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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:15 PM
QTSR Oct 24(full post at link):

Behind the scenes;<

PUTIN/RUSSIA continues to take the UN. NATO apart with strategic moves using Oil. Gas, Military WEAPONS delivery and cutting power to UKRAINE CENTRAL BANKING systems to hundreds of banks (not reported in the MSM)////

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Doing a follow up on this report from earlier today.

The federal government is set to issue a warning this week about threats to the United States' elections operations ahead of Nov. 8 congressional elections, Politico reported on Monday.

The internal intelligence bulletin will lay out specifics on cyber threats from China and Russia, as well as potential physical threats to election officials across the country, according to the news outlet's report, which cited two people familiar with the matter.

Republicans are aiming to win back control of the Senate and the House of Representatives from Biden's fellow Democrats in the midterm elections.

Representatives of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report.

Domestic disinformation campaigns and homegrown threats to poll workers are emerging as bigger concerns before the midterms, two senior U.S. officials told Reuters last week.

So this isn't the first time we've seen that the media is stating that the Republicans will win back both houses of Congress. Even though people like Pelosi and others are stating the opposite. I wonder if this is setting up a situation where the GOP wins, but the DNC will try and prevent the election from being verified by blaming outside influences.

edit on 24-10-2022 by Guyfriday because: cleaned up the quote a bit

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
So this isn't the first time we've seen that the media is stating that the Republicans will win back both houses of Congress.

That article doesn't say they will win back both houses of Congress, it says that is what their goal is.

Nobody needed the MSM to tell them that.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

No worries, we're in good hands. Lt Colonel, Rhodes Scholar is in control.🤪🤦‍

Wait, we've seen this movie before...

Reference: The Final Countdown (1980)

Speaking of deep state...

American Resistance

I guess we have to give them more money and power now.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:22 PM
Barges On Drought-Stricken Mississippi River "Dead In The Water", Causing Severe Supply Chain Issues

WATCH THE WATER..........................................................

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Guyfriday

Doing a follow up on this report from earlier today.

The federal government is set to issue a warning this week about threats to the United States' elections operations ahead of Nov. 8 congressional elections, Politico reported on Monday.

The internal intelligence bulletin will lay out specifics on cyber threats from China and Russia, as well as potential physical threats to election officials across the country, according to the news outlet's report, which cited two people familiar with the matter.

Republicans are aiming to win back control of the Senate and the House of Representatives from Biden's fellow Democrats in the midterm elections.

Representatives of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report.

Domestic disinformation campaigns and homegrown threats to poll workers are emerging as bigger concerns before the midterms, two senior U.S. officials told Reuters last week.

So this isn't the first time we've seen that the media is stating that the Republicans will win back both houses of Congress. Even though people like Pelosi and others are stating the opposite. I wonder if this is setting up a situation where the GOP wins, but the DNC will try and prevent the election from being verified by blaming outside influences.

They know the red wave is coming and are going to try and blame it on foreign interference......
I bet they go so far as to say none of the red wins count...........
This is going to be epic................
Could we be more of a laughing stock to the world? Unbelievable.....

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Good call on your part, bad statement on mine. I won't change it though since my point is that the media has pointed out that the GOP is most likely to win back both the house and senate.

