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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 04:12 AM
Now this is where all the hard work of maintaining the spreadsheet starts to pay off!

I've located and highlighted HAMILTON comms from James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff - and provided them to Matt Taibbi in response to his exposee on HAMILTON68 in Twitter Files #15:



edit on 28-1-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 08:16 AM
Du rham used Russian intelligence memos to gain access to emails linked to George Soros: Report


Durham reportedly wanted the emails to prove that the Russian memos were authentic. The Russian memos detailed purported plans by Hillary Clinton to target her then-rival Donald Trump by tying him to the public leaking of Democratic National Committee emails in 2016, which were allegedly acquired by Russian hackers....

Buried in the Russian memos were accusations that Benardo and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz discussed how former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to prevent the inquiry into Clinton's emails from getting carried away, the Washington Post reported. Lynch famously had a 2016 meeting with former President Bill Clinton at an airport tarmac, though she denied any allegations of impropriety.

edit on 1282023 by MetalThunder because: TIME is what you make of IT

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Maybe you or somebody else can throw some perspective for this Brit please.
When I first saw photo's of Nancy's house when the news broke, it really wasn't what I expected of a multi millionaires house. Is it in some sort of gated community?
Now I've seen the entrance hallway, it looks even less than a multi-millionaires pad. This surely can't be Nancy's primary/private residence? I would buy it if it was a 'home close to work', rather like our UK MP's renting property in London to attend Parliament.
I honestly find it hard to believe this is her main/primary/personal address. Because of that, Nancy has somewhere far more salubrious hidden away 'somewhere' and I'm willing to bet it ain't in the USA.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 11:36 AM
QTSR Jan 28:

QTSR Jan 28:

edit on 1/28/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 11:56 AM
I suspected as much when my ZH account was immediately shadowbanned. I actually consider it an honor to have that much notoriety. And yes. I tested with a less traceable account to make sure it wasn’t a fluke.

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
QTSR Jan 28:

QTSR Jan 28:

edit on 1/28/2023 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:08 PM
2023 The Year The Consequences of Our Collective Choices Arrive.

Keep that in mind, every hour of every day, and this will all make sense. A quick tour of the media world this morning had me going...

Then I remembered and...

One of the key reveals this year, and in particular in the next six months, is going to be the reveal of m.A.L.I.C.E.'s minions, offspring and such. In some cases it will be overt, like the ChatBot, in others it till be subtle like TwitterFiles#1 rothBOT.

Example. ‘Fall’ Shows Us Why AI-Powered Tools Are Crucial for the Film Industry To Succeed Internationally Clips included.

BuzzFeed to use AI to produce select content

AI examples that can be used effectively in agriculture

Among the many other reveals coming, Team PedoJoe, Jab Impact, FIAT Current(cy), Russia/Ukraine and so on will be the A.I. reveals. It has been this way longer than folks can imagine, yes, before computers even existed at levels folks cannot grasp.

White Rabbit, hit airplane song, Matrix theme, follow the white rabbit, thread theme...

The reason this is "coming out" is because it is time for it, as it must. A quick search shows a distinct surge in the "articles" on the topic in the last month or two. Including folks getting to play with ChatBOT online, this isn't an accident.

Pro Tip. Consider this the stage were the cancer is being removed from the body, the horrors, the gasps, the "how did I live with that inside me all this time." Once out, we can begin to heal.

As long time contributors to this thread know, I have railed against m.A.L.I.C.E. and her kind since day one here, I am no fan, and now folks are going to see the truth - if they desire. It will be presented as new, it isn't.

This is important to see, we're on the right trajectory, as IMO, this is as bad as the Pedovore stuff, as the Pedovore stuff does not exist without the A.I. elements.

A.I. Generated Qanon Warrior

Re: Rel - Crazy

Re: MT - Saga+codpiece =

edit on 28-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
QTSR Jan 28:

QTSR Jan 28:

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Sheriff.

The Constitutional Role of the Sheriff

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I've been following up on the 100 days: Disease X.

Surprise, surprise. Seems the WEF has a 100 day mission.
100 Days to Outrace the Next Pandemic

The cast of characters gives one pause. Albert Bourla, Tony Blair, Richard Hachett, Helen Clark [New Zealand] and Moreno from Africa.
They must have said the word "Focus" 17 times.

This might connect to
The "how" will be hard to understand by most.
Focus on the "why".
The 'when' is now.

