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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

1871? How appropriate.

On Jan 6th, Bidan miss quoted the day as being July 6th, so I decided to look up historic events for July 6th:

John Solomon tweet

I found here that on July 6th:

1775 Congress issues "Declaration of the Causes & Necessity of Taking up Arms", listing grievances but denying intent to be independent,

1776 American Declaration of Independence announced on front page of "PA Evening Gazette".

It was also the coronation date of both Richard the Lionheart and Richard III.

1699 Pirate Captain William Kidd is captured in Boston.

Well, that is a fine run down Rel!

Cpt Kidd caught in Boston eh? I wonder why he went to a British stronghold to hang out? That was brazen to do so.

Because he had no idea they were out to get him and the rules changes on him while he is out doing the bidding of the British empire who outlawed privateers they had commissioned. Left him in the lurch.

edit on 8-1-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 11:44 AM

@52:35 Russel Jay Gould hits the key note.
What is at stake?
Love and Forgiveness.
Last year he was so angry.
There is so much calm in his mannerisms in this interview.
And he just hit on so many things that tie in my own journey besides Love and Forgiveness.
I believe these 2 foundational principles are what is at stake today as a result of the polarity friction in every aspect of our lives.
Nobody is exempt from this friction.
We all are at that point where we have to decide.
There was a poster on this site years ago that called it orthogonal lineal symmetry.
A continual decision making process choosing right or left, right and wrong.
A 3D dilemma.

Ok before I get too far sideways.

RJG just went multi dimensional on me and filled in the blanks on things I did not even know he was engaged in.
He is hitting on time and grammar connected.
Though he did not say it, he connected to the menorah structure of all things "time" related. And for the first time I now recognize it grammar related as well.

As of this moment I feel I can place my vote for who Q is. Maybe even above Q in direction.
He just went so deep.
I am glad he is not so angry now.
He scared me last year.
And I do not scare.

So the menorah.
Maybe my favorite study.
The menorah represents time(grammar).
It is not linear.
The center lamp fills the others and is lit by the others.
Known as Shamash.(Mashiach)
He is the Logos, the Word.
When Yah spoke the world into existancea His words created existance in 3D. That Word is the aspect of Source this world can recognize.
As Yahshua said.
"If you see me you see His Father"
He was a reflection of Him in this 3D existancea.
And He set aside that part of Him and set Himself within a flesh body and walked among us. Suffered with us.

All time is measured from that moment.
Back- Him, Him- now.
All the lamps on the menorah point towards the Shamash.
The 3 on the left point towards the middle and the 3 on the right point to the middle

Matthew 24:37

Matthew 24:37 KJV: But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Which brings me to grammar.
Today we are gaining insights to the original language used.
As RJG emphasized here language has been used against us for commerce and he directly accuses the Phoenicians(Canaanites) using phonetics to cast spells.

We are transitioning back as in the days of Now.
The spells are being lifted.

There are only 2 things that are gifted to us directly from YHWH into this existancea that depending on how we execute, we carry with us into our next incarnation into a 5D existancea embraced by His Countenance.
Love and Forgiveness.
Those are directly from Him.
A world without Him will lack those 2 sources of virtue.
That i.s. h.e.l.l.
And that is what will come as a direct result of A.I. and mass surveillance.
A world where you cannot afford to make any mistake that you could ever learn from to become better.
A world where forgiveness does not exist out of fear of making a mistake.

Fear or Love. We choose.
I want to thank all the empathy that are sharing with us.
When I see RJG like this I feel and know his pain from his empathy.
Most people do not understand how much sacrifice and pain empathic people endure.
I thank you all as our hope for our future lies with in how you teach us all in how to love and forgive.
And you suffer so in it.
It sucks to be able to see the worse in all of us but only recognize the good.

I am a dispensationalist and I know the kingdom age is soon.
And these are birthing pangs for His return.
As in the days of Noe.

Something so big is happening.
I can feel it.

