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Abortions - Why so bad?

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posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:01 PM
Poor women who get raped and impregnated
Poor potential life getting taken away (Yes, its potential, because its possible it dies in the womb or at birth)
Those poor lives brought into this world from a raped woman who will not have a quality of life, though some would.

Either way, nobody wins in this situation. Nobody.
edit on 2-10-2022 by ExiledSpirit777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:15 PM
I personally feel abortions should be freely available for all at any time and for any reason. No one should have any say as to when a woman can or cannot get one if desired. No one gets a abortion for the fun of it. It is health care and should be between a woman and her Dr, no one else should have any say so in the matter

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Annee

Back into my less friendly character. He can and just did, probably wise to heed this advice.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: MatteBlak
I personally feel abortions should be freely available for all at any time and for any reason. No one should have any say as to when a woman can or cannot get one if desired. No one gets a abortion for the fun of it. It is health care and should be between a woman and her Dr, no one else should have any say so in the matter

Thank you.

Totally agree.

It is no one else's business.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Annee

Except the doctor who needs to collaborate and agree to perform the procedure, the majority of whom are male, suggesting we do actually have a say, contrary to the opinion of misandrists.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 05:39 PM
When I was 20 (married) I had a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). First pregnancy.

They put me in the maternity ward with all the new mom's feeding their infants -- due to hospital reconstruction.

I had no CHOICE in losing that pregnancy.

About 2 years later I had my first child, 3 years later had 2nd child.


Due to circumstances (still married, barely) -- I chose the welfare of my 2 living children over having a 3rd.

I do not regret my decision. I would do it again under the same circumstances.

And I would have been pissed as Hell if it weren't for Roe vs Wade -- giving me the right to make that choice.

Roe vs Wade go hand-in-hand -- they are not separate issues.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

You don't see you are derailing the thread and going off-topic for political reasons?

No. I absolutely do not see my posts as derailing or political baiting.

There was an assertion made in this thread, more than once, and by more than one poster, that leftists, Democrats, liberals, pro-choice, abortionists, whatever you want to call us, went off the rails demanding abortion up to and after birth, (that's bad) and that's why we need abortion bans. (That's bad)

I'm refuting that claim. The way things were, historically, is part of my proof, even if that historic proof requires remembering how Roe V Wade worked up to just a few weeks ago.

For me when I use that term I mean third-trimester abortions of an unborn child that would live if delivered.

Again, no one is advocating for that. Nobody is advocating for a healthy fetus to be aborted when it could be delivered. Are there exceptions? Yes, and the Federal Government still protects those exceptions.

edit on 2-10-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

OK, I'll play. How exactly and in detail does that apply to the OP titled "Abortions - Why so bad?"? Here I'll post the entire OP below...

So first I just want to say this is my very first thread!
Ive been a long time reader of ATS but never posted or commented until the last few days.

Now i thought i would start off with a perhaps rather controversial question...

Why do people think Abortions are so bad?
I suppose this question is mainly aimed at the American people as over here in the UK (Wales) no one seems to give a rat ass about it.
Ive tried asking the question on various message boards/youtube comments etc but noone ever seems to reply.

No right or wrong answers of course just want to see peoples thoughts!

edit on 10/2/2022 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

You're right. Good people can disagree. And with a little effort, find common middle ground.

How do you find common ground with those people supporting the democrat party and their crazy policies which has labeled as "domestic terrorists" all of their political opponents, as well as parents who dare protest the socialist/communist and sexual indoctrination of children, or even Americans who dare be pro-life?

Even pro-life Americans have been labeled as "criminals, or domestic terrorists for being pro-life by democrat leaders/the left and the criminal puppet Biden/Obama administration.

Pro-Lifers: The Most Dangerous Domestic Terrorists?

Pro-life, pro-abortion activism labeled as domestic violent extremist threat in US intel report

While ironically pro-murder/pro-choice criminals are not being swatted by the FBI for pushing pro-life activists.

How do you find common ground with the people who don't want anyone with conservative views to speak in public, to post in social media or other channels simply for having conservative views?

You really don't seem to understand how close to a full blown dictatorship we are in the U.S. under democrat leaders and even RINOs.

