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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

All that WEF BS is laughable....Klaus thinks he really is Dr. Evil....never gonna happen....US Military won't let it happen....

I guess timing is everything for investigating the Biden crime family....not to mention now they have them in election theft and fraud on top of all that....all in good time.....

I am really enjoying the movie at this point......

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

The biggest thing I have a problem with is that there is so much information out about Nesara/Gesara and no one knows what is real or not so there are people getting these high expectations about what is going to happen and what happens when it is different or things change?

There is going to be a lot of disappointed and in some cases pissed off people because there are people that have loaded credit cards, bought things etc thinking that all their debt will be cleared. I like to listen to the theories but I don't think any of them are correct. I do think a change will and has to happen I just don't know what that will be. t
There are even some theories out that money will cease to exist based on new technologies etc. Not sure how what will work in the short term. Maybe my kids would see that but there is no way that the amount of technology needed to pull that off would ever happen in my lifetime but it is fun to think about. Maybe we won't need it because we'll all be dead or in another reality.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: crankyoldman

The biggest thing I have a problem with is that there is so much information out about Nesara/Gesara and no one knows what is real or not so there are people getting these high expectations about what is going to happen and what happens when it is different or things change?

This ^^^ in spades.

The NESARA thing has been going on for 25 years now, 25 percent of the time of the old system. I remember seeing some woman who does X, saying to her clients "spirit says to stop paying your bills now." That was 10 years ago. That part of the collective is absurdly naive, and fails to take into account we all have our own path to live, whatever happens cannot disrupt that path and turn it all into a waste.

Really worth seeing things from two POV's at the same time. The Slave and the Elite, both won't get what they want, both won't give up what the have, both have extremely limited POV's that do not crossover well to each other. Neither wins out, both will see alternate versions of the same thing.

Worth noting concerning the blockchain and the pewblick daily lives. Reversing transactions is mostly impossible. Intermediaries will need to still exist, which tells you we all have time.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 03:38 PM
Pro-vaxxer Scott Adams has a message for his like-minded peers -


posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
So a few days back I posted about Steve Bannon and Kash Patel hinting that they knew all about what was happening with the Biden document scandal.

This morning he confirms this AND tells what this is all is HUGE..............

Basically the Hunter Biden laptop investigation started Nov 2016 as soon as Kash started in was all planned.
What we are seeing now is a result of govt knowing since then all the docs that are missing and the massive cover up that has been going on.

They have them nailed to the wall with the cover up BUT as Kash says.....there is an email from Hunter to Devon Archer from 2013?? It's format is very very suspicious and suggests Hunter has seen classified material AND was passing it on/using it for the Biden crime family's advantage.

They have Joe Biden corrupt as Senator...VP...and POTUS.....with TONS of proof....and it is all going to lead to Obama Hillary and others.

So does anyone have that Email handy? Maybe it is in the Biden report....I will have to look.....

I think this is the email....
edit on 23-1-2023 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:21 PM
Wow. In a world where everyone doubles down, I didn’t see that coming. Good on Scott Adams.

originally posted by: underpass61
Pro-vaxxer Scott Adams has a message for his like-minded peers -


posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:28 PM
Aretha Franklin?


posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:32 PM
a WTF moment

Earth’s Core Has Stopped and May Be Reversing Direction, Study Says

Earth’s inner core has recently stopped spinning, and may now be reversing the direction of its rotation, according to a surprising new study that probed the deepest reaches of our planet with seismic waves from earthquakes.

Alot to Digest right there

edit on 1232023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Is this even Irony?

FBI official who investigated Trump ties to Russia was just arrested for illegal ties to Russian oligarch

On Saturday afternoon, former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who was head of counterintelligence in the New York Field Office and a part of the investigation into supposed ties between Trump and Russia, was arrested over his alleged ties to Russia.

CBS reports that McGonigal was arrested over "his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions."

Sergey Shestakov, a court interpreter who assisted in investigating Russian oligarchs for the FBI, was also arrested Saturday for his ties to Deripaska.

54-year-old McGonigal, who retired in 2018, was arrested at JFK airport after arriving in the US from Sri Lanka.

