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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 03:54 PM
This has been posted quite a few times, with good reason.

My own personal experience has me reflecting on this a bit. Recently through happenchance I learned that one who sought revenge on me for, quite literally, a perceived slight, has wound up below the bottom of the self-destruction ladder. A 25 year journey to destroy me created a spectacular fall from an inexplicable effort. 20+ objective folks, way back in time, were mystified, as there was no rational reason at all.

That said, it should be noted there is nothing satisfying about it for me. Karmic lords or just the results of misguided insanity, the end was predicted by me way back, and even so, there is little in the way of "movie ending" type satisfaction.

There is an entire genre of Korean Revenge films, which explore the idea of seeking revenge for all manner of slights, real or perceived, and the results are often met with more questions than answers. The Koreans have trouble with embarking on the effort, often resulting in two graves being filled.

The preamble done. This brings me to my point. There are a lot of folks whose irrational hatred for MAGA, DJT, Q folks etc. is rooted in nothing but a perceived slight. Ignoring the non-human contributions, and the contrast aspect, there are folks that want a whole swath of humanity punished, destroyed, and dead for no objective reason. Folks they didn't want destroyed prior to 2016.

What exactly did DJT do to this guy - assuming human soul again? Exactly?

Think about that. Folks were fine with the "conspiracy theorists" being fringeee freeeaks who thought the CIA was involved in Kennedy's death and were sure DAPRA was doing bad things. 2017, DJT, MAGA, Q arrives and those who were fine with the weirdos a year prior, now see their existence as a slight to them, and make it a mission to destroy them. WTF?

I'll assume the Krazysteeens, Mikey Rot and such are actually evolving humans for a second. Their irrational hatred, endless anger and frothing at the mouth rage at folks who have done nothing to them personally, results in what for them in the end? Mikey Rot, 5 years, books, hate upon hate, rage upon rage, and for what? Hurt feelings related to "the way DJT speaks?"

Sure, they don't care, don't believe in karma, don't think life means anything, it's all joke and we die,,, blah blah blah, but that doesn't justify anything. If that is truly what they believe, and life has no ultimate post-body meaning, then why waste it seeking revenge on people who have done nothing to warrant it? Those who damaged them I can understand, but random people in the world?

Imagine waking up one day a just tossing your life away because a guy on the other side of the world thinks "Q" is helping something called The Great Awakening. Imagine ignoring the beauty of the world, by accessing the deepest levels of hate, anger, rage, and seeking revenge on a woman posting "The Great Awakening means NCSWIC."

The effort alone is self-destructive, as in my case the last 25 years of this individual's life was hell, and, it had absolutely no impact on me whatsoever. I actually made specific efforts to steer this misguided energy into something fulfilling early on, before I let it fall and walked very far away.

I myself cannot imagine doing this for any reason, yet I witnessed it. Crazy, insane, mental patient, irrational sociopathic behavior, ascribe any diagnosis to it and it all looks the same. I lived a great life, oblivious that the hatred was still going on.

Tossing a life away because DJT says things a funny way, or "it's his ego" or spending 5+ years attacking Q folks because "it's a stupid cult LARP waste of time," as if one is being damaged by those involved is not the definition of insanity, it is the definition of abject self-destruction.

At least drug addicts are getting high. They get something out of the self-destruction that makes some sense, but this is beyond all rational explanation.

Fine, one gets paid to do it, it isn't personal, is one theme. Which, the individual who wasted their life on this toward me thought the same thing according to several objective folks - besides being a life goal, it was a job. I agreed from a metaphysical POV, but pushing that aside, does spewing the hate and rage at one who has done nothing to warrant it absolve the individual of the "karmic return" simple because the magic words are uttered... "it's my job?"

This individual in my experience thought all of the above "justifications" would result in rewards, even if they could not be articulated. Are all of those wasting the energy on the DJT/MAGA/Q hate seeking rewards? Likely no, they don't believe in Karmic Rewards, Golden Rule, Beauty of Life, All Is One etc. so the reasons for the self-destructive effort are inexplicable from any objective POV.

From my experience the proverbial chickens come home to roost on this stuff, and in 2023. Not for the bots, the droids and the soulless, of which most of this hate nonsense is, but for the few Human Souled Beings who decided to appoint themselves the victims of Q/MAGA/Great Awakening, and spew rage, hate, anger and the rest at a perceived slight, things will get rough.

Will they know, will the connect the events that led to the downfall, will they care? No, there will be no revelatory moment, only a kind of spiritual oblivion resulting in what some live by, "life is meaningless and you die so who cares..."

For many life is this, a one off, for many it is not, and weaving these events into the tapestry of our own process can be mind boggling to say the least. Is this the lifetime to spew hate at windmills, or is this person now simply hate personified? Do the hate filled even know they are?