I should have been more clear about that, but that doesn't take away from my point that these reports of "Nation-States" interfering with the election will be used to call the election into question. I guess we all need to wait until the actual report comes out though, since the media has been off about these stories as well.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Sorry for taking so long to respond! I've been trying to stay caught up in reading but am behind on responses.
I am not sure exactly where to start digging. If I remember right the vid was posted by The Galactic Federation and I will certainly try to start there to find more.
I can’t say that I never bought into it completely either but it was fascinating. I tend to be a skeptic on most things that I cannot prove or see or feel, with that said I still enjoyed the Titor story. It and The Walking Dead provided me with an escape for a bit and gave me something to ponder on rather than how our world was and is shaping up.
The video showed 2 Trumps both older than our Trump. If I understand correctly they were from 2 different timelines and I am going to need to read up on timelines as I have not thought about Timetravel in-depth for a while.
I can understand how coming here in 98 to warn of an accident that would happen to JFK Jr. in 99 might need to stay secretive in order to get from there to here. I am not sure how any of that would have changed the timeline past other than saving Jr’s life. I think if there is any truth to this, there is still a lot we need to know. Maybe spilling the beans would have not done any good if the military is the only way?
I too am ready for the puzzles to end and the ratting to begin regardless of the TT angle. But as we are often reminded…..that’s not up to us because things have to play out.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Over the weekend I spoke to my good friend and her husband who I begged not to get the vax. They are both very upset that they took it and said they would not be taking any future vaccines of any kind. i willbe sure to pass this cancer vax news along to them!
Let me also say how sorry I am about your family member that just passed away. I have no unvaxxed family members and only a few unvaxxed friends and it ways heavy on me. My sister owns the company that I work for and a couple weeks ago after my vaxxed brother in law got covid, one friend and co=worker pulled me aside and asked what we were going to do when my sister and her husband die from all the boosters. She was worried whether we would have jobs. I told her that my
sister is refusing boosters now despite her husband, and that I was her next of kin if they both pass and could keep it running. Can you imagine how horrible that conversation was? I understood her fear but really didn't want to be talking about such a thing. I also didn't want the other employees to panic and start looking for other jobs. Needless to say I have not told anyone (until now) about that conversation.
I do feel like we are in a movie at times but there are other times it feels like we are on some wild amusement park ride that we can't get off!!!!
Let me also say that I am keeping notes from posts of the people and groups to keep an eye on with the intention to revisit the list
every week or so to dig a see if anything else transpires.

edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago10 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Replied to PM

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I forgot this:

Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past
somehow makes news as of late.

YES! This is definitely happening and the normies around me are seeing it! FINALLY......I'm saving the I told you so for later (for the normies).

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012
We are supposed to get quite a bit of rain this week but it was supposed to pour down today and could only cloud over....we will see.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 07:57 PM
QTSR Oct 24 (full post at link):

The past month. ALL cases and trials at GITMO were cancelled. BIDEN administration
Funneled 12 Million to GITMO to finish hidden (New) Hidden court rooms (?)

The past 48 hours several military flights to GITMO have exceeded beyond normal routines.(even with current cancelled trials)...

>)CABLES: U.S Deep State FBI DOJ planning to use Chinese Espionage cases to connect to U.S. Republican officials.
( As you know the deep state Military coup against XI failed and many were imprisoned or executed and XI nemesis was removed...


A reminder I don't sell TOKENS or coins or reach out to people for crypto scams... And I don't have any other channels anywhere in any other social networks. The above written Originates from this one and only channel... Many choose to copy and use as their own ( i don't have a problem with this.. But i do have a problem with other channels who use my drops to SCAM their subs )////


I have been dropping hints about this exact thing coming to FRANCE////
as far as I know.. The french military are completely divided And the French military white hate have been giving DECLAS drops to the public and have briefed the Leaders in the military on current real RUSSIAN
(I have done a drop several times in France the past month)

edit on 10/24/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: more

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: daskakik
I have a question that isn't relevant to the thread so I PM'd ya.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Guyfriday

Doing a follow up on this report from earlier today.

The federal government is set to issue a warning this week about threats to the United States' elections operations ahead of Nov. 8 congressional elections, Politico reported on Monday.

The internal intelligence bulletin will lay out specifics on cyber threats from China and Russia, as well as potential physical threats to election officials across the country, according to the news outlet's report, which cited two people familiar with the matter.

Republicans are aiming to win back control of the Senate and the House of Representatives from Biden's fellow Democrats in the midterm elections.

Representatives of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the report.

Domestic disinformation campaigns and homegrown threats to poll workers are emerging as bigger concerns before the midterms, two senior U.S. officials told Reuters last week.

So this isn't the first time we've seen that the media is stating that the Republicans will win back both houses of Congress. Even though people like Pelosi and others are stating the opposite. I wonder if this is setting up a situation where the GOP wins, but the DNC will try and prevent the election from being verified by blaming outside influences.

They know the red wave is coming and are going to try and blame it on foreign interference......
I bet they go so far as to say none of the red wins count...........
This is going to be epic................
Could we be more of a laughing stock to the world? Unbelievable.....

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 10:34 PM
I nteresting

Justice Thomas Rules in Favor of Lindsey Graham in Georgia 2020 Election Probe

Graham also maintains that “a sitting senator has the privilege to be shielded from such types of investigations.