RJG is Q-maybe and the QFS is his baby.
This is the first time I heard him talk of the fist fight with David Wynn Miller.
In the beginning I only listened to David Wynn Miller stuff.
I couldn't understand the geopolitical significance of flags.
But symbols have meanings.
I actually think he did this.
He hit on so many items for me personally I did not know he possessed.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: TzarChasm
Thanks for that PDF of Yuval Noah Harai's book. I am going to pick up a copy so I can write some notes to myself and cross reference with other material I have gathered.
Why is it that once again we have this- his husband Itzik? It is really easy to judge others struggles when one does not have any children or any normal daily distractions, such as trying to survive.

How condescending "If the future of humanity is decided in your absence, because you are too busy feeding and clothing your kids- you and they will not be exempt from the consequences. This is very unfair- but who said history is fair."

I feel that eye on the cover is very significant. I've tried to find current close up pics of the original Hunter but at the moment he seems MIA.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Maybe Lindsey Graham gave trigger-happy Byrd the incentive to test his firearms training in real life.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Vrill has come up a couple of times now and I have to study that more. I was thinking along the lines of The Visitor V.
The Visitors V

Just looking at the story line so much seems to converge on what we have been going through.
"Visitors set up sleeper agents decades ahead of their formal arrival to investigate Earth, to undermine its society, and to give access to key government positions."
Then we have the medical centers, DNA link, cloning along with the use of social media.
They represent themselves using the letter V hence the VWWV.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Hi Never. Have any pictures floated up proving these actors

Id be happy to dig into this if you can guide me as to where to look!
edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago1 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Nice 5 yr DELTA and FUTURE PROVES PAST found by D & Frenz on telegram:


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 03b993 No.20558 📁
Jan 7 2018 22:05:50 (EST)


Massive Q Proof
5yr Delta
Delivered on 1/7/23

ETA - In his victory speech McCarthy talking bout the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware in a Durham boat !?!

Rel Some are suggesting that this links to John McAfee.
His twitter account has gone live.
January 6, 2022 tweet> OUR DEMOCRACY HAS BEEN HACKED

Janice has a link to an unpublished opinion piece on Julian Assange by McAfee.
John McAfee Opinion Julian Assange
"In a world controlled by self serving ideology, the greatest crimes are acts that might create change in that relationship between the people and governments. Any change in that relationship threatens the existing power structure.
The most violent responses from any entity, including collections of people are invariably caused by the entity's perception that it's very existence is threatened."

Maybe Elon Musk is going to have another twitter file about this.
John McAfee Twitter
His first live tweet was December 5 [12+5], 2022 revealing that he was an advisor to all 17 U.S. Covert agencies for more than 30 years.

I don't know if this connects to this 5 year Delta but just thought I would point it out.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 01:15 PM
Why am I not surprised?
Breaking: DOD Controlled Covid 'Vaccines' From the Start Under National security Program- Lied the Entire Time- 'We're Never Safe and Effective'

This makes sense to me especially in light of the constantly shifting Fauci and gang narrative. They knew that half the things they said were completely bogus but were ordered to do so.

According to Latypova "The implication is that the U.S. Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans without clarifying their prototype legal status making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while maintaining a fraudulent pseudo- "regulators" presentation to the the public.
Basically an orchestrated information operation with everything being controlled by the DOD.

Smacks of some puppets and puppet masters operation.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 01:17 PM
Let's take it to a new level.

With regard to Byrd being a WH or BH, or the event being a BH or WH event.


It is an event, staged by both and neither, for folks to "interpret."

Now, for me, I can't be bothered vesting in it because it isn't for me. Nothing from that event would change my POV, it's all silly from the get go, and yes, I view the "results" as silly because the pattern is the pattern, and it has played out countless times in my lifetime. Get outraged over Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, 911, Pulse, Parkland etc. Over and over again, the pattern plays out (same numerical gematria values even).

