out on her own. She's a tiger...

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I read your posts carefully.

What if, the extortion topics that Zelinsky's Ukraine has is not just "dirt" on Bidens, but the implied threat of full bi0terr0r unless they get paid (thru war sponsorships from NAT0, et al)

These people are unbelievable zealots who would pull some 12 Monkeyz shiz on us all, if cornered. Stuff like this is pure Tom Clancy...and it kind of puts Hunter on our side too.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Essentially telling us the invasion is a result of the pandemic.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:46 AM
This is a bit random but, is anyone familiar with Transfer of development rights/Density Transfer/ Density transfer Credits in regards to rural development.

Its just something I stumbled across while researching local zoning stuff.

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