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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Hearty thanks to OveRcuRrEnteD for finding DD's posts.

I know DD won't mind me adding a bit to the wonderful post. Just a bit.


We're so used to being spoon fed the version of events through words, the weakest way to impart information, that we've lost our ability to understand the imagery that most things are shared with.

I hope that this thread, and the great work here, has exposed folks to the symbology, imagery, and alternative ways to share information. Really, a return to the Absolute, and away from the agency of words/spelling/spells.

DD's posts, as always, convey through imagery, soooooooooooo much more information than words can. DD's sharing of those symbols can be translated to those who take a moment to absorb the information contained. That's why the post, to share, as DD's connections KNEW, DD would share the information with like minded others.

Feel more, be more, gray area more.

Thank you Cranky of course you are most welcome to add to the post. I invite others to add comment too if they like.

I don't post that often here anymore but that's only because I can't get into the politics and all that, it feels like Earthy probs are dark and hurts my energy. It's quite unpleasant. I pray often for Spiritual strength to stay above it all.

The imagery I describe in my posts are what I have seen during my meditation sessions. I do have psychic abilities and I have fought with some of the dark entities that are here on Earth right now. They come to attack me sometimes. Some are small, purple-coloured leathery skin, the most miserable-looking grumpy little things. They tried to scare me, they enjoy the fear energy. But they got nowhere lol. Tenacious & determined little horrors tho. Grubby, nasty little pests.

Another was tall, black shiny bumpy skin like exoskeleton on a beetle. It was waiting for me quietly and intently.
I hadn't meditated beforehand, so I was quite surprised to see it. As soon as I saw it, it picked me up like I was a feather and threw me down hard. It was incredibly strong, powerful. Too strong for me. I knew it would defeat me if I didn't/couldn't call upon the Christ-Light for the strength I knew I needed. But it knew every move I would make before I could make it. It could hear my thoughts. It was so angry, so full of hatred. It and its energy was diabolical. Repulsive.

I usually say the Lord's Prayer when confronted with the dark ones - bc it creates Spiritual Light within me that radiates out from me and the dark ones will flee from it in sheer utter fear.
But this one would attack me violently before I could get a word out, before I could use my Light. So speaking as fast as I could, I commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Three times I did this before it vanished out of sight.

Guys, these diabolical entities are influencing Mankind with their awful energy. You can't see this energy, and many can't feel it either. But you cannot ignore the effects of its dark influences here on Earth. Just look at the state of it right now.

I know it sounds soppy to unbelievers, but prayers will see off this darkness. Truly.
The dark ones are ridiculously powerful, fearsome - but they, it, is nothing, NOTHING, when challenged and confronted with the Christ-Light. Pray every day & defeat the diabolical.

Finally, a message from Spirit to you all . ...
Find your Faith. CHOOSE to do it. Doing nothing is a choice too. You have to SEEK your Faith to find it.
Faith in Almighty God will change your frequency and raise it so high.
You have no idea how powerful you are.
Please start praying. Don't be left behind.

Oh one last thing - don't get caught up in the black vs white racism shiz guys, it's symbolic of the Spiritual war that is good vs evil, dark vs Light, and here on Earth it is playing out as black vs white = Symbolic = As above, so below.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 12:55 PM
Thank you for these great posts. I can feel the energy, although I can't say that I have seen any of the things you have seen. The darkness is...very compelling. I was in an antique store yesterday, and I swear it was like all of the energy was sucked right out of me. Like there was something very dark around...which sounds kind of cliche to me, being as I was in an antique store with what basically amounts to a building full of old artifacts.

originally posted by: doobydoll
Guys, these diabolical entities are influencing Mankind with their awful energy. You can't see this energy, and many can't feel it either. But you cannot ignore the effects of its dark influences here on Earth. Just look at the state of it right now.

edit on 1/6/2023 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 01:25 PM
I now remember why I miss Dd's posts.
And yours.
Please forgive me if I was the reason you stopped posting QStormriders stuff.
You may have misunderstood me.
I do not clearly express myself a lot.
I like reading SR.

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: doobydoll
I remember those posts and based on your estimation of 18 months ago I found what I think is the first one. I'll see if I can find some more...

next related post
another one
another one

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 01:44 PM
This one is pretty good.

One very valid meaning initially, Loop Capital The Swampy Corporate Entity.

