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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 05:39 PM
Could be nothing, just interesting to me. Seems @Hanks hasn't tweeted for years. Yes, years.


edit on 19-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:32 PM
This guy is beyond insufferable, well I say "guy" in the colloquial sense. CLIP

Curious, these DNA changers need the tracking system to track the DNA changes???

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

"New Vaccines"?

Really, so how many will die this time.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 10:59 PM

A little slow around here, so enjoy a few moments with the most powerful man in the world, 81m votes, 150 years in government, Commander In Chief of the most power military every created, shilled for by millions of online devotees.

Behold the glory.



Inversion of the Inversion. Put Joe out there, get him among the people, show them how powerful he is.... INVERSION... Joe looks frail, feeble, hopeless, lost, confused... INVERSION... set Joe up for the 25th by showing the world... INVERSION... Joe has been incompetent, corrupt, perverted, controlled by others all along and we need to dig deep.

Without the press protecting Joe, and in turn feeding the Trolls/Shills/Sycophants their daily mind control Joe is cooked. CLIP

This is pretty crazy...

ME The other day

So funny you say this, I was just saying this last night.

With Qglasses and Hindsight.

Agnew was pushed out replace by Ford. Ford, Warren Commission Ford, replaced Dick. So now we know the C_A meddled in the JFK killing, Ford Covered It Up, replaced Nixon, who wasn't a Deep State favorite at all. Makes one wonder.

Now watch this CLIP

edit on 19-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Just the fact they are looking at a post-Schawb WEF might say a little bit more than just about his age.

posted on Jan, 19 2023 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Was the response on twitter? I'd like to go and read the responses she got back on her response.
Also the picture of the shirtless child with black eyes,,,,,where was it from? Sick bastards!

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
Pics taken by Betsy Schneider.

Honestly, while some of the pics might make the viewer uncomfortable, that is kinda the point.This is how some people live.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 01:23 AM

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: RookQueen
Pics taken by Betsy Schneider.

Honestly, while some of the pics might make the viewer uncomfortable, that is kinda the point.This is how some people live.

True, but the pedo stuff is real even if this isn't the perfect example to be used. People are awakening to the symbolism being put in their faces that is not necessary. What if that was a dead child, theoretically? It does imply a child under water in a small box regardless of the innocence of the picture, or not.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

McCarthy has come out swinging.


posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 03:21 AM
So .....

- Baldwin to (finally) be charged

- Ultra-left NZ PM to step down

- Gates and Soros blew off the WEF meeting

- Congress has to get their a**es into the workplace to cast votes

Not earth shaking yet, but it is a refreshing breeze.


posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

This is pretty crazy...

ME The other day

So funny you say this, I was just saying this last night.

With Qglasses and Hindsight.

Agnew was pushed out replace by Ford. Ford, Warren Commission Ford, replaced Dick. So now we know the C_A meddled in the JFK killing, Ford Covered It Up, replaced Nixon, who wasn't a Deep State favorite at all. Makes one wonder.

Now watch this CLIP

Wow, we were little when Nixon resigned, but I actually remember how happy our parents were about it. It’s mind blowing how effective the Ene-media has been at shaping the narrative, lol, and prior to that how books and documents were purposely falsified to re-write History. The see 👁 a needs to go away !

A few thoughts on the photo of the little girl in the tub in Jamie Lee’s home, knowing art is subjective and that parents have been photographing their kids naked forever ( tons of tv and film moments of how mortified kids and teens are when Mom whips out those photos and shows them to others ) Who puts large framed pics of Other peoples naked kids on their walls ? The contortionist ability of that kid may be impressive from a parents POV, but there is also a really creepy vibe to that pic. Maybe, maybe one might use that pic in a bathroom setting, but the dining room ? This isn’t a cute naked baby pic, that little girl is too old to be photographed like this, imo.
edit on 20-1-2023 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:17 AM
Here's an eye opener

Biden documents probe means US has 3 special counsel investigations at once. What are they? 1-20-2023

The circumstances that justify a special counsel have been rare enough they tended to operate one at a time for relatively high-profile inquiries. But now there are three special counsels operating at once. That’s in addition to prosecutors tapped for special inquiries as part of their regular jobs. The special counsels include:......

Cut to the Chase

John Durham


Romans- also Luke

GOD Bless

edit on 1202023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:18 AM
I noticed yesterday, while touring storm damage in California with Gavin Newsome, Joe Biden stated clearly, "no regrets " In a prepared statement.
In game theory this is done when the Nash equilibrium is reached. Interesting, this could be a signal to other players.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
I have been looking through tweets about Covid and the WEF.

This is absurd. The recommendation is that attendees should be jabbed and then it is mandatory that they have to do a test before being allowed to attend any of the meetings. If they test positive then their badges are deactivated. If these jabs work so well than why do they need to test? Should be fun to see how they enjoy be at the receiving end of surveillance.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the
vast majority of communications is only defeated by..........
Game Theory.

