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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I probably could use a group hug about now. LOl.
We can probably file this under the unexplained section.

On two occasions in the last year and a half I honed in on VIR. When I say honed in, I mean to say that in my extensive note taking I wrote the word VIR only in large capital letters page after page. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal and in the margin.
To see it crop up again can not be a coincidence and it has been most unsettling and I have to say most, most worrying.

Connect The Dots.

VIR definition - Man.
Vir Definition
It could also be virus, virology.

McAfee Telegram... The last post had so many VWWVVWWV
WVW= World Vs World

On each page next to VIR I drew this symbol a dot with two dots beside it forming an equilateral triangle on its side.
I suspect that this connects to the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci based on how I wrote VIR on each page.
Vitruvian Man

Plandemic related...Vitruvian Man was borrowed by the Louvre in 2019.

WW=Watch William [Bill Gates]
He purchased the most valuable book in the world, Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci.
C odex Leicester

In this book it "includes drawings and theories about how blood flows through the heart, many of which were verified by scientific and medical researchers just a few years ago."

He recommended this book in 2018. Another book he recommended was none other than Yuval Noah Harari's book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century."
Gates quote "I have to be careful not to fool myself into thinking things are better- or worse- than they actually are."

I don't like the book jacket at all. An eye with that dot again. Does Hunter Biden have the same eye?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:24 PM

1-7 = 17
edit on 7-1-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:54 PM
Well, let's see how I did yesterday. From My Friend CWM's THREAD

"We will never compromise our principles," Hakeem said early Saturday morning.

"House Democrats will always put American values over autocracy. Benevolence over bigotry.

The constitution over the cult.

Democracy over demagogues.

Economic opportunity over extremism.

Freedom over fascism.

Governing over gaslighting.

Hopefulness overhatred. Inclusion over isolation.

Justice over judicial overreach.

Knowledge over Kangaroo courts.

Liberty over limitation.

Maturity over Mar-a-Lago.

Normalcy over negativity.

Opportunity over obstruction.

People over politics.

Quality of life issues over QAnon.

Reason over racism.

Substance over slander.

Triumph over tyranny.

Understanding over ugliness.

Voting rights over voter suppression.

Working families over the well connected.

Xenial over xenophobia.

Yes we can, over you can't do it.

And zealous representation over zero confrontation."

Over = Polarity = Either Or = False Dichotomy derived from the Polarity Reality reaching an extreme point of no return.

In fairness to me, a few of these are just repeats. Though IT did leave out Climate for some reason.

Hakeem, who is an ultra ultra low IQ person, added more than the six and went for it in a full blown Polarity Presentation.

6 is minimum and related to short bursts, so this isn't surprising. But he presented it in 1/0's fashion, either or, on off, this or that, which of course is standard formula.

This won't go down with the great "all we have to fear is fear itself" political representations, it isn't even Shrub level political speech, it's more Commodore 64 level.

Tally Ho, 2023, the Year the Choices of 2020 reveal the ConseQuences.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
This looks important re start of the new non-fed US Treasury Notes... and hence the QFS?

tweet at 00:21 EST:

This is odd indeed, not sure what to make of it.

Here's a funny for you. I always check the numbers from the SPAM calls, today's was -1871.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 01:10 PM
This book Codex and Bill Gates must link to Disease coded X by the WHO.
He loves his word games.
In 2017 the WHO for the first time created a Disease X on a list of priority pathogens which included diseases like MERS, SARS, Ebola.
Disease X was designated for a "disease with an epidemic and pandemic potential caused by an unknown pathogen."

Following the strategy of the tabletop exercises the WHO conducted their last prioritisation exercise in 2018, just to make sure they were ready for launch time.
WHO Disease Coded X

Interesting timing the WHO is planning to release a revised list in the first quarter of 2023. Can't wait.
Just to get this straight the WHO sets up a R&D blueprint for epidemics which provides roadmaps for all of the players to follow.
"Without significant R&D investments prior to the Covid-19 pandemic it would not have been possible to have safe and effective vaccines and treatments."

Meanwhile something very suspicious regarding this book. 3 of Leonardo's works were on display at the same time at a British Library in 2019. Codex Leicester [watch the water], Codex Forster and Codex Arundel which all were written in mirror script. How odd that this was the first time Gates had lent it out.
Codex 1, 2, 3 on Display 2019

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
I'm not sure if this is related but it is financial related. The SEC has just closed their probe into Ex Senator Burr wrt his well timed stock sales when he was informed about the upcoming plandemic. His timing was miraculous and amounted to 1.7 million in shares.
"I am grateful to have this matter in the rearview mirror as I have begun my retirement from the seante following nearly 3 decades of public service." As if that justifies his actioins.

