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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

The unnecessary capitalization reads like,

" I'D IOU G-D"


posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
This being said, Daskakik, what groups would you think would be good to get rid of or handicap if you were going to take over the world?

I bet it's the same groups that we're talking about.

Let me just say that I have seen the spitballing go from killing the old, to kids and now the middle-aged.

Now, if we are to believe the Q narrative they already took over the world and they didn't need to get rid of anybody to do it, which makes the question you ask moot.

Just more shoehorning going on, imo.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: daskakik
I ask you that question because this pic was in the first link that I clicked. I was just making sure you weren't messing with
me before I posted it......LMAO!
That is Alice on her shirt, isn't it?

The name of the girl is Isabel. It is under the "To be Thirteen Trickaidekaphobia" collection.

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago1 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:40 AM
Interesting "Pro-Life" events are happening during Pro Death DAVOS/WEF meetings.


Also interesting that the Polarity Point of "Pro-Life" is in fact "Pro-Death" where "Pro Choice" resides in the middle.

Pro-life > Pro Choice < Pro Death

Tricky language fun in the Polarity Reality. Begs the question: Is "Up" really the Polarity Point to "Down"???

m.A.L.I.C.E. Polarity Point Bot World is the only explanation for this now...

These folks aren't going to learn, best to walk away from this effort. The choices have been made, the paths are being followed, Awakening others down cannot be an active process, only passive, more by osmosis than yelling. Rest easy.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
I'm proud of him so far.........I hope he keeps it up!

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Guyfriday
This being said, Daskakik, what groups would you think would be good to get rid of or handicap if you were going to take over the world?

I bet it's the same groups that we're talking about.

Let me just say that I have seen the spitballing go from killing the old, to kids and now the middle-aged.

Now, if we are to believe the Q narrative they already took over the world and they didn't need to get rid of anybody to do it, which makes the question you ask moot.

Just more shoehorning going on, imo.

Interesting post that I can almost agree with you on.
Since nobody but you in this thread talks about Q but engage in multiple topics seeking deeper understanding of the varied topics.
The Q "plan" as you yourself helps us to be reminded why we are here.

So when you refer to,

Q narrative they already took over the world and they didn't need to get rid of anybody to do it

I agree with you that "they" refers to the elite who traffick in children for pedophile, pedovore, and organs.
And they have already taken over the world in trafficking and laundering the black market at industrial levels using art and fashion.
But they do have to get rid of everybody to get away with it, so it is not moot.
It is kinetically in motion to either finish them and end it or for them to cover it up and hide it through a reset.

Is this the Q plan you keep referring too?
I ask because for months now you are the only person that keeps referring to it.
The rest of us are caught up in the kinetic aspects to the plan where we do not allow the cover-up and we all spend time digging and exposing.
A lot of talent in this thread doing just that.

So if you and I are in agreement then we can look out for agent provocateurs that would want to interfere with the flow we are all now engaged in from so many varied and unique perspectives as a "boots on the ground" action that has captivated so many to never give up until the pedovore, pedophile trafficking is exposed and ended, at least at the industrial lvl, am-I-right?

That is the Q plan, right?
Let us avoid the agent provocateurs together and not give them room to cover up the crimes against children now that the Epstein Hollywood and Hunter Biden stuff is finally getting exposed.

For me the Q plan was always about us getting behind the exposure of child trafficking by pedophiles and pedovores.
My hope is we get to talk about what cannot be said.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

There is a Gnostic writing about how Jesus explains to one of his disciples that they are composed of a spiritual being and a physical one. These two beings are always at odds trying to achieve what's best for that part. An enlightened person is one that has gotten to the two halves to agree upon doing what is right for the other. Jesus, in this writing, warned that there are people that do not have these two sides and are either a physical being or a spiritual being, but either way they are dangerous and should not be followed.

The person that is only physical will only do what is best for the body in this world, and the being that is only spiritual will only do what they believe is best for the next world. Either one will exploit you for their own ends. The text goes on to explain the importance of listening to what the voice inside you says so that you can live in harmony with yourself, and how that is the key to heaven.

It's been so long since I've read that writing. I wish I made a copy of it or had the forethought to bring a camera that day.

Nice! Well you remembered the gist, that's the key, the hard part for of all of us is implementing it IRL. They are skilled at infecting us with their destructive virus, everyone can get knocked off course by them. The key is to stay within that inner voice. Fun fact, the self destruct if no one plays with them, quite literally.

Hylics. Dolores Canon called them "background people" we call them "NPC", I call them "m.A.L.I.C.E.'s minions."