Do you actually think that when leftist leaders and their staff talk about putting millions of Americans, including pro-life Americans, who are their political opponents in indoctrination/re-education camps you think they are lying or exaggerating?

originally posted by: Boadicea
Unfortunately, both sides have been trying to shut down the other side, with no respect or understanding for what the other side has to say, and the legitimate concerns on both sides. Much of the abuse is quite sexist, but there are legitimate concerns to be considered. This thread has been on the rational, reasonable and thoughtful side. But this thread has been the exception.

There is only one side trying to shut down the other side. Right now pro-life charities and buildings have been viciously attacked, and pro-life people have been injured yet democrat leaders under puppet Biden are not puting the pro-murder attackers in prison for most cases. On the other hand we have cases of pro-life people who have been swatted by puppet Biden's DOJ/FBI when local authorities did not see any crime committed by the pro-life person.

Look at the case about the Catholic and pro-life activist who went with his son to attempt to change the mind of some women seeking abortion. A pro-murder activist, an older man, went to where the Catholic pro-life and his son were. The pro-murder activist started pushing and insulting the son of the Catholic man. The Catholic pro-life pushes the pro-murder activist who falls and injures a finger. Local authorities investigated and saw that the Catholic pro-life man was defending his child and stated they were not going to press any charges.

Then puppet Biden/Obama's DOJ gets involved and they send the FBI, 25 agents, to raid the home of the Catholic pro-life activist. The FBI went in with weapons drawn and pointed their guns at the 7 children, the wife and the man as the Catholic pro-life man was put in handcuffs. This is political persecution, and only one side is being unjustly treated as if we are criminals. Meanwhile the pro-murder side can attack and even destroy buildings and leftist DAs and this communist puppet Biden dictatorship don't go after actual criminals.

Pennsylvania pro-life activist arrested by FBI, charged with assaulting clinic escort

There is nothing to respect about people who want their political opponents in prison and are indoctrinating children as young as possible to be leftists. There is nothing to respect about people who are backing the Marxist and sexual indoctrination of American children as young as 5 years old. People who want to take away all parental rights from parents, they want to and are actively giving parental rights to the government and to leftist pedophiles who have been allowed to be teachers.

How does a pro-life person comes to respect or see a side that labels unborn babies as "cancer", "dead", or "a bunch of cells who don't feel anything" ? How do you find common ground with people who want to deny actual human biology and are actively demonizing human life at certain stages?

originally posted by: Boadicea
When I say I wish I could be "pro-life" in the political sense, I mean it. But the abuse I've seen piled on to women and the absolutely vile names they have been called has been a shocker to me. I cannot trust those hating on women to write proper legislation that take into account the women's rights and needs.... and, likewise, we cannot trust those hating on men to take into account their rights and needs.

It is not the woman's right nor the man's rights which are at stake. it is the right of a new human being which has been labeled by pro-murder activists as "cancer, not alive, a bunch of cells and part of a woman's body."

The only people ignoring actual human biology are the pro-murder activists. Unborn humans have their own unique dna. They have their own organs, their own skin, and are developing to become unique humans.

Unborn babies are not "part of a woman's body." The claim that murdering unborn babies is a right for women started with nazi and white supremacists like Margaret Sanger to get rid of certain humans she and her nazi/white supremacist friends labeled as "weeds of humanity."

To this day 86% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics still target minorities as they are found in or close to minority neighborhoods.

Why do you still support an evil agenda which was started and continues to be pushed by evil people who don't want certain humans in the world?

edit on 2-10-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add, correct comment and add links.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555


Why do people think Abortions are so bad?

Hypothetical answer:
Abortion wouldn't be such a big issue, but (insert derogatory description) couldn't just leave it alone. They had to keep pushing to murder babies all the way up to and even after birth! They're immoral godless psychopaths. Their motive is murder. They abused their rights, now they've lost them.

Nobody is advocating for that. for the past 50 years Roe directly gave individual states the right to manage those decisions. Nothing has changed regarding states' authority on late term abortions decisions since the overturning of Roe.

The End

One thing that seems to get under the skin of some pro-life heavy hitters is the federal mandate to consider the woman in labor or the pregnant woman in destress as "the patient", whose life and welfare are primary. Texas and Idaho don't want physicians to be bound by choosing to save the life of the mother over the life of the fetus, when it's one or the other. They're both in federal court against the Biden Administration right now. They think that since abortion is no longer a constitutional right, the woman's right to be considered the primary patient isn't constitutional either.