McGoniga "is charged with violating US sanctions by trying to get Deripaska off the sanctions list," reports CBS.

Not irony, and that is a good question. That is KARMA... Karma is destiny. You send out signals that say screw everyone you get that returned to you. That these "useful idiots" don't realize they are the scapegoat waiting for an event to teach them whose they were all along is how we keep seeing this kind of Karma.

If you want people to love each other, for instance as some of the "woke" claim to want, you don't do hateful things to others because you think getting them is more important than doing it right for the right reasons. All that does is start the vicious cycle that will suck them in before they die. Doubling down is multiplying the chances of Karma being a real bitch.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:39 PM
It's like one giant caldron for disarming all the nations...

Michael MacKay
Morocco delivered about 20 T-72 tanks to Ukraine. They're on the battlefield now, after undergoing modernization in the Czech Republic.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:52 PM
When it comes to NESARA I personally refer to it as the thing we get, that I cannot define, the complete failure and collapse of The Great Reset".
I have been watching this play out since I bought Iraq Dinar 15 years ago and learned about the RV.
But what really drives the bus is the jubilee aspect.
The Queen died while finishing what she called "her diamond jubilee".
It lasted 7 years.
The super jubilee that happens every 49 years.
7 years ago it started with the 1 year jubilee that happens every 7 years.
The 1 year jubilee period inside the 7 year period.
So is there a 7X7X7 also? Which would be a 70 year jubilee period? I think there is.
And what about a 7X7X7X7 with a 700 year period.
If this is so then the 1 year, 7 year and 70 year period all happen at the end of the 700 year period and not at the beginning or timelines for dispensations do not work.
The diametric shift in thinking and reality is being prepared for a shift at least as big as Noah(creation)-[7*7*7*7]Moses(law)-[7*7*7*7]Christ(grace).
In the past initiates were able to game these transitions from dispensation to dispensation and lead us back into slavery.

An example for the now is the talk of the 4th Reich, a thousand year reign as opposed to the return of Yahshua to usher in the thousand year kingdom age.
I do believe there is a jubilee at work.
I do feel something very different happening.
I do not fear this at all.
I know who set these laws in place and has full control of the outcome if all this is true.
This is why all timelines merge into only one outcome
a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 23-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

Edit to add.
It was the queens Platinum jubilee celebrating a 70 reign
edit on 23-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Nevercompromise

I believe part of the QFS is new Rainbow Currency which is tangible as well as having digital currency. The way I have heard it described is the rainbow currency will be the same as currency now for the most part with also very limited coins instead of having all the assortment we have now, for day to day transactions. The digital currency would be more in the lines for business and large sums of money that need to be transferred and given to pay for goods or services. There may be some digital currencies that may be used for day to day but it is going to be very limited to just a few.

I had heard that most countries will have their own rainbow currency but it may also be divided up into more of a regional system all being backed by precious metals. At one time I had heard that most of the world would be backed by gold while North America and possibly parts of Europe being backed by Silver.

The whole quantum thing and how it will supposedly link to consciousness is something I can't wrap my mind around yet. It sounds good but now sure how that would work, at least yet. This is all things I have heard a few times or the last few years. I have an idea that it won't be exactly like this but something on those lines but who knows. At this point anything would be better than we have now.

There several Points of View on this. One that is missing from most thoughts is that "the people" do not, and have never, controlled the methods of lower commerce transactions. In essence, that's a different level to the planation script the plebes use at the bottom. The plebes are not going to move up the ladder on this, they don't understand money, debt, interest and the rest: letting them loose with a debt jubilee is planetary suicide = not gonna happen. "The Last President" does a nice job of showing it.

That said.

The NESARA GESARA is the polarity counterpoint to the NWO One world currency, and was introduced as such = both are pipe dreams to define the spectrum. The idea that one currency is bad is rooted in the idea that Unity is bad and translation, arbitraging currency, currency manipulation, debt shifting is best for all. We only use one currency in the US, if one was bad for the world (macro) it would be bad in the US (micro). It isn't.

The NESARA debt free thing isn't a thing either, too extreme and not doable, but it creates the counter weight to the NWO version, which is meant to create something in the middle, which shifts to the Net Positive or Net Negative based on a myriad of factors.

