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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Nice catch, guy!

I decided to do a gematria check on MOMENTARY RESERVE:

216 simple, 1296 english, 1701 jewish

... there was a very odd EQUIVALENT that stood out: TRANVEX EQUATION:

Quick search on TRANVEX turned up 2 items:

1) Scottish Web/identification company TRANVEX:

Tranvex is a venture that deals with issues surrounding verification of student identity for the purpose of online payments, personalized student offers such as transportation discounts, dedicated in-shop student-based offers, reduced recreational costs among others.
A lot of times, making online payments and accessing dedicated student offers requires some form of verification of student identity. This could be in the form of a link to the student email or a photo of the student ID card and a h...

2) A california stock corporation, founded in 1956 but SUSPENDED by FTB on June 1st 1962 (link)

...could be something, could be nothing.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Source for it being released same day?

Meeting on 20th...
US Navy tweet on 22nd...

I'd assume there is a suffix, hidden in the photo, that says something like:

("Releasable to USA,")... "UK from 10/22/22 12:00:00 UTC"

Looking forward to your source that it was released on 20th?

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Source for it being released same day?

The first of the links you posted.

ETA: Also, that article says the meeting happens every other year. Maybe what is discussed is secret but it happening isn't.
edit on 23-10-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

TRANVEX Corp. seems to have some data on github.

It could just be a dead end. Worth mentioning though.

I couldn't find anything on the California Company, I wonder what they did before folding?

Also, I couldn't help but wonder if UK was going to try a student bailout like the Biden one, TRANVEX (the one you sited) could have been a good way to publicly launder the cash without anyone being the wiser.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

Looking at the timeline in New York we may have a little symbolism > Gov. Cuomo ordered the city of New Rochelle on March 21, 2020. Could they really be this disturbed?
New York Timeline

From your NYC Timeline link, the "January 21, 2020 First confirmed COVID-19 case in the U.S." - gave me a flashback that apparently is still a mystery patient zero.

No pictures are known to exist of The Snohomish County Man, much like Johnny Chen (b. 1954; d. Mar 13, 2003), the supposed super-spreader of 2002-2004 SARS outbreak whose doctor also became infected and died a few weeks later.

Some folks have speculated that the actual CV-19 mystery man was Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist who according to official story died of CV-19 on Feb 7, 2020, at age 33.

Much of what was written about Johnny Chen was done so by then WSJ-contributor Matthew Pottinger, Marine intel officer, and later the 32nd United States Deputy National Security Advisor under Trump; son of former DOJ official John Stanley Pottinger. On his second tour in Afghanistan, he met Army Lt General Michael T. Flynn, with whom he co-wrote a report titled: "Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan." PDF.

Another very interesting Trump intel guy as described in this New Yorker article.

Matthew Pottinger is married to Dr. Yen Duong, a virologist who immigrated to the United States as a child after she and her family fled Vietnam following the Vietnam War. In 2009, they met in a tunnel, in Afghanistan. She was working with the Afghan gov't on improving its H.I.V. testing. LOL, can't make this stuff up.

The MLK Assassination files related to John Stanley Pottinger investigation into FBI complicity only started coming out in 2017.

Stanley Pottinger JFK/MLK files: 116 documents reference Pottinger. Up until 12/15/17 and after, 110 of those docs were previously deemed too sensitive to release to the public and they were later released 2017-2021 with the JFK files. There are juicy bits in those files that the Deep State kept hidden for 50 years.

J. Stanley Pottinger, head of the Civil Rights Division, reported to the attorney general that he had found "no basis for criminal charges against any particular individuals involving particular incidents." The director of the FBI also made clear that he saw nothing particularly serious in the revelations of the Church and Pike Committees. There is as yet no public record or evidence of any systematic investigation of these practices. The press paid little heed to the record that was being exposed during the Watergate period and even since has generally ignored the more serious cases and failed to present anything remotely resembling an accurate picture of the full record and what it implies.
COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story

Daily News story from July, 19, 1984; Pottinger, Rudy Giuliani, Steinham, Cyrus Hashemi:

“Stanley Pottinger” AND “First Gulf Bank & Trust Company" AND "Cyrus Hashemi.”👀

Approval of Remdesivir for CV19 was responsibility of DTRA's DOMANE (David Hone, Robert Malone from RFK Jr book “The Real Anthony Fauci”), Georgetown (Snohomish County Man - Rebecca "Yellow Rain" Katz/Larry Gostin), and MERS/primate data from Rocky Mountain Labs (Feldmann/Fauci).

