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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

a reply to: Guyfriday
The issue to be decided by the SCOTUS is whether the constitution gives the state legislatures sole authority over elections, basically nullifying the power to be checked by state courts or the state's executive branch.

This article explains what it's about.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I found it!...The unredacted Advanced Purchase Agreement contract between the EU and BioNTech/Pfizer!
EU Advanced Purchase Agreement with BioNTech and Pfizer

Page 22 is brimming with fun details like Pfizer's bank account # in Ireland.
Fan mail can be directed>
To contact the laughing lady Janine Small, Pfizer's Vaccine Regional Manger, her e-mail is [email protected]< She was the one at the EU Task Force who laughingly told the panel that Pfizer did not test for transmission.
This contract is just so, so sensitive .
It is 100 pages so I just will high-light a couple of points.
-Waiver..."The commission acknowledges and agrees that the contractor's efforts to develop and manufacture the vaccine is aspirational in nature and subject to significant risks and uncertainties."

-Other Special Conditions..."The Contractor shall keep the Commission and the Participating Member States informed about any safety signals detected during the pharma covigilance or vaccine monitoring programmes in relation to the vaccines which are the subject of this APA within 5 business days from notifying the European Medicines Agency."< How many days are we into this plandemic and not one word from Pfizer or BioNTech about any problems?

-"For the avoidance of doubt, This provision does not in any way effect the rights of an injured third party [excluding the Commission or any participating Member State] to claim damages under the applicable law!

No limit of liability...
-"Nothing in this APA excludes or limits liability of either party for
a. willful intent, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentations.
b. Breach of confidentiality.

Here is the data that hangs them then from your post:
"No limit of liability...
-"Nothing in this APA excludes or limits liability of either party for
a. willful intent, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentations.
b. Breach of confidentiality."

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Found this interesting video of "George HW Bush dying on live TV" at a dinner on NesaraGesaraSecrets telegram channel... not sure if it's been posted before but, if not, deserves to be.

Go to post to see the 49 second tiktok video of old TV clip... meanwhile, here's a screenshot:

Ok, I didn't get to view that one. I wasn't a member of something on this one.

TY NERBOT, i got to see it there.

He said he ate broccoli IIRC and ralphed in the Japanese PM lap. Yuk.....whatever the reason. Did he die there. IDK? We should have been so lucky.
He is a ring leader for the illegal takeover by a foreign entity. He may be a former member of Hitler's inner circle. His dad sure was.

edit on 25-10-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I can't remember where I saw it but someone did a breakdown of the video and an interesting part of the video shows Barbara covering his mouth. Why would you cover someone's mouth is they were violently vomitting? Was there something else on the napkin? Then after he supposedly is laying on the ground he just pops up good as new after the supposed body was switched under the table. The breakdown I saw had a longer version of the video. It is for sure a weird situation.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: FlyingFox

Maybe I'm tired, but is what she saying even Constitutional? I mean isn't it the States job during an election to verify the results of the elections and votes made in the State?

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

People can go and read it for themselves at this point, but Hillary is crying about something that the States are Constitutionally supposed to do, or am I wrong.

Listen to her talk again but consider that what she is really worried about is Moore vs. Harper empowers the States Legislatures with all the tools and power to recall electors and send the 2020 elections back for recount with the electors they sent that never got represented or counted the 1st time due to Jan.6 shenanigans.
She is worried about 2020, not 2024

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:11 AM
Imagine all those cases using this as a premise that got rejected by court after court claiming "no standing" that will now have to be heard regarding the 2020 election.

My personal opinion is Moore vs. Harper has already been ruled on.

This can almost instantly flip 2020.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: RookQueen

a reply to: Guyfriday
The issue to be decided by the SCOTUS is whether the constitution gives the state legislatures sole authority over elections, basically nullifying the power to be checked by state courts or the state's executive branch.

This article explains what it's about.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Roxstar
I found this podcast about the Ukraine/Russia dirty bomb.
Russia/Ukraine Dirty bomb Podcast

There are some interesting points made but maybe someone could give it a listen and provide some feedback if any of this makes sense. My friend from Ukraine though is quite adamant that we need to stop sending weapons there and instead send humanitarian relief.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:47 AM
We have another name and scheme to add to the plandemic.
Christian Drosten, Director of the Institute of Virology on Campus Charite Mitte, Germany.

