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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 10:54 AM
Lest we forget... It's the US Marines 247th birthday today!!!

They tweeted a 1:17 min video with Gens Mattis and Berger in!

Happy Birthday, Marines!

For 247 years, Marines have fought in any clime and place to defend our nation. Today, we reflect on the legacy of our Corps, and rededicate ourselves to fighting and winning the battles that lie ahead. #SemperFi

Full Video ⬇️

The full video is longer on youtube - at 10:37 mins!


2) 21 posts with 117 in

3) Shout out to 0311Warrior... wherever you are.

4) 247th birthday >> 24/7 action from now?

5) The full youtube is 10:37mins... #1037

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No.916218 📁
Apr 6 2018 01:16:37 (EST)
BOOMs en route.


Bolded timestamp encodes Nov 10th and 11th.

But wait... there's more!

#2473 is a 4yr DELTA today!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.447 📁
Nov 10 2018 15:10:55 (EST)📁
We thank you for your service, Patriot!
May God watch over you and your family for all eternity.



edit on 10-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: CrazyFox

Couldn't the following people also fulfil the role of a nostradamus "gladiator/wrestler" president?


He attended and wrestled for Graham High School, graduating in 1982.[4] He won state championships all four years he was in high school and compiled a 156–1 win–loss record.[5] He then enrolled at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he became a two-time NCAA Division I wrestling champion.[6] Jordan won the 1985 and 1986 NCAA championship matches in the 134-pound (61 kg) weight class.[7][8] He graduated with a bachelor's degree in economics in 1986. He lost the 126–137-pound (57–62 kg) featherweight semifinal match at the 1988 US Olympic wrestling trials and failed to make the Olympic team.

Mathew Whittaker - Acting Attorney General?

Well, that was when I wrestled in college and THANK GOD didn't have to get embarrassed by him on the mat!

I like what I see out of him. He has fought for free speech very hard too.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:13 AM

This is a troubling system of logic. So the poster here has no clue about Q, or this thread, or anything related. Fair enough.


This same poster, a few minutes later, says they have a fully formed, negative, opinion based on zero knowledge.

I'll trust this isn't trolling even if it follows the three line pattern, which is why I bring this up. This is the world we live in. Read a headline, determine an opinion, spout the opinion in a derogatory fashion usually related to "stupid" or "pointless" or "bad" and live life with that as the POV.

Why bother posting something negative if you have no idea what the topic is about?

Historically, "I don't know anything about it" means - I have no opinion on it, now it means I am an expert somehow, and even worse "i have a right for my voice to be heard, and respected, because I have an opinion."

How did we get to this place where everyone is an expert on everything based on headlines?

I mentioned this to someone the other day and it is fully true for me. For the majority of the population, and I mean nearly all, I know what they are going to say. I also know they have no idea what I am going to say. I also know what they are going to say to what I say. This is on almost every single topic, but the one's where folks have learned from headlines exclusively it is the safest bet that ever existed. Honestly, this isn't the fun place you'd imagine, as in many cases I'm just interacting with headlines, or tweets in voice instead of print.

This is a bad place, it is not a place of evolution, be devolution. We as a collective no longer learn from each other, we just jam our ignorant opinions down the throat of others because... well, I have no idea why this appeals to the Humans, the non human folks I get why 100%.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MetalThunder

...remember also that a crypto company is trying to takeover the Gibraltar Stock Exchange!

Rishi Sunak, UK PM is also very into crypto and wants UK to be a leader in developing it.

Gibraltar Stock Exchange < US Aircraft carrier in Portsmouth > London Stock Ecchange

Satellite link (Quantum?)... Satellite link (Quantum?)........... Hyperfast Internet backbone (10 Gigabits/sec?)

Just a follow up

Rishi Sunak’s UK Crypto Plans Could Make Massive Gains for Big Eyes, Avalanche, and Solana

Since the election of Rishi Sunak, or as some like to call him, the “champion of crypto”, the crypto community have high hopes for what Rishi Sunak in power could do for the entire crypto-ecosystem.

