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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 10:55 AM
I haven't kept up with her for awhile.
What she had with Somerset Belenof was pretty wild.
Am I the only one wondering if she said too much?
As hard as it is to find ANYTHING on SB Yig seems to have uncovered more on her than anyone else on the net and even had an informal correspondence with her and that group.

Has she talked about SB lately?

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MountainLaurel

ML, I understand she passed in her sleep, overnight.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Thank you for the link. Before my hiatus earlier in the year I was checking this site every so often but when I reset my laptop
I'd lost the link.......She was very kind to me when I first started participating here, she will be missed.

I'm sad she's gone. She was so supportive to me when I was trying to catch up in this thread.

Glad she got to do an update video on Glamis after the queen's passing. In the youtube comments she mentions having had a stroke, though doesn't state when.


posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:17 AM
If the queen had a twin I had a theory that was who Somerset was.
And that would have been the queen at the end after her twin had died years ago.
The queen = Somerset.

Is there any text of what Yig had to say or just videos?

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Thank you for the link. Before my hiatus earlier in the year I was checking this site every so often but when I reset my laptop
I'd lost the link.......She was very kind to me when I first started participating here, she will be missed.

I'm sad she's gone. She was so supportive to me when I was trying to catch up in this thread.

Glad she got to do an update video on Glamis after the queen's passing. In the youtube comments she mentions having had a stroke, though doesn't state when.


posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
U.S. Officials Revisit Rules for Disclosing Risky Disease Experiments
We need to keep eyes on this Boston University Gain of Function Research. They are hoping the public will suffer from the usual amnesia.

The transparency and the question of whether the public has a right to be informed that this research is being conducted has been a subject of controversy.
One question I have had is why are the names of the people on the Advisory Panel not disclosed? IMHO by disclosing them it would hopefully make them more accountable. Just consider Paul Offit who was on the Advisory Board that approved the jabs. His name is now well known and people can scrutinize what his position is. He is accountable and now he is desperate to walk things back and hoping to save his reputation. There are consequences but if their identity is concealed there are none.
----In the article it mentions that there were 2 gain of function research projects in 2019. The only reason we even know this is that the information was leaked to a reporter. How is this remotely transparent? I wnder what they were researching?

"If you open up a review process to the public-including ethicists and security, people and scientists-100% chance nothing will get done!"

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 12:25 PM
Thank you for the link.
I just watched the video of London bridge is falling.

Yig was almost too respectful of Somerset IMO.
I certainly am in doubt now that that was a threat to her.
Was her account closed to preview?

Please tell me Rel, what do you have on Somerset and any discussions concerning her and the queens death.

If Somerset was the original queens twin then it easily explains the prince Charles dilemma and the contentious relationship Somerset had with Charles(I was unaware until just now of this conflict between the two).

If they were twins then Elizabeth had her children and Lilbet had her children ( all girls?) and a feigned love for Charles might be all that was there in the end.
My mother, a loving and caring woman, literally hated one of her grandchildren when she was dying.
I can make sense of alot of that drama with Charles the last few years in considering she might have hated Charles and did her best to delay or impede him becoming king

A lot makes sense with this scenario

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 12:28 PM
U.S. Slashed CDC Staff Inside China Prior to Covid Outbreak
Part of the plan>
Just months before the plandemic the CDC reduced the number of CDC staff in China from 47 to 14. That included epidemiologists.
The National Science Foundation and USAID were closed along with the USDA.
We were in the dark by design.
"We had a large operation of experts in China who were brought back months before the outbreak."
"You have to consider the possibility that our draw-down made this catastrophy likely much more difficult to respond to.
That's an under statement.
#225 clip...When this breaks many won't swallow.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
The link poopied out. Yes I agree we should keep an I on Boston University Gain of Function Research! It is unacceptable to allow this research to continue and especially in labs that are not secure.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I haven't kept up with her for awhile.
What she had with Somerset Belenof was pretty wild.
Am I the only one wondering if she said too much?
As hard as it is to find ANYTHING on SB Yig seems to have uncovered more on her than anyone else on the net and even had an informal correspondence with her and that group.