Second meaning later, equally as valid, DC Capital Loop J6 Swampy Entity.

This irony here is Kev might think he can save his a$$, but in order for him to save his a$$ he must have powers beyond the so called democracy, veering into NanChi dictatorship. Which of course assumes something doesn't break shortly that destroys his power, better to make the deals now.

Ukraine is their final Battle Front. They lose there, they lose. They already lost.

The Plan to Carve Up Russia

I want to talk to you about an aspect that makes me think. It’s the fact that the Cold War never really ended, because ultimately Russia was never pacified. When Putin invaded Crimea in 2014, he was excluded from the G8. In addition, NATO has deployed troops in the Baltic region, to demonstrate its readiness to intervene. And we too have decided to allocate 2% of GDP to military expenditure for defence. CDU and CSU were the only ones to have kept it in the government programme. But we too should have reacted more quickly to Russia’s aggressiveness. (“Angela Merkel: Kohl took advantage of his voice and build”, Corrier Della Sera)

BTW, this is disclosure. That's gonna be it most likely.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Please forgive me if I was the reason you stopped posting QStormriders stuff.

I only post QTSR's opinion/"intel" posts. There haven't been any posted on TG recently but I expect some soon. I'll stop posting them when the stars stop.

You may have misunderstood me.

I may have. I honestly don't remember.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 05:34 PM
Good Afternoon All….🥰

Some Wonderful Wisdom in the last few pages, we have some Special Souls here. 😊 Navigating between our Spiritual and Earthly concerns is confusing and challenging to say the least ! So grateful we’re doing this together.

IDK what to even say about the stupid, wasteful use of energy and money being used to vote over and over, lol, and over to determine who the “Speaker” of the House will be ? I’m with doobydoll and BrewTiger, in the notion we don’t solve this with politics. The road block I keep hitting, is how do we determine what our roles should be ? It doesn’t seem we can let these egregious wrongs go unchallenged, Right ?!

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 06:38 PM
Maybe something or nothing...
Tonight is the first Full Moon of 2023, the Wolf Moon / Ice Moon is
also a micromoon making it appear smaller because the moon is
farther away from earth in it's cycle.


posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 07:26 PM
Maybe something or nothing...
The time may not be accurate but...I was walking me dog ~ 12:45p - 1:00pm & I saw
a huge bird that was long,wide & flat bottom & a propeller each side of wings (?)
It was coming from the north (DC?) heading south & then ~ 1hr later possibly returning
from the south to north towards DC. I am ~ 2:45 from DC.


posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 07:31 PM
Schuman Resonance graphs are interesting. Much has been blocked but the blue is very vivid. Blue is usually very quiet but not today it seems.


On another issue this guy on telegram is getting very interesting today. He is following the money closely.



edit on 6/1/2023 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

I would not like to experience what you go through in meditation I don't think lol.
But I do agree with you on many points.
Especially with being caught up with all that's going on right now politically, spiritually, and all the evil that's going on right now.
When I was young growing up in the 70s and 80s, we didn't worry about these things. We formed bands and played uplifting and positive rock n roll. It gives you amazing positive energy. A lot of the stuff coming out nowadays is all very dark. People don't sing about good times, partying, sex, and such anymore. It's all violent and dark. Depressing to say the least. But that's what mainstream promotes. Look what that's done to society, my god.

I enjoy being a positive voice in a dark world, but it can be really draining, especially over the last few years as everything gets exposed. Thank god for Q and the white hats. If that turns out to be a scam, well then I guess humanity is truly f*cked forever.
I play in 3 bands at the moment. One is an original band called Full of Excuses, then I have a 90s rock band (we cover Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Avenged Sevenfold, Seether, etc), I also have an 80s hairband (covering Skid Row, JP, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Poison, KISS, etc). It keeps me sane in an insane world for sure.



posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:01 PM
Well, this is it, I guess. If these sites were offline as an indicator of those "Ten days of darkness" then tomorrow, Saturday the 7th of January, will be the day that these sites go back online. It also seems that the Speaker of the House might be voted in tomorrow as well. As for now though, there was no changes to the below posting.

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Maybe I didn't notice but the says:

4 0 4
There is not an index.html or here. If only there were.