Sunak is now under pressure to deliver on his previous plans for the UK. Which includes the no-small task of saving the UK economy and delivering his promise to create a global crypto hub, introduce stablecoins into traditional finance, and create a financial sandbox for foster further innovations.

Blockchain firm Valereum wants users to trade shares with Bitcoin after buying Gibraltar Stock Exchange

Gibraltar is the third highest jurisdiction of choice for crypto hedge fund managers, according to a report by PwC. Gibraltar is also listed as having the 4th highest number of domiciled crypto hedge funds, putting the jurisdiction ahead of Singapore, Malta, The Netherlands, Hong Kong and Switzerland.

Hi MT, so nice to see you.

Always worth remembering on the new PM. Pool alerted folks to keep an eye on him a year ago. If we Trust the Queen's announced death was timed, then we can trust that Truss' demise was also timed, and Rishi's rise was also timed. I myself, due to pool, was looking at this event and connecting it to the very information you posted - the connections are extensive and too numerous to be a coinkydink.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Just noticed that the timestamp on that Mr POOL post gives 11.3:

10:49 = 1:13 = 11.3

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

We've been programmed to make statements because you can't generate division without making them.

My deceased dad always used to say:

"You have 2 ears and 1 tongue for a reason - Listen twice as much as you Talk!"

...think he used to associate that with OWLs' behaviour.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:49 AM
A lil reminder that today may be a good time to make sure your archive backups are up to date - being as tomorrow is FRIDAY, 11/11.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Glad your back
Thanks for your support (offered) in my darkest hours - If there is anything I can ever help with - let me know !

edit on 11102022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufiWe may have another link to
#1841 clip
"The Illusion of Choice
The Sherman Act outlaws "every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade, "and any" monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize."
The FTC"s competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive market- place-the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompetitive mergers and business practices."

Robert Malone covers quite a bit here but this stood out to me.
The mRNA jabs have two components. The payload and the platform. On April 21, 2021 under the WHO umbrella all regulatory agencies met and agreed to circumvent the normal procedures of preclinical and clinical testing surrounding the platform concept.
This means only the payload was tested, not the platform! Moving forward there are many new vaccines ready to launch using mRNA technology platform.

Here is where this fits in with the monopoly. Only Moderna, and Pfizer-BioNTech have approved platforms- hence a monopoly. We just have the illusion of choice.
This means they have a monopoly on all new drugs or vaccines using this new technology. This monopoly has been granted "in perpetuity" to them. Other Big Pharma companies would have to start from scratch and would find the big flaws in the platform technology and would not be able to get approved.
This is a real and present danger . "The only new data that will be required for these new vaccine and mRNA based therapeutic products is going to be associated with a payload." No one will be looking at the platform that deploys it".
Moderna is connected with the NIH, DARPA,CIA. Imagine them with a monopoly.

mRNA Vaccine: The CIA + National Defence

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:39 PM
I've had my suspicions for a while that some of us are being targeted. I used my normal e-mail account and tried posting on a site that some of the folks on here frequent for news and couldn't post. I used one of my burner e-mail accounts, and successfully posted. Send me a PM if you'd like to know which site.
edit on 11/10/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Lest we forget... It's the US Marines 247th birthday today!!!

They tweeted a 1:17 min video with Gens Mattis and Berger in!

Happy Birthday, Marines!

For 247 years, Marines have fought in any clime and place to defend our nation. Today, we reflect on the legacy of our Corps, and rededicate ourselves to fighting and winning the battles that lie ahead. #SemperFi

Full Video ⬇️

The full video is longer on youtube - at 10:37 mins!


2) 21 posts with 117 in

3) Shout out to 0311Warrior... wherever you are.

4) 247th birthday >> 24/7 action from now?

5) The full youtube is 10:37mins... #1037

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 311352 No.916218 📁
Apr 6 2018 01:16:37 (EST)
BOOMs en route.