Christian Drosten PCR Test
He had developed the PCR earlier for Zika but what is relevant is that the WHO adopted this PCR test as the "gold standard" for testing for Covid-19 January 16, 2020. The WHO did not declare a global pandemic until March 11, 2020. How did they know that we would need this diagnostic tool for something just emerging?

Who is Christian Drosten?

These PCR tests were the cornerstone of the entire plandemic. By using them that supported the entire narrative of lock downs, control and fear. Of course the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is involved.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Roxstar

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday

Sorry for taking so long to respond! I've been trying to stay caught up in reading but am behind on responses.
I am not sure exactly where to start digging. If I remember right the vid was posted by The Galactic Federation and I will certainly try to start there to find more.
I can’t say that I never bought into it completely either but it was fascinating. I tend to be a skeptic on most things that I cannot prove or see or feel, with that said I still enjoyed the Titor story. It and The Walking Dead provided me with an escape for a bit and gave me something to ponder on rather than how our world was and is shaping up.
The video showed 2 Trumps both older than our Trump. If I understand correctly they were from 2 different timelines and I am going to need to read up on timelines as I have not thought about Timetravel in-depth for a while.
I can understand how coming here in 98 to warn of an accident that would happen to JFK Jr. in 99 might need to stay secretive in order to get from there to here. I am not sure how any of that would have changed the timeline past other than saving Jr’s life. I think if there is any truth to this, there is still a lot we need to know. Maybe spilling the beans would have not done any good if the military is the only way?
I too am ready for the puzzles to end and the ratting to begin regardless of the TT angle. But as we are often reminded…..that’s not up to us because things have to play out.

And because the (US)west refuses to negotiate a peace deal, and plans to double down is absolutely insane.
Lavrov has reported to the IAEA that Russia has evidence about the potential use of a dirty bomb in Ukraine (more specifically targeting the dam in the northeast) to flood out the whole area right to the Black Sea. They will blame it on Russia of course, and we will see it in the media sold that way.

Of Floods, Arks and Samhain: The True History of Halloween


Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Using Academic Cover to Target Individuals in United States

Four Chinese Nationals Charged with Conspiring to Act in the United States as Agents of the Chinese Government

TRENTON, N.J. – A federal indictment was unsealed today charging four Chinese nationals, including three Ministry of State Security (MSS) intelligence officers, in connection with a long-running intelligence campaign targeting individuals in the United States to act as agents of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger and National Security Division Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen announced.

As alleged in the indictment, from at least 2008 to 2018, Wang Lin, Bi Hongwei, Dong Ting, aka Chelsea Dong, Wang Qiang, and others engaged in a wide-ranging and systematic effort to target and recruit individuals to act on behalf of the PRC in the United States with requests to provide information, materials, equipment, and assistance to the Chinese government in ways that would further China’s intelligence objectives. These recruitment efforts included targeting professors at universities, a former federal law enforcement and state homeland security official, and others to act on behalf of, and as agents of, the Chinese government.

Chinese intelligence officers thought they had an asset in DOJ to help them protect spy hardware manufacturers Huawei. They were talking to an FBI double agent who fed them garbage...

Two Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Obstruction of Justice in Scheme to Bribe U.S. Government Employee and Steal Documents Related to the Federal Prosecution of a PRC-Based Company

Defendants Paid $61,000 in Bitcoin Bribes to Double Agent under the Control of the FBI to Obtain Internal Files and Other Non-Public Information Related to the Ongoing Investigation and Prosecution of a PRC-based Company.

U.S. Attorney General holds a press conference on national security matters — 10/24/22:

Dir Wray (@12:34) says that FBI has *thousands* of cases open against China..."we were opening a new China counterintelligence investigation about every 12 hours and it's about a 1300 percent increase from several years ago."

