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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow


posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Has this been looked into? Teslaphoresis.
Tesl aphoresis

This could be the explanation for the strange self assembling structures that have been found in the blood of those receiving the mRNA jab.

"The nanotubes wire grow and act like nerves and controlled assembly of nanomaterials from the bottom up may be used as a template for applications in regenerative medicine."
"Can use strong force fields to control the behavior of matter in biological systems and artificial systems."

Rice University has three owls on their shield. I guess knowledge is power but maybe this means more. They claim they self funded and I couldn't find a link to Gates but this technology no doubt has evolved since 2016. Could this be possible that they would have put this in the mRNA jabs?

I wouldn't put anything past them. So what do you think?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RookQueen
I read your comment and meant to get back to you. I am really struggling with all these family members thrilled to get their #5 jab. I must have lost count at some point. If possible it gets worse. They are getting the flu jab at the same time.
One jab in each arm, that's why God gave us two arms.

At this point I don't know what to say. I just asked which one did they got. Who cares, mix and match is just fine.

Another person has been diagnosed with cancer and he only had 4 jabs. This is not normal. Fortunately I have got through to a few thanks to the Surgeon General of Florida's warning of myocarditis.
I have met people who have told me that they would take a jab every single day if necessary. How do they explain all of the people who are unjabbed still walking around?

I honestly don't understand. Some of these people operate successful business, are heavily involved in the science field and have accumulated great wealth and yet there's no critical thinking going on. They totally believe in "Trust the Science."
At some point there needs to be Nuremberg Trials.

Totally understand your concern over family. We've had two deaths in far flung cousins this year, middle aged but healthy til recently. Could be unrelated but one was an extreme sudden cancer which seems to fit a pattern in the vaccinated.

I had an interesting conversation with my brother yesterday. He got the shots to work as a teacher but was reluctant because he's a bodybuilder and super fit. He's among a few people I know that will openly talk about 9/11 being an inside job and yet not suspect the vaccines. Baffling.

He was telling me the kids, where he teaches, are so behind academically and behaviourally due to lockdowns, that some teachers are going to part time. The root reason for this is that teachers were so stressed some had died. His words. I was floored. Then he says his friend, a co-worker, got blood clots in his lungs after the shots and then this man suggested it might be the shots to his doctor, who agreed on the down low.

I think we are waiting for the penny to drop on a societal level and it is very close.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: igloo
You are in Canada right? Are they pushing the booster hard? Are people questioning the taking of the flu jab with the Covid booster?
None of this makes sense. So many of these multi jabbed people have caught Covid and yet they are lining up for more. Of course they parrot the mantra I could have been more ill. IMHO they were quite ill.

Another sudden health issue I am seeing is a big uptick in Alzheimer's. It started with the first round of jabs but since then those suffering have declined so very quickly. Just like the cancer cases.
Family members are struggling to care for them because the system is so overloaded that they can not get any health services or in-home help.
Also this is not normal that there are so many people developing serious eye conditions. Their eye Drs. just explain it away with Oh it's just a fluke.
I keep hearing the words from the movie "The Sixth Sense" with dread> "I see dead people." I agree that at some point the dam has to burst. I don't know how they have kept a lid on this for so long.
Ku talks about the Great Awakening so when these people wake up what is going to happen? Hopefully that will be the final push to get those guilty of Crimes Against Humanity to justice.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: igloo
You are in Canada right? Are they pushing the booster hard? Are people questioning the taking of the flu jab with the Covid booster?
None of this makes sense. So many of these multi jabbed people have caught Covid and yet they are lining up for more. Of course they parrot the mantra I could have been more ill. IMHO they were quite ill.

Another sudden health issue I am seeing is a big uptick in Alzheimer's. It started with the first round of jabs but since then those suffering have declined so very quickly. Just like the cancer cases.
Family members are struggling to care for them because the system is so overloaded that they can not get any health services or in-home help.
Also this is not normal that there are so many people developing serious eye conditions. Their eye Drs. just explain it away with Oh it's just a fluke.
I keep hearing the words from the movie "The Sixth Sense" with dread> "I see dead people." I agree that at some point the dam has to burst. I don't know how they have kept a lid on this for so long.
Ku talks about the Great Awakening so when these people wake up what is going to happen? Hopefully that will be the final push to get those guilty of Crimes Against Humanity to justice.