Plus we have had the new drops with focus being a theme.

I just finished listening to it and we have the roadmap, so lets follow the yellow brick road.
Really important. China's new Covid policy of let it rip is being deliberately used to keep Covid front and center specifically for political purposes so that they can implement the "plan".

Starting with the how...
The plan. They hope to manipulate politicians around the world to help them execute their plan, which has several objectives that must be achieved.
Africa is the key. They did the best during the plandemic because they did not have the infrastructure. That must be addressed. They want to establish Big Pharm manufacturing hubs in each country so that the next bioweapon can be deployed more rapidly and successfully. No mention was made about Bill Gates storage facility but that is a done deal.

Another problem with Africa is that there is no one medical regulatory system for the 55 countries. They want to set them up on the EU model so that once given the marching orders they will respond in unison.
Even if the bioweapon is closer I can't see how that will make the African people more receptive of taking any jab.

The political challenge is the biggest obstacle that they face. By keeping borders closed they could not easily export their bioweapons but also they were unable to import the raw material that was needed for the bioweapon jabs.

CEPI funded manufacturing and production of necessary components for the mRNA jabs in different countries [such as Australia] around the world. This presented significant logistics problems during Covid due to lock downs and trade restrictions. Working with politicians, the plan is to relaxed the tariffs worldwide for global cooperation for the common good.

Regulators/ Big Pharma public-private sector cooperation. This needs to be strengthened even more if that is possible. The goal is that with this cozy relationship they will be able to repeat this to take on cancer and Alzheimer jabs and not to be left out Disease X.

Moving forward there are great opportunities $$$. Aside from that, this allows them to push forward with digital vaccine records so that they can keep track of not just how many of the Covid jabs but also jabs for upcoming campaigns such as Disease X, mRNA flu, RSV and diseases like cancer jabs. Brave new world.

Financial system> The global pandemic fund has been set up.

Focus...on the mission.> Keep Covid in the news to make permanent changes with a political emphasis. Apply political will on the health system.

WEF Path Surveillance is to bring this all together wrt medical counter measures. I will have to find out more about this.

As for the Why? Depopulation and control.
The When is now. 100 days Mission. Disease X.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I was looking at
#4961. This could be something or nothing.
Endless lies.
Endless wars.
Endless inflation.
Endless 'printing'.
Endless oppression.
Endless subjugation.
Endless surveillance.
Who will put an end to the endless?
Taking control.
[posted Nov. 8th]

This made me wonder about # 314
Be the autists we know you are.
It's about the BREAK.
Godspeed, Patriots.

There are 7 "Endless" at the start of each sentence. Then there is a break. The 8th is at the end. This is a loop.
8 sideways forms an endless loop and this was posted on the 8th. Another loop.

#1354 LOOP. Maybe we are supposed to be watching LOOP more now?

Could this link to less than 10?
Anyway I just thought this might be important.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Good point about shining the light on mass media. Last night I tried to watch Fox news and just gave up. It was like a three ring circus in full swing. The Paul Pelosi tape was dropped and then there was the Memphis black cops beating of a black man, Tyre Nichols.
Tyre Nichols Killing By 5 Black Officers

Where's the third ring? Who would have thought that the Pfizer legal department would drop their explanation about "Directed Evolution" which apparently according to them is not gain of function.
Pfizer Legal Directed Evolution

8p.m. Friday night, completely out of the news cycle. This makes one think that maybe there was some coordination going on here to divert attention.

I have been amazed at the amount of power and influence Pfizer has but this takes it to a whole new level. There was no need to drop those other two attention grabbing issues and then slip in Pfizer under the radar. Unless there was a plan.
We can't let that happen, can we?

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:30 PM
Oh, well okay, I'm satisfied.


Overlapping Inverting rituals makes for a very confusing linear world.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:40 PM
Nothing confusing here. He wanted to be on camera doing what he did.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Oh, well okay, I'm satisfied.


Overlapping Inverting rituals makes for a very confusing linear world.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:42 PM
Speaking of White Rabbit. 1866


Me trying to keep up...