Anyway that might explain why there were so many empty seats at the beginning.
Health and Security at WEF

Which leads us to that they have not taken the jab because after all it was only recommended. The instructions do not require them to provide "proof" of being jabbed.
Meanwhile there are those on Twitter saying just look we told you it was airborne so masks work. So where are the masks?
Looks like except for the "help" they all appear to be wandering around maskless.
They have been promoting endlessly the digital vaccine passport so why aren't they using that?
Anyway just some observations.

edit on 20-1-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

I think the picture is extremely disturbing but if you have followed this thread and believe in many of things being said about the Hollywood elites I think people need to start to realize they are not like other people. They have a belief system that they have been indoctrinated with for decades and actually believe things are normal that most people would highly question.

It's my opinion this is just one more example being thrown in out face of what they believe in and what they consider normal. The Movie and Music industry is a cesspool of degeneracy and have been basically since its creation.

Its really apparent when you start to see the replies on David Crosby. Even by his own account he was an asshole but many still hold him on a pedestal for what he did for his day job. I do not have Twitter so I cannot confirm myself but I heard on the radio this morning that he tweeted on Wednesday something along the lines of "I heard Heaven is overrated and cloudy". Sound like a guy that knows he isn't going to heaven or wants to go to heaven to me.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Learn something new everyday, Nash Equilibrium means to not change one’s strategy, stay the course, same old Playbook kinda thing. Joe could very well be signaling to others to not deviate from the narrative that this is a nothing burger and of course they’ve done the “right thing” either way !

I wonder if the expression “Nashing your teeth” comes from this ?

a reply to : Charliebrowndog

Yeah, I agree, these are the folks that brought us movies like “Pretty Baby”….uggg
As for David Crosby, if there’s anyone who should be humble about “Devine Intervention” it’s him, he was on deaths doorstep when he received a liver transplant in the final hour, even though he was a hardcore druggy and alcoholic.
edit on 20-1-2023 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 08:17 AM
It might mean that someone, a "player "or "players" is/are either considering "coming clean" or like you wrote considering "changing strategy". It could be a message to the Davos group to stay the course, maybe Klaus and Gates had some concerns?

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

Learn something new everyday, Nash Equilibrium means to not change one’s strategy, stay the course, same old Playbook kinda thing. Joe could very well be signaling to others to not deviate from the narrative that this is a nothing burger and of course they’ve done the “right thing” either way !

I wonder if the expression “Nashing your teeth” comes from this ?

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 08:23 AM


Directly following the inauguration last week:

– Sanders issued an executive order banning critical race theory from Arkansas schools,

– She called for a review of previous executive orders, including jettisoning those related to COVID,

– She ordered a reduction of state government rules and regulations,

– She called for cutting of waste in unemployment insurance,

– She enacted a state hiring freeze,

– She ordered protection of technology from adversaries like China, and

– She ordered that official state communication was not to use “culturally insensitive words,” like the artificial term “Latinx.”

Further, on Monday she tweeted to Arkansans what is most certainly a challenge to The Obiden Regime and the sundry swamp creatures.

“[T]he meddling hand of big government creeping down from

Washington DC will be stopped cold at the Mississippi River.”

edit on 1202023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: daskakik
Okay so has this artist been associated with any Pedos that you know of? I'll try to dig when I get a chance if you do not know.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:09 AM
I can't post the higher resolution picture. I didn't realize it was a girl in the tub until I found the details. A lot of sites have removed this picture already.

Scroll down to:

"“Exposure” at the Photographic Resource Center"

"The Photographic Resource Center's 14th annual juried exhibit "Exposure" is one of those half-fun, half-infuriating roundups of emerging art that maybe gives you a glimpse of the future. This year the 14 photographers picked by guest juror Russell Hart, executive editor of “American Photo” magazine, hail from as far away as Albuquerque and as nearby as Cambridge. Half of the artists focus on families, children, coming of age — a coincidence rather than a sign of any trend.

The pictures that stick with me include Betsy Schneider's “The Tub,” a shot of a little nude girl curled up fetal-like in a plastic tub of water; Beth Lilly's photos of trees pruned so that they seem to dance the limbo around utility wires; Elizabeth Fleming's “Pink Shoes,” glimpsing, from the back seat of a mini van, the pink glory of a little girl's feet propped up on the back of the seat in front of her; and Kevin Van Aelst's inventive transformations of everyday stuff — hair near a drain becomes the curve of an EKG, sugar packets dumped onto a restaurant table form a giant fingerprint. The highlights are catchy single images — not groups — that plumb mysteries in the quotidian."

If you'd like a better understanding of her works, I recommend "Sweet is the Swamp."

Click on "Sweet is the Swamp" then "show thumbnails" in the lower right of the page to see all the pictures on one page.

Or maybe the voyeuristic "Via Skype" with this hit:

Look familiar?

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: daskakik
Okay so has this artist been associated with any Pedos that you know of? I'll try to dig when I get a chance if you do not know.

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