That's bad. Mkay.

edit on 2-10-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

Hypothetical answer:
Abortion wouldn't be such a big issue, but (insert derogatory description) couldn't just leave it alone. They had to keep pushing to murder babies all the way up to and even after birth! They're immoral godless psychopaths. Their motive is murder.

Those people pushing to murder unborn babies even up to the day they are to be born, and even if they survive the abortion to allow the children to die by not giving her/him medical attention, include the pro-murder democrat legislators those like you keep voting for. Including your puppet Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, and most major democrat leaders.

To me it's ironic that a person wants to claim that he/she is against the murder of unborn children up to the day they are to be born, yet that person votes for leaders who are in favor of murdering unborn humans up to the day they are to be born, as well as they are in favor of allowing children who survive abortions to be left to die by not giving them any attention as is now legal in New York.

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
Nobody is advocating for that. for the past 50 years Roe directly gave individual states the right to manage those decisions. Nothing has changed regarding states' authority on late term abortions decisions since the overturning of Roe.

The End

False, Roe vs Wade did not leave the decision to individual states. Those states that attempted to manage their own decisions were sued into submission. Not to mention that Roe Vs Wade decided against pro-murder since the third trimester yet democrat leaders/the left and left-wing judges, DAs, and lawyers have been lying claiming Roe vs Wade allow the murder of unborn babies up to the day they are to be born...

An example of an evil pos democrat leader who most if not all leftists in this website adore, Hillary, has made this claim as well.

Co-host Paula Faris asked, “I want to ask you about some comments that you made over the weekend on ‘Meet the Press,’ you said, quote, ‘The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.’ My question is at what point does someone have constitutional rights, and are you saying that a child, on its due date, just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights ?”

Clinton said, “Under our law that is the case, Paula. I support Roe versus Wade because I think it is an important — an important statement about the importance of a woman making this most difficult decision with consultation by whom she chooses: her doctor, her faith, her family. And under the law and under certainly that decision, that is the way we structure it.”

Watch What Hillary Clinton Supports: Abortion Up Until Due Date

It is hypocritical and dishonest to claim you are against this, yet those like you support democrat leaders who argue that unborn babies have no Constitutional right and a woman can abort a baby even on his/her due date for any reason...

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
One thing that seems to get under the skin of some pro-life heavy hitters is the federal mandate to consider the woman in labor or the pregnant woman in destress as "the patient", whose life and welfare are primary. Texas and Idaho don't want physicians to be bound by choosing to save the life of the mother over the life of the fetus, when it's one or the other. They're both in federal court against the Biden Administration right now.

That's bad. Mkay.

Actually, the problem is that in another case the ignorant Supreme Court Doe v. Bolton made any reason, including financial reasons or just for the heck of it, as "part of a woman's health being at risk."

The Doe v. Bolton case defined the "health of the mother" in such a way that any abortion for any reason could be protected by the language of the decision. Its definition of health includes "all factors—physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age—relevant to the well-being of the patient.

Doe v. Bolton

Back then when the ignorant Supreme Court decided in favor of Doe Vs Bolton ultrasounds were not readily available in most hospitals and doctors did not know what we know now as facts about unborn babies.

Because of Doe vs Bolton a woman could say, "I just don't feel like having a baby anymore" the day her baby is to be born and because of Doe vs Bolton the woman's excuse is seen as "part of a woman's health being at risk..."

The large majority of abortions are done not because the LIFE of the mother is at risk, but because she just doesn't feel like giving birth to a new human being.

edit on 2-10-2022 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment and correct video url.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

False, Roe vs Wade did not leave the decision to individual states.

(c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, may, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother. Pp. 163-164; 164-165.
edit on 2-10-2022 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Grenade

The number one reason is compassion.

No it isn't.

Compassion is the farthest thing from a Christian's motivation to ban all abortions. Suffering and punishment are the main reasons Christians want to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies. The 2nd Christian reason forced birthers advocate for abortions bans in they, erroneously, think their god wants every fertilized egg born, otherwise he wouldn't have made women fertile every month, and it's their job to make sure their god's wants are satisfied.

to be fair,
the mother should die with the baby.

it's equity.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

How do you find common ground with those people supporting the democrat party and their crazy policies which has labeled as "domestic terrorists" all of their political opponents, as well as parents who dare protest the socialist/communist and sexual indoctrination of children, or even Americans who dare be pro-life?

