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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: panoz77
You may find this thread rollout of interest XRP the tracker.
The song "Shutdown" by Black Pink was released 9/15/2022. Shutdown by Black Pink

On a side note, something rather curious. Yesterday while at the tile store I noticed that the major was black tile with pink trim accent. It seemed an unusual combination to be the major theme.

Now that I think about it art seems to predict events in advance. What are the chances "Black Pink".

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

If those people cannot farm, build shelter or make clothing they are non-essential at this stage of the game

Yes it really gives one a sense of calm, when depending on a #ty system is a choice and not a necessity...

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

Wonder if going woke is no longer profitable for them.


It never was profitable to begin with.

Woke was not something the majority of the consumers demanded in the first place. It was something the smallest of the smallest percentage of the consumers wanted. This was a market driven forced not consumer driven.

Yet these business started to pour trillions to capture the smallest section of the consumer group at the expense of alienating the majority of the consumer group. Corporate world is not known for their bleeding hearts or putting ideals over profit. They were being paid behind the scenes to push the woke crap and being payed extremely well since they were willing to alienate the majority of their customers.

The only question is who and the why.

IMO The who:
No doubt its you and me the tax payers that funded this. The 3 letter agencies used our tax dollars to fund this crap. However who is running the 3 letter agencies is harder to answer.

IMO Why:
Lots of speculation here but IMO I think they are trying to crash it all and do away with money all together and put us on a social credit score system that will enslave you to the system until death. They are going to do this by eliminating wealth all together. Wealth gives too much power to an individual and can give them "Fk you money" to go against the narrative.

Take trump and Elon for example. They have "Fk you money" and can play their games and go against the narrative . If they didn't have wealth and were dependent on a social credit system they wouldn't have any "fk you money" the system could block them from being able to buy groceries , water, electricity, cars, shelter,etc.

Elon and Trump would have to play ball in order to survive if we were on a social credit system versus the monetary system we currently have. The monetary system we currently have allows individuals to accumulate wealth which is power and freedom (aka fk you money).

With a social credit system you will never accumulate wealth, hence you will never be free or obtain power to not become a pawn in the system.

Remember you will own nothing and be happy. That is what they mean when they say that. They don't want you to accumulate wealth. They want you to be dependent on the system from birth to death and you cant do that in a system that allows individuals to accumulate wealth.

Fedcoins will play into this as its programmable money aka (social credit system). Since it programmable they will be able to restrict when,where, and how you spend your rationed fedcoin usage . Once fedcoins gets pushed its game over.

edit on 23131America/ChicagoMon, 23 Jan 2023 12:23:45 -0600000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 11:31 AM
Health Emergency Appeal

$25 billion? 5X5.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

But what if they decide that 1:1 is actually valued at a much lower ratio, meaning that the 1 USCRYPTO only buys 1/5 what a US $1 actually buys? They can make the tangible value of the crypto whatever they wish. Capiche?

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
MT something very extraordinary happened yesterday. I was walking my poochers and suddenly a really big flock of mourning doves flew into a large tree that I was by. I wasn't certain what type of bird they were but they attracted enough attention that others came over to look and some knew what species they were. I've never seen that many birds in one tree before.
It was really amazing to see. I have to wonder what they are doing here because it is much too cold for them and what are they eating? The ground is covered in snow.
Mourning Dove/Turtle Dove

There is a lot of symbolism around these doves. Peace + Love, "Some believe that the meaning of a mourning dove is a visit or sign of encouragement."
Dove Meaning and Symbolism

"Dove meaning and symbolism includes peace, love, devotion, navigation, messages, grace, gentleness, purity, the Holy Spirit, the human soul, and hope."

The last time I even thought about a dove was when Pope Francis had released doves that were killed by a crow and a seagull.
Pope Francis Doves Attacked

Anyway I consider this to be really significant and we should not give up hope. It really was amazing to see.
Which brings up the most strange dream I had last night. I was with Nancy Pelosi and I saw her fall down. I went and helped her up. She was so very thin and frail. She continued to walk and kept falling. It happened five times. I finally pled with her that she had to stop because she was hurting herself. She refused and told me that she was going to continue because she wanted to wear beautiful clothes. She was wearing a strong color orange jacket and skirt with a blue and white colored scarf.
She then wobbled across the street in high heels.
Not sure what it meant but I kept saying to her husband that she needed to be in an assisted living facility for extra help.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:09 PM
If nesara involves a digital currency, I’m simply not on board.
I have zero desire to have our only currency form be digitized regardless of whom is pulling the strings

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:26 PM
I understand.
I am just making the case that to devalue our currency to the level playing field they are supposedly after, the deal was the US$ takes a 40% devaluation, twice.