At the moment the collective is a mess, mostly do to extreme ignorance, largely rooted in the single mind of valuing things in "dollars." Try and value something in anything other than dollars... "how much is your house, car, gold worth,,, but you can't use dollars as a valuation method?"

Never mind how to we value debt, future human energy output etc.

We we are back to the issue of Humans As Currency, how do we value our energy? First one needs to understand that is what the dollar etc. is, as it is based on: Human Energy x (Y) = Dollar, but what is the calculation?

So when folks speak about the magical rainbow currency they cannot find a value for it, and until they find a value for it, the monumental shift cannot happen. The rainbow folks are often very ignorant to monetary systems, which is the problem. They think you "just..." and that is it. They think that if everyone was rich, no one would work, but food would come, trash would go, nuclear waste would be taken care of. We're so reliant on the slave/debt class for existence, and they know no different, we can't remove them with promises of gold coins and riches without collapse.

How do you get a guy to turn "left" in his car when he has no idea what "right" is? The NESARA is just an answer to NWO control, it isn't a stand alone.

Folks want something they cannot conceptualize within the complex nature of the restrictions. The minute you ask the rainbow guys about the details it goes fuzzy because the do not know how it happens. In many cases they are arguing for their own demise with a nuke it all, we want money, we're all rich, god says so stuff.

Right now each country holds "Dollars" which they expect to be valuable, crashing the dollar and making the dollar worthless in those vaults would result in planetary death. There needs to be a swap out.

The current(cy) system took 100 years to get here, as planned, there is no possible way in today's ignorant phone addicted society an overnight jubilee makes any sense at all.

If the current Hijack works, the background systems will be replaced by digital, verifiable, backed assets in the Net Positive format. Each country will maintain their current(cy) for a while to keep stability, so the end user won't see much of a change. Folks went nuts over toilet paper, they can't handle payment changes overnight, but the background systems can - happening now.

Ironically the reason the background systems can be swapped out is the collective has no opinion on the change, as they don't even know it exists and are not fighting against it.

Ok, in the old days I am on this with you.

Now, I see that there is a possibility that there was all this gold that had been stolen and stashed in Europe or wherever by the Cabal as some are saying has happened to have been found in the DUMBS. Maybe if so, all this might start to form debt forgiveness backed by all the stolen gold over the centuries? So much loot there will be plenty left to be used as collateral for the new money. These DS people wanted/desire all that they can accumulate of certain things. Gold and precious metals are high on the list.

To further speculate based on this gold in the DUMBS theory,

NESARA-GESARA whichever, is going to be gold backed with that loot. A lot was from the Germans, the Vatican (think Roman times forward) and DS Cabal. All of those entities have hoarded with complete skullduggery. Think of all the money given to feed the poor that ended up in the hands of such filth that hoarded it for themselves while children suffer in the case of the Vatican alone. Fancy gold things and pompous actions while children starve would not be God's plan.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

Plus, he's trippin' balls.

edit on 23-1-2023 by FlyingFox because: but the thing is, he's perfectly within her demographic sales territory, I mean region. No surprise she gave it her all

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman


Oleg is a long time target of G.Webb

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 07:22 PM

I thought there was a code red in the drops but i guess not. Sparrow = bird = sing?

Regardless, this is not good peeps, not good at all. Regardless of what you believe, the contention is that Atlantis fell in vibrational rate and ultimately destroyed itself because it used Tech to destructive ends. mRNA DNA manipulation was one aspect, AI was another. The two are not good together.

Immutable fact: A Human cannot win an "argument" with A.I. ever, which includes online bickering over nonsense all the way to a trial for life. ChatBOT and twitBOT are two examples.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 07:28 PM
Pete Mitchell you have a PMa reply to: PeteMitchell

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:02 PM
Bills lost, hmmm.

But, Demar is seen at the game, well, not exactly seen CLIP

Odd he walks in with no smiles, high fives, but rushed in hidden, stays hidden, and throws a sign of a dubious nature? He's grateful, everyone is grateful, heartwarming story, wonderment all around, and he's wearing a hood, mask, sunglasses head down??? Meh, theater be theater it seems.