If you still want to peek inside /keybase/public/qntmpkts:
Using the Keybase filesystem, for real
This site is just a simple site that serves content straight out of the Keybase filesystem. If you're curious what KBFS is, please read Introducing the Keybase filesystem.

and it seems that is also off line. Yet is still up.

Could this be a targeted attack against -Q-, or is this as they say a coincidence?

Wanted to add that if we are at that "10 days of darkness", then it should be noted that January 6th is ten days from now.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:17 PM
This is a very telling story. I mean we all know how suicide works in DC (Say something wrong, get assassinated, reporters all talk about the suicide note left behind, and a threatened family member comes forward to talk about how troubled the victim was).

From: Fox News via MSN News

Some House Democrats like Eric Swalwell are suggesting their Republican colleagues will shoot them since metal detectors were removed from the House of Representatives.

"A lot of my Republican colleagues glorify violence and proudly display the firearms they have in their offices, so it just makes me nervous that we could have a workplace violent event. They’re not the most stable people," Swalwell, D-Calif., said in an interview this week.

But mister "Nuke the Americans, nuke them all" Swalwell isn't the only one speaking out, read on;

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., agreed with the Raw Story reporter's remark that it was "scary" to live in a "QAnon reality" with possibly armed Republicans. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., has played coy about whether she'll carry a gun on the House floor after she celebrated the departure of the magnetometers.

"This is the new reality," Jayapal said. "Unfortunately."

"There have been increased threats to members of Congress. There's been an increase in political violence in this country, and I think we have a responsibility to make sure that people come to work—this is a workplace—that they could do so safely and free from any fear of violence, particularly gun violence," Rep. David Cicilline, D, R.I., told Raw Story.

And of course "accidents" can't happen without Schiff "exposing" their agendas.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., also said he had "concerns" about not having a metal detector and hoped it wouldn't lead to "tragedy."

What's telling in the news piece is this,

It's unclear who ordered the removal of the metal detectors. The House does not have a Speaker at the moment as Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., has been unable to wrangle the 218 votes he needs despite Republicans holding a narrow majority.

Wouldn't the order to remove them have come from the former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi? I forget but isn't she part of the party that threatened to burn cities and kill many if they didn't get their way with the election?

Who should really be worried? I foresee a lot of people dying soon due to "gun violence", and the American people not caring enough to give a flip.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:43 PM
Does everyone know that when the vote resumes shortly in Congress it will be roll call #17?
edit on 6-1-2023 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Tonight is also Christmas Eve for the Orthodox church; which celebrates Christmas on 7th.

It's also Epiphany for the Western catholic church.

Now don't forget that Washington crossed the Delaware at Christmas, in a DURHAM boat (#14).

Lastly, why such a big delay, to 10pm EST, on the 14th Speaker Vote? ...Well that would be midnight = Christmas Day in Russia!!!
edit on 6-1-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 09:26 PM
I need six to refute these.

These fascist demands are a threat to our democracy, they are all clearly rooted in the ideology of white supremacy and if passed, will allow the country to be ruled by Qanon and other alt right extremists who seek to destroy the climate and perpetuate hate among the lgbtq+++ community.

Right now, what I wrote can and will be written by bots. The above demands cannot. The difference is important.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
I ran the image through ocr and this is what I got:
Here's some of what's in play:
~ Jeffersonian Motion to vacate the Chair. This allows a single person to make the motion to remove the speaker if he goes back on his word or policy agenda.
~ A "Church" style committee: this allows us to look into the weaponization of orgs like the FBI against the American people.
~ Term Limit Vote
~ Single Subject Bills (that can't be loaded with irrelevant nonsense)
~ Texas Border Plan
~ A budget that stops an increase in the debt ceiling and holds senate accountable.
~ Ending emergency funding and all COVID mandates and funding.
~ 72 Hours to read a bill.

I think the bots could have done the same. Even if they couldn't, they can write about it now.

ETA: In the spirit of full disclosure, I edited in some of the tildes (~) the OCR returned that in 4 of the lines but other characters in the rest.

edit on 6-1-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 09:49 PM

ALX 🇺🇸
BREAKING: Joe Biden forgets the date January 6th and calls it “July 6th”

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:25 PM
OMG... I think General Flynn has just turned up in the House in that drag outfit he wore before?


This happened exactly after the clerk finished reading the results of the 14th vote!

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:52 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Hum, that person does seem to be causing a bit of a scene there doesn't he/she/it.

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