First, we're all Americans. We have that in common. Second, we all love someone, including our wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, etc, and we all want what is best for them. We have that in common. Third, we all have to muddle through with craptastic political critters twisting and contorting the truth for their agenda at our expense. We have that in common. Fourth, we all have rights and needs and wants that need to be respected, and the only way we can protect and defend our own rights is by protecting and defending the rights of others. We have that in common.

Pretty good foundation right there.

Even pro-life Americans have been labeled as "criminals, or domestic terrorists for being pro-life by democrat leaders/the left and the criminal puppet Biden/Obama administration.

Yup. Because that's what the political critters do. And lots of people live in those ridiculous partisan bubbles and echo chambers. Other people will do better. Others will ignore the stupidity, or address it directly and give those in the echo chambers something to think about, if not learn something new, or look at the situation in a different light.

However, lowering ourselves to that level, and simply calling names and pointing fingers back will not solve anything.

While ironically pro-murder/pro-choice criminals are not being swatted by the FBI for pushing pro-life activists.

Ironically? No. Tyrannically? Yes. Is the FBI wrong for swatting pro-life activists? Of course it is! But that means the FBI shouldn't be swatting either pro-life or pro-choice activists... It doesn't mean we start advocating for FBI swatting the other side.

How do you find common ground with the people who don't want anyone with conservative views to speak in public, to post in social media or other channels simply for having conservative views?

The same way all the people on the left being denied a platform to speak should be dealing with it, and by finding or creating places where such discussions can be had. By refusing to be cancelled. By doing it anyway. And ensuring that the "other" side always has a seat on the table. Not by lowering ourselves to that level and shutting everyone down.

You really don't seem to understand how close to a full blown dictatorship we are in the U.S. under democrat leaders and even RINOs.

Please. I know damn well how close we are, but I don't make silly distinctions like "left bad and right good." They are ALL dirty rotten criminally corrupt critters!!! But we cannot shut the dirty rotten criminally corrupt critters down by shutting down our fellow Americans, by playing VOLUNTARY foot soldiers in THEIR divide-and-conquer game. WE have to work out our differences and that means WE have to find common ground that respects EVERYONE's rights and needs.

And that sure as hell ain't going to happen if we're just doing the same damn thing as the dirty rotten criminally corrupt critters. We can be better than that if we choose to -- and it is each and every person's individual choice how they conduct themselves. If YOU -- and anyone else -- choose to play the same dirty rotten criminally corrupt games as the dirty rotten criminally corrupt critters, that is YOUR choice, and YOU are no better or worse than those dirty rotten criminally corrupt critters YOU are crying about.

Do you actually think that when leftist leaders and their staff talk about putting millions of Americans, including pro-life Americans, who are their political opponents in indoctrination/re-education camps you think they are lying or exaggerating?

Of course not. But I don't doubt that the right would do the exact same thing if given half a chance. I'm not going to argue the merits for or against any particular group, I'm going going to argue against the merits of putting ANYONE of ANY political philosophy putting ANYONE in ANY indoctrination/re-education camps.

There is only one side trying to shut down the other side.

Bull. Women have been called absolutely vile names, and accused of absolutely vile things, all for standing up for the rights and even the LIFE of women. What the hell is that if not trying to shut them down? And yes, it's overwhelmingly women who get this abuse. When a man says the same, there is very little -- if any -- of the same abuse. And it's not the man's life who is threatened by pregnancy...

And perhaps more important, there are certain elements on the left which is trying to shut down any and all discussion from their own base who disagree. This isn't left/right. This is about tyrants trying to force their will on everyone.

Right now pro-life charities and buildings have been viciously attacked, and pro-life people have been injured yet democrat leaders under puppet Biden are not puting the pro-murder attackers in prison for most cases. On the other hand we have cases of pro-life people who have been swatted by puppet Biden's DOJ/FBI when local authorities did not see any crime committed by the pro-life person.

Team Biden is dirty rotten and criminally corrupt. And water is wet. And I'd bet ya dollars to donuts that the activist arsonists were paid for their dirty deed, by the same team.

We can look at all the craptastic things the right has done throughout our history as well, like union busting, often with the help of public officials, including law enforcement.

