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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 02:10 PM
I've gone through the International Classification of Diseases coding a couple of times now. Robert Malone is looking ahead at the new revisions and has some real worries about it.
Talk about timing, what are the chances that the WHO made up a new version in 2019 that was to become effective in 2023?
Very suspicious timing what with this plandemic going on. I think that Malone is suspicious as well. Becoming a bit too obvious at this point.

It appears that the Z28.310 is a red flag. "These codes are not based on disease or illness, but are based on Covid-19 vaccination status."

Malone is worried, and rightfully so, that this is the basis for a vaccine passport.
Robert malone substack International Classification of Diseases
I'm just wondering if there is a something more going on here. Malone is not wearing a tin foil hat but I am, although I think that he is getting fitted for one at the moment.

Tin Foil Hat time.
We know that people who have taken the bioweapon jab are going to become ill, more seriously and more frequently. Maybe the ICD code is for tracking how effective the bioweapon is working and what disease are associated with it. We know about the uptick in cancer, heart issues, reproductive issues but maybe they are looking for other big markers of disease taking off. Say miscarriages, birth defects, skin diseases ect. or maybe something not know atm.
This ICD number can provide lots of other information other than just for a vaccine passport.

I think that it is really significant that Malone points out that Obama's Affordable Care Act allowed this to happen.
"With the passage of the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare] in 2012, the ICD coding system became fully integrated with the digitization of health care records." A plan takes time.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:23 PM
WW2 never ended

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: PurpleFox

Project Paperclip was only the beginning.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

So maybe the Chinese played our people they owned like a violin and got their monies worth. Our DS overlords are using this to make their play and the Chinese are protecting their citizens from the mRNA? Sounds bad either way for the overlords if we wake up and arrest them, or after they have us western peoples wiped off the Earth with forced vaccines there is Asia largely intact. Surely, they have a plan that includes wiping out the enemy who could get them later? I am not seeing it being very smart. I am sure to be missing something due to lack of data.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I don't know how much longer the charade can go on. This may link with Loop's new profile update. P

Two citizen groups Petioned the FDA to end the EUA for the Covid bioweapon for ages 5-11 and 12-17.
Docket # FDA-2022-P1399
Docket #FDA-2022-P-0872
Not surprised that the FDA denied their request.

Just looking at their reasoning and this is just so bogus. In light of all of the evidence about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, they continue to claim there is no alternative for preventing or treating.
Where are the Fact Checkers with the Pinocchio noses?

#4 is the icing on the cake. "Because the vaccines are the only approved drugs or biologics indicted to prevent Covid-19 in any population, there is in fact no adequate, approved and available alternatives."
Since they are the gatekeeper the FDA can just make these absurd claims and then get away with it despite all of the evidence and positive outcomes in clinical trials. The evidence that they already have.

How much longer can they continue this EUA? Just circling around twitterverse and it is packed with stories of jab adverse effects like seizures and heart issues. Any honest FDA official must be aghast but then again that may be a very rare person.
FDA Denies Revocation Petition.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I've spent many hours trying to understand why China did not approve those mRNA jabs. They had several serious opportunities to get some real eyes on around all of this. One of the biggest tells was that Fosun Pharmaceuticals directly approached BioNTech about the mRNA tech and jabs before it was really known by anyone. That was a mystery. Then to sign a contract with BioNTech [at the Canary Islands], build a manufacturing facility and then never manufacture. How odd. They had eyes on the tech and obviously had concerns.
Then they had Inovio collaborating with a Chinese firm so that clinical tests could be run in China. That means they had raw data as well on their own people.
I suspect their CDC was in contact with our CDC so probably lots of data and info going both ways.
At this point all I can see is that the players are so deep into this that they need China to win because the alternative is not going to be so great for them.
This play has lots of moving pieces because now the really wealthy Chinese nationals can get the Pfizer poison in Hong Kong. Really there are no winners until united the world takes down Big Pharma and all those connected to this. Since there is such a tight control over information in China the people will not even be aware that there are huge concerns over these jabs.
Many Asians also live in the West and they have family in Asia so I can't see any of them happy that family members have been injured and wiped out on either side.
I can't see how this is going to work but then who knows right?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Tin Foil Hat time.
We know that people who have taken the bioweapon jab are going to become ill, more seriously and more frequently. Maybe the ICD code is for tracking how effective the bioweapon is working and what disease are associated with it.

This is scarier motive than it being for passport purposes and digital ID.

They don't even need this classification for passports or digital ID and they'd already have no problem doing those with the data they wanted being added later. We know digital ID is ultimately just a convenient tool for marginalizing those that are political dissidents rather than real safety threats, which is a constantly shifting set of TBA criteria. What they can't do without this classification is query for global data sets of other medical conditions correlated to individual patients, essentially this would be the classification of the global control group for the vaccine trial. That would explain why they just flippantly vaccinated their placebo group in clinical trials. Adding it for that purpose actually makes a lot more sense than it being the backbone for global ID.

It may kill a few birds with one stone, but the motive may be more sinister than it appears on the surface.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 04:31 PM
Good Afternoon All… 💕

Bravo again to Project Veritas for “showing” us how morally bankrupt these pharma goons are, No remorse from that man , snickering as he almost brags about how they’re screwing the American people, lol, I know I have to get over expecting mass media to shine light on how significant this undercover interview was, but oh boy, can you imagine if that got actual MSM airtime ?

Re: Dask and Pete :
Hi guys, just wanted to say sorry for presuming to moderate your conversation here the other day, DTOM does a great job without me butting in ! This thread and group of people have become so dear to me and I look forward to checking in and catching up on all your wonderful insights ! Getting triggered by people arguing is something I’m working on, it’s almost like I can’t help myself to try and smooth out difficult situations……lol….God Help Me, I’m a Bureaucrat/Peace maker at heart. 😳

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 05:02 PM
intersting veritas CLIP Pfizer has a fire they cannot put out.

