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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:50 PM

In a memo sent to staff, BuzzFeed Chief Executive Jonah Peretti said the company will be aiming to “lead the future of AI-powered content” and “maximize the creativity of our writers, producers, and creators and our business.”

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

In a memo sent to staff, BuzzFeed Chief Executive Jonah Peretti said the company will be aiming to “lead the future of AI-powered content” and “maximize the creativity of our writers, producers, and creators and our business.”

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:28 AM

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 03:32 AM

Be still, I say
yet a part of this restless mind struggles still
"If only" I show one more picture or post
Maybe "I can help" others see the Quicksand
Traps disguised as acts of goodness that keep us divided.
This is not your battle.

Be still, I say
For there is only one way, requiring a leap of faith with one's free will.
A narrow and winding path into the unknown,
the next step reveals itself only after completion of the last.
Trusting those whispers & twinkling lights that touch us all
in different ways, at different times and for different reasons.

Be still, I say
For it is only in a place of PEACE and CHILDLIKE FAITH
that we can begin to realize once hidden clues were ALWAYS WITH US.
Left in time for us to gain our eyes to SEE IN THE NOW.
Encouraging us & offering a glimpse of the beauty about to unfold.
Trusting God, Trusting Humanity and Trusting Ourself.

Be still, I say
God sees no sides and desires to save all His family.
Choosing to sit with us in the dark with an outreached hand.
Unveiling His coming with patience and wisdom so all with eventually see.
Prophesies of the Past are happening NOW.
Remember who you are... For a Parent's love knows no bounds.

Be still, I say
Now that you can start to see more, changing yourself reveals more.
Understand the importance of your words and actions,
Choose to Forgive, as God has Forgiven you.
Choose to Comfort, as God's words Comfort you.
Choose to Reflect Love, as God has shown Love to you.

Be still, I say
Now that you can see differently, see others differently.
See how every good intention can be twisted and manipulated.
A half empty glass is still half full.
Our "Acts of Random Kindness" do make a difference,
and offer the re-connections that NOBODY can see coming.

Be still, I say
Keep testing your FAITH to grow understanding & trust.
Keep healing your MIND & BODY to build up your strength.
Keep offering your COMFORT & MERCY to spread joy to others.
Keep building your ARK as a shelter to protect your FAMILY come rain or shine.
Keep growing your PEACE and KNOW this is a LOVE story.

God Loves YOU.
God is in Full Control and Directing this Movie.
God is Waking Us Up to Show Us the POWER OF OUR CHOICES.
(This Movement is about replacing a Failed & Corrupt System)
God's Will Be Done... TRUST THE PROCESS... For God is With Us
God is LOVE.

Be still, I say
And Never Forget the WHY

edit on 27-1-2023 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 09:51 AM
Now for a massively bizarre plot twist.....

TGP has discovered for some reason things in the Marco Polo report on the Hunter Biden laptop are somewhat fabricated....
But the question is why??

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:30 AM
One thing about DURHAM, there was never a leak

Must be getting close

John Durham's secret criminal investigation reportedly involved Trump, not Clinton or the FBI

Really NOW



edit on 1272023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Yeah, the DURHAM BOAT wasn't a LEAKY SCHIFF like Adam


posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:51 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

So there was NO there, there but by all means let's capitalize on the opportunity to trash Trump once more....soon the MSM will be trying to blame hurricanes and volcanoes on Trump....and claim he should face criminal charges for every natural disaster.....

Could this get any more ridiculous? Trump sure has played a magnificent decoy all these years while Patriots were fast at work keeping tabs on all the deep state crimes.

Payback is coming soon.....LOL....

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe
If you think that is scary, polish up your best tin foil chapeau.

From the Evil Empire CEPI.
A new book> Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics by Kate Kelland

Disease X
Just imagine Tony Blair provides the forward and Billy Gates has some thoughts as well. Now there is a scary thought.

Release date February 2, 2023...2222
Are we alone?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

Kates words> The Covid pandemic is not a once in a lifetime event- Disease X could bring something far worse.

Posted January 25, 2023 [ 5X5]

"As well as being shape shifters that can mutate to evade human defences and infect human cells, these viruses can affect human behavior[ and change society."/b]

It gets better if that's possible.
We should prepare to be scared.