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:43 PM
The 100 Day Mission... next step in the plan has been taken. Focus on Africa.
Tedros Twitter> Congratulations to My Sister Ayoade Alakija tweet
There is little information about his family but if she is his sister...
Tedros Life and Achievements

Keeping track of resignations, Mark Kessel is resigning from FIND after 12 years.
Now she is rolling into Chairperson for FIND.
Ayoade Alakija Takes Up FIND Board Chair

She has a huge roll around Covid and has been chair of the African Union's African Vaccine Delivery System as well as a very senior role within the WHO.
Looks like the chess pieces are being put in place. Same playbook.

As usual the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched it with the WHO, which they fund and control.

It appears that they have a keen interest in outbreak preparedness and of course we need the diagnostic tests.

Just in case we forgot> Biden Asks Americans to Wear a Mask for 100 Days

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Biden continued...
I just can't make this up.
How about 200 million Covid jabs in 100 days?
Biden Says Goal of 200 Million Covid-19 Vaccinations in 100 Days Has Been Met

I imagine if I look around some more we will find this 100 day goal has been going on for awhile now. 2020 start comes to mind.
Compare this to President Trump's 15 days to flatten the curve.
President Trump 15 Days to Flatten The Curve
I thought at the time why such an odd number. Why not two weeks?
This brings us back to the movie "Total Recall"... Two Weeks...Open Your Mind.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Speaking of White Rabbit. 1866


Me trying to keep up...

This is the first we are hearing of this????

edit on 28-1-2023 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 03:31 PM

"A signature mark, in traditional bookbinding, is a letter, number or combination of either or both, which is printed at the bottom of the first page, or leaf, of a section. (The section is itself often known as a "signature", although technically this usage is incorrect.)[citation needed] The aim is to ensure that the binder can order the pages and sections in the correct order. Often the letters of the Latin alphabet have been used. The practice has been overtaken by advances in printing technology, and signature marks are rarely found in modern books.[1]"

If you look at different versions of the book, you will find these marks are not consistent from version to version.

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Speaking of White Rabbit. 1866


This is the first we are hearing of this????

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: crankyoldman
Maybe you or somebody else can throw some perspective for this Brit please.
When I first saw photo's of Nancy's house when the news broke, it really wasn't what I expected of a multi millionaires house. Is it in some sort of gated community?
Now I've seen the entrance hallway, it looks even less than a multi-millionaires pad. This surely can't be Nancy's primary/private residence? I would buy it if it was a 'home close to work', rather like our UK MP's renting property in London to attend Parliament.
I honestly find it hard to believe this is her main/primary/personal address. Because of that, Nancy has somewhere far more salubrious hidden away 'somewhere' and I'm willing to bet it ain't in the USA.

Not sure what you were expecting, this is pretty standard fare for folks 80+ in the multimillion dollar range. The issue isn't wether she has money tied up in houses, or nicer places, but she needs to live in the district she represents. While many do, there are surprising number who do not.

This is Mad Max's District, pretty much a ghetto.

This is where she actually lives.

Hancock Park ^^^ is an Historic designated district with homes ranging from the low multimillions to the tens of millions. Oddly the Mayor's home is located within this area, in an even more upscale gated community, but it's a legacy house, expensive now, not so much when it was designated.

That said, older folks don't really do the Dynasty thing here unless the homes are legacy in some way, upkeep for one is a deterrent. A while ago Steven Spielberg had a huge home in the hills, shut down half of it entirely because upkeep was too much.

It isn't surprising that this residence is pretty meh given all the factors. I've been in uber rich people's homes that were really meh, and living on the edge folks homes that were over the top. No pattern really, just where folks are at.

Fun fact: Commie Bernie has a "summer camp" second home which is a 500k home for everyone on the world, he downplayed it by calling it a "camp" because it was from slush money for throwing the elections. All three are total POS regardless of where they roll out the TP.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 05:09 PM
This one is a bit odd, just could be a slip, but then again...



What is odd is that AF1 drops contain 27th 28th 29th.

edit on 28-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
1/2 a bee philosophically must ipso facto 1/2 not be

Half a B is an "E".

"E" knows/thinks he's possibly a dead man?


What do bees do? They store food. "ALL YOU CAN".


Also, half a "B" is a "P".
Two "half a bees" in the phrase so the second bee is halved AND mirrored both ways = "d".
"Pd" = PALLADIUM = Hydrogen Energy Storage.
Price low right now but if Hydrogen becomes a big part of new energy systems, the need to store it is going to be the next big thing.

We all know Elon loves hinting at stuff . Just an idea.

Watch The Water ..

edit on 28/1/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

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