Time is precious now, even for the young, spending it on Revenge type scenarios on either side of the mirror is a very bad idea, I've seen it, and the fruition of this personal event happened as I expected and when, even if happenchance was how I found out how and when it fit the timeline.

edit on 20-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Your doing it again Dask, i ponder if you know you are doing it, no more energy from me, good luck n blessings Dask.

Wee noospheric dive produced and very strongly BEE's, world over bee's hum, nite n day, the collective hum changed lately, not much happens without the bee's being in play, so what are the bee's saying ?, hive mind point of view needed here imo, wasps in confusion atm, So when a new mind-Queen starts off anew as such , it goes high in the sky to the really only male bee's in hive, gets long term preggies and starts new hive, i had talked to bee's on where i live yesterday, watched a wasp repeatedly prancing around entry points but then going to any dead bee's around to salvage, scavenge off the bodies, theys know they lost and organising the shadows as they have done in past resets etc, even this is not working for them lol, last few days some unknown to public putrids arrived this area of world, bee's told me, will keep sensing on that facet, ancient totems are coming into play and new ones lately created, also the owl has new eyes, the Eagle-kahu new light n lite coloured feathers, as in big pic nite and day, all the white washing needs to be, for now, the new painting continues, when it gets realllly hot, what is desired ?, as bee's will sit flapping their wings at the entrance to hive, putrids move to cooler climate, when back when the collective mind and or noosphere was won ( now won won now ), Q was loaded n prepped, the Bee's knew.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: 13Kiwi20qYes
Your doing it again Dask, i ponder if you know you are doing it...

Sure, I am expressing my lack of trust in "The Plan" and, in the spirit of the rest of your post, opting not to be part of your hive mind.

That part is ironic, since Q loved saying that they were fighting for free thinkers. The road to hell and all that jazz, I guess.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 06:49 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: MountainLaurel
I can agree that it is strange and I wouldn't do either of those things.

Also, I get the argument that some art is rooted in shady activity but there is an obvious effort to lie when someone takes that picture, uses a low-res version or even pixlates it and says it is a dead girl in a suitcase.

Completely dismissing the interpretative nature of the visual arts....

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Completely dismissing the interpretative nature of the visual arts....

I thought I was pointing out why the interpretative nature of the visual arts makes some people see some really sick stuff while some of us just see normal life stuff.

Oh yeah, and messing with the appearance of the piece and saying it is something it isn't is interfereing with the interpretative nature of the visual arts. They know they are going to pull on heartstrings with the changes they make. That is how propaganda works.

edit on 20-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 08:39 PM
Look at that Hanks was mentioned, now trending.

Little girl Lindsey was in Ukraine complaining about something. Why is that Reps seem to feel they no longer rep the local folks, but in fact represent constituents in the rest of the world? Did the constituents in the US send their reps to DAVOS/WEF to make sure their local interstate is maintained?

Worth remembering.

Salient Point

q jfk

The recent release of the C_A + JFK connections is bigger than folks realize. While it went over with a poof and a whisper, it still matters. It spurred the CIA's concerted effort to discredit anyone who didn't swallow the Original Narrative (which must be a lie and was proven so recently) through the Conspiracy Theory Guide Handbook.

It is sort of the finger in the vibrational dyke. The biggie, the one we all wanted the answer to, it was also the CIA's crown jewel, likely the "sign up with us and you'll get to know who did it" sort of thing. If there was a thing we needed to know, we all felt was part of us, a mystery wrapped in an enigma, the JFK hit was it.

I sense this clears this way for more, much more, but with it comes the overwhelm. A quick glance through the recent posts here shows a lot of "jab does this" posts, this suggests a shift. As more information arrives like the CIA/JFK reveal, D5 will come, it will be too much for most, too much to share, unsatisfying to say to others "see I told you the CIA was involved, why didn't you believe me" etc.

Very interesting times we live in, likely the most interesting ever.
edit on 20-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

What exactly did DJT do to this guy - assuming human soul again? Exactly?

Rob Reiner has been a part of Hollywood for a very long time, so if you want to know what Trump did to him... well, it probably has to do with the exposure of all the pedo and human sex trafficking Hollywood has been center of for all these years. Nobody there is innocent in knowing and not exposing. Not Betty White, not the Reagans, not George Burns, not anyone. The question with his behavior is, "What is Robby doing where he's so afraid?"

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:42 PM
EXCELLENT CLIP directly related to my post above.

