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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Caled

Now this one was a trickier one to find:

From left to right:

Yoshiya Ayugai - Produces children's shows I've never heard of.

Betsy Schneider

Laura Di Trapani - Director for things like...Sesame Street.

Henry Selick - "Charles Henry Selick Jr. (/ˈsɛlɪk/; born November 30, 1952) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, production designer, and animator who is best known for directing the stop-motion animation films The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), James and the Giant Peach (1996), Monkeybone (2001), Coraline (2009), and Wendell & Wild (2022). He studied at the Program in Experimental Animation at California Institute of the Arts, under the guidance of Jules Engel. Selick is also known for his collaborations with voice actor and artist Joe Ranft." -

Greg Barsamian - Artist of weird things.

"Sweet is the Swamp with its Secrets
Until we meet a Snake;
’Tis then we sigh for houses
And our departure take
At that enthralling gallop

That only childhood knows.
A snake is summer’s treason
And guile is where it goes.

– Emily Dickinson"

"m an artist and educator who at the moment operates from three different places: Sharon, Massachusetts; Trondheim, Norway and Tempe, Arizona."

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 10:47 AM
A couple of posts above remind me.

Joe took a knee, in pewblick, for absolutely no reason as the Golden State Warrior NBA Professional Sports Entertainment "team" isn't the folks one takes a knee too. Kerr's response showed it had nothing to do with them.

The key takeaway. Joe was submitting to someone, or showing he has submitted. Remember "god willing" he will be able to explain away the documents, nothing about Hunter I guess.

KamKam said she wasn't doing that (taking a knee).

If we go after the symbolism, KamKam hasn't submitted, but is holding out. Faction Team renOgade is behind her, we know this. So what is she holding out for exactly, or, rather Team renOgade?

The other thing that is problematic from a pewblick standpoint is 3 investigations means this is going to be heard at all pewblick events: I cannot speak to that, it is part of an ongoing investigation. Folks are going to be disappointed if they hope some House Panel will blow the lid off - even more disappointed than usual.

This might be the factor, the investigations are really not of Joe, he's criminal actions are pretty clear, and he's barely alive, but are for those connected = Team renOgade and company.

All of that said, it seems to me when a deal is set with Team renOgade/KamKam Joe takes a knee for good.

Kev is third in line.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Cranky this may be something or maybe not but in that tweet by Hanks the certificate is signed by Albert Einstein. I'm currently going through the X-files because of #4966
The agent working with Scully is named Agent Einstein.

Just to put the icing on the cake Tom Hanks is currently eating his last meal.
Hanks Dishes About Tom Cruise Cake

Hmmm Tom Cruise looked positively terrified, as in for real, in the movie "The War of the Worlds."
Youtube War of the Worlds

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
True, but the pedo stuff is real even if this isn't the perfect example to be used.

Never said it wasn't real.

People are awakening to the symbolism being put in their faces that is not necessary. What if that was a dead child, theoretically? It does imply a child under water in a small box regardless of the innocence of the picture, or not.

That is you adding stuff to it.

To me it shows a girl that lives in poverty who turned a plastic storage box into a makeshift pool to beat the heat.

Maybe it is my 3rd world POV but, to me, it is something a kid, whose parents can't afford a pool, would do. Sure the girl and some elements are positioned to make the photo more artistic but it only becomes something morbid in the mind of some.

edit on 20-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
No, I don't know and don't really see much point in digging. Makes no difference. Guilt by association is pretty weak.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:45 AM

Worth remembering that time Joe broke his foot [old man bones heal slow], yet, a few days later he was just fine.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: crankyoldman
Cranky this may be something or maybe not but in that tweet by Hanks the certificate is signed by Albert Einstein. I'm currently going through the X-files because of #4966
The agent working with Scully is named Agent Einstein.

Just to put the icing on the cake Tom Hanks is currently eating his last meal.
Hanks Dishes About Tom Cruise Cake

Hmmm Tom Cruise looked positively terrified, as in for real, in the movie "The War of the Worlds."
Youtube War of the Worlds

Haha, I've eaten the Tom Cruise cake, it is good.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 12:00 PM
Circling back to book review time .

"Warp Speed" by Paul Wango.