Bolded timestamp encodes Nov 10th and 11th.

But wait... there's more!

#2473 is a 4yr DELTA today!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.447 📁
Nov 10 2018 15:10:55 (EST)📁
We thank you for your service, Patriot!
May God watch over you and your family for all eternity.



Rel notice this shows that the Marines were formed in 1775.
And the Army was formed in 1771.
And they operated by law before the U.S. Constitution was formed.
They created and operated under the Law of War Manual.

If Derek Johnson is correct, and I believe he is, the military is in control.
I think COM has alluded to something real important about who?, What? Steered the resteal in 2016 to rerig the votes back to Trump.
(Something IMO cannot ever be admitted to)
Derek Johnson reminds us of Trump being referred to as Trump and his generals.

DJ speaks of their motivation in being them not wanting their names to be remembered being conquered by a hostile foreign takeover.

DJ has all the documents and lays out the framework about what is happening and why.
This is either the best setup for controlled opposition I have witnessed or he is the real deal.
He rolls with this a lot unscripted.
He has to do a lot of editing in some of his presentations.
But I sense true sincerity.
There is no way I can do this justice.
Can we vett this guy in this thread please.
He is addressing the significance of the Law of War Manual better than anything I have found.
Derek Johnson
Can someone take this guy's info and vett him please

I highly suspect something similar must have happened after the civil war and during the time period up to 1876 when the Act of England 1871 was ratified by Congress and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the corporation) was formed.
(99 year charter with a 24 year extension) leading to 1999 where Russel Jay Gould is said to have captured the flag and become Post master general.

Everything must be done lawfully.
These people who talk about us "trusting the plan"
What plan?
We are a varied bunch with varied backgrounds and varied knowledge bases and skillsets.
When they talk of the "plan" that I was supposed to trust I always get stumped about which plan they are alluding to and they always say it was something we said.
And they have dates of when we said it would happen which further confuses me because then I feel left out on not being involved to know all this.

So for me the plan looks like it was forged somewhere around 1771-1775 to now when at certain times the military is governed by law until they can successfully pass control over to civilian authority.

That to me is "the plan".
And we ain't done yet and none of us will stop until we succeed and unlike them already conceding to failure,

edit on 10-11-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Congrats for having a wise and insightful Papa. You are obviously a chip off the old block.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:49 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:52 PM
Just to highlight a few points made by Robert Malone.
Linking to the discrepancy in the jab lots.> Why would Pfizer forbid regulatory agencies from testing the lots coming off the production line unless they had something to hide? This was actually built into the contract. Foreknowledge/plan?

The FDA did not force Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna to conduct the tests that should have been done such as how much spike protein is being made.

By design the jab was called a vaccine rather than gene therapy. By doing so they were able to bypass the gene therapy safety check list and instead only had to rely on the vaccine safety check list.
Gene Therapy Checklist

The FDA allowed them to use the least sensitive method [luciferase] for determining where the jab is going throughout the body.

The CIA through their investment arm In-Q-Tel financed the new mRNA manufacturing facility in Canada.
This is National Resilience, in partnership with Moderna, which is manufacturing mRNA in Mississauga, Ontario.
Moderna Partners With National Resilience

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
nato mistakes

The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

#22 Ukraine

ukraine soldiers lost in battle

There may not be as many Ukraine fighters left in Kherson?

#Novorossiya referendum; sovereign civilians moved to safety.

paradox of sovereignty

What defensive measures are left to defend against the NATO troops now that civilian safety in the new territories is achieved?

I would say to jens to pull out of Novorossiya is logic and common sense advice.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Caled
I have heard a number of prominent Drs. state that Covid was really nothing. I really struggle with this. People at ground zero like New York City had something more than just a flu. Even if people claim it was a severe flu it still doesn't explain the severity and serious complications.
The flu does not cause people's hair to fall out. I have met quite a few people who had this side effect and they were and still are not jabbed. Their hair is growing back in so that's a positive. Then there are the weird rashes and lesions on the skin and the damaged lung tissue. All of which are connected directly to Covid.