I literally just witnessed this happen in just 2022.
And I am hearing the exchange from here for US$ is going to be 1:1.
With the debt now at $32 trillion and unsecured liabilities north of $130 trillion our spending value since 2008 is way below 20% already.
If gas was above $6 right now it would have already crashed.
IMO this is proof it is being mitigated.
5:1 would have been better for us in 2008 if it happened then when it was supposed to happen.
Now it is unfair.
I expect 1:1 now.
Now if we go back to 1955 economic pricing 1:5 sounds awesome and more than doable.
But I do sense we get a soft landing into the new economy.
But it is definitely different.
A living wage inside 15 minutes communities absent of combustible engines looks to be where they are taking this.

originally posted by: panoz77
a reply to: Nevercompromise

But what if they decide that 1:1 is actually valued at a much lower ratio, meaning that the 1 USCRYPTO only buys 1/5 what a US $1 actually buys? They can make the tangible value of the crypto whatever they wish. Capiche?

Oh and yes to Capiche.
But Crypto is only part of it, not all of it.
All crypto is going to crash before any Blockchain steps in.
I am on board with a crypto backed by something tangible and fungible. I believe whiplash is right about xrp, ripple.
The QFS I believe is happening but as Cranky points out, not overnight.

For any of this to happen the final act of the-fall-of-the-FED has to happen.
Does anyone have any update on the FED and it's being absorbed into Treasury?
I believe that 1 year of transferring administrative duties for it is over

I hate the idea AI controlling it but what else?
edit on 23-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
Thinking back to the game Cards Against Humanity, one part of the plan was for a depression. I play the game against the rules so I have been tracking their success rate. They are having some serious stumbles so not all is going according to plan.

We should consider the timing of Covid and the jabs. Of course there is the eugenics coalition but then there is the financial side.
Too many baby boomers retiring results in too much stress on SSI and on Medicare. Remember during the plandemic decisions were made to put ill patients in those nursing homes. It is always about the $. Not only that but they are not paying taxes into the system. In other words useless eaters.

Then we have a crazy man at the helm, Bill Gates, who is desperate to dim the sun which would result in killing more than just people but plant life and animals. Terraforming.
Ha... Mexico is having non of it.> Mexico Bans Geoengineering
Not everything going quite to plan.

Now we have all of the layoffs from Big Tech. What is going to happen to those People? Covid and the jabs solve lots of issues. The 4th Industrial Revolution just does not need as many people. The one group that seems to be most impacted by all of this have been the middle group. Fourth Industrial Revolution sucks.

Cards Against Humanity has a whole food theme. In other words they tipped their hand. mRNA in the food supply you say? More people heading over to organic. Complete opposite of their intentions.

Loop has started posting again.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
If nesara involves a digital currency, I’m simply not on board.
I have zero desire to have our only currency form be digitized regardless of whom is pulling the strings

Not "if."


Remember, FED dollars are not "ours" but the property of the FED, and are debt notes.

This was planned 100 years ago, there is no escaping it. Right now we're looking to shift the implementation of this from a Net Negative, to a Net Positive.

Polarity Reality. For the NWO order version to exist, there must be the opposite. Before something shifts out into the outer reaches of the Polarity Spectrum it arrives at the 50/50 mark and then moves. Collectively we are at the 50/50, with BRICS+++ leading they way for Net Positive despite what the press goons say = they invert the truth.

The change will look Negative to many, NWO/EatBugs/OwnNothing/TotalSurveillance etc. To others it will look like liberation, no more Laundering/Rigging/Trafficking/PrintingFIAT etc. POV will matter, but it will happen, it was always going to happen when the FED/FIAT iteration was introduced = Planned Obsolescence.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:39 PM
Is this even Irony?

FBI official who investigated Trump ties to Russia was just arrested for illegal ties to Russian oligarch

On Saturday afternoon, former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who was head of counterintelligence in the New York Field Office and a part of the investigation into supposed ties between Trump and Russia, was arrested over his alleged ties to Russia.

CBS reports that McGonigal was arrested over "his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions."

Sergey Shestakov, a court interpreter who assisted in investigating Russian oligarchs for the FBI, was also arrested Saturday for his ties to Deripaska.

54-year-old McGonigal, who retired in 2018, was arrested at JFK airport after arriving in the US from Sri Lanka.

McGoniga "is charged with violating US sanctions by trying to get Deripaska off the sanctions list," reports CBS.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:46 PM
I am 100% with you on that.
But if the Crown was able to steal $50 quintillion like what has been stated was recovered in gold from the Vatican and Buckingham palace then what are we to do?
That just since they formed USA inc. in the act of England 1871.

How do we get away from fiat and into something fungible?

I have always been against a 1 currency system.
Especially AI controlled.
But how do we go back whengraft and usury can be replaced with something that costs only .00058 cents per transaction?