Has she talked about SB lately?

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MountainLaurel

ML, I understand she passed in her sleep, overnight.

Hi, sorry had to bail for awhile.

Can't get the link to work but it's called Glamis The Queens Effect

As far as I know this video was Yig's first in awhile as it was the first post from SB in over a year.

Someone further down in the comments refers to a Kim G who claims Somerset herself just died. That was a month ago.

I've never heard the queen's twin story before.
edit on 21-10-2022 by igloo because: youtube

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
Flying under the radar Moderna partnering with Merck have developed an individualized mRNA treatment for cancer.
I'm sure that it's nothing that they partnered in 2016 and then amended it in 2018.
And what are we starting to see? A huge uptick in cancers turbo charged due the Covid jabs. Business will be booming.

Like you say they create the illness and then come up with the 'supposed' solution.
Moderna News

I am worried about this Keytruda. It removes the inhibition of the immune response "potentially inducing immune mediated adverse reactions, which may be severe or fatal."
The list is huge. Hepatitis, colitis, hepatic toxicity ect.
And just because I'm suspicious the mRNA 4157 just happens to equal our favorite number.

Angel has a better grasp of this but does this mean that the body can attack itself if the immune system is not inhibited?

If they continue at this rate they won't have any customers left, or maybe that is the plan.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RookQueen
U.S. Officials Revisit Rules for Disclosing Risky Disease Experiments
We need to keep eyes on this Boston University Gain of Function Research. They are hoping the public will suffer from the usual amnesia.

From your link:

Christian Hassell, senior science adviser to the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for the Preparedness and Response, said that naming the members of the expert review panel could make serving on it less attractive. “As much as it would be good to publicize the individual names, as suggested, if that chills anyone from willing to be on serve on that committee, that would be detrimental,” he said.

Hassell wouldn’t disclose the panel’s size, but said that its members were “very experienced, very actively involved in research”.

National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity to meet


The National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) will convene virtually on Sept. 21, 2022, to discuss its progress in reviewing existing U.S. biosecurity oversight frameworks governing research with enhanced potential pandemic pathogens and dual-use research of concern. This meeting will be videocast and members of the public are encouraged to provide comments either orally or in writing.

That video is here: NSABB Board Meeting - September 21, 2022

So, Dr. D. Christian Hassell, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Chemical and Biological Defense has become a person of interest.

Prior to joining the Department of Defense, Dr. Hassell was an Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he served as Director of the FBI Laboratory. During his tenure, he led major efforts to expand the Laboratory’s role in National Security and Intelligence, including the Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC) and other technical areas related to Weapons of Mass Destruction. In addition, he strengthened and streamlined FBI programs in traditional forensics, particularly in such rapidly evolving areas as DNA, chemistry and the use of instrumentation to augment pattern-based forensic techniques (e.g., fingerprints, firearms, and documents). He also led many engagements with international counterparts, with focus on enhancing counterterrorism interactions with “Five-Eyes” partners, as well as new technical collaborations in Asia, Latin America and with such key multilateral groups as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and INTERPOL.
Dr. Hassell led programs in analytical chemistry, instrumentation development, and nuclear weapons forensics at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This also included serving as an intelligence analyst with the Department of Energy Field Intelligence Element for a variety of issues related to Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, Radiological and Explosives (CBRNE) threats. During this time, he also served as a subject matter expert for chemical and biological weapons with the Iraq Survey Group in Baghdad.

Earlier in his career, Dr. Hassell was a Senior Research Chemist at DuPont, developing online analytical instrumentation for chemical and bioprocess facilities for both research and manufacturing. This included extensive R&D on fermentation-based processes for manufacturing small molecule commodity chemicals.

Quite the interesting guy. He's been the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Senior Science Advisor to HHS since April 2019.

