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UK Bans COVID Vax for Kids – Vaccine Harms Sexual Development in Little Boys

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posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:25 PM

A trainee solicitor tragically died from a rare blood clot weeks after taking the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, an inquest heard today. Oli Akram Hoque, 26, from Ilford, received a dose of the vaccine on March 19 last year before suffering increasingly 'excruciating' headaches.

His condition deteriorated and resulted in his death at Queen's Hospital in Romford, on April 15, 2021 - one month before his 27th birthday.

In his written statement to East London Coroners' Court, Oli's grieving dad Bablul Hoque described his son as 'bright, intelligent, and ambitious', recalling his impressive CV which included work at Arsenal FC and the Citizens Advice Bureau.

Mr Hoque said the City University graduate had taken the vaccine in Ilford, where he lived with both parents and 'subsequently complained of headaches'.

link ydong

ommmmmmgggggg guyzzzzzzzzzz, how sayf and effektiv can you get?

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

Just more doom porn and tragedy with no sort of real proof as to the vaccine being responsible.

And from the daily fail no less.

ommmmmmgggggg guyzzzzzzzzzz, how sayf and effektiv can you get?


Say what now.

edit on 8-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:34 PM

The first compensation payments in the UK have been made to families who have been bereaved, or to people who have been injured, as a result of a covid-19 vaccine. Vikki Spit from Cumbria is believed to be the first person to receive compensation, after her 48 year old partner, Zion, became ill eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Zion, a former rock singer, died at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle in May 2021.


omggggggggggg 50 billion genetically modified chimpanzee adeno viruses in your bloodstream seems like a great idea.

I mean speaking of safety....imagine they like didnt bother testing simple things like if the vaccine is carcinogenic or can cause genetic toxicity, you know basic # like so glad they are keeping us safe by making sure its safe BEFORE giving untold amounts of people this great stuff.....

Single dose toxicity

No single dose toxicity studies have been performed. This is acceptable and in line with relevant guidelines (WHO 2005; WHO 2014).

omg wow so safe and using really out dated guidelines on a brand new thing...omg such a good idea.


No toxicokinetic studies have been performed with the vaccine. This is consistent with WHO guidelines on the nonclinical evaluation of vaccines (WHO 2005).

Genotoxicity No genotoxicity studies are planned for BNT162b2, as the components of all vaccine constructs are lipids and RNA that are not expected to have genotoxic potential (WHO, 2005).


Carcinogenicity studies with BNT162b2 have not been conducted as the components of all vaccine constructs are lipids and RNA that are not expected to have carcinogenic or tumorigenic potential. Carcinogenicity testing is generally not considered necessary to support the development and licensure of vaccine products for infectious diseases (WHO, 2005).

Reproductive and developmental toxicity

Fertility and early embryonic development and embryofoetal development In the general toxicity studies, macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of male and female reproductive tissues showed no evidence of toxicity. A combined fertility and developmental study (including teratogenicity and postnatal investigations) in rats is ongoing.

Prenatal and postnatal development, including maternal function
No such studies have been done.

Studies in which the offspring (juvenile animals) are dosed and/or further evaluated

No such studies have been done.

Local tolerance No such studies have been done.

The assessments made as part of the general toxicity study should suffice and a separate study is not needed. Other toxicity studies No such studies have been done.


omg guys im glad they're keeping us safe by doing what appears to be the bare minimum requirements to get the vaccine allowed for emergency use.....

It'd be such a bummer if they like released a new vaccine and only tested on a couple of mice...thats safe right?
edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: thethinkingman

omggggggggggg 50 billion genetically modified chimpanzee adeno viruses in your bloodstream seems like a great idea.

Seems to make your nipples hard anyroad.

Whatever floats your boat i suppose.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:48 PM

Jack Last, from Stowmarket, Suffolk was just 27 when he died from catastrophic bleeds on the brain after developing a blood clot. He died at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge on April 20 last year, 11 days after he attended A&E at West Suffolk Hospital because of severe headaches.

“Concerns about the risk of blood clots in under-30s who had the Astra Zeneca vaccine were already being aired in health circles, and just a week after Jack had his vaccine, it was withdrawn from use in this age group.