But wait there's more. The SEC has also spared his brother-in-law Gerald Fauth, railroad related, who sold stock after a lengthy 3 minute wait after a call with Burr.
"We are thrilled that the SEC and the DOJ appropriately closed their investigations without any findings of insider trading"

Apparently this so called DOJ also investigated Burr but nope nothing to see here.
SEC Closes Probe Into Stock Sales Bu Ex-Sen. Burr
I imagine Nancy Pelosi had a few words to say about the matter. After all insider trading for me but not for thee.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

(((( Group Hug )))) šŸ˜Š

Billy is one creepy guy, he also says ā€œ Itā€™s an inspiration that ONE person-off on their own, with no feedback, without being told what is right or wrong ā€” that he kept pushing himself and found knowledge itself to be the most beautiful thing ā€œ hmmmm ? Does he mean things like blocking out the sun or experimental jabs, right or wrong letā€™s see what happens for knowledgeā€™s sake ?! šŸ˜³

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 02:31 PM
Wandering around the world of VIR Biotechnologies, love child of Bill Gates, what have we here?
On the board sits Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security and RAND CORP connected.
Board of Directors Vir Biotechnologies

What else has she been up to?
Janet Napolitano Wiki Seems they forgot about the Rand Corporation,
She did serve as an advisor on the Covid-19 Technology Task Force.

Covid-19 Technology Task Force.

A big tech army amassed with support from the Rockefeller Foundation through another foundation - Engine Foundation non-profit,with a little help from friends- Ron Conway, John Borthwick and Fred Wilson.
Imagine Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook all in the same room together.
Here we have Apple and Google joining forces and sharing information to work on contact tracing through a smart app on cell phones.

The most troubling part is that the White House had little if any involvement with this group so they were free to pursue whatever agenda they wanted.
Rounding up some details on VIR: BARDA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [WEF], Rockefeller Foundation, Homeland Security, ARCH Venture Capital, Technology Task Force[contact and tracing], Big Tech, mRNA technology and HHS. Did we leave anyone out?
All of this converging under the VIR board umbrella.
Their intravenous therapeutic Sotrovimab has an EUA and an advanced purchase agreement with the U.S. government amounting to $1 billion. Oddly had to be supplied to the U.S. government by December 17, 2021 and now is the only one that is able to treat the Omnicron variant. What are the chances?
VIR and GSK Government Contract $1 billion

Once again their guidance is telling. Under precautions "limited clinical data. Serious and unexpected adverse events may occur that have not been previously reported." And zero data about pregnancy, birth defects and miscarriages.

Gem Vir Biotechnologies
Like I said I am very concerned about VIR.
666, The Storm is Coming, The Matrix has you, NWO, Bivalent mRNA Vaccines are just a few.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Thanks ML. I needed that.
I have so many notes and have never done that before. VIR has even been in my dreams at night and I have woken up thinking about it. Obviously not normal.
As soon as I saw it crop up again I just had a sudden chill and had to take a very long walk. The dogs loved it.

Something has to be done with Billy. He has so much wealth, power and has infiltrated it seems like every organization. How can he be brought to heel/heal? He is obviously mentally ill.

This is probably going to sound unrelated but have you ever watched the movie "War of The Worlds" 1953 version?
One frame in the movie focuses on a truck with the #17 on its side. Just thinking outside the box if aliens were coming from Mars they would find our sun too bright- hence they would want to dim it. Bill Gates dream project, which he also got the U.S. government looking into it as a future project, all under the guise of climate change.
These aliens are taken out by a virus but what if a virus is being used by them first- to eliminate us so that the Earth belongs to them. Then deploying these mRNA jabs to deal with those that did not get sick from the virus itself. Next up maraforming the Earth for their needs.
Just makes one think doesn't it?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

1-7 = 17

Well, thatā€™s one heck of a Q proof ! I wonder what was being said during that encounter between McCarty and Gaetz ? I saw the video with no audio somewhere and it looked like security got involved too ?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

1871? How appropriate.

On Jan 6th, Bidan miss quoted the day as being July 6th, so I decided to look up historic events for July 6th:

John Solomon tweet

I found here that on July 6th:

1775 Congress issues "Declaration of the Causes & Necessity of Taking up Arms", listing grievances but denying intent to be independent,

1776 American Declaration of Independence announced on front page of "PA Evening Gazette".

It was also the coronation date of both Richard the Lionheart and Richard III.

1699 Pirate Captain William Kidd is captured in Boston.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

All-In for the ((( Group Hug ))... I could do with one too; this is just taking so long and I need to put energy into re-starting the cash flow. A cold that is dragging on doesn't help... Must be Seasonally Adjusted Depression (SAD)?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
I probably could use a group hug about now. LOl.
We can probably file this under the unexplained section.

On two occasions in the last year and a half I honed in on VIR. When I say honed in, I mean to say that in my extensive note taking I wrote the word VIR only in large capital letters page after page. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal and in the margin.
To see it crop up again can not be a coincidence and it has been most unsettling and I have to say most, most worrying.