Meanwhile some people are suffering from long Covid symptoms which are not being addressed with any sense of urgency. Fortunately Covid has mutated and is not as severe as it was. But at the launch Covid was more than just an ordinary flu.
Have you suffered any long Covid symptoms?

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
version 201


Ivermectin reduces risk for COVID-19 with very high confidence for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, progression, recovery, cases, viral clearance, and in pooled analysis.

We show traditional outcome specific analyses and combined evidence from all studies, incorporating treatment delay, a primary confounding factor in COVID-19 studies.

Real-time updates and corrections, transparent analysis with all results in the same format, consistent protocol for 47 treatments.

edit on (11/10/2222 by loveguy because: 🙏❤

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:21 PM
Thanks to Elon>Pfizer Proof

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:23 PM
Let's see how we did. There is a post from me back in spring detailing some of these aspects of what folks are calling the Great Financial Reset. You can find it if you want.

Now, why is all this stupid, dumbass, going nowhere decoding important??? Well, the "Reset" as it is being called is simply a neutral event until the collective decides whether it will be a "Net Positive" or a "Net Negative." We know what the Net Negative folks want: NWO, Own Nothing, Blah blah blah. But what do the Net Positive folks want???

So the decoding that is just failed dates, isn't. It is about seeing the symbols, at least at the subconscious level, and accessing energy to alter the reality accordingly. If an Elite group of less than 1m can steer the event into Net Negative (they think it is Net Positive BTW) then the same number or more awakened folks can steer it into the Net Positive. The NWO Financial Reset will look exactly the same to both sides from one POV, but from another POV entirely different. Transparency can be Social Credit Score, or Zero Laundering or even both. In a harmonious world "money" (if it exists) isn't hidden, hoarded or used to manipulate.

The collective has ZERO understanding of any of this as a matter of practicality. They only know "how much does it cost in dollars", which pretty much means this effort to steer is being done by a few - are you one of the few?

The direction has been set. No spoilers.

All that said.

Yesterday 119, mirrored 911 FTX went bust. From being "worth" billions to being worth pennies. Overnight, no warning. Boom. Did we here know it was going to happen? Yes, not exactly FTX, that one kind of surprises me as I thought Tether first, but there were signs.

The biggest one being right here:

And of course the GD name of the owner of FTX was Sam BANK MAN Fried. Quite literally Sam the Bankman will be Fried to death. It is in his name FFS.

On 5-8-21 (13) the Economist published gov coins. Note it is not a question but a statement of fact, yet the talking heads act as if it is to be decided. Morons.

On 10-21-21 they published this cover. Again, not a question "are we" but "we are."

Pretty much looks like FTX implosion to me^^^. Look carefully at Alice's left hand. What or who, is she holding back from the event that is unfolding???

So 1 year 19 days, or 119 mirror 911 FTX crashes, and the cries for regulation occur. Problem > Reaction > Solution, where The Economist Covers define the process, only in reverse = mirrored. Showing: Solution first.

Now comes Tether. Black Swam to almost everyone, but to those who followed along, even the tiniest bit, this is a Controlled Demolition, and, from the Symbols it seems that XI has a handle on the CCP's part of Tether = we'll see how they play this one out.

The entire "economy" under Team Joe's watch, has lost trillions in value, Crypto and the world at large, using inflationary printing to help hide it to a degree. A slow demolition is not a Black Swan, or is it??? Trillions spread out over years is Controlled Black Swan.

What is to come has been set, FTX is letting us know the events are in motion and cannot be stopped at this point. Remember, the mitigating factor in all of this is THE RONA and the reaction! The fearful made all of this far far far far more complicated for everyone than it needed to be.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: FlyingFox

The Biden Administration began sending illegal US-Mex border crossers to GITMO, about 2 weeks ago. Particularly the Haitians. Could that account for the heightened activity?

Sure, those flights are marked and logged. The flights I'm talking about are VIPs.

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