Yes Trudeau, the media and all their goons are pushing the newest booster hard. In a threatening way too. Basically telling us that in order to avoid any lockdowns and mandates, we must take the newest booster, plus more will be coming. He's nothing more than a Big Pharma salesman. Considering he has shares in the company at UBC that provides the nano lipid particles that are in the vaccines, he gets paid for every shot injected. It's disgusting. His net worth has gone up by 300 million in the last 2 years.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: Roxstar
Unfortunately, some of the most idiotic people that I know have Phd's or are successful business owner's!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: igloo
You are in Canada right? Are they pushing the booster hard? Are people questioning the taking of the flu jab with the Covid booster?
None of this makes sense. So many of these multi jabbed people have caught Covid and yet they are lining up for more. Of course they parrot the mantra I could have been more ill. IMHO they were quite ill.

Another sudden health issue I am seeing is a big uptick in Alzheimer's. It started with the first round of jabs but since then those suffering have declined so very quickly. Just like the cancer cases.
Family members are struggling to care for them because the system is so overloaded that they can not get any health services or in-home help.
Also this is not normal that there are so many people developing serious eye conditions. Their eye Drs. just explain it away with Oh it's just a fluke.
I keep hearing the words from the movie "The Sixth Sense" with dread> "I see dead people." I agree that at some point the dam has to burst. I don't know how they have kept a lid on this for so long.
Ku talks about the Great Awakening so when these people wake up what is going to happen? Hopefully that will be the final push to get those guilty of Crimes Against Humanity to justice.

Yes, I'm in BC. They are pushing the double flu/covid shots hard to appeal to those who normally get the flu shots and I don't see those people question it, more take as a matter of "convenience". What I am seeing though is a majority of people who got the two first covid shots then saying no more and that circles back to the big push from the government again.

It doesn't make sense their blindness and so many got covid too and still buying into the "effective". Also seeing a lot of bruising on older people which isn't unusual in itself but more than average, though I could just be looking more. I've been discreetly asking and most of them haven't a clue how they got them. I can't say this hasn't happened to me where I bruised but can't remember what caused it, but these are huge, purple bruises like you fell off your bike at high speed sort of thing.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 02:13 PM
QTSR Oct 26(full post at link):

As MUSK gets ready to dismantle TWITTER
fire over 75% of Twitter employees
( More likely he will fire 30% which is still a large number)
_The truth of [ TWITTER] controlling world algorithms and making liberal, Democratic AGENDAs go VIRAL and censoring the Right or conservative oppositions through the world is being EXPOSED. .. Dan Woods global head of Intelligence at cybersecurity who spent 20 years with U.S. law enforcement and Intelligence agencies has stated 80% of TWITTER are" BOTS"
>Twitter manipulation of January 6 “insurrection” narrative EXPOSED

In 2018, Jason Sullivan—a social media and Twitter specialist—was subpoenaed by the special counsel investigating the now-debunked theory that Trump was colluding with Russia. Sullivan is NOW> the lead investigative consultant to former President Donald Trump’s legal team...

There is still those who think MUSK is a Blackhat////
MUSK risked his life to EXPOSE the world Twitter algorithms that created Deep State revolutions in several countries because of Twitter and Facebook manipulation Mockingbird OPERATIONS. >The Power of [DS] TWITTER has over thrown Presidents/Prime Minister's of world governments.

SEVERAL attempt by DEEP STATE on Musk's Like has happened in the last 18 months..
But MUSK doesn't talk about these events...

QTSR Oct 26(full post at link):

The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) also called the FISA Court, is a U.S. federal court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

☝️ This is what Q mentioned multiple times in the drops. FISA

This connection of [DS] Military operations intelligence in cohesion with FBI DOJ/ECT ECT using FISA to secure Information on their political opponents and enemies. The information collected was used for BLACKMAIL, BRIBERY, GAINING KICKBACKS, KILLINGS OF THEIR OPPONENTS.
_FISA misuse and corruption connected to [ DS] Military commanders, INTELLIGENCE 3 letter agencies, SUPREME COURTS, all three branches of the U.S. Governments...


