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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
It is important things happen in front of the masses is my bottom line on this.

I know this idea that the elite can do anything as long as they make it public because of some universal law is a cornerstone of CT but I've never actually come across anything that supports it.

Sure you have because it is in your face here in America and everywhere. It is right out in the open and DELIBERATELY so. It is out because they like rubbing it in too. "Elections matter"; "it isn't who votes, it is who counts them"; "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" (yep, but it was the Dems team using Russia). I could go on for a while on this.

Suffice it to say if you didn't see this yourself by now you simply don't want to see it. That is all there can be said at this point.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:00 AM
Petraeus Betrayus

Investigative reporter George Webb reported on then-Gen. Petraeus’ involvement with the Clintons in toppling nations using his Zero Footprint plan to overtake and rob nations (Libya) of their natural resources, gold, arms, and humans to trafficking them globally. Remember Benghazi. Petraeus’ face ought to be ripped off. He’s dirty.

George believes that in those emails between Petraeus and Hillary it’s going to contain Team Rubicon activity; and that it starts in 2010.....

edit on 10262022 by MetalThunder because: Carpe F'N Diem

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Not encouraging, but not exactly unexpected in upside down world
Saudi blasts release of oil reserves 'to manipulate markets'

Saudi Arabia's energy minister on Tuesday blasted the release of emergency oil stocks as an attempt to "manipulate markets", the latest apparent salvo in a spat with Washington over oil production.

"People are depleting their emergency stocks, had depleted it, used it as a mechanism to manipulate markets while its profound purpose was to mitigate shortage of supply," Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told an investor conference in the Saudi capital.

"However, it is my profound duty to make it clear to the world that losing emergency stock may become painful in the months to come."

In our case in the US we can crack open a few oil wells and we are back in business. Add the pipeline and we can supply ourselves and maybe share some exports too, hopefully. But the "CO2 is pollution" liars are not going to let that happen until we send them packing from Congress. Might have to end with some Lady Justice proclamations on how they should be executed for their crimes so contemptable they climb to the high heavens.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
That is just weird! I show that it sent and even opened what I sent to make sure. I sent it again so see if it did the same thing.

that one landed twice...hmmm

I am sorry for the middle of that for you.. I am a lot of what you described as yourself in there. My mom did what you did to save her kid brother from bullies. I had bullies all around me and was a runt. I ended up being a surprise not so runt like but only after pain... That is my story and it hit me that was adrenaline. I am not kidding on being a runt but went thru growing spurts and finally was big enough to try out for my University basketball team after being a walk on wrestler.

BOTTOM line to cut to the chase, fearfulness and being so mad you hit someone is adrenaline production times. These
"people" who seem to indulge in this blood sucking love it. We have to do like in Tae Kwon Do training and control that stuff. Focus it and don't let it go wild. LOL!!

Really, we should learn to not let it go crazy because it is like blood in the water around a school of Sharks. Good soldiers have to do that or they will go crazy on the spot in the battlefield.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:11 AM
Reread your post after some sleep, guy:

a) VC is not a valid roman numeral (tried 4 different calculators); I think the rules go;

You can only put one unit of a unit 10x smaller, or less, than the proceeding number to indicate "1 less than".

For example:
IV and IX = valid but
IC, ID, IL and IM = invalid

Since V = 5 and C = 100... and 100/10 = 10= X, V = 5 is too small.

b) However, in the decoding world... novel calculations may be applied...

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

I note the multi-colored "hat" behind Charles also represents both his personal motif and, could be seen as a crown... i.e. "When he's king".

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Weird, I was using the method of Roman Numerals we used in Latin Class, but I forgot that the VC would have a line over them in order to represent 5100. So I went online after reading this post of yours, and sure enough VC is not a valid number without the line. I did find this odd thing though.
I grabbed this from WIKI

Large numbers
During the centuries that Roman numerals remained the standard way of writing numbers throughout Europe, there were various extensions to the system designed to indicate larger numbers, none of which were ever standardised.


"1630" on the Westerkerk in Amsterdam. "M" and "D" are given archaic "apostrophus" form.
One of these was the apostrophus, in which 500 was written as IↃ, while 1,000 was written as CIↃ. This is a system of encasing numbers to denote thousands (imagine the Cs and Ↄs as parentheses), which has its origins in Etruscan numeral usage. The IↃ and CIↃ used to represent 500 and 1,000 most likely preceded, and subsequently influenced, the adoption of "D" and "M" in conventional Roman numerals.