It is like the only chance to end corruption and debt slavery is to submit to AI control.
I admit it, I am stuck.
I am onboard with QFS just because it ends blackmarket trading in human/child trafficking alone.

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
If nesara involves a digital currency, I’m simply not on board.
I have zero desire to have our only currency form be digitized regardless of whom is pulling the strings

edit on 23-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:48 PM
Weird find for today. I was doing some UAP research and stumbled upon the NRO briefing that is fully redacted:

I was intrigued by the SUPRA EL ULTRA, so I did a bit of a search and found this:

And I was that a Kraken?

Sure enough:

"Release the Kraken" circa 2013.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Now that I think about it art seems to predict events in advance. What are the chances "Black Pink".

Sounds like night and day with your eyes shut.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Is this even Irony?

FBI official who investigated Trump ties to Russia was just arrested for illegal ties to Russian oligarch

On Saturday afternoon, former FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who was head of counterintelligence in the New York Field Office and a part of the investigation into supposed ties between Trump and Russia, was arrested over his alleged ties to Russia.

CBS reports that McGonigal was arrested over "his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions."

Sergey Shestakov, a court interpreter who assisted in investigating Russian oligarchs for the FBI, was also arrested Saturday for his ties to Deripaska.

54-year-old McGonigal, who retired in 2018, was arrested at JFK airport after arriving in the US from Sri Lanka.

McGoniga "is charged with violating US sanctions by trying to get Deripaska off the sanctions list," reports CBS.

Alanis: Please pay attention. THIS is ironic.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 01:16 PM
Gates 2023 Annual Letter January 17th.

Gates Foundation Annual Letter 2023
It is remarkable to see Mark Suzman even bother to address the "real" issues that Gates and his foundations have far too much influence and power.
While he dodges the nature of the questions he identifies the priority targets for 2023. The usual unrealistic goal of eradicating malaria, attacking small African farmers because of climate change but they are going all in targeting the U.S. educational system.
Another positive outcome from Covid for Gates has been the decline in math skills thanks to the lockdowns.

Infiltration. Easy access point is math. Following the handbook of world domination the plan is to fund school boards and the 'not 'corrupted universities to conduct studies, of course only funding the research that fits in with the plan. I can just see where this is going. Next up head over to the publishers.

As if math wasn't a problem now we will have Bill Gates approved math. What could go wrong? We could end up with the newly indoctrinated being asked about a number and they will respond with "What's a number?" because after all it is just a concept.
Only way to avoid this will be home schooling and education pods of like minded people.
It seems they don't care anymore that people are very aware of 17. They even brag that they have 1700 employees.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

I believe part of the QFS is new Rainbow Currency which is tangible as well as having digital currency. The way I have heard it described is the rainbow currency will be the same as currency now for the most part with also very limited coins instead of having all the assortment we have now, for day to day transactions. The digital currency would be more in the lines for business and large sums of money that need to be transferred and given to pay for goods or services. There may be some digital currencies that may be used for day to day but it is going to be very limited to just a few.

I had heard that most countries will have their own rainbow currency but it may also be divided up into more of a regional system all being backed by precious metals. At one time I had heard that most of the world would be backed by gold while North America and possibly parts of Europe being backed by Silver.

The whole quantum thing and how it will supposedly link to consciousness is something I can't wrap my mind around yet. It sounds good but now sure how that would work, at least yet. This is all things I have heard a few times or the last few years. I have an idea that it won't be exactly like this but something on those lines but who knows. At this point anything would be better than we have now.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 01:38 PM
So a few days back I posted about Steve Bannon and Kash Patel hinting that they knew all about what was happening with the Biden document scandal.

This morning he confirms this AND tells what this is all is HUGE..............

Basically the Hunter Biden laptop investigation started Nov 2016 as soon as Kash started in was all planned.
What we are seeing now is a result of govt knowing since then all the docs that are missing and the massive cover up that has been going on.

They have them nailed to the wall with the cover up BUT as Kash says.....there is an email from Hunter to Devon Archer from 2013?? It's format is very very suspicious and suggests Hunter has seen classified material AND was passing it on/using it for the Biden crime family's advantage.

They have Joe Biden corrupt as Senator...VP...and POTUS.....with TONS of proof....and it is all going to lead to Obama Hillary and others.

So does anyone have that Email handy? Maybe it is in the Biden report....I will have to look.....
edit on 23-1-2023 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Nevercompromise

I believe part of the QFS is new Rainbow Currency which is tangible as well as having digital currency. The way I have heard it described is the rainbow currency will be the same as currency now for the most part with also very limited coins instead of having all the assortment we have now, for day to day transactions. The digital currency would be more in the lines for business and large sums of money that need to be transferred and given to pay for goods or services. There may be some digital currencies that may be used for day to day but it is going to be very limited to just a few.