This WAR had to happen and the EXPOSURE of the UN. NATO. [ DS] U.S. MIL. had to be EXPOSED on a WORLD LEVEL.....

Right now we are DEEP inside the STORM
As COUPs and counter COUPS began to take place more rapidly through the world and the LEFT political parties WILL SOON BE FORCED TO BACK DOWN FROM THE WARS..... As we continue to enter into 🎥 🍿 WORLD NUCLEAR STANDOFF with MAJOR STAGED 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 BOOMS EXPECTED into winter...

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 02:23 PM
QTSR Oct 26:

i have drops coming all week to let you know what's happening behind the scenes in many countries//and how they are connected to the ALLIANCE and the PLAN to save the WORLD operations.

Q The World is Connected


QTSR Oct 26(full post at link):

[NATO] inside the KILLBOX

As TURKEY, NATOs largest Military force in Europe begins silently to leave NATO ( Turkey is now receiving Russia Oil gas and made their biggest purchase yet... And with Turkey attending the Chinese summit last month they made Agreements For Turkey to enter into BRICS , Russia/Chinese monetary RESERVE banking system...... And the past months Turkey allowed Chinese Military to deliver Missile systems to SERBIA and let China use Turkish military bases for forward operations.)
... The COLLAPSE of NATO is becoming more evident to Military Insiders...

( If you have been following my post the past year I have shared many many drops into the COLLAPSE/DISMANTLING of NATO .>UN///)...

QTSR Oct 26:

Q World... This is what they fear most.... And is happening...//// Several political figures now being placed in the U.S. system are followers of Q or placed by major figures who have endorsed Q......//// ............
The Daily Beast Qanon is backing...

edit on 10/26/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: ...more

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

T1, re Boston University gain-of-function research:

I've just noticed that the Bloomberg NARWHAL TUSK tweet I posted yesterday, also mentions Boston..., I wonder if the Narwhal tusks were also a comm to start injecting (vaxxing) with something new?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Has this been looked into? Teslaphoresis.
Tesl aphoresis

This could be the explanation for the strange self assembling structures that have been found in the blood of those receiving the mRNA jab.

"The nanotubes wire grow and act like nerves and controlled assembly of nanomaterials from the bottom up may be used as a template for applications in regenerative medicine."
"Can use strong force fields to control the behavior of matter in biological systems and artificial systems."

Rice University has three owls on their shield. I guess knowledge is power but maybe this means more. They claim they self funded and I couldn't find a link to Gates but this technology no doubt has evolved since 2016. Could this be possible that they would have put this in the mRNA jabs?

I wouldn't put anything past them. So what do you think?

New to me. I doubt it's in Covid vaccines, however anything is possible and have no doubts it's being experimented on.

Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces Teslaphoresis (3 min clip from your Teslaphoresis link)
"There are even hints of a tractor beam effect in watching an assembled nanowire being pulled toward the coil."

Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) can essentially turn anything into an antenna AND are remotely moveable via electromagnetics thru a process called teslaphoresis.

From Lab to Fab: Pioneers in Nano-Manufacturing (2015)

Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon Nanotubes Applications

CNTs field emission
CNTs thermal conductivity
CNTs energy storage
CNTs conductive properties
CNTs conductive adhesive
CNTs thermal materials
Molecular electronics based on CNTs
CNTs structural applications
CNTs fibers and fabrics
CNTs biomedical applications
CNTs Air & Water Filtration
CNTs catalyst supports
Other CNT applications
The ability to functionalize (chemically modify) the sidewalls of CNTs also gives rise to biomedical applications including neuron growth and regeneration, and vascular stents. It has also been demonstrated that a single strand of DNA can be bonded to a nanotube, which can subsequently be effectively inserted into a cell.