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
Replied to PM

Only thing was in there was just the original post but it was the file we replied to I am certain. Just wiped out I guess. Are we pushing someone's buttons here we didn't expect in a DM?

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Thanks for bringing that to my attention XtMN!

Interesting bio on Penny Mordaunt!

Re the International Brotherhood of Magicians Order of Merlin, this puts her into the fray as a contender for this insider twitter account revealing riddles about XRP:


posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: Roxstar
I found this podcast about the Ukraine/Russia dirty bomb.
Russia/Ukraine Dirty bomb Podcast

There are some interesting points made but maybe someone could give it a listen and provide some feedback if any of this makes sense. My friend from Ukraine though is quite adamant that we need to stop sending weapons there and instead send humanitarian relief.

Ya I like that show too. A lot of good points made as you said.
Everything seems to be coming to a head, so I think we are close to the end game.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:25 PM
Yes it's called voter ID...

The liars want no ID and as many votes as they need to win.

They care not for the way it looks on FOX or in our minds. They will do it anyway. This time might be the last time they even get to try it. In fact it might be the setup we need to reel the whole entire bunch of idiots up to lady Justice. Too many shenanigans for them to keep up with "what day their lie is in". It has started catching up to them before they can seal the source forever from our view.

originally posted by: FlyingFox

edit on 25-10-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
a reply to: Justoneman

I can't remember where I saw it but someone did a breakdown of the video and an interesting part of the video shows Barbara covering his mouth. Why would you cover someone's mouth is they were violently vomitting? Was there something else on the napkin? Then after he supposedly is laying on the ground he just pops up good as new after the supposed body was switched under the table. The breakdown I saw had a longer version of the video. It is for sure a weird situation.

Certainly would have been a good time to switch people if it was a double that came back "awake".

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Certainly would have been a good time to switch people if it was a double that came back "awake".

C'mon, wouldn't it be the worst time?

The best time would have been before they went out in public, in front of cameras.

Then they would not have been "caught".

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: daskakik

It all depends on who is running the cameras. It wouldn't be the first time supposed live news broadcasts were faked or manipulated.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: Charliebrowndog
It all depends on who is running the cameras. It wouldn't be the first time supposed live news broadcasts were faked or manipulated.

Having to get more people in on the lie would still make it a bad time to do it, not a good time.

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 02:09 PM
QTSR Oct 25(full post at link):


>Who will control America?
The WAR for Congress and the WAR to control the U.S. TAX dollar . U.S. SYSTEM

As i have stated previously a few times, The U.S. Military is inside of Ukraine the past months.... And U.S. military is using weapons, training, drones leading ground forces in Ukraine..... NOW the escalation the past 48 hours is at an all time high
As the U.S. deployed Several Troops from several U.S. bases ( i had reported this stating U.S. soldiers were being deployed globally into Ukraine, middle east, Taiwan)... Now heavy BOOTS ON THE GROUND in UKRAINE as the Biden, Obama Clinton's Soros, Davos UN NATO,[Ds] regimen use U.S. MIL. as in proxy war that is leading direct to OPEN WAR with RUSSIA .



What's important is not the battle is self... But the FULL view of the MILITARY WHITE HATS ALLIANCE OPERATIONS to bring down the GLOBAL CABAL DS
....... Many mistakes and EXPOSURES AND DOCUMENTATION IS ALREADY LEADING TO U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTION....... Near the cusps of CIVIL WAR......... Everything needs to happen this way to wake the sleeping global sheep who are lost in CIA DS MOCKINGBIRD DREAMS..... The only way to wake the global community is through THE CURRENT GAME THEORY OPERATIONS////

Military is the only way -

I will be DROPping all week

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 02:58 PM
Musk Tells Bankers He Plans To Close Twitter Deal On Friday

Which begs the question....................WHEN will Trump be back up?

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Musk Tells Bankers He Plans To Close Twitter Deal On Friday

Which begs the question....................WHEN will Trump be back up?

I'm waiting to see what % of Twitter's users vanish like ghosts once all the bots are purged.

I bet it'll be way more than the 25% figure that gets tossed around. Especially for celebrities, who I'm convinced are able to literally buy followers.

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