As I have said countless times, the Original Narrative is all that matters, and if it comes from the playbook it must be a lie. Oswald Killed JFK, 911 Hijacker's flew jets... etc. That's the pattern of the events.

Each event has anomalies, contradictions, illogical seQuences, which is the point. Byrd is no different, like JFK and ZAPbruder film, people were not meant to look closely, just digest the Narrative and let it take hold.

The idea is that each event captures 66%+ and those who swallowed it will drown out the doubters, marginalize them, and establish the timeline direction. They are never after all folks, that's stupid and not possible.

Let's say for a moment that there are no White Hats at all, no one in a cape who has taken an oath to save the world, but instead, an energy called "Super White Hats" that has instead worked to expand the POV on all "events" and everything in total. The White Hat effort is in fact, the effort to...

Could the only thing the "Super White Hats" are doing is just putting on the glasses? Removing the blinders?

Could the only thing the "Super White Hats" are doing is shifting the POV slightly offset to see another POV?

Let's look at these.

Well, from one POV, it's pretty clear there is a connection between Q posts and events that transpired years later. Okay, we'll leave the time travel alone for now.

Let's say that all that is being said here is "There will be an event, The Speaker Vote, do not let the opportunity get away from you, shift the POV from Swampy and break the pattern." And that happened it would seem. Suddenly the pro forma is gone, and yelling, demands, questioning, deals, voices heard. What if that was the only thing the Super White Hats "wanted?" A moment in time where a pattern could be broken and a shift to a new POV would happen, and.......... no freewill violated (most important).

[not going to cover the "but what if no one read the Q drops or got it right" as that's too complicated to explain now, go back and see my previous outlines]

Our eyes are easily fooled, if we add the Original Narrative to an easily fooled sensory system, we can see how things can play out. Now, we're interpreting events through an AGENT, the camera+photog+distribution+++, which means our witnessing isn't even our own, but past on to us by another's POV. In the case of the circles, the AGENT is the arrow directing the eyes Framing the Original Narrative = circles moving. Truth = not moving.

Consider the arrows the Black Hats controlling the Narrative, the Super White Hats don't want to control the Narrative, they simply want you to see the arrows for what they are. The Super White Hats are just the one's pointing out the illusion.

Kurasowa made a famous film that explored the idea of POV.

Rashmon The film is known for a plot device that involves various characters providing subjective, alternative and contradictory versions of the same incident.

J6 POV's: Physically there, Knew folks there, saw on teeeveee, saw video, read story, arrested, not arrested, political opportunist on teeeveee, alphabet agent involved = all with a different POV. Which is THE POV?

My point, from here on out it will all become very gray for most of you, and those what want "answers" that fit into the black and white mold are going to be very-very frustrated. Those who don't see your POV are going to be very irritating, especially on things like J6 and DJT.

One thing we are very addicted to on Earth is validation. We want another to validate what we see, feel and believe, and we really don't like going out on a limb and saying "Byrd didn't kill anyone..., it was all fakery." But in the end, it is our own POV we are seeking to develop/trust, which means, validation is a hinderance not a help, as all POV's are meant to be unique: Source wants ALL POV's not one = all... and yours, mine and ours matters.

The idea over the course is the Great Awakening is to question all, support each other's process, find commonality (not hive mind belief) and keep expanding the POV. Many are about to hit the hockey stick on the graph of the Great Awakening.

2023, the Consequences of the Choices in 2020 arrive, and judging by the "deal" struck with the Repubs and KM, this sentiment is correctly playing out.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: doobydoll
Hello peeps.

I just saw a name in the comments that made me stop reading further, Rosa De Lauro. Now, I know nothing of political figures and I've never heard this name before etc - but I feel/intuit there is an 'as above, so below' connection going on. So I look into the name itself.
Rosa means red.
Lauro - I've just had a quick look online for meanings/definitions/synonyms etc . ..

Translation of lauro – Italian–English dictionary
bay [noun] (also bay tree) the laurel tree, the leaves of which are used for seasoning and in victory wreaths.