Mystery virus origin / Patient Zero ghosts, nothing to see here.🤔

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:54 PM

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:32 AM
As Penny Mordaunt is vying for UK PM role, I thought it might be interesting to look at the derivation of her surname:

Recorded as Mordant, Mordaunt (English), Mordagne, Mordant (French) and apparently Mordanti in Italy, this is a surname of French origins. According to the famous Victorian etymologist Canon Charles Bardsley writing in the year 1880, the name was originally Norman, and was brought to England by a follower of Duke William of Normandy, when he conquered England in 1066. He claimed that the name means or meant in the 12th century 'The biter,' a reference it would seem to somebody who succeeded as a result of another persons misfortune. This is a possible explanation, anything is possible with surnames, and the name does seem to derive from a fused form of 'mort d'entaille' or something similar, literally meaning 'death by cuts!' However early recordings in both France and Italy are usually erratic or non existent. In Italy because basically it did not become a unified county until 1860, and even then it was many years before centralised recording was established, whilst in France most early records and registers were deliberately destroyed by the Revolutionaries in 1792. Such recordings as exist would seem to include Osbert le Mordaunt of Bedfordshire, England in 1199, Edward Mordant who was a student at Oxford University in 1575, and Jean Baptiste Mordant, chistened at Montherme in the Ardennes, on October 11th 1791.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:41 AM
Caught this from Reuters at 10:45am gmt:

Russian-installed Kherson authorities create local militia

Consider how the tenets of the US constitution may be being applied in this ex-ukraine, now russian, region... #3656

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No.97 📁
Dec 7 2019 11:57:38 (EST)📁
What happens when people don't conform to their rule?
What happens when people cannot defend themselves?
Why do [D]'s want to abolish the 2nd amendment?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most?📁
"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"
We, the People.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 10:03 AM
Could be bad, could be good. It's hard to judge with the people involved.
From: MSN News

The national security cases will be discussed at a news conference at 1:30 p.m. (1730 GMT), the department said in a statement, without giving further details. It did not name the country or entity.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco and Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew Olsen along with FBI Director Christopher Wray will "discuss significant national security cases addressing malign influence schemes and alleged criminal activity by a nation-state actor in the United States," the department said.

The Justice Department also did not cite whether the schemes involved or were aimed at the Nov. 8 midterm U.S. elections.

I wonder who or what they are going after this time. Who's the new Boogie-man/woman/person... yeah I'll go with Boogie-Person.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 11:02 AM
RQ I saw a DM from you and replied. Some of that has to be the truth. Maybe not all of it in that video.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

The same group did something similar just before the 2020 election, to deflect from upcoming Democrat cheating.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
I found it!...The unredacted Advanced Purchase Agreement contract between the EU and BioNTech/Pfizer!
EU Advanced Purchase Agreement with BioNTech and Pfizer

Page 22 is brimming with fun details like Pfizer's bank account # in Ireland.
Fan mail can be directed>
To contact the laughing lady Janine Small, Pfizer's Vaccine Regional Manger, her e-mail is [email protected]< She was the one at the EU Task Force who laughingly told the panel that Pfizer did not test for transmission.
This contract is just so, so sensitive .
It is 100 pages so I just will high-light a couple of points.
-Waiver..."The commission acknowledges and agrees that the contractor's efforts to develop and manufacture the vaccine is aspirational in nature and subject to significant risks and uncertainties."

-Other Special Conditions..."The Contractor shall keep the Commission and the Participating Member States informed about any safety signals detected during the pharma covigilance or vaccine monitoring programmes in relation to the vaccines which are the subject of this APA within 5 business days from notifying the European Medicines Agency."< How many days are we into this plandemic and not one word from Pfizer or BioNTech about any problems?

-"For the avoidance of doubt, This provision does not in any way effect the rights of an injured third party [excluding the Commission or any participating Member State] to claim damages under the applicable law!

No limit of liability...
-"Nothing in this APA excludes or limits liability of either party for
a. willful intent, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentations.
b. Breach of confidentiality.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 12:03 PM
European Parliament Declaration
Just to be clear "The Commission ensured that the Advanced Purchase Agreements for Covid-19 vaccines are compliant with the EC law and fully respect and protect citizen's rights, in line with the Product Liability Directive.
In accordance with this directive, LIABILITY REMAINS WITH THE MANUFACTURER.

And they think we will just look at redacted copies when we have the unredacted.
So the big question is> Why was the APA negotiated by the U.S. so different that it did not include this provision? The EU was able to negotiate this but not us.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 12:27 PM
Slovenia Purchase Agreement

Fun Fact...The Contractor and the EU entered the Purchase Agreement on February 17, 2021.

So here we have them acknowledging that there may be long term effects, and no clue if the vaccine is effective or not.

The big question is why did the Contractor include that the vaccine should not be serialized?
So "hot" batches could not be linked to one manufacturing source. One would think that this may have everything to do about the $ or tin foil hat moment...the deliberate manufacturing of "hot" batches. There I said it.
Like I say a tin foil hat moment but why all the secrecy?

Interesting that the contract is to be signed by the President of Pfizer which would be Albert Bourla as Chairman and CEO.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 12:41 PM
Christian Terhes, MEP Calls on Immediate Resignation of Ursula von der Leyen
Things are heating up big time.