Regardless of the title, they've been the same since long ago. What is fascinating is how much energy, time, mental and emotional effort has been spent trying to "explain" and "define" them: Psychopathic, sociopath, mother fixation, manic depressive with delusions of grandeur, the devil. Soulless pretty much defines it. This of course occurs because we've been led to believe, and cannot conceive, that not all human bodies - or internet posters, are evolving self-reflective beings with an inner voice and a divine spark.

Tell me what I've gotta do
There's no getting through to you
The lights are on but nobody's home (nobody's home)
You say I can't understand
But you're not giving me a chance
When you leave me, where do you go? (Where do you go?)

All the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

The truth is, you turn into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself

Talking to myself
Talking to myself
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself
I admit I made mistakes
But yours might cost you everything
Can't you hear me calling you home?

All the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

The truth is, you turn into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself

Talking to myself
Talking to myself
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself
All the walls that you keep building
All this time that I spent chasing
All the ways that I keep losing you

The truth is, you turn into someone else
You keep running like the sky is falling
I can whisper, I can yell
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm just talking to myself
Talking to myself
Talking to myself
But I know, yeah I know, yeah I know
I'm talking to myself

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
That's my girl!!!!! LOL. Thanks for the link I have missed a lot of news this week and had not seen this yet.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: igloo
I agree with both of you. Seems more like a cheap trick to gain attention in order to advance her career or she knows that the pervs shell out the $$$$$ to feed their pervy appetites to me.

I also see Dask's point of view, and it pisses me off further. He see's through a lens from living in a 3rd WC and the picture just looks benign. Hell, honestly it looks like something I would have tried to do at that age to see if I could wad myself up in a box of water in the Arkansas heat and humidity. Mud holes weren't even off-limits when I was a child, we'd be so happy to see water! The pedo's and their agenda is not only physically and mentally stealing the innocence of the youth they get their filthy effing hands on, but also stealing the youth of the children who make it to adulthood unscathed because none will truly be unscathed......not really. I believe at some point we will have to dedicate time and money to for a federal agency whose sole purpose will be to protect our children. Maybe thats what we should do with the 87,000 irs agents..SARC.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
"The choices have been made, the paths are followed, Awakening others down cannot be an active process, only passive, more by OSMOSIS than yelling. Rest easy."

Tom Renz has written a letter to President Trump. >Tom Renz Letter To president Trump

From what I recall President Trump really only commented on taking "a" jab early on in this whole affair. At this point most people have made their choice of whether to be jabbed or not and have created their own path. Your comment above is spot on.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:30 PM
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

Everytime I look at this it reminds me of this song I'm Only Human After All.
Youtube I'm Only Human After All

We are only human and make mistakes. With Elon Musk's tweet about the negative experience he had with the jab and his cousin suffering heart issues I sense things are about to get real.
Elon Musk Tweet

Now other prominent people are tweeting the same. The dam is breaking because ...
Oddly his tweet is not there now but the different enemedia are picking it up because the prophet Musk has spoken.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I'm sorry to hear this REL. Back to praying the hedge of protection. One for each of these 2 young ladies......Hang in there my friend!

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago1 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
EXCELLENT CLIP directly related to my post above.

Internal Dialogue. Don't have one, not an evolving Human Being = the end.

Thanks for sharing that. Boy do I have my fair share of hylics surrounding me. It can be draining at times.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:41 PM
Weird double post
edit on 21-1-2023 by MagesticEsoteric because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Taking into account everything that Q said would happen: ending the fed, draining the swamp (DC and supposedly world wide), ET disclosure and even the great awakening (which some seem to define as human spoiritual ascention) and more, I'm thinking that taking down the pedo cabal is only a small part of the plan.

Honestly, I don't think I have ever seen anyone covering up crimes here. We can no more cover them up than we can prosecute. That is why I told RookQueen "Guilt by association is pretty weak."

That is all that can be done here, imply person X is guilty of something because there is a photo of them with person Y. I've yet to see anything here actually introduced as evidence just because someone dug it up here.

edit on 21-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: igloo
I agree with both of you. Seems more like a cheap trick to gain attention in order to advance her career or she knows that the pervs shell out the $$$$$ to feed their pervy appetites to me.