Injectable computers can broadcast from inside the body (June 2016; Univ of Michigan)

Profs. David Blaauw and David Wenzloff are designing millimeter-scale ultra-low-power sensing systems that can be injected into the body through a syringe. Unlike other radios of this size, these new devices are able to broadcast through the human body to an external receiver.

This device came from a group of researchers in the Michigan Integrated Circuits Lab responsible for the Michigan Micro Mote(M3), currently the world’s smallest computer. This platform has enabled a variety of sensors that can fit inside the human body, made possible by several breakthroughs in ultra-low power computing.

Thanks to a novel approach to antenna design, the computer was able to send radio signals 50 centimeters (or nearly 20 inches) away – which is easily sufficient to reach a receiver outside the body.
Reminds me of Mr. Harvard Nano tech Charles Lieber

A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection (Mar 3, 2020)

If it wins FDA approval next year, the two-part sensor could help spot new infections weeks before symptoms begin to show.

The military is taking a leading role in vaccine research, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told reporters at the Pentagon on Monday. “Our military research labs are working feverishly around the horn here to try to come up with a vaccine. So we’ll see how that develops over the next couple of months,” Milley said.

Hwang said his company has received grants from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, since around 2011. “They gave us grant money to help our research and as we prove out a certain milestone, as we de-risk the technology, they give us a second phrase and a third phase and provide support,” he said. “Their support has transitioned from grants into these types of programs that create real-world evidence.”

Bill Gates will use microchip implants to fight coronavirus (Mar 19, 2020)

The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’ that researchers at MIT and Rice University are working on as a way to hold vaccination records. It was last year in December when scientists from the two universities revealed that they were working on these quantum-dot tattoos after Bill Gates approached them about solving the problem of identifying those who have not been vaccinated.

Rice Univer...
Graphene on toast

The secret Owl Archives of the Impossible: RICE U Fondren Library - "The Archives of the Impossible is a joint project of the Woodson Research Center and the Department of Religion, paranormal stuff & Jacques Vallee at Rice University."

Barney Graham & Pfizer SVP William Gruber go way back...they were College roommates at Rice University. Bill and Barney, Two Old College Pals, Help Save the World From Covid-19. Gruber was an associate professor of pediatrics at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Gruber is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:26 PM
This crass, "Look Here, Not There" series of tweets by the BBC, today, is a perfect example of the C_A media manipulation and mind control program - and perhaps reveals some techniques now in use...

Firstly, here's Presentation/Lecturing 101:
a) Psychology suggests that the brain needs to be told a fact 3 times for it to be accepted, so;
b) TELL people what you are going to TELL them,
c) TELL them,
d) TELL them what you've told them!

Tweet #1 at 3:14 pm GMT (PI)

Mutations that helped people survive the plague 700 years ago are causing auto-immune diseases today

Tweet #2 at 3:15 pm GMT

Human remains from the plague pits in London were used in an analysis that revealed the plague pandemic left a genetic mark on humanity

Tweet # 3 at 3:25 pm GMT (5by5)

Last year, scientists found a new contender for ‘patient zero’ - a 5,000-year-old man believed to be the 'oldest plague victim’

Tweet #4 at 3:25 pm GMT (5by5)

Up to half of the population died when the Black Death swept through Europe in the mid-1300s

Tweet #5 at 3:25 GMT (5by5)

Test your knowledge of the Black Death, here:

Tweet #6 at 3:41 pm GMT

⚡️ How the Black Death 700 years ago still impacts your health today

"But Rel, that's SIX times, not THREE", I hear you say, to which I respond "The stupid BBC thinks that because people are no longer accepting what they say, they'll just double-down and say it twice as much!"

You might notice that they've added a couple of extra techniques:

By tweet #5 pointing you to take a quiz, they're asking you to literally take a test on what you've been "taught"... and then they can check the success/buy-in by the likes on the sixth tweet!