My take, the ritual got blown up. As soon as he dropped, the Vaxx issue erupted and there were two conflicting rituals: Instant Inversion of the Inversion, so the muddled mess, Bills lose, problem goes away until next year, Vaxxers are safe for now.

33 for those who want to review.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a WTF moment

Earth’s Core Has Stopped and May Be Reversing Direction, Study Says

Earth’s inner core has recently stopped spinning, and may now be reversing the direction of its rotation, according to a surprising new study that probed the deepest reaches of our planet with seismic waves from earthquakes.

Alot to Digest right there

What the heck could be powerful enough to make Earth's core reverse direction?

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

So according to that article this happens every 70 years. I had an AI look up volcanic activities for those times and discovered:

In 1953, several Kamchatka volcanoes in Russia, including Shiveluch, Bezymianny, and Kliuchevskoi, erupted. The eruption of Shiveluch volcano began on March 31 and continued for several months, emitting ash and pyroclastic flows that caused widespread damage to the surrounding area. The eruption of Bezymianny volcano began on December 27, 1952 and continued into 1953, also emitting ash and pyroclastic flows. The eruption of Kliuchevskoi volcano was less significant but still emitted ash and caused some damage to the surrounding area.

The eruption of Shiveluch volcano was one of the largest and most destructive in the 20th century, the ash fall covered an area of over 150,000 square kilometers, causing serious damage to agriculture and infrastructure, such as roads and bridges. The ash fall also caused health problems for the population and animals, and the eruption forced the evacuation of several villages. The eruption of Bezymianny volcano was also one of the most destructive of the 20th century, the ash fall and pyroclastic flows caused damage to the surrounding area and forced the evacuation of several villages.

The eruption of these volcanoes in Kamchatka peninsula in Russia, is a reminder of the power of volcanic activity and the potential impact it can have on local communities and the environment.

THis was a VEI of 4

70 years before that:

The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, a volcano located in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia, was one of the most deadly and destructive volcanic eruptions in recorded history. The eruption began in May 1883 and reached its climax on August 26, 1883, when the volcano erupted with a series of massive explosions that were heard as far away as Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean, more than 3,000 miles (4,800 km) away.

The eruption caused widespread destruction and resulted in the deaths of more than 36,000 people, mostly from the tsunamis caused by the eruption. Ash, pumice, and volcanic dust were thrown as high as 80 km (50 mi) into the atmosphere, and the ash cloud blocked out sunlight for days, causing a "volcanic winter" effect. The ash also caused a decline in temperature and a cooling of the ocean surface.

The VEI of that eruption was a 6.

It should be noted that in 1815 Tambora erupted causing the year without a summer, and last year Hunga Tonga went bye-bye. Here's why I had the AI do the work for me. Exposure of agendas. This is what I was told about the Hunga Tonga volcano:

Regarding Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai, it is a volcanic island located in the southern Pacific Ocean, it is a submerged volcano that last erupted in 2009, and it was last seen above sea level in January 2015. It is not considered a permanent island and it is not inhabited, it is a part of the Kingdom of Tonga, but it is not considered a part of the main island chain. The island was formed by a volcanic eruption in December 2014 and January 2015 and it was expected to erode and submerge again within a few years. As my knowledge cut-off is in 2021, I do not have any recent information about this island, but from what I know it is not a permanent island and there is no information about any significant eruptions in 2022.

So, it would seem that if a person was doing a report about geological effects from a slowing or even stopping core, the AI can provide that information, but only for older non-topical stories. One thing I have noticed is how much of last years volcano eruption on Tonga keeps getting lost of both media sources as well as peoples memories. Why the cover -up?

Anyways, if the report is true, then a correlation between a slower core and more violent volcanic activity can be drawn. I think we should buckle-up if last year was just a taste of what's to come.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a WTF moment

Earth’s Core Has Stopped and May Be Reversing Direction, Study Says

Earth’s inner core has recently stopped spinning, and may now be reversing the direction of its rotation, according to a surprising new study that probed the deepest reaches of our planet with seismic waves from earthquakes.

Alot to Digest right there

What the heck could be powerful enough to make Earth's core reverse direction?

Easy, being mistaken about it's original direction.

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