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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Did -Q- say that the White-Hats had it all, or that -Q- had it all?

Pretty sure it was "we"

we have it all

edit on 1/24/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: added quote

edit on 1/24/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: link

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

So it's -Q-team- that "has it all" and not the white hats. Why do I get the feeling that my distaste for how -Q- operates will be making a way up again.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Just posting a follow up. I guess I was more right then wrong?

Earth's inner core, a hot iron ball the size of Pluto, has stopped spinning in the same direction as the rest of the planet and might even be rotating the other way, research suggested on Monday.

Roughly 5,000 kilometers (3,100 miles) below the surface we live on, this "planet within the planet" can spin independently because it floats in the liquid metal outer

So as I stated above, the slowing or stoppage was just because it's rotating the other way.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

So it's -Q-team- that "has it all" and not the white hats. Why do I get the feeling that my distaste for how -Q- operates will be making a way up again.

What is "it" that they have as "all of?"

The assumption is what exactly?

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

exactly! That use of vague terms is one of the biggest issues I've had with -Q-. At least Aoi (ghostie) was clearer about what they meant. Having "it all" doesn't mean a lot if we don't know what 'it' is.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:38 PM
Here are some clues from posts making the claim in 2018.

FB violation of YOUR PRIVACY. FB actively TRACKING YOU. FB reading your PRIVATE messages. FB CENSORING (anti conservative). More will drop. WE HAVE IT ALL. CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS are EFFECTIVE. GLOBAL. @Jack You're next. What is Jack's SECRET T-handle? 'Dummy' accounts to talk. What you SEE is LIMITED. Think emails (LL, HRC, HUSSEIN, etc).

YOU are being TRACKED. NO FB account required. This is BIGGER than you think. Agencies attached.

Think public & private Twitter accounts. They all have them. These people are stupid. WE HAVE IT ALL.

Think private email addresses. Hussein. HRC. LL. ………. They think they are clever

WE HAVE IT ALL. The right people have the information. GOOD people are acting on the information. Think GOOG. Think ES departure. Think NK. Many drafts. Many shared users [foreign & domestic]. Variable access. Codes. Fake emails. Game forum comms. New intel revealed today. Gmail comms. [R]. [EG]. Define Evergreen.

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. WE HAVE IT ALL. Re_read re: stage. The nail in many coffins [liberal undo]. [Impossible to defend]. [Toxic to those connected].

edit on 1/24/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: clarity

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:50 PM
Where O where do souls come from.

Taking a normal human life span of 75 years, our world population has risen 3 fold.

From approx 2.5 Billion in 1950 to the current 7.5 Billion.

So where did the extra 5 Billion souls come from?

If we assume that souls move upward as per re-incarnation, then the answer is obvious.

Much of the NPC type of personalities we have now were likely herd animals in their last re-incarnation.



People looking at their phones while walking of a cliff ... Lol.

Think of humanity where 2/3rds were herd animals or the lower levels of carnivores such as fox, coyotes or dingoes.

Just where do you get an extra 5 Billion souls from in around 75 years?


edit on 24/1/2023 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:53 PM
Who said they all have souls?

originally posted by: pheonix358
Where O where do souls come from.

Taking a normal human life span of 75 years, our world population has risen 3 fold.

From approx 2.5 Billion in 1950 to the current 7.5 Billion.

So where did the extra 5 Billion souls come from?

If we assume that souls move upward as per re-incarnation, then the answer is obvious.

Much of the NPC type of personalities we have now were likely herd animals in their last re-incarnation.



People looking at their phones while walking of a cliff ... Lol.

Think of humanity where 2/3rds were herd animals or the lower levels of carnivores such as fox, coyotes or dingoes.

Just where do you get an extra 5 Billion souls from in around 75 years?


posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 24-1-2023 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: Caled

Good point.

Second line...

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: FlyingFox

Maybe, but if White Hats really "have it all" and they "caught them all" then would it matter if he is dead or alive?

Well, rando documents aren't admissible, unless somebody, with direct knowledge can validate them. Plus you can't just use interview-style recordings, unless both sides can (cross) examine the witness. Jefferey is gone, so is a LOT of evidence connected to him. Now Ghislaine is convicted, maybe the wheels can turn a little...

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:44 PM
In re to the Damar wall mural, Sorry if a dumb question but why is Damar's Left arm twice as large as
his right arm on the mural & it's white? his left thigh/leg is also larger than the right.

That dude "clone" whatever does not appear to have the upper body
muscle of Damar or most NFL players IMHO.


posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Caled

They all have souls, but the question is how big?

it takes two people to make a child. 1+1=1
by creating that child each parent had to give up half of their spiritual energy. 1/2+1/2=1
what is left is two people with half the spiritual energy then they had before they gave birth, and their first-born child has a full spiritual energy.

Second child leaves the parent with 1/4 the energy and the child only have half the spiritual energy. By the time a nuclear family is established, the spiritual energy looks like this:
parents 1/8th each
first child 1
second child 1/2
third child 1/4

If the starting parents were third children themselves, that the first child only has 1/4 of the spiritual energy of their grandparents, and the parents are left with only 1/8th of the spiritual energy.

This isn't my theory, but I was exposed to it years ago when seeing why some religions refused to allow followers to have children. The notion was that with each generation the spiritual energy needed to ascend in the afterlife was reduced and made it harder and harder for the people to move on after death.