So the notion of VC would be D. VC is D, or in other words 5 100s is 500. Sorry for the confusion.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Great catch! Seems to have gone now though.

There's a growing weight of evidence in Mr Pool and Riddlers circles that the Financial system switchover and "Ten Days. Darkness" happens between yesterday's partial solar eclipse and the forthcoming total Lunar eclipse on November 8th (election day!).

More interesting dates... Disclose TV on telegram posted this at 11:17:33 GMT

JUST IN - UK govt delays presentation of economic plan to Nov 17.

Why is this interesting?
a) A new PM, in the middle of a financial crisis, is going to wait 22 days to tell people what he plans to do about it? That's Bonkers!
b) Unless, it's all happening behind closed curtains and it's only the "post-implementation plan" for the new Financial System? I.e. we don't get to hear about it until it's a done deal?

c) ... and most importantly... 11.17 is the day before 11.18... 2 posts with 11.18 = AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN. Not sure how this connects though.
edit on 26-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

No need to apologise - I think we both learnt more about it going round the loop!

Particularly liked the Etruscan element as the area my ma comes from in Italy has a lot of Etruscan archaeology... a civilisation a thousand years older than the Romans.

edit on 26-10-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
This seems relevant to the fuel shortage.
U.S. Has Only 25 Days of Disel left.

The article was originally posted October 23rd. 25 days from then would bring us to November 17th.

Pool had a post showing the green pump representing diesel. Perhaps a warning?
25 days from October 23rd

Having just returned from a trip, I must say that things are weird out there. On more than one occasion the gas stations had run out of fuel and when I was able to get some the amount I could purchase was restricted. That has never happen before.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Great find! Quite unbelievable isn't it?

As I mentioned we need to keep an eye on the Boston University gain-of-function research.
Top NIH Dirctor-The Media Told Us!

Emily Erbelding, Director of NIAID has the audacity to claim that their department only found out through media reports.
I simply cringe at the thought that any of them claim to be doctors. Dr. Jill has good company.

"Erbelding said "she wished" the scientists had informed the NIAID of the work." I'm just trying to wrap my mind around that. Where is the enforcement and oversight? Instead she just wished she knew what was going on. Meanwhile they are responsible for handing out grants like candy for some aspects of the research.
Boston University meanwhile is funding most of this gain of function research so doesn't feel that informing the government is neccessary.
I seriously question why this research was conducted in a bio-level 3 lab. It should have been a 4. This enhanced virus kills at the rate of 80%!

Meanwhile it is deeply concerning that more than 40 bio-level 3+4 labs are built or being built and this is the agency that is supposed to provide oversight?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
Not supposed examples of it but the actual source for the "universal law".

I see you didn't offer that either.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
Good for you! That is the best way to beat them, just out grow them!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:55 AM
Well, today's Bidenism is that having extra leg room on an airplane is racist.

I'm really starting to believe the theory that Biden is secretly a white hat. He's dragging down the Dems so badly, he couldn't do a worse job as president if he tried. So.... maybe that's exactly what he's trying to do.

Perhaps Biden had his own "walk-away" moment sometime in the past several years, and was recruited by the white hats as part of their plan.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:02 PM
Why is Paul Offit doing this?
Paul Offit Wait on Boosters

Reminder>He was on the Vaccine Advisory board that approved the Pfizer mRNA Covid jab. Since he has been bypassed along with the entire Advisory Board he now is cautioning to wait for some, any human data. Apparently 8 mice were not enough.

Robert F. Kennedy April 8, 2015
Robert F. Kennedy + Paul Offit
At the 5.50 mark he starts discussing Paul Offit and his financial entanglement with Big Pharma. Nothing surprises me anymore but this did...He believes that children can take 10,000 vaccines!!!!
I can't even imagine.
He can run but he can't hide. Years of profiteering!

I hope I can Go Outside Today!

Pfizer Boosters.
This is just mind boggling. The scientist actually states that after the jabs are rolled out they will conduct human clinical trials.