Connect The Dots.

VIR definition - Man.
Vir Definition
It could also be virus, virology.

McAfee Telegram... The last post had so many VWWVVWWV
WVW= World Vs World

On each page next to VIR I drew this symbol a dot with two dots beside it forming an equilateral triangle on its side.
I suspect that this connects to the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci based on how I wrote VIR on each page.
Vitruvian Man

Plandemic related...Vitruvian Man was borrowed by the Louvre in 2019.

WW=Watch William [Bill Gates]
He purchased the most valuable book in the world, Codex Leicester by Leonardo da Vinci.
C odex Leicester

In this book it "includes drawings and theories about how blood flows through the heart, many of which were verified by scientific and medical researchers just a few years ago."

He recommended this book in 2018. Another book he recommended was none other than Yuval Noah Harari's book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century."

Gates quote "I have to be careful not to fool myself into thinking things are better- or worse- than they actually are."

I don't like the book jacket at all. An eye with that dot again. Does Hunter Biden have the same eye?

21 Lessons for the 21st Century PDF download

edit on 7-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Interesting linkage of Rosa De Laura to the Whore of Babylon, CrazyFox!

Biblical times!

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Low IQ Hakeem had 4 days of nothing to do but write that speech. The fact that Democrats are labeling it as "genius", describes perfectly why Republicans should do what's necessary to destroy the Democrat brand. Maybe they will one day rise from the ashes as a respectable party.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 07:51 PM

the BEST part of WAKEing UP

Protectors of The Realm


edit on 172023 by MetalThunder because: i dont know why she swallowed the FLY

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Low IQ Hakeem had 4 days of nothing to do but write that speech. The fact that Democrats are labeling it as "genius", describes perfectly why Republicans should do what's necessary to destroy the Democrat brand. Maybe they will one day rise from the ashes as a respectable party.

Hakeem is the sacrificial lamb, too stupid to realize when they asked for volunteers, everyone stepped backward.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 08:21 PM
How did we not see this, it is God Level Brilliant.

Remarks by President Biden at Presentation of the Presidential Citizens Medal

Joining these law enforcement officer honorees are five other public servants:

Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss ā€” her gran- ā€” where are you guys? ā€” sitting ā€” there, right in the middle. (Applause.) They were election workers from Atlanta, Georgia.

Ruby, who for years has taken time away from running her own business to work on election season to honor voting rights, the heritage of her beloved city.

Her daughter Shaye, who learned from her grandmom how older generations of her family fought so hard to even get the right to vote. So Shaye decided to become a full-time election worker to help the elderly, the disabled, the students exercise their fundamental right to vote.

Both of them were just doing their jobs until they were targeted and threatened by the same predators and peddlers of lies that would fuel the insurrection. They were literally forced from their homes, facing despicable racist taunts.

But despite it all, Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss found the courage to testify openly and honestly for the ā€” to the whole country and the world about their experience to set the record straight about the lies and defend the integrity of our elections.

Ruby and Shaye, you donā€™t deserve what happened to you, but you do deserve the nationā€™s eternal thanks for showing the dignity and grace of We the People. Presumptuous of me, but Iā€™m so proud of you both. So proud of you both.


ā€œI do want an attorneyā€¦even when I met with Secretary of State, they didnā€™t ask nothing else about fraudā€¦I know I need an attorneyā€¦everything they are saying is falseā€¦The FBI, nobody has reached out to me. They reached out to me only to kinda clear my social media.ā€

Ruby Freeman folks, RUBY EFFING FREEMAN gets a Medal From Team Joe!!!!!

It gets better, so did... drum rolllllllll

The grandson of a police officer, Michael Fanone was born to protect and serve. A decorated narcotics investigator, he took an off-duty call to the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, helping to drive insurrectionists away from a key tunnel and facing vicious attack. He immediately became one of the dayā€™s most outspoken truth-seekers. For his absolute courage in protecting the Capitol and our democracy and his tenacious search for accountability, We the People honor former Metropolitan Police Department Officer Michael Fanone. (Applause.)

Joe literally awarding medals to criminals who got him in office is the kind of brilliance I live for. Team DJT, gotta Truth on that one for sure, it's too juicy.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 08:41 PM

There is NO other way

...."I'm in a strange place"
But ITs for the better not the Worse
DoobyDoll has an unsolicted PM

edit on 172023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 09:08 PM
Interesting VIDEO from prior to the shooting. As a card carrying member of the conspiracy theory community, it sure seems to me someone told the cops to move, right, just right, before the mystery hand with the gun came out, which, didn't cause the camera guy/girl to run but keep filming?

This topic is so stupid, but each time I see these clips it all seems silly, staged and surreal.

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