Chris tian ‘Risks-Be-Damned’ Hassell: Pushing Dangerous, Taxpayer-Funded Genetic Engineering and Gain-of-Function Research (Aug 2020)

One U.S. government scientist who’s been linked, at least indirectly, with at least one gain-of-function research lab failure is Dr. Christian Hassell.

Yet despite his questionable track record on safety, Hassell still holds the power to secretly exert major control over the so-called “biodefense” industry—by deciding which research gets approved and which corporations receive government contracts.
Controversy continues to follow him. Today, in his current role in the Trump administration, Hassell has been accused by a whistleblower of surreptitiously seeking $100 million in government funding for DOD projects on chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats in labs that he admitted were "in trouble for shady dealings, illegal accounting and lack of accountability.”

Let’s start with the anthrax investigation, which the FBI also refers to “Amerithrax.”
Trump subsequently made a big show of cutting funding for EcoHealth Alliance, an NIH grantee that had subcontracted with the Wuhan lab.

What Trump didn’t do was take any action regarding the Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care & Oversight Review Committee (P3CO), a secret committee that continues to direct NIH funding to controversial gain-of-function research, the type used to make biological weapons.

As we write this today, the WIV could well be receiving money from the NIH through the secret P3CO committee.

But we wouldn’t know. Because P3CO’s committee members, its reviews and its decisions are all secret.

It’s possible Trump knows nothing about this, but his deputies, including Christian Hassell and Robert Kadlec, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Service, do know. (Kadlec deserves his own profile in the Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame. Stay tuned).

The Aug 2020 article links to a conf video with Hassell speaking; an excerpt:

“I’m here to talk about the Secretary of Defense’s priorities. … His first priority is lethality. … Lethality is a little awkward for us, because our program, by and large, is for force protection, and just for the record we do not have an offensive biological and chemical program, period. But the way I interpret that and the way we are positioning that whole idea is that the thing that differentiates the DOD mission in chem-bio in some respects from say the DHS or HHS mission is that it’s not just enough to protect our force, to survive, but it’s to protect them to fulfill their mission. They just can’t wear a suit and hunker down and hope that the threat passes. They’ve got to be able to move out.”
There's more, alot to digest in that article.


posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
The link works for me. How odd.

Anyway there is something coming down the pipeline with this gain of function research. There is a draft bill that would ban the CDC from funding dangerous lab research in hostile countries like China where we have no idea what's going on.
Of course the scientific community are in their horrors. "most of the senior leadership [of NIH's 27 institutes] will be deeply concerned to have Congress interfering in the review and awarding of grants.

There needs to be someone to reign these people in.

They are still funding 3 projects headed by Chinese investigators- influenza, dengue and malaria.
I find this part very concerning " The U.S. leader of one clinical trial in Shanghai- who asked for to remain anonymous, said his former partner is a former trainee and "close collaborator" and it would not be possible to recruit enough participants at a single site in the U.S."

That's the issue. What kind of clinical trial and why can't it be done here unless it is something that must remain hidden.
I hope this bill passes. Imagine 27 connected agencies. They have morphed into an unmanageable beast with one hand not aware of what the other hand is doing.

Draft Bill

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
I saw this post then went back to the link to try again and it worked this time. It must have just been a hiccup. I am at work
so Ill come back later this evening to re-visit yours and XTMN's informative posts! Thank you both!!!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: igloo

I have 2 really strange memories from my early childhood from T.V.
One was a short video of an event that was announced and declared to never be shown again.
My dad made sure I was to witness it.
It was no more than 5 or 10 minutes long and was a young boy sitting in a chair and was of color and Asian descent.
He looked black. At this time in the USA there were very few people of Asian and Indian descent so he stood out as looking different to the black people seen common as a child.
They declared this young child was being groomed to become a President of the USA.
It stood out as a memory imprint because of the thoughts I had based on him not being white and all presidents had been white in my school studies and all t.v. was white people.
This was to be aired only once the announcer said.

