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Abortions - Why so bad?

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Quadrivium

The choice was freely made to try and reproduce.

This is one area of many in which we fundamentally disagree.

Neither your or your partners orgasm is worth another humans right to life.

F# off! Women don't need a partner to orgasm, and when they do, it creates ZERO chance of pregnancy. Only a man's irresponsible orgasm can cause a unwanted pregnancy.

Not one of you, in the pro-death cult, has been able to give one honest, logical reason for 99% of abortions.
It boils down to your mentality.

This statement exposes your mentality. It all boils down to you being unable to comprehend anything but the sound your own voice and its echo.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

This is one area of many in which we fundamentally disagree.

It does not matter if you agree.
It is fact.
ALL of your arguments are faith based feelz.

F# off! Women don't need a partner to orgasm, and when they do, it creates ZERO chance of pregnancy. Only a man's irresponsible orgasm can cause a unwanted pregnancy.

Emotional, faith based statements are all you have.

Men don't need a partner to orgasm either.
So, if men and women do not need partners, why are they killing other human beings to have them?
Because, in 99% of abortion cases, they both CHOSE to have a partner.

This statement exposes your mentality. It all boils down to you being unable to comprehend anything but the sound your own voice and its echo.

Because I called it a Pro-death Cult??
Which part of that statement is untrue?
That is the same way I saw Nazis.
You are Pro-Death. You constantly say "there is nothing special about human life".
That is a very open ended statement for a "person" to make. It seems you are ok with killing ANYONE, for ANYTHING you don't like.
Death may be part of living, but so is living.
The thing about Pro-Death humans is the fact they are missing something that makes them a Person, the humanity aspect.
Maybe your "Personhood Fairy" didn't sprinkle enough of the "Magical Dust of Personhood" on you......?

edit on 13-11-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

It is fact.

Nope. It's you projecting your feelz!

Men don't need a partner to orgasm either.

Only when men ejaculate irresponsibly does an unwanted pregnancy occur. A woman can orgasm all day, every day and never ever get pregnant because of it.

Because, in 99% of abortion cases, they both CHOSE to have a partner.

Having a partner isn't consent to parenthood.

Because I called it a Pro-death Cult??
Which part of that statement is untrue?
That is the same was I saw Nazis.
You are Pro-Death. You constantly say "there is nothing special about human life".
That is a very open ended statement for a "person" to make. It seems you are ok will killing ANYONE, for ANYTHING you don't like.
Death may be part of living, but so is living.
The thing about Pro-Death humans is the fact they are missing something that makes them a Person, the humanity aspect.
Maybe your "Personhood Fairy" didn't sprinkle enough of the "Magical Dust of Personhood" on you......?

It's ^^ THIS ^^ kind of crap that exposes your distain for women and their reproductive rights, as well as your total inability to hear any other point of view, to be open to philosophy or reason. The only sound that penetrates that thick, troglodyte skull of yours is the sound of your own voice and its echos.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Nope. It's you projecting your feelz!

Yeah, ok.....
I write ALL biology books, based on "my feelz".
You need a dictionary....(a biology book wouldn't hurt either).

Having a partner isn't consent to parenthood.

It is consent to the act of reproduction.

It's ^^ THIS ^^ kind of crap that exposes your distain for women and their reproductive rights, as well as your total inability to hear any other point of view, to be open to philosophy or reason. The only sound that penetrates that thick, troglodyte skull of yours is the sound of your own voice and its echos.

See, ^^this^^ is actually what projection looks like.
When faced with facts, you try to put your flaws and insecurities on others.

While I admire women, and have the utmost respect for them in general,
I do not care for pro-death cult like people of any gender.
I feel the same about Nazi's as well, does that mean I have distain for ALL Germans......

Can you show me exactly what is in that post that "shows my distain for women"?
Are you sure it's not your disdain for men showing?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

I write ALL biology books, based on "my feelz".

Your worship of biology is based on your feelz. Outsmarting biology, and refusing to be a victim to biology is what being a human "being" is all about.

It is consent to the act of reproduction.

The only "act of reproduction" done during sex is male ejaculation. Ovulation has nothing to do with orgasm, ejaculation or sexual activity. Ovulation isn't a choice; it isn't planned, and it isn't consented to. Only the male has the choice to ejaculate inside a woman's vagina once sexual activity has begun. Only he can decide to pull out, only he can decide to wrap it up.

Can you show me exactly what is in that post that "shows my distain for women"?

Every one of your posts in this thread drips with your disdain for women who exercised their reproductive right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. You just pretend that the female "being", once impregnated, only purpose is to exist as a biological victim, free will, self-determinism and autonomy be damned! All Hail Biology?
edit on 13-11-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Your worship of biology is based on your feelz. Outsmarting biology, and refusing to be a victim to biology is what being a human "being" is all about.