It's wrong no matter who does it, and it has to be fought on that level. It's not wrong because it's the (perceived) left vs right or right vs left. It's wrong because it's wrong to do to anyone on by anyone.

Look at the case about the Catholic and pro-life activist who went with his son to attempt to change the mind of some women seeking abortion. A pro-murder activist, an older man, went to where the Catholic pro-life and his son were. The pro-murder activist started pushing and insulting the son of the Catholic man. The Catholic pro-life pushes the pro-murder activist who falls and injures a finger. Local authorities investigated and saw that the Catholic pro-life man was defending his child and stated they were not going to press any charges.

Then puppet Biden/Obama's DOJ gets involved and they send the FBI, 25 agents, to raid the home of the Catholic pro-life activist. The FBI went in with weapons drawn and pointed their guns at the 7 children, the wife and the man as the Catholic pro-life man was put in handcuffs. This is political persecution, and only one side is being unjustly treated as if we are criminals. Meanwhile the pro-murder side can attack and even destroy buildings and leftist DAs and this communist puppet Biden dictatorship don't go after actual criminals.

Again, Team Biden is dirty rotten and criminally corrupt. And water is wet. It wasn't right to do to this man, and it isn't right to do to anyone.

(to be continued...)
edit on 3-10-2022 by Boadicea because: Grrrr... formatting!

edit on 3-10-2022 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

There is nothing to respect about people who want their political opponents in prison and are indoctrinating children as young as possible to be leftists. There is nothing to respect about people who are backing the Marxist and sexual indoctrination of American children as young as 5 years old. People who want to take away all parental rights from parents, they want to and are actively giving parental rights to the government and to leftist pedophiles who have been allowed to be teachers.

You don't have to respect any individual or their opinions or their actions. Heaven knows there are a couple of posters right here that I have lost ALL respect for personally. But I respect their rights. I respect their right to have and express an opinion (no matter how vile I think it is). I respect their right to be secure in their persons (no matter what party they align with). I respect their right to personal autonomy and to make the choices right for them. their needs, their circumstances. And I won't try to deny anyone their rights no matter how much I disagree with them, how many names they call me, or anything else. Because I'm not a child who cannot control their own words, thoughts and emotions.

How does a pro-life person comes to respect or see a side that labels unborn babies as "cancer", "dead", or ? How do you find common ground with people who want to deny actual human biology and are actively demonizing human life at certain stages?

The same exact way I respect the rights of ANYONE who disagrees with me. Including those who want to deny the actual FEMALE biology and are actively demonizing women's lives at this particular stage of their life. Including those who want to deny that pregnant women have the same exact rights before, during and after pregnancy. Including those who want to deny that women do suffer with pregnancy and that women do die with pregnancy.

And as for "a bunch of cells who don't feel anything", I desperately -- DESPERATELY! -- want to believe the surgeon who told me that my baby did not feel anything when he was blown to bits like "an explosion" when my fallopian tube ruptured at 13 weeks. I DESPERATELY want to believe that I was the only one who suffered horribly. I DESPERATELY want to believe that my baby was not developed to the point that he felt pain. THAT'S HOW.

Somehow, I very much doubt you've ever been in that position. So I very much doubt that you know whereof you speak.

It is not the woman's right nor the man's rights which are at stake. it is the right of a new human being which has been labeled by pro-murder activists as "cancer, not alive, a bunch of cells and part of a woman's body."

The only people ignoring actual human biology are the pro-murder activists. Unborn humans have their own unique dna. They have their own organs, their own skin, and are developing to become unique humans.

OF COURSE it's the woman's rights at stake!!! You know how babies are gestated and birthed. It is a woman who puts ALL the effort into growing and nurturing and sustaining that child, often with much risk to her health/life, and ALWAYS at the expense of her body, comfort, finances, and pretty much EVERYTHING.

The very fact that you can completely erase any rights of the mother, and completely overstate the nature, condition and development of an embryo/fetus, is literally denying the very "human biology" you accuse others of doing, and the very rights that you claim for an undeveloped/underdeveloped, nonviable and non-sentient being.

In virtually any other situation, conservatives would say that it's not a "right" if it has to come from someone else. This is the argument used against healthcare as a "right." But you know damn well that an embryo/fetus requires everything from the mother. EVERYTHING. The baby needs the mother. The mother does not need the baby. The baby takes everything it needs from the mother, and gives nothing back. The mother gives everything the baby needs from her own body, and takes nothing from the baby. No effort or contribution from the baby. All the efforts and contributions are given by the mother.