Another t.v. memory was of a short documentary about British royalty and the video of a young girl who was to become queen and her twin was showed.
I remember this being one of my first thoughts about what royalty was and how different it was to be a child being a queen.
And how cool it would be to be a twin.
This memory came to me a few years ago when the queen having a twin was discussed and I had forgotten about it.
But I have a clear visual of the young queen and the clip switching to the twin as the announcer discussed it.

So this one is vague.

But the 1st one that to me was about Obama is not vague and I remember it clearly.
Both memories are from the 60's.

Tv programming

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow
Wow that's impressive! Once again we see the placement of key individuals in positions of influence prior to the launch of the plandemic. At what point do we call this deliberate. April 2019.

I do believe his name comes up in Robert F. Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". I will go back and check.
Just for laughs> Quit Sniffing Me!
Halloween Costume
Gates Foundation Discovery Center
I've been looking into this Discovery Center.
Since Billy is involved what are the chances that the Seattle Space Needle is visible from the building? I'm somewhat paranoid at this point

More disturbing is that when the plandemic hit they had to go virtual to "teach" the masses. Prior to the plandemic they only had community impact but suddenly they were in a position to shape the narrative for the entire world. Enforcing the wearing of masks and taking the jab all from the "Gates Control Center".
Enduring Covid: Stories from our Transforming World Exhibit seeks to educate, inspire and motivate people.

Of course the schools flock there and the educators are desperate for the Gates approved narrative. Once they indoctrinate the children it is going to be tough to get the truth out there. Just amazing that he seems to have planned for everything.
It would be interesting to see what new additions have been made.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Hey Never. Earlier I put Somerset Belenof in the ATS search and it brought up a lot of stuff that had been discussed if you want to try that.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
It's clear that Obama was groomed to be the president. His rapid rise in politics can't be explained any other way.

I've never heard of Queen Elizabeth having a twin before, however.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Guyfriday
May have found Q

This is about an hour long and was released 10/20/22. I did not watch it all, but plan to tomorrow. It puts together a lot of what most of us have seen but links it all together.
It reveals how John Titor fits into Q's plan to save the world and why he actually stopped in1999.
Remember he said he wanted to get some photos and talk with some family and friends? Well what if
he came to warn a friend that there was a plot to kill him thereby saved his life? Then he enlightened family about the
not so great reset and revealed that Time Travel is real Then the plan to save the world was hatched and Q was born....

That's a pretty intriguing video. I've often wondered if Titor was relevant to the Q posts. This video is pretty good at connecting some dots there. I really enjoyed the Tesla stuff in there too. It certainly gets the brain going lol!


posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 04:21 PM
Yes, thank you.
I read about everything available when she was first being discussed.
I was surprised I had never heard of her and I had to assume she was the mother of darkness.
This title is always a Collins woman from what I understand.
I gather she must have some relations to the Bogdonof twins as the names and mysteriousness we're so similar with their claims to lineage.

But the leads and the net tightened up and she sank into the shadows and all trails to her dried up.
Yig seemed to be the only lead to her on the entire net.
TY for the info.
I am sure there is something I missed. It sure is starting to look like she was the queen though if it was rumoured she died about a month back.
Just like QE11 was said to have been on ice for a few years Somerset cannot be even proven to have existed let alone died.
If you can pinpoint the quote of Putin claiming to have feared her it would be more proof than anything I am aware of.
I believe she existed but you couldn't prove it easily

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Hey Never. Earlier I put Somerset Belenof in the ATS search and it brought up a lot of stuff that had been discussed if you want to try that.

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

Few days to free watch still >

Blessings all , to the empaths , it is a movie and your remote boss plus director

posted on Oct, 21 2022 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: MetalThunder
The first scary movie I saw was about killer trees that could walk......I was 5 or 6 and it was Skeery! The trees looked similar to the one in this vid.

Saturday Night Live Oct 21, 1978. Frank is gone, but
his turpentiney aftershave thing lives on in fans' memory.

Back to the ranch: if what I see happening now comes back to bite the
DNC anywhere special, a delayed election might just wake the totally
brain dead average US voter. Or not, I just buy more MREs and ammo...

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