She mentions the year 2027...2027-2023= 4
This article was published January 25. 100 day mission takes us to May 4th using 2020, which was the start of the plandemic.
100 Days From Jan 25th, 2020

May the Forth Be With You.> Starwars May The Fourth Be With You

Bonus points...In the picture with her blog the lighting system above the 3 Drs. [evil axis of 3] looks exactly like the space ships from the movie "Close Encounters of a Third Kind." Also reminds me of Independence Day.Image
CEPI Tweets

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

That is exactly what it sounds like....except splashing a little tainted evidence here and there won't matter....there are literally hundreds of crimes over multiple decades.

When this massive of amount of corruption is exposed at the highest levels of our govt and nothing is done about it....will truly show how many deep staters are running things.

Military is the only way.....

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
a reply to: dashen
RIP Jim!

Not sure bout this one

looks like we missed a delta

Inmate beats 2 convicted child molesters to death with cane in prison, officials say

edit on 2023/1/26 by CrazyFox because:

I have that book on order so it should be here any time now. I will go through it and see if anything new pops up.
As for Billy Gates demise by hanging, Not having any representation from African leaders is not okay. This would smack to me of what happened with Bin Laden where there was no body to verify that it was really him. This will become another conspiracy- what really happened and has he really been executed? With his wealth he could buy his way out of just about anything.

Billy has used the African people as a jab testing ground and Big Pharma conducting clinical trials on them without consent is Crimes Against Humanity on an epic scale. While this was going on the rest of the world remained silent. Granted many of us were not aware but when I was there the people were really frightened of western so called medicine, and rightfully so.
This needs transparency.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:42 PM
One possible answer to the email date kerfuffle is that there were different versions sent, minor changes allowing to see who leaks sort of thing. Or, does it really matter? I've noticed a lot of "damn no, no no no," sort of stuff the last week. Seemingly folks on the same "side" coming to blows over stupid stuff. I'd argue the communal/consensus timeline is fracturing, and folks are struggling to keep up with minutia, as their POV is being challenged in various ways. Expect a lot more as 2020 consequences arrive.

Next topic.

Speaking fake people, or ChatBOT's cousins = all automated.

PelosiCam has gone live.

Curious, evidently they were getting some painting done, note the blue tape. Also note, it seems the 5oh didn't know they were headed to the Speaker's home, which is a bit odd to me. They both answered the door which is even odder, as Paul looks a bit like a plastic doll.

Interesting this came out after NanChi loses all of her power and has all but vanished from the Victim Class Political seen, seems odd she hasn't been trotted out to rail against the "threat to our democracy".

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
We have something coming up on the radar. The House GOP is planning to have a number of people testify on February 8th over Biden's Covid Response.
The cast of characters is what we would expect- Rochelle Walensky, Robert Califf, Lawrence Tabak but there is one unexpected/unknown name.
House GOP tees up first hearing on biden's Covid Response

Could this link to
Morning sun brings heat.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.

What are the chances that her name starts with "D" and the meaning of her name is first thing in the morning?

Missions forward.
Dawn O'Connell is directly tied to CEPI!
2017 she was the director of the U.S. office and was an executive director of CEPI'S Joint Coordination Group.

This isn't looking good. This group is " a round table of institutional partners who all have a vested interest in the successful development and deployment of epidemic vaccines."

Why isn't there anyone anywhere advocating for treatments rather than these jabs. I guess therapeutics are not great bioweapons although Remdesivir did it's part.
We are going to need lots of popcorn for this one.

Dawn O'Connell Wiki

The time period that she was at CEPI is hugely important. I did quite a bit of research on what was taking place in CEPI then. Probably it is best to break this up so we can see where this leads.
As they say missions forward.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:03 PM
New TwitterFiles#15 is up.

Play buzzword bingo and have drink every time you see one, go on, I dare you.

The “dashboard” was headed by former FBI counterintelligence official (and current MSNBC contributor) Clint Watts, and funded by a neoliberal think tank, the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD).

"I'd like to say working in the FBI is just a stepping stone, I hope to leave soon enough to help undermine democracy by claiming everyone else is a threat to democracy." "Also, I'd like to add, if I may, Russia." "Excellent, hired."

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:03 PM
dbl post.
edit on 27-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
CEPI...Coalition of Epidemic and Preparedness and Innovation
Just some background to make us go ?