I previously did a review on this book and felt like there I got that one covered. But last night I woke up with a start and realized names were named, as in all names involved with Operation Warp Speed except for one> Mike Pence!

This morning I went back through the book and he is not mentioned by name, or at least none that I could find, but simply as Vice President. President Trump's name crops up continuously.
Mike Pence Falsely Gives Credit To Trump

Anytime the Operation Warp Speed topic comes up everyone says that Trump doesn't have a chance because he was directly involved with promoting the Covid jab. Now we have Pence trying to throw his name in the hat to run for President.

Quick recap in the book... the Warp Speed Team all recognized that President Trump was empowering. He was not at all the meetings. He delegated responsibility directly to Pence to be there and coordinate the operation. Reading through this book he seems to be like Kamala at the border, MIA. There is no mention of him with any direct "hands on/ boots on the ground" in the meetings. Meanwhile the situation between the various team members were disfunctional at best. The only reason that the jabs ever got to market was because of Pfizer.
President Trump delegated this responsibility to Pence and Pence is accountable.

Then we have the January 6th so called insurrection [17].
Mike pence at January 6th Insurrection
Very curious why he would have his brother, daughter and wife there.

Another Book...
"So Help Me God" by Mike Pence.
So Help Me God by Mike Pence

Just a couple of takeaways.
Past proves future. Mike Pence was a youth co-ordinator for the local Democratic party. So which side was he really on?
President Trump consulted with Pence about the rally and asked if it was a good idea. Pence thought it was great. After it was over Trump asked "What if we hadn't had the rally?"

My Last Days With Trump
Lincoln Project.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Just the fact they are looking at a post-Schawb WEF might say a little bit more than just about his age.

I had quite the wild night sleep wise. It just hit me. There is an alternate WEF!

Just bear with me but #4963 [clip]

FF just look focus is on [top] of FOCUS! We need to focus on FOCUS!

October 12, 2022 Scott Free made a $15 million donation to Vision Spring [ Watch the water] who provides glasses to farmers in developing countries so that they have better focus by 2030.
On World Vision Day. Time to show the world.
Needless to say this has nothing to do with their health but rather to increase profits from picking tea, coffee, cocoa and artesian workers.

Wandering over to Vision Spring...
Vision Spring

This leads directly to the Skoll Foundation ie Skoll World Forum.

Maybe this is the WEF backup. A WEF in sheep's clothing!

They have these forums each year with the next slated for April12-14th in Oxford. Oddly Stacey Abrams was a keynote speaker in 2021. She sure gets around.
Jeffrey Skolls created this foundation in 1999. He is part of the gang belonging to the Giving Pledge.
Meet Jeff Skolls

I took a look at the Skoll Global Threats Fund Sunset 2017.
It could be my imagination but this looks like a cross over of the WEF.
BONO @ Skolls World Forum 2017 < Worth a listen.
The colors of the background are WEF colors.
This is the social side of WEF. Cross genders, Orphanages, social action to remove guns, Ethiopia/Tedros/WHO.
Gem Skoll Foundation Secret Child Locations? Bono laughs in the meeting about being at an orphanage.

If that isn't enough Bill Gates and Warren Buffet family funding connection to Skolls.

This looks like WEF's horizontal partner. Activism, Social Entrepreneurs and Journeys into Commerce.
Listening to the WEF meeting with Moderna there is that recognition that the behavioral sciences are needed to get people to go along with the "plan". Brute force isn't enough. Social engineering and manipulation go hand in hand.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: crankyoldman

This is pretty crazy...

ME The other day

So funny you say this, I was just saying this last night.

With Qglasses and Hindsight.

Agnew was pushed out replace by Ford. Ford, Warren Commission Ford, replaced Dick. So now we know the C_A meddled in the JFK killing, Ford Covered It Up, replaced Nixon, who wasn't a Deep State favorite at all. Makes one wonder.

Now watch this CLIP

Wow, we were little when Nixon resigned, but I actually remember how happy our parents were about it. It’s mind blowing how effective the Ene-media has been at shaping the narrative, lol, and prior to that how books and documents were purposely falsified to re-write History. The see 👁 a needs to go away !