I'd like to draw the attention to "follow the phone." Watch how he has to have a phone, any phone, in his hands, longtime followers of the thread will know why.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 05:10 PM
Interesting Thread

As they fix the code more problems arise. A delicate balance he likened to a Jenga tower. One wrong move the whole thing collapses. They’re working nonstop, and both times I met him were after midnight.

Make peace with m.A.L.I.C.E. Team Muskinator she does not like you messing with her kids and will fight back. Suggestion: Find The Source.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 05:19 PM
How do you destroy The Constitution cranky?

Easy, put folks in Judicial positions who have never read it (it's an elective in law schools), also Millennials on down.

Watch Senator John Kennedy stump a Biden judicial nominee with basic questions about the U.S. Constitution.

She just said, "she'd look it up..."

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 06:39 PM

Odd, I'm piecing this meme together and this song started playing.

Team Joe's Social Media team these days...

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
intersting veritas CLIP Pfizer has a fire they cannot put out.

Holy Moly, what do you even say ? This man is un-hinged, his callous, completely void of remorse, topped off with “victimhood” talking points resulting in violence on his part, are the folks we’re supposed to trust ?! The fact that Pfizer even hired this man is enough to give us pause. 🤔

Weird, the one thing he did make a point to say was that he was lying to impress his date, which makes No sense because the sting date was clearly asking questions that gave him pause and he was concerned about being recorded. Not sure how he thought he was going to impress a date by admitting to be a monster ? The point is, even during his temper tantrum he knew he better give Pfizer probably deniability …….lol…..inversion : You F’d up = I F’d up

edit on 26-1-2023 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: crankyoldman
intersting veritas CLIP Pfizer has a fire they cannot put out.

Holy Moly, what do you even say ? This man is un-hinged, his callous, completely void of remorse, topped off with “victimhood” talking points resulting in violence on his part, are the folks we’re supposed to trust ?! The fact that Pfizer even hired this man is enough to give us pause. 🤔

Weird, the one thing he did make a point to say was that he was lying to impress his date, which makes No sense because the sting date was clearly asking questions that gave him pause and he was concerned about being recorded. Not sure how he thought he was going to impress a date by admitting to be a monster ? The point is, even during his temper tantrum he knew he better give Pfizer probably deniability …….lol…..inversion : You F’d up = I F’d up

This is why I bring my own midget with a camera on dates. Then everyone knows that a recording will be made.

Seriously though, this guy is exactly why LBGT POCs are hired for these throw away positions at these companies. They can make claims and if called out for them, they'll defend themselves by claiming "Racism, Sexism, Transphobia", or some other talking point of the day.

The other clear thing that we see in this video is how they always use a phone as a shield from reality. They also try to force an appeal to authority by trying to invoke law enforcement. Let's face it if this guy was really important to his higher ups, he would have had protection pre-staged at the restaurant.

Finally, Walker called the police but then ran off when they arrived. That fleeing the scene of a crime, I hope the legal staff at PFizer care for him better than the board of directors do. Otherwise, charges can be placed for either reporting a false crime, or public nuisance by the NYPD.

Speaking of NYPD, let's hope that none of the Sicanian Mob had anyone they know hurt by this "virus/vaccine"*, or Walker's next job might be as a statistic.

*read below:

I wonder if Nadler will get "advice" from his constituents to force a public hearing on this guy?

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:50 PM
HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Was Receiving Classified State Department Briefings on Regular Basis – Used to Promote Biden Family Business sing-to-promote-biden-family-business/

We have determined that the information in this email sent from Hunter to Devon Archer is based on at least one classified US State Department briefing coming out of Eurasia. This is the same State Department group that oversees Ukraine.

Based on an XRVision review of the original Hunter Biden laptop, Hunter was receiving classified State Department briefings on a regular basis and was using this information to promote the Biden family business worldwide.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Thanks for the kind words. No need to apologize, I should have heeded your suggestion anyways lol

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: dashen
RIP Jim!

Not sure bout this one

looks like we missed a delta

Inmate beats 2 convicted child molesters to death with cane in prison, officials say

edit on 2023/1/26 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:27 PM

Find The Source.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Plus, Trump has the Football

No, the other Football

edit on 26-1-2023 by FlyingFox because: clarification

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:01 PM
Who is "Jordon Trishton Walker"?

He helped create market forecasts for therapeutics related to oncology in 2021 (Operation Moonshot comes to mind).

He “conducted impact evaluation of Value-Based Payment models and COVID-related changes in hospital reimbursement policies for a US federal health agency”. (Does this mean Boston Consulting Group or Pfizer or both were working with the US government to actually create POLICIES THAT AFFECT US TAXPAYERS???)

He took a BCG sponsored Mandarin (Chinese) language and business immersion course…RIGHT BEFORE THE PANDEMIC HIT THE UNITED STATES. Does this mean BCG and/or their Clients (who are either Pfizer, the US Government, or both) knew that these vaccines would be (or were already) being made in China? Business immersion (I am guessing business terms and colloquialisms) was also a focus. Does this mean he and his Clients knew in 2019 or earlier that a mass vaccination/pharma boom was about to hit that both the CCP (who control the Chinese pharma industry and, of course, all of the BSL-4 labs the research occurred in) & Pfizer et al would be partnered on?

He is clearly a marketing specialist in the pharma space. Was Dr. Walker one of the “Vaccine Confidence” team members that created the strategy to manipulate the American population into taking an experimental, and as we now know dangerous/deadly mRNA experimental shot?

Did he actually go to Yale? Only one profile lists his attendance there.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Whether legit or not reading this will give an interesting feeling.

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