I also see Dask's point of view, and it pisses me off further. He see's through a lens from living in a 3rd WC and the picture just looks benign. Hell, honestly it looks like something I would have tried to do at that age to see if I could wad myself up in a box of water in the Arkansas heat and humidity. Mud holes weren't even off-limits when I was a child, we'd be so happy to see water! The pedo's and their agenda is not only physically and mentally stealing the innocence of the youth they get their filthy effing hands on, but also stealing the youth of the children who make it to adulthood unscathed because none will truly be unscathed......not really. I believe at some point we will have to dedicate time and money to for a federal agency whose sole purpose will be to protect our children. Maybe thats what we should do with the 87,000 irs agents..SARC.

Awesome Segway for this.

Robert David Steel.
I saw multiple videos of "truthers" claiming he was gitmo'd and put to death....or died in some discredited way.
And I am still in the grey when it comes to the I.N.T.J.

I so hope they were real and had some bite.

I had a real difficult time when RDS was accused of child trafficking and coverup of it.
IMO no way did I or could I have misread him and missed tells.

Just for 1 clip alone he was 1 of my champions in this fight. (I will look for it).

Well glad he is alive.
And who is the guy to his right? I recognize him but forget his name.
Did these guys disappear until after the election and now everyone is being activated?

edit on 21-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

Ok nevermind I guess.
The bitchute video I viewed last night before bed that claimed he was still alive looks to be from this event in this YouTube video from 2018.
I was hoping he was still alive
edit on 21-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

What exactly did DJT do to this guy - assuming human soul again? Exactly?

Think about that. Folks were fine with the "conspiracy theorists" being fringeee freeeaks who thought the CIA was involved in Kennedy's death and were sure DAPRA was doing bad things. 2017, DJT, MAGA, Q arrives and those who were fine with the weirdos a year prior, now see their existence as a slight to them, and make it a mission to destroy them. WTF?

Thank you once again Cranky for so perfectly putting into words what many of us "cranky old men" are thinking.

This example with Meathead is, in a small way, similar to what I'm getting from my stepfather.

I don't want to derail too much with my own personal story, but my mother has reached the very end of her Alzheimer's "sentence". I would say she's at the end of her "fight", but there's really no fight when it comes to Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed with it years ago and it is a horrible thing to witness your parent go through. A little over 3 weeks ago, they said she had "days to a couple of weeks max". Last weekend they said she wouldn't make it through the weekend, and on Wednesday they said she wouldn't last 24 hours. She is still here, barely, and her time is obviously very near...

The point being, I have been going to see her as much as possible lately, so my stepfather and I talk a lot while I'm there. He has been part of my life since my early teens and is just as much my parent as my actual blood parents (as was my stepmother who I lost in September). He is an extremely intelligent man and he doesn't view the world through the lens of emotion like a lot of people seem to these days (i.e. the aforementioned Meathead). However he has totally been taken in by this whole bizarre anti-Trump thinking. Trump's a racist, a bigot, the leader of the insurrection, etc. He isn't filled with nostril flaring hatred, but he seems to believe in the MSM painted picture of Trump being the cause of all the problems in this country. I don't really argue with him, but I do try to point out some of the "facts" about Trump are provably untrue and are just the opinions of the hags on the View and the MSM. I will point out that there are so many other politicians who truly are dirty, both D and R (which he agrees with), but he still holds on to this Trump is the cause of all of our problems belief. It really is strange, and sad, to hear from someone I have absolute respect for and who is truly intelligent.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Yes, that is Alice and not surprising for a 13 year old to be wearing a t-shirt with her on it given that the Tim Burton movie had come out a couple years earlier.

As for my comment. You know when pics and video of Trump with Epstain and others were posted under the banner of "birds of a feather" I saw people quickly try to explain them away and that is when the penny dropped, finding pics and associations is basically just an exersice in gossip. It is damning in the court of public opinion, and even then only partially.
edit on 21-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:28 PM
2300 mirror 32

Worth remembering many meanings. An obscure interview with JE, he said the number of clients was "less than 10." The link posted in here somewhere.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
I'd bet almost a 100% of parents see through it innocently that way too, especially in rural life, where poverty makes kids improvise. I raised my kids in periods of poverty and they had to be very creative.

There is a sad reality that a tiny percentage of our so called rulers do dabble in that which destroys innocence, both childhood and adult.

Even my mind... why do I know always have to assume the worst of people/pictures when I know that it's only a tiny portion of our society doing this evil?

But this world also contains that tiny portion of kids who are being abused and it's well worth losing my innocence to keep children's innocence even if the odd artist gets unfairly analyzed. I don't mind going there and ripping an artist apart, it's even good for their career. I went to art school in the 80's and that's also why I quit. Those who "succeed" publicly tend to go to lengths beyond my comprehension and ethics.

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