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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
Thank you for helping me understand. It is complicated because one would expect that we would hopefully do the right thing but I guess that is a mute point since everything is legal based.

I am sorry for your losses. I am at 7 with more in the wings. It is like being in a horror movie. Then there are those that are developing all kinds of unexpected illnesses when they have been very healthy. No one relates it to the jab though.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Actually, I saw that tidbit shared by theredneck in this thread but it isn't like I didn't already know it.

Yeah, I equated nucleic acids with proteins incorrectly because one is formed from the other but the action of digestion would be the same for both.

You really go out of your way to try and make things about you.

edit on 18-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Actually, I saw that tidbit shared by theredneck in this thread but it isn't like I didn't already know it.

Yeah, I equated amino acids with proteins incorrectly because one is formed from the other but the action of digestion would be the same for both.

You really go out of your way to try and make things about you.

However, Your interpretation on the “digestion” of cellular proteins is not accurate

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Sakiale
I've had that thought too, but I'm still not gonna get the vaccine.

Right and I don't think it is fair to say it is because the jab has you shaking in your boots.

Here is how things went down in my home. Avoided the rona for a long time. Wife had to get jabbed because of work, daughter chose to and I figured what the heck, for her.

Over a year later my wife feels a slight fever and scratchy throat. Gets tested and comes back positive. All cleared up by the next afternoon. Daughter then gets sick and spends 2 days under the weather and bounces back.

Youngest daughter is not jabbed and my wife asks, do you think we should get her vaccinated. I said no, she is young, healthy and her immune system is already taking care of it. Here is the thing, and yes it is anecdotal, she spent almost 3 months with a cough that she just couldn't shake. Had a runny nose very sporadically but the cough was there all along and then it was gone.

Me, I didn't even get soreness at the jab site and, even though the rona was around, didn't even experience a sniffle from it. So, while people seem to like saying I was full of fear over one, the other or both, I really wasn't.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
However, Your interpretation on the “digestion” of cellular proteins is not accurate

It isn't like I wrote an essay on it. All I said was that, like proteins, the mRNA would be broken down.

Honestly, how are you going to critique the accuracy of something I never really even went into?

edit on 18-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: daskakik

While I am extremely apprehensive about the vaccine - and in fact, just about all pharmaceutical 'medicine', I'm refusing it more out of principle than fear. The tactics they used to try to coerce and/or bribe people into taking the vaccine had the exact opposite effect, as well as seeing several people I know who had gotten it get sick and even regret ever taking it.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

To answer you question, without a joke, I am a lighted skinned latino that tans well and I live in what I like to call "Hell's waiting room".

Ok that was also kinda of a joke but it means I live in a desert so, while I don't take Vit D, I get tons of sunshine.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Sakiale
I get what you are saying. It was certainly pushed too fast and too hard but there is a distinction between those who avoided long enough to see it didn't work that well and also that the CV predictions fell really short to chose just not to take it. That isn't a choice made from the fear/love dichotomy proposed here.

At the same time there do seem to be people who are avoiding it because it is the mark of the beast, a depop or even mind control tool. That moves away from a reasoned choice made based on the info available to you and into a fear driven choice. Just seems odd that people can't see where that actually would be in the fear/love dichotomy.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Sakiale

That is exactly what raised the red flag for me. The hysteria created really made me feel uncomfortable then when the mandates started coming in I knew I made the correct choice. Unfortunately my wife and kids did take it. None of us have gotten anything worse than what I would call a bad cold and I hope it stays that way.

My mom who was 73 at the time was I believe vaccine injured after having a stroke soon after the vaccine and has never recovered. My dad who will be 79 in March said he will not get another vaccine.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 03:50 PM
Here is some interesting Future Proves Past stuff.


IN THE MONTHS leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter.

This one says POTUS, could that not mean DJT, as often POTUS meant either renOgade or Joe? Yet, the date is an election delta, so it could be related to DJT's last tweet before being banned.

Last Tweet.

Or it could reference the now famous tweet...

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 05:34 PM
They Won't Be able to walk down the street


edit on 1182023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:03 PM

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
However, Your interpretation on the “digestion” of cellular proteins is not accurate

It isn't like I wrote an essay on it. All I said was that, like proteins, the mRNA would be broken down.

Honestly, how are you going to critique the accuracy of something I never really even went into?

How can I critique the accuracy? Do you mean, you don’t appreciate people quoting one liners and arguing for arguing sake? Interesting.

On page 158 you said “I understand the science and didn’t fear the possibility of adverse effects”
You said “it isn’t going to survive the digestive system, it is a protein chain and part of what our guts do is break proteins down”
There’s also points made about amino acids vs proteins. And you weren’t entirely wrong about that part, but also didn’t expand on it. Which, if you’re going to tell people they are wrong, you should be accurate.
A chain of amino acids make a complete protein. Maybe that’s where you came up with “protein chain”
Our body can indeed easily digest amino acids, however complete proteins are far more complex. Thus taking significantly longer time to process.