I had heard that most countries will have their own rainbow currency but it may also be divided up into more of a regional system all being backed by precious metals. At one time I had heard that most of the world would be backed by gold while North America and possibly parts of Europe being backed by Silver.

The whole quantum thing and how it will supposedly link to consciousness is something I can't wrap my mind around yet. It sounds good but now sure how that would work, at least yet. This is all things I have heard a few times or the last few years. I have an idea that it won't be exactly like this but something on those lines but who knows. At this point anything would be better than we have now.

There several Points of View on this. One that is missing from most thoughts is that "the people" do not, and have never, controlled the methods of lower commerce transactions. In essence, that's a different level to the planation script the plebes use at the bottom. The plebes are not going to move up the ladder on this, they don't understand money, debt, interest and the rest: letting them loose with a debt jubilee is planetary suicide = not gonna happen. "The Last President" does a nice job of showing it.

That said.

The NESARA GESARA is the polarity counterpoint to the NWO One world currency, and was introduced as such = both are pipe dreams to define the spectrum. The idea that one currency is bad is rooted in the idea that Unity is bad and translation, arbitraging currency, currency manipulation, debt shifting is best for all. We only use one currency in the US, if one was bad for the world (macro) it would be bad in the US (micro). It isn't.

The NESARA debt free thing isn't a thing either, too extreme and not doable, but it creates the counter weight to the NWO version, which is meant to create something in the middle, which shifts to the Net Positive or Net Negative based on a myriad of factors.

At the moment the collective is a mess, mostly do to extreme ignorance, largely rooted in the single mind of valuing things in "dollars." Try and value something in anything other than dollars... "how much is your house, car, gold worth,,, but you can't use dollars as a valuation method?"

Never mind how to we value debt, future human energy output etc.

We we are back to the issue of Humans As Currency, how do we value our energy? First one needs to understand that is what the dollar etc. is, as it is based on: Human Energy x (Y) = Dollar, but what is the calculation?

So when folks speak about the magical rainbow currency they cannot find a value for it, and until they find a value for it, the monumental shift cannot happen. The rainbow folks are often very ignorant to monetary systems, which is the problem. They think you "just..." and that is it. They think that if everyone was rich, no one would work, but food would come, trash would go, nuclear waste would be taken care of. We're so reliant on the slave/debt class for existence, and they know no different, we can't remove them with promises of gold coins and riches without collapse.

How do you get a guy to turn "left" in his car when he has no idea what "right" is? The NESARA is just an answer to NWO control, it isn't a stand alone.

Folks want something they cannot conceptualize within the complex nature of the restrictions. The minute you ask the rainbow guys about the details it goes fuzzy because the do not know how it happens. In many cases they are arguing for their own demise with a nuke it all, we want money, we're all rich, god says so stuff.

Right now each country holds "Dollars" which they expect to be valuable, crashing the dollar and making the dollar worthless in those vaults would result in planetary death. There needs to be a swap out.

The current(cy) system took 100 years to get here, as planned, there is no possible way in today's ignorant phone addicted society an overnight jubilee makes any sense at all.

If the current Hijack works, the background systems will be replaced by digital, verifiable, backed assets in the Net Positive format. Each country will maintain their current(cy) for a while to keep stability, so the end user won't see much of a change. Folks went nuts over toilet paper, they can't handle payment changes overnight, but the background systems can - happening now.

Ironically the reason the background systems can be swapped out is the collective has no opinion on the change, as they don't even know it exists and are not fighting against it.

posted on Jan, 23 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
My mood is perplexed as well. If they knew and had evidence years ago why did they not act on it? The destruction that has happened to our country while Biden has been propped up at the helm is massive. I imagine they had their reasons and needed to flush out all the bad actors but still at what cost?
WEF has a new plan for world domination.
Presenting "Zero Health Equity Network". Zero Health? Lol. I mean one can't make this stuff up.
Imagine Albert Bourla has signed on. That's reassuring since he has had health not money as his guiding star.

I checked to see who else signed on. Planned Parenthood, HUMA

Anyway from the looks WEF is circling up big corporations to the cause because one industry alone can't accomplish the goal.
Consider this statement..."The public sector can and must do more. We simply haven't done enough to listen and learn from those who don't consider us to be on their side." I guess we all have trust issues.
WE F's New Plan

I have been wondering about Bourla's big announcement of providing all kinds of drugs to the poor countries. I guess Pfizer needs some way to reduce their taxes after all their ill gotten profits. Maybe these dugs are expired or defective. Does anyone check or in fact care?
He has called this "An Accord For A Healthier World."

Somehow Pfizer and Health don't seem to belong in the same sentence.
Pfizer New Plan 2023 WEF

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