A few thoughts on the photo of the little girl in the tub in Jamie Lee’s home, knowing art is subjective and that parents have been photographing their kids naked forever ( tons of tv and film moments of how mortified kids and teens are when Mom whips out those photos and shows them to others ) Who puts large framed pics of Other peoples naked kids on their walls ? The contortionist ability of that kid may be impressive from a parents POV, but there is also a really creepy vibe to that pic. Maybe, maybe one might use that pic in a bathroom setting, but the dining room ? This isn’t a cute naked baby pic, that little girl is too old to be photographed like this, imo.

Totally agree with you on this. Yes, if it was your child I can see maybe hanging it in your bathroom but someone else's kid?

Not only does it seem creepy but I can't see the "artistry" in it. None of her photos either, went through the slideshows. None of it is framed well, colour is blah, etc.

Petty of me, I know, but she puts herself out there as an artist/photographer. To be honest, seeing she is well connected in someone's later post says a lot. Not proof, but a maybe.

The kid in the tub reminds me of my youngest son at that age. He'd practise holding his breath in the bath and the first few times it scared the hell out of me to see him laying there, underwater, eyes open and still. The photo does evoke a bit of that for me and I can see a parent taking the picture of their kid like this. My kids often made "pools" out of stuff too but it's not gallery material.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
True, but the pedo stuff is real even if this isn't the perfect example to be used.

Never said it wasn't real.

People are awakening to the symbolism being put in their faces that is not necessary. What if that was a dead child, theoretically? It does imply a child under water in a small box regardless of the innocence of the picture, or not.

That is you adding stuff to it.

To me it shows a girl that lives in poverty who turned a plastic storage box into a makeshift pool to beat the heat.

Maybe it is my 3rd world POV but, to me, it is something a kid, whose parents can't afford a pool, would do. Sure the girl and some elements are positioned to make the photo more artistic but it only becomes something morbid in the mind of some.

The photo Caled shared above shows the Mom/Photographer rubbing elbows with other “artists”, don’t think her or her kids are poor. Either way, people selling naked pics of their kids and strangers hanging them in their homes is strange imo.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Cranky I just came across something. This can't be a fluke.

Take the first letter of each sentence> WWW. [M] WIKI HTPA
Hypothalamic- Pituitary-Adrenalaxis Wiki

This seems to connect to the immune system which has been repressed. Any idea how the [M] fits in? Maybe multiple links?
You've written a lot about this so this seems like confirmation. As the post says knowledge and information is power. We don't know what we don't know.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Caled
How is your humming sound today?
Mine has turned into a really loud buzz. It has been going all night and is just getting louder. I'm going to have to stop for now because it is so loud I can barely hear. Very strange. Normally I can just ignore it.
Does yours start and stop at certain times?

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
I can agree that it is strange and I wouldn't do either of those things.

Also, I get the argument that some art is rooted in shady activity but there is an obvious effort to lie when someone takes that picture, uses a low-res version or even pixlates it and says it is a dead girl in a suitcase.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Take the first letter of each sentence> WWW. [M] WIKI HTPA

4946 u shure?

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Take the first letter of each sentence> WWW. [M] WIKI HTPA

4946 u shure? is #4966

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 02:15 PM
Today everything seems in the sound is there, but normal volume. Not particularly loud today. It might have a beat today, but there is too much background noise for me to be sure.

Sometimes it kind of pulsates like a "wummmm....wummmm...."

There was also one time a few nights ago when it just stopped suddenly. 11:45pm. I looked at the clock because that weirded me out. Never had that happen before. There can be times it fades out or I can't hear it...but it's never turned off suddenly like that.

I have noticed an increase in volume sometimes when I'm experiencing negative feelings.

It never gets so loud that I can't hear, but it can get loud enough that I can't think about anything else.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Caled
How is your humming sound today?
Mine has turned into a really loud buzz. It has been going all night and is just getting louder. I'm going to have to stop for now because it is so loud I can barely hear. Very strange. Normally I can just ignore it.
Does yours start and stop at certain times?

edit on 1/20/2023 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 02:59 PM
"Mankind" = The "Point" in www.

edit on 20/1/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1


posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 03:43 PM
QTSR Jan 20:

Bigger pic of doc Sorry, I don't have link to actual document but here is a goog search that shows this is from March 2022.
edit on 1/20/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

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