“Jack went to West Suffolk A&E with severe headaches and was moved to Addenbrooke's Hospital on April 11 after he started to get a bleed on the brain. “Due to the family’s concerns about Jack’s treatment after the vaccine, we are supporting them to find some answers.”

Absolute #ing disgrace.

link[ editby]edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: rickymouse

If you read the research, why don't you ever cite it?

I often link research articles with my posts. I am not going to waste my time and effort giving examples of what I said in my post about research....anyone who looks at research with an open mind and tries to research both sides of this kind of stuff will easily see that there is opposing research all over the place. I try to examine the research and see what is in common and try to evaluate the reasons why the outcome is so different. Many times it is the research groups origion, the ancestral line makes a big difference as does diet in relation to their cultural eating history.

You can steer research to say what you want it to show.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: rickymouse

If you read the research, why don't you ever cite it?

I often link research articles with my posts. I am not going to waste my time and effort giving examples of what I said in my post about research....anyone who looks at research with an open mind and tries to research both sides of this kind of stuff will easily see that there is opposing research all over the place. I try to examine the research and see what is in common and try to evaluate the reasons why the outcome is so different. Many times it is the research groups origion, the ancestral line makes a big difference as does diet in relation to their cultural eating history.

You can steer research to say what you want it to show.

unfortunately alot of people are lazy and moronic and think every last nuance can be found all nicely packaged into 1 paragraph or it musnt be true. Thats how smart these people are...

Anyone who has half a brain will look into something before just out right denying it like some kind of spasticated reflex.

That being said, when in good faith you should try to express and show you know. Although again, there are just morons out there looking for anything to disagree with.
edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 07:07 PM
omg guys just imagine the pfizer vaccines 95% efficacy number came from 170 people out of 43'000, less than 1% of the clinical trial and then they deduced that the difference between 8 and 162 out 170 is that just means the vaccine has 95% efficacy and so billions of people should take it......

couldnt possibly have been that way right?? like seriously based on 170 people, nahhhhh surely not right????

What benefits of BNT162b2 have been shown in studies?

BNT162b2 has been studied in approximately 43,000 individuals 16 years of age and older who were equally allocated to the vaccine or a placebo. Those who received vaccination with BNT162b2 had a reduction in the rate of COVID-19 illness compared to those who received placebo (8 cases of COVID-19 illness in the vaccinated group compared to 162 cases in the placebo group). These results were observed 7 days following the second dose in study participants with no evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.

ohhhhhhhhhhh ......dear.

Hmmm i wonder....if they had 1 group having been previously infected versus vaccinated .....the vaccine would then have ....0% efficacy ...because nobody in the previously infected group would test positive.......

So glad pfizer made absolutely sure NOBODY has previous infections in the trial....and also that they didnt test EVERYONE as a mandatory thing...they decided to test people....when they had symptoms.....and a pfizer employee decides..... oh but what about asymptomatic infections they went on and on about.....

Oh and just think the numbers are so low, if you had say 30 less people test positive ...that would dramatically shift the number...

say it aint so???? Its absolutely true.

omg did they forget to say that 95% number is relative risk...not absolute risk reduction which would mean the vaccine will reduce your risk by 1% using absolute risk reduction ....omg a whopping 1% reduction of risk ...i feel so safe now.
edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 07:17 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: nugget1

Yet you put your faith in crackpots and proven liars?

I believe nothing I hear, and only half of what I see.

Some things make more sense than others, and often it takes months or years for all information to come out.

Context matters only to people who are aware the official story is more often than not showing partial information. That's why I like ATS; collectively, information is ferreted out that our representatives don't want us to see all too often. I don't have to believe any of it; I just have to decide what makes the most sense to me at this moment in time, and I can change my beliefs any time I want.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: nugget1

Yet you put your faith in crackpots and proven liars?

I believe nothing I hear, and only half of what I see.

Some things make more sense than others, and often it takes months or years for all information to come out.

Context matters only to people who are aware the official story is more often than not showing partial information. That's why I like ATS; collectively, information is ferreted out that our representatives don't want us to see all too often. I don't have to believe any of it; I just have to decide what makes the most sense to me at this moment in time, and I can change my beliefs any time I want.

It's odd how this group of people comes on to ats and calls people a CT. Yeah no s#, what site do you think you're on? And yeah CT has been rebranded to mean anything that questions the narrative.