No wonder you don't think there is anything special about human life, if you believe that's what it's all about.

Again, I am sorry. I don't know who broke you, but I am sorry.

I do not worship biology. I simply respect human life and understand through science/biology when it begins.
What about all those victims that pay with their lives, due to "outsmarting" biology?
You have a sadistic world view, cultish in nature. That is why death of another human is so easy for you.

You see Sookie, your entire world view revolves around the one simple thought, that one simple feeling you always run to:
"There is nothing special about human life"
The only way you can truly believe that is by dehumanizing other humans.
You are missing out on being Human, the Humanity aspect of it.

This is why I compare you and other Pro-death cultists to Nazi's and Slavers.
I have read a great deal and you share their outlook, their lack of humanity.

You will find fault in ANYONE'S argument against your feverish lust for control.
People argue religious beliefs/you argue your own form of faith.
People argue using Science/you still argue your own form of faith.

To you and others, with your warped, damaged outlook, it's not about the "right to choose" or "reproduction rights", you honestly don't care about either because you know that in 99% of cases both were freely exercised.
The only thing you care about is CONTROLL or thinking that you are loosing control.

You would sacrifice anything or anyone to keep your faith based outlook of control.

The rest of your post is just nonsensical, faith based blather.
You can't disprove anything I have stated.
You can't show any post where I showed "distain for women", only pro-death people of any gender.
You can't make a coherent argument so you lie, make stuff up and disregard any facts you do not like.
I am sorry....
That must be a terrible way to live.

edit on 13-11-2022 by Quadrivium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium

Who stood up to slavery?
Who stood up to Nazi's?

American women and the people who love them are standing up to forced birth fascism in the United States. Every time one of these fascist anti-women, forced birth laws are brought to the people, they vote them down.

The choice was freely made to try and reproduce.

Oh Yeah -- for sure I was trying to reproduce when soon-to-be-ex and I got together for a last hurrah! (Divorce is very emotional)

Since I was divorcing him because he was jealous of the children he already had -- and it was affecting them -- I chose to reproduce bringing another child into the mess.

Grow up!

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium


There you go again, refusing to hear anything but your own voice and its echo. You're like a broken record. Everything you say to me, you're saying to every person who supports women's rights; every voter in Kansan, Michigan, Kentucky, California, Montana and Vermont, who just voted against your feelz.

Everything you've said in this thread, you said in first 2 or 3 posts. The rest is repetition, like a broken record; you yelling into the abyss and listening for your lonely echo.

Berating me, and other defenders of women's reproductive rights, will do you no good, it'll change no one's mind and save no lives.

You're just throwing loud tantrums on an obscure website, listening for an echo.

edit on 13-11-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium

Who stood up to slavery?
Who stood up to Nazi's?

American women and the people who love them are standing up to forced birth fascism in the United States. Every time one of these fascist anti-women, forced birth laws are brought to the people, they vote them down.

The choice was freely made to try and reproduce.

Oh Yeah -- for sure I was trying to reproduce when soon-to-be-ex and I got together for a last hurrah! (Divorce is very emotional)

Since I was divorcing him because he was jealous of the children he already had -- and it was affecting them -- I chose to reproduce bringing another child into the mess.

Grow up!

LOL, YOU grow up, take responsibility for the outcome of your choices instead of killing another human being.
Just stick your fingers back in your ears "Lalalalllaaaa, not listening".
Both of you made a choice to engage in the act.
Another human had to give up everything because of the choices you and he made.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium

Who stood up to slavery?
Who stood up to Nazi's?

American women and the people who love them are standing up to forced birth fascism in the United States. Every time one of these fascist anti-women, forced birth laws are brought to the people, they vote them down.

The choice was freely made to try and reproduce.

Oh Yeah -- for sure I was trying to reproduce when soon-to-be-ex and I got together for a last hurrah! (Divorce is very emotional)

Since I was divorcing him because he was jealous of the children he already had -- and it was affecting them -- I chose to reproduce bringing another child into the mess.

Grow up!

LOL, YOU grow up, take responsibility for the outcome of your choices instead of killing another human being.
Just stick your fingers back in your ears "Lalalalllaaaa, not listening".
Both of you made a choice to engage in the act.
Another human had to give up everything because of the choices you and he made.

I did take responsibility -- I aborted the pregnancy.

You're just too self-righteous to understand anything beyond your self-righteousness.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium


There you go again, refusing to hear anything but your own voice and its echo. You're like a broken record. Everything you say to me, you're saying to every person who supports women's rights; every voter in Kansan, Michigan, Kentucky, California, Montana and Vermont, who just voted against your feelz.