If this is true, then can you imagine how little spiritual energy all those large families passed on to the next generation? What makes this even worse is that there were/are a few religions that allow a bride to have sex with a recently dead spouse in order to create a child for heritage purposes. Now you have a child starting out with half of what they would have had if they were born from two living parents. So, now you would have people running around with 1/10,000th of the spiritual energy of their ancestors from just a few generations ago. Crazy isn't it.

Under this model of how spiritual energy gets passed around, even the most degenerative individual would still have a little spiritual energy, but they might have so little that all they can do is react on their animal instinct rather than listening to their inner voices about rights and wrong.

Just a neat theory, like I said. Of course, if others believe in this theory, it could explain that massive need to have everybody's genetic ancestry known. It wouldn't need to be true, only believed. Wonder if Hillary wanting that "Gilgamesh" Tomb thing that was in Podesta's email was about. Imagine a device that could recharge a person's spiritual energy? One could make a fortune conning others to put money down for that.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

That's for the court of law, those documents if made public, would still be valuable in the court of public opinion.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

exactly! That use of vague terms is one of the biggest issues I've had with -Q-. At least Aoi (ghostie) was clearer about what they meant. Having "it all" doesn't mean a lot if we don't know what 'it' is.

It's all vague/multiple meanings my friend = the point.

The bigger issue is the implication. The implication set within folks early, they have "evidence" and the extrapolation was "well how come they don't arrest them?" Trolls and shills used this which should be the biggest clue, as they jumped on this talking point fast, too fast.

How do you exactly arrest a Rothschild? Arresting Schiff does nothing, he's replaceable.

I said here day one, it's in the drops, the byzantine rules have to be used. The rules were set up to protect them from US, not us from THEM. That's a fact, so using the rules against psychopaths, sociopaths, robots, elite inbred goons and ghouls, AI and the rest is a monumental task never undertaken in all of human history = never before.

Not to mention we've see half the FBI, all the CIA, All the DOJ are corrupt, medical establishment and even librarians are corrupted, as are all the folks who consider themselves lifetime bureaucrats. While folks were sleeping, 10k years, the world created a system of enslavement, there are no moral or ethical solutions, only those within the system = that was the rule before engagement.

Hell, our own slave class is resisting the Awakening!!!

Remember, I think it was actually Durham who said the fakedemic screwed him, people just stopped replying, cooperating, returning calls/information because they were justified in their immoral actions to resist.

Love or hate it, there is no moral or ethical system of remedy on earth besides swords and guns. The closest court related, Sharia, which we see as barbaric. And there's that pesky Freewill thing to deal with.

The bigger issue is that killing a eons old death cult actually required a percentage of the population to wake up and consent, which, is really why the Q effort and this worked. The repub platform is pretty much MAGA/Q within the bounds of their thinking. Q was one angle of the wake up effort, one of many. What's 5 years out of an eons long battle?

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Also why I said early on that the best we should hope for is to break their toys and make them go into hiding for a while.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Where O where do souls come from.

Taking a normal human life span of 75 years, our world population has risen 3 fold.

From approx 2.5 Billion in 1950 to the current 7.5 Billion.

So where did the extra 5 Billion souls come from?

If we assume that souls move upward as per re-incarnation, then the answer is obvious.

Much of the NPC type of personalities we have now were likely herd animals in their last re-incarnation.



People looking at their phones while walking of a cliff ... Lol.

Think of humanity where 2/3rds were herd animals or the lower levels of carnivores such as fox, coyotes or dingoes.

Just where do you get an extra 5 Billion souls from in around 75 years?


Misnomer, one soul can have, and does, MANY incarnations all happening at the same time. Not a one to one ratio. Rare that one has two aspects in one timeline, most keep aspects separated in other timelines so they do not cross. So yes, it is mostly a one to one in this timeline, but not absolute.

That said, you're on the right track, animals hit the earth plane at some point. Bodies can lose soul connection everything you mentioned is in play at that point. Think child torture mind control we've covered, it is designed to separate the "soul" connection leaving the animated body behind with no higher self access, but, source connection in tact, and the horrors begin.

Aspects, you can me, can become totally dislodged and for all intents and purposes are "soulless" bodies, even if soul doesn't see it like that.

Folks struggle with this: A body is a body, it is not indicative of a higher self being, it is just a body and can be animated in a variety of ways. Understandable confusion, but the world makes more sense when this is understood.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 11:33 PM

Interesting clip, bot asks the question, Kev responds with FBI has a problem with a Chinese spy, and I guess the press folks are so afflicted with TDS they will bury that lede if they add it all.

Odd the spat of california killings this week are Chinese related... hmm.

Notice the tense energy, energy that not present with KJPBOT or BidenBOT pressers?

Kev is third in line.

I love that he puts out every fire with gasoline. [libsoftiktoc chik]

edit on 24-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 12:03 AM

I chose to LOVE THY ENEMY & show... I truly care...

using bad actors purposely bad acting... to SHOW

A reconnection to Spiritual Truths = Remembering who we are

Video 5:55 mark = TRUST THE MESSAGE
1. I'm sorry... I'm sorry
2. Tap... It's OK. It's OK.
3. I love you... I love you.
4. The Only Way... UNITED BY LOVE


posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Quantum Resurrection and Indestructible Souls, so close to bedtime...

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