Here Pfizer has already manufactured the boosters and are just waiting to roll them out. Since they are in charge I guess they have no concerns about the CDC not giving approval.
Tin foil hat time. Moderna and Pfizer vials have red and blue caps. Red pill/blue pill?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:09 PM
But I do not think that is a tenet behind CT thought but a CT itself.
It is said to be a cosmic law that governs the archonic forces that seek to exploit us through trickery and illusions.

And this law protects our free will.

Kind of where the black eye club comes into the mix as we do not do battle against flesh but powers and principalities that superimpose themselves in flesh suits.
Parasitical like in their nature .

But I do not think that is an organic rule though.
Probably what drives the free porn industry

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
It is important things happen in front of the masses is my bottom line on this.

I know this idea that the elite can do anything as long as they make it public because of some universal law is a cornerstone of CT but I've never actually come across anything that supports it.

Sure you have because it is in your face here in America and everywhere. It is right out in the open and DELIBERATELY so. It is out because they like rubbing it in too. "Elections matter"; "it isn't who votes, it is who counts them"; "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" (yep, but it was the Dems team using Russia). I could go on for a while on this.

Suffice it to say if you didn't see this yourself by now you simply don't want to see it. That is all there can be said at this point.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
I read your comment and meant to get back to you. I am really struggling with all these family members thrilled to get their #5 jab. I must have lost count at some point. If possible it gets worse. They are getting the flu jab at the same time.
One jab in each arm, that's why God gave us two arms.

At this point I don't know what to say. I just asked which one did they got. Who cares, mix and match is just fine.

Another person has been diagnosed with cancer and he only had 4 jabs. This is not normal. Fortunately I have got through to a few thanks to the Surgeon General of Florida's warning of myocarditis.
I have met people who have told me that they would take a jab every single day if necessary. How do they explain all of the people who are unjabbed still walking around?

I honestly don't understand. Some of these people operate successful business, are heavily involved in the science field and have accumulated great wealth and yet there's no critical thinking going on. They totally believe in "Trust the Science."
At some point there needs to be Nuremberg Trials.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RookQueen
I read your comment and meant to get back to you. I am really struggling with all these family members thrilled to get their #5 jab. I must have lost count at some point. If possible it gets worse. They are getting the flu jab at the same time.
One jab in each arm, that's why God gave us two arms.

At this point I don't know what to say. I just asked which one did they got. Who cares, mix and match is just fine.

Another person has been diagnosed with cancer and he only had 4 jabs. This is not normal. Fortunately I have got through to a few thanks to the Surgeon General of Florida's warning of myocarditis.
I have met people who have told me that they would take a jab every single day if necessary. How do they explain all of the people who are unjabbed still walking around?

I honestly don't understand. Some of these people operate successful business, are heavily involved in the science field and have accumulated great wealth and yet there's no critical thinking going on. They totally believe in "Trust the Science."
At some point there needs to be Nuremberg Trials.

Well like the old saying goes: "You can hold a Phd or a degree and still be an idiot".

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The Morning Briefing: Hillary Clinton Reminds Us That She's America's Worst Drunk and a Psychopath (Oct 26, 2022)

The execrable Granny Maojackets has once again taken a brief respite from siphoning her box of breakfast Franzia so she can become a pre-election denier.

The clinically insane woman goes on to “Blah, blah, blah, derp, derp,” managing to complain about the Supreme Court, the Electoral College, and the fact that Republicans control most of the state legislatures in the United States, almost all in one wine-fouled breath.

Hillary will be 77 when the next presidential election rolls around. That’s basically youthful for the Democrats these days. It’s not outlandish to think she might want another shot at what in her diseased mind was taken from her. It’s also not a stretch to think the Democrats would go for it. Their bench is weaker than Mayor Pete’s appeal with Black constituents.

WaPo story from March 2015: Role of Hillary Clinton’s brother in Haiti gold mine raises eyebrows

Getty Images

Getty Images 1999

Kinda reminds me of Hunter Biden in Ukraine. Same book, different chapter.

Isn't it strange that Tony Rodham died, but no one knows why or how, and the only source for that reporting comes from one tweet by Hillary announcing that she "lost" her brother? Weird.

Meanwhile, native American lineage...angry Penn youth, mom, grandma. 3 generations of Karen.

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