So Ursula von der Leyen negotiated the Pfizer Covid Vaccine contract via sms which she now claims she can't find.
SMS Gate
Now this comes out that 71 billion Euros of contracts were signed to procure 4.6 billion vaccine doses in a Lol "transparent contract."
Another tin foil hat moment but why do we need 10 doses per person? Wouldn't these vaccines expire before anyone could receive that many jabs? That would almost be monthly. Now that's a scary thought.
Pfizer Jab Expiration-12 months

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
As Penny Mordaunt is vying for UK PM role, I thought it might be interesting to look at the derivation of her surname:

If you haven't already might want to skim through her wiki page.

Penelope Mary Mordaunt

Mordaunt was 15 when her mother died of breast cancer and after leaving school, she became her younger brother Edward's primary caregiver. The following year her father was also diagnosed with cancer, from which he recovered. In order to support her time at university Mordaunt worked in a Johnson & Johnson factory, and became a magician's assistant to Will Ayling, a past president of the Portsmouth and District Magic Circle and of the British Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians.

In 2000, she worked briefly as Head of Foreign Press for George W. Bush's presidential campaign. Mordaunt worked for the Bush campaign again in 2004.

In February 2018, an investigation by The Times newspaper revealed allegations of misconduct by Oxfam staff operating in Haiti,...

Mordaunt felt it was important for aid organisations to report offences because she suspected that there were paedophiles "targeting" the charity sector in order to carry out predatory activities.

In July 2022, Hampshire Police said they were investigating death threats sent to Mordaunt. She strengthened her security after a letter was sent to her constituency office threatening to "shoot her in the head" and "kill her family" if she did not quit as an MP.
She certainly moved up the political ladder rather quickly.

The background of this emblem represents the world. The figure is Mercury, the messenger of the ancient gods and a magician. He carries a wand in his left hand. At the bottom, the letters I.B.M. are joined to indicate UNITY and COOPERATION. The oak leaf denotes strength, while the two acorns represent the Eastern and Western hemispheres. The hands are clasped to signify the FELLOWSHIP and BROTHERHOOD in MAGIC throughout the universe.
The World's Largest Magical Organization

IBM Order of Merlin

I.B.M. Regalia

Well, politicians & stage magic go hand-in-hand.

Gold submariner dolphins badge:

New badge for trainee Royal Navy submariners

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 02:20 PM
Found this interesting video of "George HW Bush dying on live TV" at a dinner on NesaraGesaraSecrets telegram channel... not sure if it's been posted before but, if not, deserves to be.

Go to post to see the 49 second tiktok video of old TV clip... meanwhile, here's a screenshot:

edit on 24-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

And here's a version for those of us who don't have Telegram:


posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 03:32 PM
I think we have another link...
# 3173
The calm before the storm?
What happens when a blockade[threat] is dismantled & removed?
"You'll find out".
Children used as shields [manufactured crimes of perjury]?

Fire at will is a shot.
The Wall Street Journal is starting to cover much more about the jabs. A road block to the media must have been dismantled for any news to finally get out. I suspect this has to do with the children.
The CDC Pushes to Vaccinate Toddlers, Again

The threat>Big pharma sees first hand the declining numbers of people opting to take the booster shots, which explains why for example Pfizer is planning to increase the cost per jab 10,000%. The threat of the jabs is being dismantled.
To shield their profits they have moved to add children to the childhood vaccination schedules, through the 'controlled' Advisory group.
"After hearing a presentation on the proposed revisions to the child and adolescent schedules, the committee completed their discussion "in about one minute".

Robert F. Kennedy "Given the high risk of vaccine injury for a product that provides little or no benefit to children, this represents a criminal enterprise solely to ensure a revenue stream for Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers.

There's lots of weirdness around this vaccine schedule. First the vaccine still has only EUA. An EUA vaccine has never been approved for the schedule and yet here we have it.
Also Comirnaty, which has been approved is not available in the U.S. For the first time the Counter Measures Injury Compensation Program is listed on the schedule, which is where people will have to go to submit claims. This has been hidden from the public for the entire plandemic.
Child Abuse on a Massive Scale

"You'll find out"> One can only imagine the number of injuries and deaths of children that will be reported, now that people know where to report. But also people will now know where to file claims for adults as well. An incoming avalanche of biblical proportions.
But when people go to see what is being done with the claims...
Alleged Covid-19 Countermeasures Claims as of October 1, 2022

10,323 claims, 7412 alleged injuries/deaths from Covid-19 vaccines. 2911 alleged injuries/deaths from other Covid-19 counter measures.
"As of October 1, 2022 the CICP has partially compensated one Covid-19 counter measure claim." If possible it gets worse...HHS accepts or denies claims with no judicial review and provides little feed back to the claimant. It's just based on their say so.
Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs Overwhelmed as Congressional Reform Stalls

"You'll find out"> The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, where the Covid jabs should be has $4.3 billion on hand but is as other divisions under the HHS umbrella hopelessly broken.

Children Used as Shields> What protection are vaccine manufacturers given when the vaccine is added to the schedule? Immunity from liability!

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