So now we have CT being anyone who questions the gubmint narrative.

And this with the concensus being the government always lies.

But you're a CT if you disagree with that.


posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 07:49 PM

It's odd how this group of people comes on to ats and calls people a CT. Yeah no s#, what site do you think you're on? And yeah CT has been rebranded to mean anything that questions the narrative. So now we have CT being anyone who questions the gubmint narrative. And this with the concensus being the government always lies. But you're a CT if you disagree with that.


Thats all the herp derps have got though, dumbass labels and zero explainations. It would be way too complex for them to have to factor in that very intelligent people lie and well can dumb ass contend with that???

Also it appears like people seperate what is labelled as being a conspiracy rather than what actually matches the definition of a conspiracy because ...."business as usual" is essentially many people robbing lots of other people but since thats just commonly accepted.... its seen as something normal and seperate to a "real conspiracy", like a conspiracy isnt supposed to happen, so thats not normal.

Essentially their brain associates the word "conspiracy" to like the earth being a triangle or lizards living on a cheese moon than know..people secretly and deceptively doing things for their own personal gain at the loss of many other people.....which happens constantly.... thats kinda how stupid people seem to be....

Somehow they dont wonder how every "rich" nation is in trillions of unpayable levels of debt...owed to....who knows???? Nah just "business as usual" right????
edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:27 PM
If you believe Jim Hoft & any of the garbage from the Gateway Pundit , then you have lost most all your credibility.
Jim Hoft is another Alex Jones goof.
Why do you believe such silly stuff ?
Im not saying that vaccines don’t carry risks , but the Gateway Pundit ????? GTFOH a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 10:30 PM
Present proof of a case study of young boy’s testicles from England or anywhere else for that matter ? a reply to: v1rtu0s0

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:53 AM
Daily clout, Dr Wolf and gateway pundit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 are you people serious

Another fake news thread debunked in the first couple of responses. Should have been closed on page 1.
edit on 9-9-2022 by fencesitter85 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2022 by fencesitter85 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
AZ posting 15 times in a row shows the target has been hit.

Honestly it must be exhausting trying to keep the lie going.

AKA "he's got me and I've got no actual responses so I'll project"

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:26 AM
Your super villian name could easily be "Deflecto Allspice". It doesn't mean you are good at it though.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Great, except they have done no such thing. What actually happened was that they have simply ended a short term vax campaign for school age children, which was only really put in place because of demands from parents and teachers.


As you said yourself covid doesn't really affect young kids, so this program wasn't seen as being particularly useful.

The fact that some children are being given this poison breaks my soul.

They aren't old enough to say no and it's wrong.

I take it that you're against circumcision, too?

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: thethinkingman
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

You've had 2 years and i just posted that like a minute ago and you cant even be bothered to look for a "source" yourself.

but yeah i have several sources. Some advice to EVERYONE, before asking for sources firstly try to actually look yourself and exhaust your search efforts before asking.

Then they might find the truth hurts their view, and that "ain't happening". They will stare right at the words and deliberately misinterpret them to a pro Gov Marxism shill worthy statement every time. They could likely be true bots, honestly. No one is as big a fool as a couple of these posts indicate they would have to be to still believe the BS that we can see they are at least knee deep. I can picture the fly's and remember the smell from my cousin's farm.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:34 AM
Here is typical bot response, but this one is likely just something else.... Read it for satire is all I can say.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Your sources are all dipped in # v1rtu0s0.

The ramblings of right-wing lunatics anti-vax nutters and religious maniacs praying for the rapture. LoL

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: thethinkingman

The fact that this is public knowledge, and that the UK government is freely admitting to it and is paying out compensation, clearly demonstrates that there isn't this huge coverup that the doom porn people claim.

If it's on the BBC, it's not being covered up.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Your super villian name could easily be "Deflecto Allspice". It doesn't mean you are good at it though.

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Great, except they have done no such thing. What actually happened was that they have simply ended a short term vax campaign for school age children, which was only really put in place because of demands from parents and teachers.


As you said yourself covid doesn't really affect young kids, so this program wasn't seen as being particularly useful.

The fact that some children are being given this poison breaks my soul.

They aren't old enough to say no and it's wrong.

I take it that you're against circumcision, too?

When you share your arguments with the antisemites, it's pretty clear that you're not on the right side of history.

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