Internal Dialogue. Don't have one, not an evolving Human Being = the end.

posted on Jan, 20 2023 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

There is a Gnostic writing about how Jesus explains to one of his disciples that they are composed of a spiritual being and a physical one. These two beings are always at odds trying to achieve what's best for that part. An enlightened person is one that has gotten to the two halves to agree upon doing what is right for the other. Jesus, in this writing, warned that there are people that do not have these two sides and are either a physical being or a spiritual being, but either way they are dangerous and should not be followed.

The person that is only physical will only do what is best for the body in this world, and the being that is only spiritual will only do what they believe is best for the next world. Either one will exploit you for their own ends. The text goes on to explain the importance of listening to what the voice inside you says so that you can live in harmony with yourself, and how that is the key to heaven.

It's been so long since I've read that writing. I wish I made a copy of it or had the forethought to bring a camera that day.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:22 AM
More personal anecdotal evidence of potential vax reduced immunity and adverse reactions:

1) My eldest daughter is being fast-tracked for a breast cancer screening after finding a lump. I'd note that no blood relatives for 4 generations have had a cancer.

2) Her best friend at primary school went to the doc for depression and was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer... she is only 37 with 3 young kids. Her ma was a close friend of mine and my vice chairwoman when I headed the school PTA, so I've known the daughter since she was 4.

Various docs have been tweeting for months that there are large increases in fast growing cancers since the vax started.

I'm starting to wonder if it's actually the "middle" generation dying that will have the most impact:

a) They look after the younger generation,
b) They look after the older generation,
c) They are the main assets of the workforce; experienced, skilled and understanding of needs.

Bring on the 6000 cures and the Medbeds!!!

edit on 21-1-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

From the standpoint of world domination, it would make sense.

The young can easily be replaced, and the elderly can't physically put up a massive fight (as a whole. One on one those old folks can wreck hell on an individual). Taking out the middle-aged group removes the ability to make more healthy children, prevents a lot of care for the elderly, and limits any meaningful resistance.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Exactly, Guy!

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:57 AM

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Taking out the middle-aged group removes the ability to make more healthy children...

Teens can make kids just fine and they are the ones who have always been inscripted/drafted to fight, at least in their late teens.

Come to think of it, what kind of resistance are you talking about and, have the middle-aged group given any hint of actually giving any?

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:25 AM
What if Putin swung in like TARZAN and saved the US from something bad, like a terrorist attack or aliens?
(free in HD)

I would settle for some 9/11 evidence.

Interesting afterthought that:

and the Gematria = PUTIN

edit on 21-1-2023 by FlyingFox because: oh my, this is fun

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Teens can give birth to healthy children; it does happen all the time. Though if there are no doctors and only teens and old people, the chance of a successful birth goes down.

There has been little to no resistance yet, but if one was to happen this group would be the most dangerous since they have the most experience and physical capability to fight.

Something else to think about when it comes to the group of middle-aged people. A better term would be Childbearing age, since teens as well and people up to their early 50s are all able to provide healthy off-spring. This being said, Daskakik, what groups would you think would be good to get rid of or handicap if you were going to take over the world?

I bet it's the same groups that we're talking about.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Tom's last twit cog

Mot is in Jewish lore, a Demon of death who hovers around dying people. Mot means “death” in Hebrew. Passages in the Old Testament refer to him as Death. In Greek lore, he is the son of Kronos, the god of time. The Phoenicians called him “Death” and “Pluto,” lord of the

Mot (Phoenician: 𐤌𐤕 mūt, Hebrew: מות māweṯ, Arabic: موت mawt) was the Canaanite god of death and the Underworld. He was also known to the people of Ugarit and in Phoenicia, where Canaanite religion was widespread.
In Ugaritic myth, Mot (spelled mt) is a personification of death

edit on 2023/1/21 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 08:55 AM
The richest woman in Scotland has just been charged with human trafficking.

Stagecoach co-founder Dame Ann Gloag charged with human trafficking offences

It is deeply ironic that Dame Ann actually funds an Eastern European charity called the Open Door Foundation whose job it is to stop the trafficking of poor women into sex crimes.

Deeply ironic indeed.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: 13Kiwi20qYes

These BEES sound quite interesting. I wonder if it effected their flying? I know I've had a nightmare where I am a passenger on board s plane. I fall asleep on plane. Pilot exits plan without telling anyone. I awaken in the cockpit and need to learn to fly the plane in midfligjt. I wonder if this BEE problem is similar to my flying nightmare.

On another note, it is going to be interesting in seeing who was responsible for telling the operator they were acting. They sort of pieces it together on their own. Now, it's like a game of hot potato. Everyone is asking where the Potato went, while the poor chap who does have it is trying to figure out how to throw it, but nobody is paying attention.

On a positive note, I have a feeling everyone, including myself, are about to have our collective minds blown

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

That reads like a list of the low and mouthy.


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