Well, it ended up at Fort Detrick in Maryland where the US Army headed the US Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. Lieutenant Colonel Murray Sanders, the same guy who investigated the allegations, ended up being in charge

edit on 2022/10/24 by CrazyFox because:


Judge rules Fauci be deposed in lawsuit alleging White House worked with Big Tech to censor speech

Biden administration was sued in May by Republican attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri


A federal judge has ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and other Biden officials be deposed as part of a lawsuit against the Biden administration, alleging that the government colluded with social media companies to censor free speech related to the coronavirus and other controversial topics.

edit on 2022/10/24 by CrazyFox because:

edit on 2022/10/24 by CrazyFox because: nobody said it
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday

Sorry for taking so long to respond! I've been trying to stay caught up in reading but am behind on responses.
I am not sure exactly where to start digging. If I remember right the vid was posted by The Galactic Federation and I will certainly try to start there to find more.
I can’t say that I never bought into it completely either but it was fascinating. I tend to be a skeptic on most things that I cannot prove or see or feel, with that said I still enjoyed the Titor story. It and The Walking Dead provided me with an escape for a bit and gave me something to ponder on rather than how our world was and is shaping up.
The video showed 2 Trumps both older than our Trump. If I understand correctly they were from 2 different timelines and I am going to need to read up on timelines as I have not thought about Timetravel in-depth for a while.
I can understand how coming here in 98 to warn of an accident that would happen to JFK Jr. in 99 might need to stay secretive in order to get from there to here. I am not sure how any of that would have changed the timeline past other than saving Jr’s life. I think if there is any truth to this, there is still a lot we need to know. Maybe spilling the beans would have not done any good if the military is the only way?
I too am ready for the puzzles to end and the ratting to begin regardless of the TT angle. But as we are often reminded…..that’s not up to us because things have to play out.

I agree Rook, it really kinda throws a curve ball into the rabbit hole lolol.
I've actually started reading through the Titor stuff again, because there's a lot of interesting stuff there. Especially since it's been 20 years since he posted.
Living in multiple timelines at the same time really boggles my melon, and makes my brain hurt

But when you look at all, and analyze how it fits into world events, Q, and everything else we've all learned these years, it's quite amazing!
We're near the end of the show now I think.

With Xi cleaning house, Putin hitting deep state targets to destroy all the Rothschild et al laundry mats, etc.
Ukraine has lost this war, there is no way for them to take on Russia in any long term way. All their attacks are meaningless. Russia is very well fortified in Kherson, (very important), and is digging into good defensive positions throughout their new territories.

And because the (US)west refuses to negotiate a peace deal, and plans to double down is absolutely insane.
Lavrov has reported to the IAEA that Russia has evidence about the potential use of a dirty bomb in Ukraine (more specifically targeting the dam in the northeast) to flood out the whole area right to the Black Sea. They will blame it on Russia of course, and we will see it in the media sold that way.

If that were to happen, the destruction and deaths would be catastrophic. So the question becomes, who would benefit from such an attack. The answer is obvious. It's not Russia
They have no benefit to flood out their supply routes and newly acquired pre-Russian territories.
Ukraine would benefit massively tho, because it would take out all the newly fortified positions of the Russian forces and force them to retreat,(which is why they are evacuating citizens right now)

But this attack also would allow the US to enter the war under the pre text of "helping out our allies". I'm sure you're all aware of the recent CBS interview with the 101st airborne over there training with Romania right now. 4700 troops, joining the already 100,000 already stationed in Europe.

I think we're starting to see the end game play out now. Slowly but surely.
I don't think we are headed for nuclear armegeddon, I do think the scare event will occur during this time tho. And then White Hats (which could involve several patriots from several nations) to make their move and take the remaining elements. Would happen pretty fast too i would think.

Anyways, sorry for the long synopsis, I'm about 6 beers in lolol.

Cheers everyone!

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:34 AM

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 12:36 AM

posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Maybe I'm tired, but is what she saying even Constitutional? I mean isn't it the States job during an election to verify the results of the elections and votes made in the State?

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

People can go and read it for themselves at this point, but Hillary is crying about something that the States are Constitutionally supposed to do, or am I wrong.

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