You hyper focused on the mRNA aspect (and I understand this was in relation to water/pills) but that’s not a justice to the entire mechanism of what happens with the Covid vaccine in the body.
The spike itself inhibits lipid metabolism in host cells (as an example) which can cause lipotoxicity-induced necrosis
So if there are published peer reviewed studies supporting just that, what other metabolizing functions is it interfering with?
A persons C and S proteins are glycoproteins. These are processed in the LIVER. Not simply digested in the stomach.
So again, that is merely one example of one singular type of protein that is processed in the body differently than “digested”
So how does the spike protein then react or how do bodily organs then react to trying to process and entirely synthetic protein marker?

The spike protein is technically an “antigen” in the blood bank for example we often perform antibody screens for people needing transfusion to ensure there is not a hemolytic transfusion reaction, which is caused by either an allo or auto-antibody reaction with an antigen. Typically the first exposure to said antigen creates an immune response, thus developing an antibody. Which is why during pregnancy an rh negative mother would typically receive rhogam to prevent a reaction if the baby is rh positive and there is a fetal hemorrhage or a transfer of blood during traumatic labor.
IgM antibodies cannot cross the placental or blood brain barriers due to size, IgG antibodies however, can.

So we now see these foreign “spike” proteins that our body has never developed an immune response to before but in an overwhelming density due to the strength of each vaccine. Again, a synthetic replica of the actual viral particles. And what we see now is pathological and histological biopsies of various types Organs and seeing inundation of spike proteins
We also see T cell and B cell responses not behaving in ways they have in the past when exposed to a “novel” virus.

In regards to “it has to be too cold to be in water” well, the Moderna vaccine for example only requires 36-46 degrees (in freedom units) to maintain stability for 30 days. That is not hard to accomplish. Pfizer is the same. The ONLY reason for the super cold storage initially is because stability studies were not complete at the time. So if those are now the published stabilities, what could they accomplish in a different form factor or additional studies?

This is just a high level 30,000ft discussion but the point is. The blatant misinformation you posted to both support your stance and attempt to calm others nerves (whether genuine or not) is not really something I’m the biggest fan of. And I avoided responding for 3 pages because I hate taking work home and continuing the “rona” discussion, but it is a true disservice to others reading to let that info stay unchecked.
edit on 18-1-2023 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
And you weren’t entirely wrong about that part, but also didn’t expand on it. Which, if you’re going to tell people they are wrong, you should be accurate.

There you go. How can I be inaccurate when I didn't expand on it? You just made my argument for me.

The spike itself...

The spike doesn't exist in the vaccine, so whatever it does is a moot point in regards to mRNA being ingested, which was what was being talked about.

So, yeah, at the end of your longer than needed post we reach the same conclusion. If you boil water or cook your food, and even if you don't, and then it goes through your digestive system, there will be no CV-19 Vax mRNA for you to worry about. What part of that is misinformation?

edit on 18-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: daskakik

This is the most asinine reply I’ve ever seen you make. And I’ve repeatedly stood up for your contrarian efforts. But you just made it extremely clear you are here for one reason only. To push a narrative and not have genuine conversation in good faith. I now know to no longer engage in the future.
The fact that you sit here and pretend like you’ve absolved yourself from your own absolute ignorance is simply baffling.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
They Won't Be able to walk down the street


Avi is awesome. There is a clip of him getting into it with the CNBC folks. What's odd about that is I saw on the mind control box today that CNBC was covering the DAVOS/WEF confab as if it was the Olympics, very glossy coverage. They are only there for the world to see them in their true habitat now.

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
And you weren’t entirely wrong about that part, but also didn’t expand on it. Which, if you’re going to tell people they are wrong, you should be accurate.

There you go. How can I be inaccurate when I didn't expand on it? You just made my argument for me.

The spike itself...

The spike doesn't exist in the vaccine, so whatever it does is a moot point in regards to mRNA being ingested, which was what was being talked about.

So, yeah, at the end of your longer than needed post we reach the same conclusion. If you boil water or cook your food and then it goes through your digestive system, there will be no CV-19 Vax mRNA for you to worry about. What part of that is misinformation?

“How is it misinformation” well jeez it could be the fact that you said the mRNA degrades quickly. The fact U said it has to be “super cold”. The fact u said our bodies “digest protein”
Idk, open your #ing eyes and read
You also have no clue about what boiling water or cooking food does in relation to it all. But it’s a real cute notion
edit on 18-1-2023 by PeteMitchell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:04 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 18 2023 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
“How is it misinformation” well jeez it could be the fact that you said the mRNA degrades quickly. The fact U said it has to be “super cold”. The fact u said our bodies “digest protein”
Idk, open your #ing eyes and read
You also have no clue about what boiling water or cooking food does in relation to it all. But it’s a real cute notion

Care to quote where I said "super cold"? My exact words were "The mRNA part is very fragile and will not last long at room temperature."

And that isn't even taking into account the trip through the digestive system.

As for our bodies digesting proteins, isn't that part of what proteases do?

I honestly don't understand what bee got in your bonnet.

ETA. As for cooking, wouldn't a heat sensitive molecule degrade when heat is applied to it? That really was kinda derp on your part.

edit on 18-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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