People also ask
What does Lauro mean?
Noun. lauro m (plural lauros) Synonym of laurel. glory, praise.

So Rosa De Lauro can be translated to 'a red victory'?

But she's a democrat tho. She wouldn't want or work towards a red victory, surely?
Guys I'm given the feeling/words 'God works in mysterious ways'. I sense Spirit is amused.

I ask "does this mean she will unwittingly/unintentionally or intentionally steer us/US to a red victory?"
I then look her up on tinternet and find she is co-chair of the House Democratic STEERING Committee.

I think Spirit is saying it doesn't matter what these people's agenda & intentions are, this is God's Plan not theirs.

Like that conclusion doobydoll. 💕 Weirdly, this purple haired Grandma has come onto my radar before, she causes controversy, all good in a Free Country I guess ? She does sorta look like Flynn in drag, but I recognized her right away, maybe her showing up in the final hour is significant in some way, IDK ?

Going down the rabbit hole of altered History, that’s where the “Key” is ,I think ? People have been conditioned to believe we can’t find /live in Peace, because it never existed , well maybe that’s not true ? History was re-written by unscrupulous people with the intent to terrorize people into submission.

Knowing this History, we’ve come a long way to reject the Death cult and the barbaric practices of the past have been replaced with a far more “subtle” approach, yet just as deadly. Sinister to the core, supposedly champions of Humanity and the Earth, turn out to be selfish opportunistic jerks. Sadly, the “smart kids”, lacking life experience needed to understand that they are ushering in a World they most certainly will regret..

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

The longer this chaos goes on the more people there are beginning to open their eyes to it. But there are those that are too afraid, too far gone. Leave them to it. They can't be helped or guided, one can try but they will fight you. Like Spirit said, ''they will choose it''.
Choosing to be 'left' - left behind.
Choosing to be 'left' - politically left.
Double meaning, same outcome, on Earth and Spiritually, both are darkness. The 'above' is playing out 'below'.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 02:15 PM
#4337 clip
Expanding on last drop.
USA vs Japan
"Let that sink in: 42% of all COVID 19 deaths are taking place in facilities that house o.62% of the U.S. population" [nursing home[s]]
Why did our 'nursing home' population suffer a direct hit re: COVID-19 deaths?

Chronology of a Planned Genocide
It is part of a series but just a couple of takeaway points...

Aside from placing Covid positive people into the nursing homes there was something else going on in Spain.
They locked the residents into the nursing homes and the government set up a regulation that ill residents could not be sent to the hospitals for treatment unless they met some unrealistic requirements for them to qualify. As a result they died untreated in the nursing homes.

If that isn't bad enough evidence was provided that a Dr. simply prescribed morphine to one and all regardless of need which resulted in numerous deaths. That leads to some other questions about unusual drugs being prescribed resulting in deaths.
66% of the ill residents never made it to the hospital...empty hospitals. A narrative that was pushed by the enemedia. The staff of course believed the narrative.
What about the issue of an autopsy? Right from the start the WHO prohibited autopsies. Imagine 20,000 deaths in Spain with not one autopsy conducted. Aside from the obvious that more information about the deaths and the damage to lungs a treatment could have been found more quickly. The "fear' of contagion was amplified but we did have the technology to conduct these autopcies safely.
There were vacuum autopsy rooms.
Public Health Emergency Autopsy BioSafety

What about the lethal monkeypox deaths? Monkeypox BioSafety Autopsy Procedures
They seem to have discovered the Autopsy BioSafety regulations.

Checking with CDC procedures, it was updated April 4, 2022.
At this point I am somewhat paranoid.
With the submission of postmortem swab specimens the CDC has thrown something odd in the mix.
"If necessary and with the advanced approval of post mortem swab specimens may be shipped to the CDC for SARS-Covid-2 RT-PCR testing... or if repeated tests are inconclusive or if unusual results are obtained."
Somehow trusting the CDC with specimens with unusual results is not reassuring.
CDC Recommendations

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 02:25 PM
My favorite story from today so far/
From: MSN News

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner thinks that Representative Jim Jordan, an Ohio Republican, may face a "smackdown" from federal judges if he gets too nosy about ongoing criminal investigations surrounding the Capitol riot.