Unborn babies are not "part of a woman's body."

No need to split hairs. It is what it is. The baby is obviously confined within the woman's body, the baby is obviously connected to the woman's body, the baby is obviously continuously feeding off the woman's body, and that baby's DNA will forever be part of the woman's body. It is intellectually dishonest to pretend that there is no dependence upon and need for the mother's body and her bodily functions.

That's what this really boils down to, isn't it? The baby needs to be in the woman's body, and connected to the woman's body, and receive it's sustenance and nurturing from the woman's body. When that is denied, it's called "abortion," and that's what we're arguing about. If the baby didn't NEED the mother for its existence, then abortion would be no problem. Right???

The claim that murdering unborn babies is a right for women started with nazi and white supremacists like Margaret Sanger to get rid of certain humans she and her nazi/white supremacist friends labeled as "weeds of humanity."

To this day 86% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics still target minorities as they are found in or close to minority neighborhoods.

Why do you still support an evil agenda which was started and continues to be pushed by evil people who don't want certain humans in the world?

Big BIG sigh.

Both spontaneous abortions and elective abortions have been around for thousands of years. Spontaneous abortions at least have been around since the female body was created. At some point, the God-given bounty of the earth was utilized for centuries to terminate unwanted pregnancies, across cultures and across races and across the globe.

Abortions were not created by Nazis or White Supremacists or Margaret Sanger. They simply exploited the natural phenomenom for their (sick) agendas. Nazis and White Supremacists eat too... but I'm not going to stop eating just because they did too. Nazis and White Supremacists are Christians too... I'm not going to stop being a Christian because they are. Nazis and Supremacists breathe air too... I'm not going to stop breathing because they do too.

Are you? Are you going to stop eating and breathing because the Nazis eat and breathe? Of course not!

That's a ridiculous and intellectually lazy argument.
edit on 3-10-2022 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

One thing that seems to get under the skin of some pro-life heavy hitters is the federal mandate to consider the woman in labor or the pregnant woman in destress as "the patient", whose life and welfare are primary. Texas and Idaho don't want physicians to be bound by choosing to save the life of the mother over the life of the fetus, when it's one or the other. They're both in federal court against the Biden Administration right now.

Legislators continue to prove that they are not qualified to legislate these matters. These folks want to completely erase the mother's right to life. Others say there is no need to abort for the mother's life/health. One even wanted to mandate a procedure that doesn't even exit for ectopic pregnancies be transferred from the tube to the uterus.

This continued and ramped up stupidity and insanity is what informs my opinion.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Grenade

Except they’re not “potential” children, we’re discussing ACTUAL children.

We're talking about embryos and fetuses, not ACTUAL children. ACTUAL children have many more, and very different needs than embryos and fetuses.

No, we are talking about human beings at the beginning of their life cycle.
Abortion, in 99% of cases, is the premeditated killing of another human being.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Quadrivium

No, we are talking about human beings at the beginning of their life cycle.
Abortion, in 99% of cases, is the premeditated killing of another human being.

I'm glad to see you've improved your verbiage, and are no longer claiming that the unborn are "exactly" the same as a live born child. I give you much credit for wanting to be intellectually honest and factual.

I do have a sincere question though, in regards to "premeditated" killing... The in vitro fertilization process literally inseminates eggs to be implanted, which are destined to later be removed. It is not a termination of the pregnancy, because other inseminated embryos remain. But it is a termination of the gestation process for those that are removed. I can't understand why anyone who opposes abortion would be okay with selective abortion (for want of a better word).

And yet, I haven't seen any complaints about this from the pro-life side, and I have not seen any efforts to regulate/legislate the practice.

Am I just not seeing such protests/legislation? Is there another specific reason that this is not protested? Is there something else I'm missing?

You may not know, I just thought you might have a better idea than me!

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: Tipulatedone

The only people who should be discussing it (even if you believe it to be wrong) should be the parents right?

YES -- right.

I mean should, for example the government have a say if you can or can't keep a baby.

NO, it is not the government's, religious, or anyone else's business if you choose to abort a pregnancy.

Irresponsible, random breeding, -- now that's a totally different question.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Good stuff! All of it!

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