Not surprisingly this was formally launched at Davos in 2017 with a $460 million investments from our favorite charitable organization the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation along with a few other friends.
Initially everything started off reasonably normal, like vaccine contracts required approval by the public review board, prices had to be affordable, companies had to share trade secrets, trials had to be pre-registered using a clinical trials registry and publishing results in " an open access articles including negative results."

BIG PHARMA WAS NOT, REPEAT NOT HAPPY! They threatened that they would not work with CEPI.

Of course Pfizer was one of the major ones who objected. In 2018 while Dawn O'Connell was there, these provisions were removed. Right before the plandemic launch.
Oddly after making this wonderful decision CEPI received a large infusion of funding. Most likely Billy was behind this since vaccines were the best investment he ever made. Dawn was the Director for CEPI's Joint Coordination Group, the one where the members had vested interest in deploying the jabs.
After this CEPI became much less transparent, which we now know why.
Then starting in December 2018 they suddenly took a keen interest in RNA vaccines, vaccine platform to rapid/target vaccine production and in 2019 development of an RNA printer produce a supply of lipid nano particles- formulated mRNA vaccine candidate.
How forward thinking that Pfizer and Moderna would need this in their special bioweapons, something that would have been almost impossible to get otherwise.

Here we have Disease X introduced.
Moving forward CEPI became a key player in the race to develop vaccines.

Fast forward February 16, 2021 Dawn O'Connell became senior councilor to the Secretary for Covid-19, where she was responsible for coordinating the response to the plandemic.

Well Dawn, not much time wasted before booster jabs were authorized. > Sept 22, 2021 Booster Doses Authorized by the FDA

And we have to wait until February 8th... Meanwhile we have the fox in the henhouse.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I've had to circle back to Martha Stewart's bizzare commercial for the Pfizer/BioNTech booster shot.
Martha Stewart Dark Commercial

If anyone has an axe to grind it is Martha. Thrown in jail for a fraction of the offense that others, especially Stephan Bancel from Moderna have committed.
I decided to look at this as a dark to light moment.
The pineapple...Bromelain is found in pineapple. There are all kinds of studies that show that bromelain is effective at treating Covid.
Weirdness alert...Something has happened to the published data from various public sites from the NIH, the CDC and others. There is now a bright light copied on the pages making reading much more difficult. Obviously we are over target.

Then there is copper. Martha has lots of copper pots hanging over the counter and copper canisters in the background.
Copper is beneficial as well. This is sooo annoying. More lights.

Anyway there are lots of studies about the benefits of copper as well.

I'm not sure what to make of this but I have the word Bromelain- found in pineapple written on a piece of paper that has been sitting on my kitchen table for several days now. I have also written NAC under Bromelain. Just weird. Reminds me of VIR. Anyway it must have been important enough to leave out in the open day after day and not moved.

Gem Martha Stewart
Emergency Alert System

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 02:31 PM
How does it feel to watch everything slowly melt away back into the primordial soup.

No neatly peeling layers away anymore

Everything is just kind of running together like melting crayons. Hard to connect the dots without my crayons….. 🖍️

Missing some folks ……. 🌊 👋🏽 wish they’d pop in and share some memes. Good to see all those still here.

Been one heck of a “cold and flu season” over here.

I don’t even wanna talk about it. 🤐

I hope health and peace are with you all!

Just wanting to pop in and say hello 👀 ❤️

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
DschlopesIsBack has just tweeted Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Telegram post from 12-21-2021.
Another message from beyond the grave. I believe that Duncan had notified us of his death.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
"Dr. Ralph Baric developed the antidote for the weapon using Zinc/Zinc lonophores which is the basis of the Zelenko Protocol."
I just knew there had to be an antidote because why haven't any of those at the top of this like Fauci, Tedros, Gates, Schwaby and on and on not died? What are the odds? Schwaby and Fauci are 80+, part of the old and vulnerable crowd.
He also links Baric to Directed Evolution and Pfizer.
DsclopeIsBack Tweet

Meanwhile there seems to be some reservations from staff working at Big Pharma to take the jab.
BMS Settles Law Suit
Wow. "Kefalas, head of the clinical risk management for global drug development with a salary of $300,000 a year refused the jab" How dare she question the safety of the jabs. Where's the company loyalty?
This is probably the tip of the iceberg because it seems it takes ages for these cases to wind through the court system.
Imagine if this had come to light early on in the plandemic. Jab hesitancy might have become a real thing.

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