Um no....
Do you honestly think everyone who agrees with abortion has the same mentality as you?
That human life has no value, that there is nothing special about it?
No, there are pro abortion people then there are the cult like Pro-Death people, like yourself.
Huge difference.
I dare you to start a thread on it so you can actually see that the majority do not share your views.

Everything you've said in this thread, you said in first 2 or 3 posts. The rest is repetition, like a broken record; you yelling into the abyss and listening for your lonely echo.

That's because they are facts. I could try and make up new, make-believe ones but then we would both be as lost as last years Easter Egg.
So, just 2 or 3 post....?
And you STILL can not refute any of it without using feelz and lies.

Berating me, and other defenders of women's reproductive rights, will do you no good, it'll change no one's mind and save no lives.

You're just throwing loud tantrums on an obscure website, listening for an echo.

LOL berating you.....
Read your own post, Pot.
Again, not everyone shares YOUR view on this. You and a couple more show absolutely zero regard for human life in the least. You are like Nazis and Slavers in that regard.

I do like repetition though, so:
Abortion is the violent, premeditated killing of another human being for convenience, in 99% of cases.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium

Who stood up to slavery?
Who stood up to Nazi's?

American women and the people who love them are standing up to forced birth fascism in the United States. Every time one of these fascist anti-women, forced birth laws are brought to the people, they vote them down.

The choice was freely made to try and reproduce.

Oh Yeah -- for sure I was trying to reproduce when soon-to-be-ex and I got together for a last hurrah! (Divorce is very emotional)

Since I was divorcing him because he was jealous of the children he already had -- and it was affecting them -- I chose to reproduce bringing another child into the mess.

Grow up!

LOL, YOU grow up, take responsibility for the outcome of your choices instead of killing another human being.
Just stick your fingers back in your ears "Lalalalllaaaa, not listening".
Both of you made a choice to engage in the act.
Another human had to give up everything because of the choices you and he made.

I did take responsibility -- I aborted the pregnancy.

You're just too self-righteous to understand anything beyond your self-righteousness.

Let's look at a little of your "self-righteousness", your self-absorbed, self-involved, concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others.
You aborted a human being.
A living human being.
Because you couldn't see them, did that diminish their value?
Because you couldn't bond with them, did that make them less human, or you?

Humanity (as a virtue):
Humanity is a virtue linked with basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. It also symbolizes human love and compassion towards each other.

You may have convinced yourself they were "just a clump of cells", "they were not human", "they were not a Person", actually you can make ANY excuse you want (they are ALL unfounded and UNTRUE).
That still does not change the fact they were A human being.
They had their ENTIRE life, full of experiences, love, pain, hope, regret, everything.....that was taken from them through NO fault or choice of their own.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

You aborted a human being.
A living human being.

A potential human being..

I dare you to start a thread on it so you can actually see that the majority do not share your views.

ATS doesn't represent a majority view on any subject.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"

Reality will catch up to you.

Good luck on the self-righteousness.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

ATS doesn't represent a majority view on any subject.

Oh, Hell NO!

Gawd -- can't even imagine using ATS as a platform for any thought pattern.

There's a lot of "stuck" mindsets on ATS.

It just helps keep my mind open that people who think a certain way are still part of society.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 10:35 AM
Voters Protected Abortion Care In Every State Where It Was On The Ballot

Put the vote to the people.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Quadrivium

You aborted a human being.
A living human being.

A potential human being..

Make-believe, like your "Person-Hood Fairy".

I dare you to start a thread on it so you can actually see that the majority do not share your views.

ATS doesn't represent a majority view on any subject.
That does not matter, as the majority do not share your warped mentality of human life.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

ATS doesn't represent a majority view on any subject.

Oh, Hell NO!

Gawd -- can't even imagine using ATS as a platform for any thought pattern.

There's a lot of "stuck" mindsets on ATS.

It just helps keep my mind open that people who think a certain way are still part of society.

You do realize your mindset is stuck...Right?

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Quadrivium

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

ATS doesn't represent a majority view on any subject.

Oh, Hell NO!

Gawd -- can't even imagine using ATS as a platform for any thought pattern.

There's a lot of "stuck" mindsets on ATS.

It just helps keep my mind open that people who think a certain way are still part of society.

You do realize your mindset is stuck...Right?

I don't think you've really lived yet.

Not a full life where things don't always work out.

Maybe all your pegs and squares will always fit the right holes -- the odds are against though.

I feel like I'm talking to a very young person.

posted on Nov, 14 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Quadrivium

"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans"

Reality will catch up to you.

Unless you take that life. You then cause the total, irreversible disability of another individual human being.

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