It's worth taking a step back to get the 40,000ft view of what's happening here:

a) 75% of the population has taken an inadequately tested, novel RNA vaccine over the last 2+ years,
b) The increase in auto-immune diseases in the population is significantly increasing,
c) The BBC would have us believe that this has happened NOW, 2020 to 2022, because of a change in the gene pool 700 years ago, in the 1300s!!!
d) They expect you to believe that that is a far more probable explanation than the gene changing vaccine people were given just before the increase.

I'm flabbergasted at the b*lls of these evil people!

edit on 26-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: igloo
low platelets count toward bruising ?

What Is Immune Thrombocytopenia?

Thrombocytopenia is a medical term meaning low platelet count. Thrombocytes, or platelets, are a type of blood cell that helps blood to clot, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) says. There are different types of thrombocytopenia with different causes.

With immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in particular, the body's immune system attacks and destroys its own platelets, per the NHLBI, and produces fewer platelets than normal. "What happens is that, for an unknown reason, your immune system makes antibodies to platelets," explained James Bussel, MD, professor emeritus of pediatrics at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City and a leading researcher in the field, adding that there are several different theories about why that may happen. It's been known to occur with other vaccines too, Dr. Bussel added.

Normally, platelet counts range between 150,000 and 450,000 per microliter of blood, Dr. Bussel said. It's possible to have a lower-than-normal platelet count and not have symptoms. However, when the platelet count is low enough and symptoms do occur, bruising and bleeding are common, Dr. Bussel added. Pin-sized reddish-purplish spots called petechiae can appear on the skin. Nosebleeds, bleeding from the mouth, and heavy periods can also occur. Most people respond to treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin and/or steroids, Dr. Bussel added.

I'll try finding the VAX schedule timeline thingy that shows one VAX developed to treat/immunize against an earlier scheduled VAX adverse event.

this isn't what I had bookmarked, but is same vane.

found it
edit on (10/26/2222 by loveguy because: 🙏❤

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 05:17 PM

Putin Appointed 'Chief Exorcist' as Kremlin Whips up Satanic Panic

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been named "chief exorcist" by the head of the country's Orthodox Church as the Kremlin seeks to redefine the goals of its invasion of Ukraine.

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Great breakdown Brother !

edit on 10262022 by MetalThunder because: π

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

And sadly, China has been having a massive Bubonic Plague outbreak since 2019. CCCSARS Corona was just a valuable excuse for them. It's only a matter of time before the plague spreads to the rest of the world.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 06:28 PM
Not sure if this was posted....too tired to look.....long day....PRICELESS....

Internet Reactions Following Elon Musk’s Wednesday Visit to Twitter Headquarters are Priceless

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 06:56 PM

Saudis Sought Oil Production Cut So Deep It Surprised Even Russia

OPEC+ slashed oil production following a Saudi pressure campaign that experts say aims to hurt Democrats in the midterms.

The notion that Saudi Arabia could intervene in domestic American politics, verboten in Washington, has been publicly acknowledged by top Saudi officials themselves. In an Arabic language interview for the Saudi state-funded talk show, “Spotlights,” in May 2004, Prince Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud, the Saudi ambassador to the U.S. from 1983 to 2006, said the quiet part out loud: “The kingdom’s oil decisions can influence the election or non-election of the president of the United States, the largest and strongest country in the world. For that to be taken into consideration, regardless of what the kingdom decides to do, is in itself evidence of the strategic weight for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”
No surprise here.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I think Trump taking the jab affected quite a few people's decisions about taking it.......sadly.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
Well, today's Bidenism is that having extra leg room on an airplane is racist.

I'm really starting to believe the theory that Biden is secretly a white hat. He's dragging down the Dems so badly, he couldn't do a worse job as president if he tried. So.... maybe that's exactly what he's trying to do.

Perhaps Biden had his own "walk-away" moment sometime in the past several years, and was recruited by the white hats as part of their plan.

Well, early on in the election BIDEN was asked why he's running. His answer was "because I have to".

It kinda makes you think.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 08:28 PM
Wasn't there some chatter about his turning over the laptop?
Coincidentally, I recall, when the presidential race was still going on praying about who were s going to win it the only image that came into my mind was brandon?
Mentioned it here too I think?
Pain or something?
a reply to: FlyingFox

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