On Saturday, Kirschner tweeted a video of himself explaining his forecast about what he's derisively dubbed the "Republican clown show." He cited a Politico article that revealed certain GOP representatives are pushing for a subcommittee that would investigate what they call the federal government's "weaponization."

In addition to reviewing ongoing criminal probes, the proposal would allow the panel broad access to "information shared with the House Intelligence Committee." Kirschner appeared floored by the proposal.

"This is an eye-popping power grab," he said in the video. "This is Jim Jordan and whoever else ends up on this committee trying to seize the power to poke their noses under the tent of ongoing criminal investigations at the Department of Justice—investigations of crimes like the insurrection, witness tampering, conspiracy, classified documents crimes."

In summary, if you try and find out what we did and why, you'll get yours. I swear the outgoing Trotskyists are clearly hiding stuff.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
Vrill has come up a couple of times now and I have to study that more. I was thinking along the lines of The Visitor V.
The Visitors V

Just looking at the story line so much seems to converge on what we have been going through.
"Visitors set up sleeper agents decades ahead of their formal arrival to investigate Earth, to undermine its society, and to give access to key government positions."
Then we have the medical centers, DNA link, cloning along with the use of social media.
They represent themselves using the letter V hence the VWWV.

Remember "Stargate SG1"?

The Vrill would be the equivalent of the G' ould. A little g god that implants in a human host and controls their will is arrogant and thinks itself a big G God.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 02:34 PM
Anyone heard of 'SNOMED'?

SNOMED International determines global standards for health terms, an essential part of improving the health of humankind.

Is it a coincidence that SNOMED reversed is - DEMONS?

Nope. No co-inkidinkies.
They are telling you/us what they are.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: doobydoll
a reply to: MountainLaurel

The longer this chaos goes on the more people there are beginning to open their eyes to it. But there are those that are too afraid, too far gone. Leave them to it. They can't be helped or guided, one can try but they will fight you. Like Spirit said, ''they will choose it''.
Choosing to be 'left' - left behind.
Choosing to be 'left' - politically left.
Double meaning, same outcome, on Earth and Spiritually, both are darkness. The 'above' is playing out 'below'.

I have noticed this too, Dooby.

It has been going on since inception of the word left.

The "right hand man" was considered your best help. Right verses Wrong/Left has double meaning. If you wish to ignore it you will get "left behind" is as plain as the nose on my face.

People should want to do what is right, but they fight it as if they could change right to mean something else. That is like trying in vane at proving a negative for them. Insanity is indeed doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.

edit on 8-1-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 03:11 PM
Also MHRA (UK) = Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

MHRA anagram = HARM.

The other word not represented by a letter- the word 'products' - so we can read the entire thing as 'products HARM'.
If it was represented by its initial, P, the anagram would read PHARM. Pharmaceutical. Which I think is a more apt acronym considering it's a regulatory agency for medicines etc.
But that wouldn't describe what they really are nor what they're doing, and the dark ones must inform in some way otherwise they interfere with Free Will - we have to choose between the Light and darkness of our own Free Will - so it uses deceit.

MHproductsRA. Products HARM.
It is clearly & obviously telling us what it is and what it is doing, whilst pretending to be of the Light. It lies. It is dark.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
My neighbors dad had the complete series on betamax.
Agartha and the vril that is part of it, are similar to the series but without the "outer space" thro in some Jedi force. WW2 was about vril

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: doobydoll
Anyone heard of 'SNOMED'?

SNOMED International determines global standards for health terms, an essential part of improving the health of humankind.

Is it a coincidence that SNOMED reversed is - DEMONS?

Nope. No co-inkidinkies.
They are telling you/us what they are.

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